Maintaining muscle strength and mass on a keto diet

Guys is there a way to minimise muscle loss while in ketosis?

I gained a good amount of muscle from dirty bulking for ages but I also have some belly fat now. Is there a way only lose the fat on keto while still minimising muscle and strength loss?

When in ketosis I can barely walk up the stairs to my flat without my thighs burning, and can’t even do half of my max reps in any lift due to the glycogen depletion in the muscles

Is there a way to do it like intermittent carb intake or do I just have to suck it up and lose some gains too?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Eat meat, moron. You need protein to maintain and build bone and muscle.
    Meat is 0 carb. How is this hard for you to understand?

    • 1 year ago

      I do eat meat, I literally posted a picture of meat you moron. The problem is losing muscle and strength because of eating no CARBS on keto.

      How fricking stupid are you? Why would you just speak about a subject you clearly know NOTHING about?

      Why don't you just not do some gay meme shit like keto?

      Because I just want to lose fat quickly which is impossible without cutting out carbs. Have you tried losing weight without cutting carbs? Unless you do intermittent fasting and fasted cardio all day every day it’s not happening unless very slowly and miserably without you enjoying life

      • 1 year ago

        >I just want to lose fat quickly
        Do a 2 week fast.

        • 1 year ago

          Did this work for you? I’ve never been overweight but still you must have crazy metabolism if you can drop noticeable weight in two weeks while still eating carbs, even if fasting during the day

          • 1 year ago

            I mean like zero food for 2 weeks, all I would have is coffee, water, supplements and every second night I'd drink some OXO or something. I was like 20lbs overweight and almost lost the whole lot in 2 weeks. It's the lack of having any flavours for so long that's more of a drag than lack of food.

            • 1 year ago

              DAMN. Was this combined with cardio? Did you also lose muscle?

              • 1 year ago

                No cardio just weights. I'm sure I lost a tiny bit of muscle, but it didn't noticeably affect my strength. The only real side effect was I'd be tired after around 12 hours of being awake instead of 16. Sleep quality was great though.

              • 1 year ago

                Wow. Ok thanks

      • 1 year ago

        >Because I just want to lose fat quickly which is impossible without cutting out carbs. Have you tried losing weight without cutting carbs? Unless you do intermittent fasting and fasted cardio all day every day it’s not happening unless very slowly and miserably without you enjoying life
        That's literally false

        • 1 year ago

          Oh ok go ahead and tell me about your quick and easy weight loss journey while also eating carbs all day without using steroids

          • 1 year ago

            I lost 12 kg and went from 95 to 82 in 3-4 months doing a cut/recomp and training for bodybuilding. Still ate CARBS because it's all about calories in calories out and keeping your insulin and blood sugar stable.

  2. 1 year ago

    Why don't you just not do some gay meme shit like keto?

  3. 1 year ago

    Honestly, why are you doing keto?
    just eat carbs if you want to train.

    • 1 year ago

      not op but in a very similar spot that being natty maxx but having some fat i would like to lose. the difference being i hurt my back and decided since i need to recover from this injury i might as well do keto.

  4. 1 year ago

    > When in ketosis I can barely walk up the stairs to my flat without my thighs burning
    This is an electrolyte issue.
    > can’t even do half of my max reps in any lift due to the glycogen depletion in the muscles
    This is you getting used to not eating carbs. You aren’t losing muscle, you just aren’t consuming any carbs, your workouts will feel better as time goes on but simply put, not eating carbs has a substantial negative effect on physical performance and there isn’t a work around.

    On keto, I never lost strength except when initially going zero carbs but I never gained any size or strength either ( I wasn’t really trying, only looking to lose weight).

    Now that you’re not eating carbs, glucose is no longer causing your body to retain minerals and water. You need to constantly supplement salt, magnesium, and potassium. That’s why your legs hurt.

    Keto is great for short or long term. I never felt better mentally and physically during the day. However, the lack of performance on the diet cause me to go back to eating carbs.

    • 1 year ago

      Adding onto this, keto is a good long term diet. It takes a minimum of 4 weeks from going no carb to really feeling good on keto (with zero deviation from the diet, this is extremely important, eating carbs resets this clock). If you are just looking to cut down I wouldn’t recommend keto, try intermittent fasting instead. Same principle as keto, don’t spike blood sugar, use fat as fuel, etc. Keto really takes a while to get going and then once you switch back to carbs there is an adjustment period again.

    • 1 year ago

      Adding onto this, keto is a good long term diet. It takes a minimum of 4 weeks from going no carb to really feeling good on keto (with zero deviation from the diet, this is extremely important, eating carbs resets this clock). If you are just looking to cut down I wouldn’t recommend keto, try intermittent fasting instead. Same principle as keto, don’t spike blood sugar, use fat as fuel, etc. Keto really takes a while to get going and then once you switch back to carbs there is an adjustment period again.

      Thank you.

      So by “performance” do you mean you couldn’t do the same amount of reps as you could with carbs/had less energy/would tire easier…but not necessarily losing actual strength?

      • 1 year ago

        Kind of what I mean. I definitely could not lift the same max weight nor could I hit rep prs, but once you eat carbs again you're right back lifting the same weight as before.

        Carbs are fuel (yes they are important for releasing growth hormones too), so if you restrict fuel the engine cannot produce as much power. If you add the fuel back in (after adjustment period), the engine produces the same output again.

        Again, keto is a lot of effort, look into intermittent fasting or time restricted eating. I do OMAD now and it's much easier and I feel much better in the gym.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh ok. Is OMAD with carbs something you would do if your goal was actively losing weight though? Seems like that would be better for maintaining your current weight/muscle while staying shredded, no?

          Eh, he went carni after he stopped competing. I'm talking about competing athletes, the guys who need every erg of energy, and every percentage point of strength or endurance lost could mean a match or a sponsorship. It really won't matter to a person who doesn't compete on a high level, you'll be back to mostly normal in a month.


          • 1 year ago

            OMAD is definitely weightloss friendly.

            Here's what I eat:
            -Whatever non-processed meat/animal products (primarily red-meat, organ meat, lots of eggs)
            -1 cup of white rice (~140g of carbs)

            I only need to track carbs, I've never gained weight from eating too much meat. If you're not losing weight, restrict carbs but you will definitely lose weight on OMAD. Most people cannot eat enough in a single sitting to have a caloric surplus.

            As I understand it, weight loss is mostly about insulin control. At one extreme you never eat any carbs and you never release any insulin. With omad, you only have one meal and one insulin spike. You'll still get glycogen into the muscle but you aren't spiking insulin all day causing fat to stored. The non-eating periods (fasting state) mimic the keto state and will force your body to use fat as fuel.

            • 1 year ago

              Should also mention I cycle a lot and lift so that may be a lot of carbs for weight loss (for you).

              Start with too little carbs per day and work out up slowly until you feel okay and are still losing weight.

            • 1 year ago

              Should also mention I cycle a lot and lift so that may be a lot of carbs for weight loss (for you).

              Start with too little carbs per day and work out up slowly until you feel okay and are still losing weight.


  5. 1 year ago

    Tren makes it nearly impossible to lose muscle on a cut

  6. 1 year ago

    It takes like half a year to regain your full athletic ability after going zero carb, and thats with never cheating once. Most people can't do it. The ones who do find that their performance improves from baseline. But for a serious athlete 6 months out of the game is unacceptable.

    • 1 year ago

      What do you mean full athletic ability? This dude

      > When in ketosis I can barely walk up the stairs to my flat without my thighs burning
      This is an electrolyte issue.
      > can’t even do half of my max reps in any lift due to the glycogen depletion in the muscles
      This is you getting used to not eating carbs. You aren’t losing muscle, you just aren’t consuming any carbs, your workouts will feel better as time goes on but simply put, not eating carbs has a substantial negative effect on physical performance and there isn’t a work around.

      On keto, I never lost strength except when initially going zero carbs but I never gained any size or strength either ( I wasn’t really trying, only looking to lose weight).

      Now that you’re not eating carbs, glucose is no longer causing your body to retain minerals and water. You need to constantly supplement salt, magnesium, and potassium. That’s why your legs hurt.

      Keto is great for short or long term. I never felt better mentally and physically during the day. However, the lack of performance on the diet cause me to go back to eating carbs.

      said he didn’t lose strength, is that false?

      • 1 year ago

        Eh, he went carni after he stopped competing. I'm talking about competing athletes, the guys who need every erg of energy, and every percentage point of strength or endurance lost could mean a match or a sponsorship. It really won't matter to a person who doesn't compete on a high level, you'll be back to mostly normal in a month.

      • 1 year ago

        I didn't lose muscle, but once I started eating carbs again it took a few months to get back to feeling 'strong'.

        It takes like half a year to regain your full athletic ability after going zero carb, and thats with never cheating once. Most people can't do it. The ones who do find that their performance improves from baseline. But for a serious athlete 6 months out of the game is unacceptable.

        this poster is too dramatic, it doesn't take six months especially if you're an average joe (every single person on this board is). You get back up to your former level pretty quick (few weeks), and you'll feel completely back to normal in 2 months.

        Hence why I said keto is a long term diet.

        • 1 year ago

          Ser I did qualify my answer a bit more, I actually agree here. But it is true that FULL adaptation takes at least 6 months. It's not linear, it could even go in fits and starts, but it takes a while. As you say, a common guy who just likes lifting weights will feel a 100% within a couple months, in most cases.

  7. 1 year ago

    fat delusional morons and keto

    name a more iconic duo lol

  8. 1 year ago

    Just listen to your body, It's telling you keto is moronic and you aren't listening.

  9. 1 year ago

    It's simple. I have no problem but I'm not on keto I do more of a carnivore thing. I lost no strength. The first month I did it very strict I lost energy but if you research it at all you know this is to be expected and it goes away. After you get over the change over period you're fine. I went from a watery, fluffy 230 lbs to a lean 215 lbs but my lifts never suffered. Once you cut out coffee doms are almost non existent as well and I went from working out 3 times a week to 6 times a week due to my more stable energy levels.

    • 1 year ago

      So you lost only body fat doing carnivore, not any muscle mass?

      >Once you cut out coffee doms are almost non existent as well

      Really? How?

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