>makes barbell squats obsolete in your path

>makes barbell squats obsolete in your path

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  1. 12 months ago

    Genuinely curious... Why OP?

    • 12 months ago

      isolates your quads better, doesnt require form adjustments based on your femur size, easier to reach hypertrophy, easier to go to failure, no limiting factors like your core strength.

      • 12 months ago

        What if I just want to get in and out of gym and get stronger legs? Wouldn't back squats be enough?

      • 12 months ago

        >no limiting factors like your core strength.
        Corelet detected

      • 12 months ago

        Stopped reading right there.

  2. 12 months ago

    Don't get me wrong, it's a top notch accessory movement, but
    >makes barbell squats obsolete
    nah bro

    • 12 months ago

      >nah bro
      It does if you're not a powerlifter. If you just want bigger quads and you're not a powerlifter, hack squats are the perfect alternative.

    • 12 months ago

      What if I just want to get in and out of gym and get stronger legs? Wouldn't back squats be enough?


      >squats are probably the most dangerous compound there is
      Are you guys fricking moronic? The squat is technically demanding when you're starting out sure but it's not going to fricking hurt you unless you decide to load 400lbs on it when you should be loading 250. If you fail the lift you just drop the weight or put it on the safeties.
      I don't usually say this, but in this case, quite genuinly, if you think the squat is too scary to do, you're NGMI.

      squats never toast my legs the way hack squats do. Usually fatigue sets in from squats before i reach failure or hypertrophy.

      • 12 months ago

        Nobody's saying hack squats aren't good, but there's no good reason to have it substitute the squat rather than just supplement

        • 12 months ago

          Sure there is.

        • 12 months ago

          >but there's no good reason to have it substitute the squat rather than just supplement
          Why? If I just want to train my quads for hypertrophy and I like hack squats better why shouldn't I do them instead of back squats?

      • 12 months ago

        sounds like you’re a big pussy mate

      • 12 months ago

        This is a wakeup call. Your cardio is shit if you're "fatigued" before your legs become the limiting factor in a set of squats.

  3. 12 months ago

    this tbh, squats are probably the most dangerous compound there is
    no reason to risk snapping ur shit for fricking legs

    • 12 months ago

      the appeal of putting a shit ton of weight on your back with no way out is the entire point

    • 12 months ago

      >squats are probably the most dangerous compound there is
      Are you guys fricking moronic? The squat is technically demanding when you're starting out sure but it's not going to fricking hurt you unless you decide to load 400lbs on it when you should be loading 250. If you fail the lift you just drop the weight or put it on the safeties.
      I don't usually say this, but in this case, quite genuinly, if you think the squat is too scary to do, you're NGMI.

      • 12 months ago


        I've seen this shit a million times on IST and I always ask for someone to post an example of someone snapping their shit doing a squat that doesn't involve:
        >Major weight (600lbs+) for a powersharter 1rm or some other crazy type set (there was some guy who snapped doing 545lbs x 10 etc) that's substantially harder than 600lbs x 1. All of these dudes are roiders putting mega stress on their weakened tendons to show off for Youtube. Literally any lift or exercise is dangerous in these sorts of conditions.
        >Improper/dangerous use of equipment. Some moron squatting in a half rack who backs up a mile and misses the safeties (that he set up at the wrong height) when he fails a rep isn't indicative of some inherent issue with the squat.
        I've never gotten a response. Where is this mythical squat snap where a non roidtroony snaps his shit squatting normally in a full rack with the safeties set up correctly? Meanwhile, I've seen people's knees explode backward on the hack squat.


        Squatting is LITERALLY the MOST mechanically advantaged lift. The human body is BUILT to be good at squatting.

        morons. I am the living proof that squats are dangerous as shit and there's no reason to do that dogshit ego lift unless you're a powershitter.
        I snapped my upper back when I started doing the bar only, not everyone has the same spine, I have scoliosis and even Deadlift felt safer than Squatting.
        >muh test boost
        All of that shit is cope, if you care so much just pin, homosexuals.
        Squats are useless.

        • 12 months ago

          Do you mean to tell me you got injured from squatting while you already had scoliosis? If so, you could understand that is the fringe-est of cases.

        • 12 months ago

          So because some genetic garbage fluke of evolution can't manage a simple movement, normal people should abandon the exercise outright? If some freak with brittle bone disease breaks his foot while simply walking down the road, everyone else should give up jogging too?

        • 12 months ago

          >not everyone has the same spine
          yes not everyone was cursed by their ancestors like you
          the majority of fit posters who actually lift (1% of this board) do not have a problem with squatting because they do not have genetic spinal disorders.

        • 12 months ago

          Bruh… I have ~30 degree Cobb angle lumbo sacral scoliosis w/ a compensated thoracic curve and I squat 4plt for reps and diddly 455.

        • 12 months ago

          Sorry to hear about your back, but a case of a bad back being hurt by a back movement is not an argument against the squat. There will always be special cases, for instance you shouldn't bench if you've got bad shoulders. That's not to say that the movement itself is dangerous.

      • 12 months ago

        I can't believe the amount of cowards on here constantly warning about how squats and deadlifts (and presumably soon bench, etc) will kill you. I thought we'd moved past this years ago.

      • 12 months ago

        I squatted extremely high volume yesterday (front squats and high bar ATG squats), with not very heavy weight, but my knees feel kinda weird today. I only feel it when I go down in bodyweight squat, which I like to do randomly throughout the day, when there's no seat or bench or when peeling potatoes. It's not really pain, but feels more swollen and stiff. Did I frick em up?

        • 12 months ago

          How long have you been lifting? When I first started squatting I had some problems with my knees and hips but it got better with form corrections. Make sure you're bending your knees out straight ahead relative to your legs and not flaring them out to the side.

          • 12 months ago

            2-3 years, but there was a 1 and a half year break in between (not by choice) and only fairly recently started lifting again. I don't think they flared out to the side, but my knees do go over my toes. I've never had this feeling in my knees before, but I've also never done so much volume before.

            • 12 months ago

              Probably just fatigue like

              Could just be fatigue and nothing to worry about. That's often a discounted reason. Just because it's a joint doesn't mean the muscled around it don't get tired.

              said, especially if you're not used to high volume squatting like that. I don't squat for high volume very often and the times I've done it it makes me sore in ways I've never known before.

        • 12 months ago

          Could just be fatigue and nothing to worry about. That's often a discounted reason. Just because it's a joint doesn't mean the muscled around it don't get tired.

      • 12 months ago

        >it's not going to fricking hu-ACK!!!

    • 12 months ago

      I've seen this shit a million times on IST and I always ask for someone to post an example of someone snapping their shit doing a squat that doesn't involve:
      >Major weight (600lbs+) for a powersharter 1rm or some other crazy type set (there was some guy who snapped doing 545lbs x 10 etc) that's substantially harder than 600lbs x 1. All of these dudes are roiders putting mega stress on their weakened tendons to show off for Youtube. Literally any lift or exercise is dangerous in these sorts of conditions.
      >Improper/dangerous use of equipment. Some moron squatting in a half rack who backs up a mile and misses the safeties (that he set up at the wrong height) when he fails a rep isn't indicative of some inherent issue with the squat.
      I've never gotten a response. Where is this mythical squat snap where a non roidtroony snaps his shit squatting normally in a full rack with the safeties set up correctly? Meanwhile, I've seen people's knees explode backward on the hack squat.

      • 12 months ago

        I fricked my lower back squatting yesterday

    • 12 months ago

      Squatting is LITERALLY the MOST mechanically advantaged lift. The human body is BUILT to be good at squatting.

      • 12 months ago

        it has some filters
        >posture and posterior chain rigidity
        >balance, body awareness and coordination
        >willingness to spend some time developing your style and squatting woman weight building it
        just building up to a 2pl8 for reps high bar, near ATG will drastically increase your athleticism in multiple ways
        nuIST will however get filtered, then cope and claim you need to be fat to not get outlifted by instagram booty posters

        • 12 months ago

          >just building up to a 2pl8 for reps high bar, near ATG will drastically increase your athleticism in multiple ways
          So true. I am at the point where I do not need to continue to build bigger and stronger legs, so I stick with 2pl8s. My leg training is literally just 3 sets of 8-12 sets of ATG squats plus 1-3 sets of good mornings for 10-15 reps. EZPZ.

    • 12 months ago

      in terms of injury bench is the most dangerous lift by far

    • 12 months ago

      isolates your quads better, doesnt require form adjustments based on your femur size, easier to reach hypertrophy, easier to go to failure, no limiting factors like your core strength.

      Post body.

  4. 12 months ago

    >xavier renegade angels you in your path

  5. 12 months ago

    but I like being able to squat the bar without falling over

  6. 12 months ago

    I see no reason why I should do hack squats instead of standard barbell back squats. I have recently hit a 3pl8 squat and have 26 inch thighs. I do not want my legs to get any bigger, but I will continue to squat because they make my hips and lower back feel strong and mobile. I find standard barbell squats hit much more than just the legs.
    You can argue that hack squats build the legs better than the barbell squat, but they will not build more overall muscle mass than the barbell squat.

    • 12 months ago

      >but they will not build more overall muscle mass than the barbell squat

      I fricking hate this train of thought, this might be true in a vacuum where you only do a single exercise and have to choose between one or the other, but you are supposedly training all your other muscles in their own time too and a lot more and harder and more efficiently

  7. 12 months ago

    I tried doing these for a while as my main lift but they obliterated my knees, I tried multiple foot positions but none worked, I have to either deload so much that it wasn't doing anything or just suck it up and keep destroying my knees further

    Anyway I just do leg press instead and I'm pretty happy and my legs are getting bigger

  8. 12 months ago

    I like them but they murder me and for some reason I squat less on the hack then with a barbell (even accounting for the 75lb sled)

    • 12 months ago

      yeah the movement is weird and takes some getting used to, it really filters hard on those who can and cannot brace correctly. i prefer it over leg press since you don't have the sensations of snapping your knees or popping a hernia

  9. 12 months ago

    just LOL if you're not doing hack squats with your butt facing them gym while doing a legit butthole spread with your skin-tight leggings
    op legit doing it wrong

  10. 12 months ago

    I switched barbell squats for this because I can’t go over five reps without fricking up my back

  11. 12 months ago


    enjoy your pec tear

    • 12 months ago

      I tore my pec and have never felt uncomfortable with hack squats. That’s like saying don’t do lateral raises because you might tear your pec.

  12. 12 months ago

    high weight on barbell then high reps on hack is best

  13. 12 months ago

    There is zero reason to do squats instead of a hacksquat if you are not a power lifter trying to build up squat numbers for a competition. If you just want big quads, hacksquat is better. Same thing with all the powerlifter movements. Bench Press? Meh for chest. Wide v-grip dips and pec flies are superior. If you want to do a horizontal press for pecs, you might as well just do the guillotine press for the upper chest. Only reason to do it is for a powerlifter getting their bench numbers for competition. Deadlift? Meh for anything other than getting bigger deadlift numbers for competition. RDL is superior to it as a hip hinge. Hamstring Curl machine is superior for the hamstring and the hip thrusts are superior for the glutes.

    • 12 months ago

      you are fricking moronic and know nothing about cns adaption. for example there's research that increasing heavy squats and deadlifts actually increases bench 1rm even without any difference in bench volume. that's the power of compounds for CNS fatigue and adaptation

      • 12 months ago

        >this is what SS cultists unironically believe

    • 12 months ago

      additionally, strength IS mass and aesthetics. get your squat to 315 and you will mog the frick out of any homosexual who does """dumbbell work""" or RDLs without even trying. there's no substitute for raw muscle in aesthetics, otherwise you look like a "lean" 150lb high schooler

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not disagreeing with your mentality, but I've seen people with squats like that who don't exactly look ripped

  14. 12 months ago

    op is a homosexual and his a spine problem dont give Black person advice if you have a condition and not mention it in your post. fricking stupid Black person.

  15. 12 months ago

    Tell em brother

  16. 12 months ago

    sure, a lot of people on fit do not get that if you do not compete in powerlifting, then training your muscles doesn't require THE BIG 3. Sure they are really good movements for building muscle no denying that. But for anything that doesn't require the same exact skill specificity, you can do whatever leg movement and it will be more or less the same for leg hypertrophy and more than enough for any strength feats you might have to do in day to day life. as long as you go equally hard on them 4-0 reps in reserve for top sets.

    lifting a couch doesn't mean you have to have lift lmao4-5pl8 DL, lifting a qt doesn't mean you have to squat lmao3-4pl8 (unless you are an architect)

  17. 12 months ago

    You've posted the wrong picture bro, don't worry though I got you.

  18. 12 months ago

    >makes hack squats obsolete in your path

    • 12 months ago

      I want this machine so much

      • 12 months ago

        It's basically a t-bar row but for legs. Fricking amazing.

  19. 12 months ago

    Why is IST so scared of squatting in current year? All of these machine lifts are great, but you're doing yourself a disservice by ignoring the most instinctual basic movement pattern your body can perform.

    • 12 months ago

      Probably watched too many gym fails compilations

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