Massive health crash

In the past one year my body had suddenly collapsed and I feel like a 90 year old man(currently 24). It all started after having wrist pain during work which ultimately made my job way harder after a couple of months I started developing constant back pain and afterwards right knee pain. I spend $500 for physio tried various exercisies and doctors only prescribe me painkillers and do nothing. Please help... is there hope

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    just eat some peanut butter

  2. 4 weeks ago

    What do you do for work?

    Obvious answer is that we have no idea, theres no info to go by. Go see a doctor.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I used to do office work currently unemployed... I am starting to think that doctors are useless scum more and more

    • 4 weeks ago

      obvious answer is that he has some sort of auto immune disease, possibly arthritis. prescription is lots of sunlight and fasting for a few days per month

    • 4 weeks ago

      Do you feel like a 90 year old just because these local pain issues or are there other overarching symptoms?

      Something to indicate that your whole system is fricked?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Only thing I can think of is I respond worse to carbs than some people. Other than that I had covid for the first time some months ago but it was pretty mild however I know quite a few people who had a really bad one so I wonder if it activated something

        • 4 weeks ago

          Maybe you have gluten intolerance

        • 4 weeks ago

          It could be side effect of covid, it could be celiac disease, it could three separate and unrelated issues fixed using advice given by

          Oh shit you already replied [...]
          lmao should have reloaded.
          Anyway if you're spending >4 hours at your desk get a vertical mouse and stretch your wrists for 5 minutes every hour you stay at your desk. Consider also buying an ergonomic keyboard that won't make you pronate your hands too much, they look moronic but they work. Be wary of hammer curls at the gym, goated exercise but they can make wrist pain worse (same for wrist curls/extensions) what you want is reverse curls where your wrists are at their strongest, normal curls are fine. Also, get MSM and glucosamine.

          and strengthening your core.

          It could be about 30 other things. If doctors couldn't help you then fit won't either, you have to put in work and do your own research.

          But I have good news, it (probably) isn't cancer.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Raw honey and a whole clove of organic garlic every day

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Office job? If I'm awake when you respond I'll drop a series of golden wristpills

    • 4 weeks ago

      Oh shit you already replied

      I used to do office work currently unemployed... I am starting to think that doctors are useless scum more and more

      lmao should have reloaded.
      Anyway if you're spending >4 hours at your desk get a vertical mouse and stretch your wrists for 5 minutes every hour you stay at your desk. Consider also buying an ergonomic keyboard that won't make you pronate your hands too much, they look moronic but they work. Be wary of hammer curls at the gym, goated exercise but they can make wrist pain worse (same for wrist curls/extensions) what you want is reverse curls where your wrists are at their strongest, normal curls are fine. Also, get MSM and glucosamine.

    • 4 weeks ago

      already answered

      obvious answer is that he has some sort of auto immune disease, possibly arthritis. prescription is lots of sunlight and fasting for a few days per month

      I am sometimes suspecting Rheumatoid but Idk I lack a lot of the symptoms for now

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Just water fast for 3 days and all the problems will be solved

  6. 4 weeks ago

    sounds like developing cancer, the tumors/tumor are messing with your nervous system and hormone production

    • 4 weeks ago

      That's not very nice

      • 4 weeks ago

        well if the pains are random and all over the body, then something messing with your nervous system

  7. 4 weeks ago

    vax status?

    get full panel blood tests done. sounds like typical vax injury to nervous system, very common

  8. 4 weeks ago
    Ancient Chink Wisdom

    Take the following:
    >Mega dose collagen, like 40g or more per day
    >boswellic acid
    >glucosamine and chondroitin

    You will want to lower inflammation as much as possible with green foods, wild blueberries and also provide the ingredients your body needs to repair the damage, like bone broth and chicken feet.

  9. 4 weeks ago
    Ancient Chink Wisdom

    Chinese doctor would say you have Wind Invasion Bi Syndrome and use wind expelling herbs and herbs to move the blood.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Congrats bro you caught Millennial-itis. There is no cure.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    You're eating inflammatory foods
    You can ignore every other piece of "advice" in this thread. You can ignore your "physio" (lmao)
    Do an elimination diet before you start consuming the supplements other anons are telling you to consume.
    It'll take some time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you can also ignore this *advice* and deal with pain like real men do, alcohol and painkillers

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