making friends at the gym

>0 friends on the planet for many years
>see a guy at the gym with the Johnny Silverhand tank top from Cyberpunk
>think about just saying like "Hey cool shirt"
>then I think about how if I do this then from now on every time I see this guy I will have to acknowledge his presence and like nod to him or say hi
>this stresses me the frick out and I do nothing
I guess normal people don't think about social interactions in this way? Anxiety will be the death of me

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  1. 8 months ago

    There's basically zero reason to socialize unless it will result in sex

    • 8 months ago

      L mindset

      I've never really tried to make friends or approach people because no one's ever done it to me

      Why is the onus always on me to socialize and talk to people?

      It’s because you don’t look approachable. I can’t explain because you wouldn’t get it. Socialize more and you’ll understand

      • 8 months ago

        Waste your time and energy socialising with zero benefits

        • 8 months ago

          Socializing with quality people without wanting something from them is never without benefits. You can’t even imagine the benefits because you’ve sociopathic tendencies. I’d suggest turning yourself in because you’re a future serial killer

          • 8 months ago

            Benefits such as...

            • 8 months ago

              As an adult, some of the benefits of socializing include betteroo cognitive abilities, loweroo stress and anxiety levels, more sel-diddly-elf-confidence, greateroo sel-diddly-elf-esteem, as wel-diddly-ell as riddly-receiving noodly-necessary supporinot from others that is so imporinotant for hel-diddly-elping us diddily ding dong deal with life in general! In fact, riddly-researcharoo has shown that those prone to diddily ding dong depression can actually improve their mood by building rel-diddly-elationships with others.

            • 8 months ago

              Knew it, you can’t even imagine it. Sociopathic tendencies

              As an adult, some of the benefits of socializing include betteroo cognitive abilities, loweroo stress and anxiety levels, more sel-diddly-elf-confidence, greateroo sel-diddly-elf-esteem, as wel-diddly-ell as riddly-receiving noodly-necessary supporinot from others that is so imporinotant for hel-diddly-elping us diddily ding dong deal with life in general! In fact, riddly-researcharoo has shown that those prone to diddily ding dong depression can actually improve their mood by building rel-diddly-elationships with others.

              Basically what this guy said. We’re monkeys who live in tribes. Our entire brain is built around socialization. In short, the more social you are, the smarter and healthier you are.

              • 8 months ago

                >We’re monkeys who live in tribes
                >he believes in evolution

            • 8 months ago

              Fulfilling the void in your masculine spirit with camaraderie and mirth.
              >t. has based racist friends

      • 8 months ago

        >It’s because you don’t look approachable
        I'm stuck in a cycle

        >depressed because I have no friends/no gf
        >which makes me not look very happy whenever I go outside because I always see couples and friend groups, which reminds me of how lonely I am
        >so I usually have a brooding look on my face whenever I go somewhere, which obviously isn't going to make people want to approach me or try to get to know me

        • 8 months ago

          There is a way to break every cycle.

          Get yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to be social. Sign up for some group hobbies or something. Rock-climbing, dancing, drawing, or martial arts, for example. It’ll be terrifying at first I bet, but you gotta do it, man. This is no way to live, bro.

          • 8 months ago

            I double this. Plenty of people at those places showed up by themselves as well. So there's always a belay or sparring partner and none of them will find it weird you showed up alone. Plus those activities are fun and great exercise. At any fight gym, chances are people are similar to the people you interact with on here.

        • 8 months ago

          Once you get 1 friend the cycle breaks and you become happier, and there are apps for finding friends now similar to tinder. Why dont you try that to get the ball rolling instead of hoping for randoms to approach you on the street?

  2. 8 months ago

    damn bro do not overthink it.
    Autistic folk really ain’t people are they?

    “Hey dude nice shirt”
    (Insert conversation here about cyberpunk)

    wow it was that easy to make a friend
    And the best part? You don’t even have to talk to him ever again if you don’t want to. You aren’t obliged. There’s no social norm saying you gotta talk to a dude you had a conversation with once.
    There’s not even a rule for talking to lifelong friends if you’re really savvy.

  3. 8 months ago

    I've never really tried to make friends or approach people because no one's ever done it to me

    Why is the onus always on me to socialize and talk to people?

    • 8 months ago

      because you're probably weird

    • 8 months ago

      because you’re handsome as frick and they’re intimidated silly haha!

  4. 8 months ago

    You over analyze and live in your head too much.

    The antidote is to literally get out of your head and act. Stop with the overthinking, most socializing is nonverbal and instinctual. Yes, you will be awkward as frick. Yes, you will frick up. But the more you do it, the more socialized you’ll become. In time you’ll become a normie, I guarantee it. But you have to go through the awkward stage first, no going around it. It’s a long road, and it was too late to begin yesterday, so begin right fricking now.

  5. 8 months ago

    "gym friends" are a myth. Anyone you see working out together net outside of the gym. No one wants some stranger harassing them. As an adult the only places where you can make friends are college and your job. If you didn't make friends at either of those places you're pretty much fricked.

    • 8 months ago

      You can have associates as an adult. Friendship doesn't exist past the age of 15

    • 8 months ago


      If you know what you’re doing, you can make friends absolutely everywhere. But that’s some advanced shit that you shouldn’t have to think about when first starting out socializing. The group hobbies are a good place to start.

      Also, you’re never truly fricked. That’s virgin mindset. As long as there’s hope, you can crawl through shit to the other side

    • 8 months ago

      >finished college 2 years ago
      >last night celebrating the end of the degree I went to a house party and got so drunk I can't remember most of what happened
      >haven't spoke to anyone from there since

  6. 8 months ago

    How do I know if a girl is waiting for me to approach her at the gym?
    I just don't want to lose my membership and I can't think of an organic way to start a convo.
    "I noticed you staring me down while you do hip thrusts aggressively and I just wanted to say your ass if very fine and I want to get in it"
    Like, I'm not even a big dude I can't even bench 2pl8 I have a hard time seeing myself as sexually attractive struggling with my 95lb OHP 5x5s drenched in sweat.

    • 8 months ago

      If a girl is waiting for you to approach her, trust me, you’ll know. If you have doubts, it’s always a no.

      Focus on building yourself, the sloots will come later

    • 8 months ago

      Your insecurity over your liftd is more unattractive than your inability to move big numbers

  7. 8 months ago

    I saw a guy wearing an avatar the last airbender shirt. I was thinking of saying
    >nice shirt, for me it's Azula
    but I didn't want to be weird

    • 8 months ago

      Be weird. Do it.

    • 8 months ago

      Any man who wears a cartoon shirt in public is already super weird so you'd probably hit it off. Missed the chance to make a friend, bro

  8. 8 months ago

    Theres a pretty jacked brosplitter (skips legs ofc) whose at my gym every day, usually with his gf who exclusively trains her glutes.
    He's a pretty nice chill guy tho, and makes friends with regulars and gives tips to newbs. I feel like lifting is his exclusive hobby and thats why he treats the gym as a social place.

    Theres another asian ESL dude who seems to want be friends with everyone. When I ask alternate on a machine it seems like I've just made his day for some reason.
    He's a bit of an odd unit.
    If he uses a bench after you he will say not to worry about wiping it down as he's "already sweaty anyway hahaha :D" lmao.

    I have friends outside the gym and so I don't talk to anyone even when I forget my headphones. I just want to work out in peace.
    Only dude I have ever spoken to was this colombian top bloke. He spotted me reading Machiavelli between lifts and we got talking. He's a short and skinny with an obese latina gf. Always giggle a bit when they walk in together.

  9. 8 months ago

    I never try to make friends with everyone because I know I'd just be a weird, annoying burden, and I hate social obligations.

  10. 8 months ago

    >got haircut
    >got decent gym outfit instead of basketball pants and the cheapest running shoes and 5 year old t shirts
    >got ishit and airpods
    >got cigarettes for the emergency social smoking
    I’m ready. Wish me luck boys

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