"manual labor will make you jacked" is a fucking meme and I'm tired of pretending it's not

"manual labor will make you jacked" is a fricking meme and I'm tired of pretending it's not

>nobody works out for 8+ hours a day
>often expected to disregard working safely to meet expectations
>basically trading long term joint pain for short term weight loss

anyone who tells you these jobs will make you fit is a moron coping with the fact their body is destroyed at 30 and is trying to convince others to do the same

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  1. 1 year ago

    Will get you big ass forearms that gymcels can't cope with though

    • 1 year ago

      Oh no, whatever will gymcels d-ACK

      • 1 year ago

        Somebody post the boomer chad vs the zoomer virgin train mugging please. You know the one.

      • 1 year ago

        Post those ginormous forearms you built then, Satan

    • 1 year ago

      This is a meme too. Yes they’ll have big forearms at age 30-50 after decade(s) in the trade
      You can build the same forearms in a year or two at the gym if you work them like any other muscle instead of just having them as a byproduct of your other lifts

      • 1 year ago

        I was doing heavy shrugs in a freezer with 20 kg boxes in between lifts today.

  2. 1 year ago

    my grandfather worked 2 jobs his whole life, night shift at the brewing factory and morning shift at the auto factory he came home slept 4h and worked around his house another 4 before going to work again
    on the weekends he drove 100km to work the fields
    he wasn't jacked but he was shredded like a motherfricker, tall lanky guy but could put anyone down without breaking a sweat
    saw him break a guy's jaw and crack another dude's skull when he was 60 just because they made fun of grandma (she was an alcoholic)
    it's that countryboy/farmer strength more so than swollen muscles

  3. 1 year ago

    >anyone who tells you these jobs will make you fit is a moron coping with the fact their body is destroyed at 30 and is trying to convince others to do the same
    Always got a kick out the big push on social media and reddit to get people into trades 8 years ago, saying the training ia short and the paycheck high. Meanwhile, my electrician uncle had to get shoulder surgery in his 40s from all the overhead ceiling wiring strain.

  4. 1 year ago

    I was doing bike delivery shit all summer, was an amazing time

  5. 1 year ago

    Seems like that's mostly diet related though. Most bros I know working labor jobs live off gas station food, smokes and energy drinks. The couple I know who do eat good/lift a few times a week are in decent shape tbh

  6. 1 year ago

    I wouldnt say jacked, but it gives the muscles "density", like they are small compared to someone who lifts, but they are hard, like a bat. And really strong.

  7. 1 year ago

    All of them are fat from working all day in the sun (high cortisol) and after a 12 hour shift they do not go home and "cook" or "work out" they get a pizza and drink beer. Idiots online are so gullible you just show a picture of a buff guy doing anything and they think THAT is what made them buff. If you think they're going to diet to a low bodyfat percentage on top of that you are severely deluded and should be institutionalized for body dismorphia.

    Here you go bro here's your new bodybuilding routine, fishing. You fish 3x a week to failure and you'll look like him.

    • 1 year ago

      What weight sinker should I use and what pole length to get that physique? What kind of reel too or is he a fly fisher? Thanks

    • 1 year ago

      Damn i gotta renew my fishing license

    • 1 year ago

      If I ocean fish can I still build this physique?? Or does it have to be river fishing?

  8. 1 year ago

    I'm 30, been doing the same work for over a decade can't wait for my body to be destroyed.

    father is in his 60's with visible abs, mostly in great shape, has some issues with tendinitis in his elbow but he's stubborn and won't switch arms when performing repetitive tasks, I'm ambidextrous though so I don't have this issue.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah it was the shoveling and operating machinery that built your muscle not the roids and gym.

  9. 1 year ago

    >anyone who tells you these jobs will make you fit...

    Has not gone to a construction site. You have a bunch of fat chonkers and some skinny fat Mexicans. If basically no one doing a thing is fit how good can that thing be for getting fit?

    When someone needs to get in shape, and has financial incentives for being in shape- say they're an actor for a superhero, or a bodybuilder, or an athlete, why do none do manual labor?

    People saying manual labor gets you jacked are morons who hate the idea of the gym, watch movies with jacked construction workers and think "natural" is better.

  10. 1 year ago

    im 34 and my body isnt destroyed

  11. 1 year ago

    Its all cope

    As someone who's worked in construction for 18 years, please do better for yourself if you have the chance.
    >the hours of work are absolute hell, especially for the money I get, fricking breaking my back for pennies
    >I'm always exhausted when I finish work, I'll literally go home, eat dinner with the wife and kids, watch tv and sleep. Too tired to lift most days of the week and too tired to pursue hobbies
    >most of the people I work with are just dicks with sticks up their arses
    >as you said, my body is absolutely fricked. Back is destroyed, hands are always stiff, shoulders and knees are fricked.
    >I'm in great shape for my age, yet most of the guys here are just fat. Dont expect the job alone to get you fit, nearly everyone who's been doing it for years is in terrible shape

    By best advice for younger anons is to ignore the cope and go to college, get a degree that can lead you somewhere and ride it out in a comfy office job. My nephew got a degree in computer science, hes only 24 and he already earns more than me, overall has a better quality of life.

    • 1 year ago

      Seconding this. Any job you do in the trades that involves the kind of work that could be considered a "work out" is absolute shit-tier monkey labor. You're there to do a job and make a profit, not build your fizeek. Using smarter methods to accomplish your work will always be prioritized, hence why construction worker are usually just fitter than the average soiboi populace.

    • 1 year ago

      Not gonna lie, I almost fell for that meme when I was a bit younger. I was ready to stop college ans become a tradie lol

  12. 1 year ago

    I love how mad and eternally btfo manual labor old man and moron strength makes this shitty board

    • 1 year ago

      I love how you're still somehow able to keep breathing despite all the copium you're huffing.

      • 1 year ago

        Stay mad. Your zero functional strength useless practiced lifts don’t mean shit you’re weak.

        • 1 year ago

          no one gives a shit about your "functional strength" when you look like you live and breathe McDonald's

  13. 1 year ago

    Manual labor is based as long as you're not a moronic lackey anywhere passed your mid 20s. Only genuine morons injure themselves doing it and it's tremendously better for you physically than sitting at a desk all day. That being said you'll see a large amount of fat alcoholics that are weak as piss and also shit at their job telling you about their functional strength and how they don't need a gym.

    • 1 year ago

      >Only genuine morons injure themselves doing it

      Must be a lot of genuine morons in the industry judging by worker comp claims and the hoarders getting hooked on opioids.

      >and it's tremendously better for you physically than sitting at a desk all day.

      It's a lot worse than a safe job where you then take an hour to lift in a super ergonomic way

      • 1 year ago

        >Must be a lot of genuine morons in the industry
        There are, just like there's a bunch of fat unhealthy morons in any given office.
        >It's a lot worse than a safe job where you then take an hour to lift in a super ergonomic way
        I work a desk job myself m8. Being on your ass for 8-9 hours a day isn't good for you regardless of how you try spin it.

  14. 1 year ago

    Physical professions are different from manual labor.
    I am an industrial athlete, and I can confirm that looking good naked is a perk of my profession.
    The draggers are the ones who get beat to hell. Climbers have a lot of leeway to work in ways that don't hurt their body.
    The forearms are awesome.

  15. 1 year ago

    you develop some sort of sneaky strength, like you don't look big but you're strong as frick, and it's stuff that stays with you for quite a while.

  16. 1 year ago

    Guy i know is a scaffolder, he deadlifted 500lbs first month in the gym.

  17. 1 year ago

    you definitely can get stronger, and its mostly morons who lift with their back who get fricked up by labor.
    However, i would not recommend it to anybody who has better options, or if you have the ability to be skilled at a specific trade, then do that. Manual labor is literal Black person work

  18. 1 year ago

    What’s the best alternative if I have zero interest in learning to code? Sitting at a computer coding all day sounds god awful to me.

    • 1 year ago

      You can still work in the trades and make a good living (I do myself), but don't ever buy the bullshit about your job being a good source of fitness. Take care of yourself, eat right, avoid the myriad of drug and alcohol habits that people pick up, and pick an actual skilled trade over anything centered around manual labor. The prime goal is to start a small business and work for yourself, so by the time you're old and can't do the lifting anymore you've got some younger employees to do it for you.

      • 1 year ago

        >pick an actual skilled trade over anything centred around manual labor
        This. That's where the money is, and it wont destroy your body either. If you're gonna take the tradie route that's how you wanna do it, manual labor is for suckers. In manual labor you get paid absolute shit for the amount of work you do and you'll always find yourself surrounded by absolute morons

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly any degree that isnt art or some total meme can land you a decent job, you just need the degree and to be alright at Microsoft Excel.

      Look at any office jobs with "business" or "administrator" in the title. One of my bros has a job like that, his degree is in psychology but for work he just makes charts in excel, makes like 50k and says the job is piss easy.

  19. 1 year ago

    I am a laborer at a concrete company with over 100 employees, and I bet less than 30 of us actually workout. The work makes you “strong” but wont make you look like a god. Most of these stupid frickers chain smoke all day and drink all night as well. I have been made fun of for working out on many occasions, “you aint workin hard ‘nuff then” I want to die.

    • 1 year ago

      there's a few noticeably muscular guys at my work and when people ask how they get that big they're surprised to hear it's because they go to the gym

  20. 1 year ago

    Manual labour is bullshit. Nobody above 35 who still works on the tools has no injuries from overuse or bad luck/stupidity. Whatever gains you get aren't worth it.

  21. 1 year ago

    You should try Steve Doring Services America.
    >Exist in heaps of countries
    >Wharf work unloading boats
    >Work for fish division
    >Go down into -40 celcius boat freezers and stack 20 kg boxes onto pallets to be lifted by a crane out the hatch all day
    >Work 1 hour on half hour off so you spend 1/3 of your day smashing steaks and protein shakes all day
    >Typically all male crew and fighting in the holds is tolorated if justified
    Today we unloaded 150 tons of fishmeal in 30 kg sacks in around 7 hours then showered and went down the main freezer for the rest of the 12 hour shift. My first day back in a couple of months sore as frick but no injuries except a broken toe that hurts from time to time. Currently gambling how much and many varieties of magnesium I can take without shitting my pants.

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