man why does it take so long to gain weight?

man why does it take so long to gain weight? i've been eating +400 cals a day for a couple weeks now and i look basically the fricking same. makes me wonder how people manage to get morbidly obese.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Time to dirty bulk

    • 10 months ago

      nah, how is forcing myself to eat slop gonna help?

      • 10 months ago

        >how is eating calorie dense food gonna help me gain weight quicker??

      • 10 months ago

        you can still count your calories and achieve nutritional goals through "fast food". buy local vendors and not McDonald's hamburgers.

      • 10 months ago

        Keep trying to bulk on chicken and rice lmao
        Ice cream faaaaag,cakeee,fried chickennn
        Thats the kind of shit real bulk
        s are made of.

    • 10 months ago

      >for a couple weeks now
      Stop being so impatient. It will take months.
      >makes me wonder how people manage to get morbidly obese
      They eat thousands of calories above maintenance and it takes them years of abuse to get to the "morbid" stage.

      >just get fat
      You do not need to get fat to put on muscle. This is one of the biggest newbie traps there is. You can build muscle eating 100-200calories above maintenance. If you are not building muscle like this then either your training is too light, you are not recovering enough, or you are only paying attention to calories and not the nutrition required to grow.

      Bulking and cutting is and always has been a meme

      • 10 months ago

        >Bulking and cutting is and always has been a meme
        which is why literally every single mr olympia competitor does it
        "maingainers" get the rope, if you are eating 200kcal above maintance, that IS bulking, furthermore its impossible to know both your calorie output and intake so specifically, so you are better off aiming for atleast 300kcal (but probably not more than 600-700kcal) above maintance, even a slight deficit in calories will drastically slow down muscle gain

        • 10 months ago

          >which is why literally every single mr olympia competitor does it
          They "bulk" in the sense that they are so big with such a high maintenance that they need to eat 5000kcal to gain any muscle at all. They "cut" to get to such absurdly low bodyfat percentages that they only intend to maintain for less than 24 hours to compete. You are not a Mr Olympia competitor, stop eating like one.

          >its impossible to know both your calorie output and intake so specifically
          No it isn't. Literally just pick a caloric amount and see if you gain/lose weight then adjust in increments of 100kcal until you find your maintenance. It's not exact but it's close enough to be able to add or subtract 100-200 depending on your goals.

          >so you are better off aiming for atleast 300kcal (but probably not more than 600-700kcal) above maintance, even a slight deficit in calories will drastically slow down muscle gain
          "Bulking" these days has been conflated to mean "Dirty Bulking", and the nature of it being a "bulk and cut" cycle implies you have to get fat and cut the weight afterwards meaning it is dirty bulking. A few hundred calories is fine and you won't get fat from that, but most people who get told they need to bulk will do exactly that and eat 700kcal over maintenance and then struggle to cut and end up staying fat. It's a noob trap and a complete meme to justify eating like a pig.

          >Bulking and cutting is and always has been a meme

          Has worked forever while some zoomer influecers try to market "maingaining" for dyels who are afraid of gaining little fat.

          Here is the thing about bulking, it guarantees muscle gain, also fat gain but guess what? Fat also makes you stronger really fricking fast so you can handle way bigger weights which in return help you to build even muscle.

          Dieting off the extra fast is piss easy anyways, working your ass of in the gym for not guaranteed gains is just silly.

          Maingaining is the biggest meme and nobody has ever gotten big from it.

          >Getting fat guarantees muscle gain
          No it doesn't, dipshit. Eating enough protein and having a slight caloric surplus while training hard enough to stimulate growth and recovering guarantees muscle gain. Nowhere in the equation do you need to become a lardass. Muscle gain and fat gain are two separate, independant mechanisms.

          >Fat also makes you stronger
          lol and also a hearty LMAO
          Fatty cope: the post. Post gut with timestamp

          • 10 months ago

            Jesus, take it easy on him, anon.

          • 10 months ago

            Well done.

          • 10 months ago

            >They "bulk" in the sense that they are so big with such a high maintenance that they need to eat 5000kcal to gain any muscle at all. They "cut" to get to such absurdly low bodyfat percentages that they only intend to maintain for less than 24 hours to compete. You are not a Mr Olympia competitor, stop eating like one.
            they don't just "eat a lot", the way michael phelps eats a lot, they eat significantly above maintance (and in some cases, too much, just look at peak-bulk jay cutler)
            >No it isn't. Literally just pick a caloric amount and see if you gain/lose weight then adjust in increments of 100kcal until you find your maintenance. It's not exact but it's close enough to be able to add or subtract 100-200 depending on your goals.
            this is far from as simple as you claim it to be — real food varies quite a lot in its calories, though by using specific foods like pure sugar or fat you can increase accuracy, but even this is somewhat futile, as your own caloric expenditure changes from day to day, not drastically, but enough to make a difference.
            > "Bulking" these days has been conflated to mean "Dirty Bulking", and the nature of it being a "bulk and cut" cycle implies you have to get fat and cut the weight afterwards meaning it is dirty bulking. A few hundred calories is fine and you won't get fat from that, but most people who get told they need to bulk will do exactly that and eat 700kcal over maintenance and then struggle to cut and end up staying fat. It's a noob trap and a complete meme to justify eating like a pig.
            the only people who talk about bulking being by necessity dirty bulking where one gets fat are the maingainers of mr greg doucette's camp. i think a surplus of 100-200 kcal is ideal (and certainly no one besides maybe rippetoe would think 700+ is necessary), but because you can't consistently achieve such a specific number, aiming for 300-400+ is what people should do. honestly i feel like we're arguing over details at this point

      • 10 months ago

        >Bulking and cutting is and always has been a meme

        Has worked forever while some zoomer influecers try to market "maingaining" for dyels who are afraid of gaining little fat.

        Here is the thing about bulking, it guarantees muscle gain, also fat gain but guess what? Fat also makes you stronger really fricking fast so you can handle way bigger weights which in return help you to build even muscle.

        Dieting off the extra fast is piss easy anyways, working your ass of in the gym for not guaranteed gains is just silly.

        Maingaining is the biggest meme and nobody has ever gotten big from it.

        • 10 months ago

          >Fat also makes you stronger really fricking fast so you can handle way bigger weights which in return help you to build even muscle.
          Not even remotely anywhere in the ballpark of close to true

          • 10 months ago

            >Increased stimulus not helpful in hypertrophy

            top lel, this is what dyels actually believe.

            • 10 months ago

              >let me just totally change what I claimed haha now your gay and dyel

              • 10 months ago

                How did I change anything? Lifting heavier is increased stimulus. Being able to lift more weight will increase the muscle you gain. Also, being on a constant calorie surplus GUARANTEES that your body has enough energy to build muscle.

              • 10 months ago

                >double down
                Ookay. Man

              • 10 months ago

                Looks like maingaining and zero progress has destroyed your brain

              • 10 months ago

                >double down
                Ookay. Man

              • 10 months ago

                >no arguments

              • 10 months ago

                >double down
                Ookay. Man

  2. 10 months ago

    Morbidly obese people drink a shitton of liquid calories. Soda, oil, cream, anything liquid is super fricking easy to overconsume cuz it takes up very little space for how many calories it gives you.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah maybe i'll try some more shakes and milk but i was also told not to gain weight too fast.

    • 10 months ago

      they don't have to

      man why does it take so long to gain weight? i've been eating +400 cals a day for a couple weeks now and i look basically the fricking same. makes me wonder how people manage to get morbidly obese.

      Basically cheese + carbs
      Mac n cheese
      Hell you can even dump a bunch of cheese on fried chicken
      Easy to eat, and unless you're lactose intolerant probably won't give you a stomach ache like consuming lots of sweets would

      And of course deserts like ice cream and other crap you'd consider junkfood

      But you're prob just humblebraging

      • 10 months ago

        >just humblebraging

      • 10 months ago

        >just humblebraging

        >how is eating calorie dense food gonna help me gain weight quicker??

        i'm trying to put on muscle and not get a fat stomach. i don't want to be skelly either though so i'm not sure what i'm bragging about.

        you can still count your calories and achieve nutritional goals through "fast food". buy local vendors and not McDonald's hamburgers.

        yeah fair point

        • 10 months ago

          Post your diet, (with measurements), your height and weight and your current workout routine and if you are doing cardio. We need more info to help.

        • 10 months ago

          >i'm trying to put on muscle and not get a fat stomach. i don't want to be skelly either though so i'm not sure what i'm bragging about.

          You're overly scared of getting little chubby, that's what it takes to build a solid foundation, you can micromanage your diet and spin your wheels or you could embrace a year long bulk, get really fricking strong, cut for few months and by jacked.

        • 10 months ago

          >i'm trying to put on muscle and not get a fat stomach
          Based. Ignore the fatties trying to drag you down to their level.

  3. 10 months ago

    Eat icecream to get fat instantly. +400 is baby mode real fatties eat +1500 everyday

  4. 10 months ago

    fatsos eat way more than 400calorie surplus

  5. 10 months ago

    >To gain weight you literally have to add just one sandwich, the one that you like the most, to your day.
    >Even if you don't like it, doing so is just less than ten minutes of effort.
    >That's it.
    >Can't even fricking do that

    As a fatass, I hate you so much homosexual.

  6. 10 months ago

    >makes me wonder how people manage to get morbidly obese
    they don't eat like shit for a couple of weeks, they do so for their entire lives

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