Maybe carbs aren't the problem, maybe gluten is

Maybe carbs aren't the problem, maybe gluten is

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why do women crave carbs so much? All they want to eat is bread, pizza, pasta and cake

    • 2 years ago

      breeding stock brains

    • 2 years ago

      Who cares as long as they continue

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Carbs open up the brain to be more receptive to hormones, which is why some people feel so good on them, and others bad lol.

      • 2 years ago

        Source is this just some SHizo post

        • 2 years ago

          source for

          Carbs open up the brain to be more receptive to hormones, which is why some people feel so good on them, and others bad lol.

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone loves carbs. We're evolutionarily wired to seek them as an efficient source of energy. They're not meant to make up an entire diet, just enough to hold us over and fuel a successful hunt.
      The problem is that nature never accounted for bread. Ridiculously calorie dense, inflammatory, and so devoid of actual nutrition that you might as well be eating wall insulation. But our brains love it, and it's so abundant that stupid people overindulge to the point of physical illness.

      • 2 years ago

        >never accounted for bread. Ridiculously calorie dense, inflammatory, and so devoid of actual nutrition that you might as well be eating wall insulation. But our brains love it, and it's so abundant that stupid people overindulge to the point of physical illness.
        Bread is the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. It's also very high protein to the point that Roman legions could subsist solely off of it if need be.

        you filthy Amerimutt scum. That white """""bread""""" slop you subhumans consume is not bread. Get the frick off this board eternally and go eat from your pig trough, mutt filth.

        • 2 years ago

          This, bread is based, as long as it’s not goyslop white bread it is solid back bone to any diet

          Everyone loves carbs. We're evolutionarily wired to seek them as an efficient source of energy. They're not meant to make up an entire diet, just enough to hold us over and fuel a successful hunt.
          The problem is that nature never accounted for bread. Ridiculously calorie dense, inflammatory, and so devoid of actual nutrition that you might as well be eating wall insulation. But our brains love it, and it's so abundant that stupid people overindulge to the point of physical illness.

          Post body

        • 2 years ago

          He's right though. Gluten IS inflammatory, and any nutrients you get from bread can be had easier and in greater quantities from almost anything else.
          Subsisting on bread alone, you'd consume enough calories to fuel 10 men before you could realistically avoid malnutrition.

          • 2 years ago

            >Gluten IS inflammatory
            That was always a bunch of bullshit. Gluten is only inflammatory if it passes through the gut lining. It can only pass through the gut lining because that """bread""" you disgusting, putrid mutts consume is laced with glyphosate and atrazine, which has been proven to cause intestinal permeabiliy.

            Further, sourdough bread, clearly an unheard term for Muttoid filth, has very little gluten as part of the natural leavening process, which Mutt manufacturers don't allow in order to save a few cents in production. Further, your bread is made with brominated flour, when it should be IODIZED. This is known to cause moronation, as is very clear in the fact that you putrid American swine are the greatest abominations to ever disgrace the face of the Earth.

            >you'd consume enough calories to fuel 10 men before you could realistically avoid malnutrition
            Disgraceful Mutt, anti-intellectual and devoid of knowledge, look up what armies were fed in history, then swallow your tongue and have your hands tied so we can be rid of your worthless bemoanings.

            • 2 years ago

              >look up what armies were fed in history
              Look up how satisfied armies were with being fed biscuits and hardtack.

              • 2 years ago

                You haven't addressed the point at all you anti-intellectual, brain-damaged swine.

                You just made a quip about the palatability of biscuits and hardtack. We are not even talking about either of those, and the point of discussion was not whether it tasted good, but whether armies could survive on it.

                Rather than address that, you implicitly agreed but made a fallacious argument worthy of only a moronic Mutt.

            • 2 years ago

              >proven to cause intestinal permeabiliy.
              gluten (gliadin) does this just fine by itself

              • 2 years ago

                No evidence of that gaygoloto

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                can we stop with all this half assed
                >hurr durr ur lazy just look it up
                but also
                >btw I'm lazy so I wont provide a simple link

              • 2 years ago

                99% of the time when someone says "just look up my source bro" theyre always bullshitting and dont want to be found out

        • 2 years ago

          i have doubts the romans just ate bread

          • 2 years ago

            Mongols were pastoral nomads.

            Romans were an agricultural civilization.

            That Mongols could live off of cattle doesn't have anything to do with bread.

          • 2 years ago

            Mostly bread, probably a lot of olive oil too. Other than nomads and such, it was never common to eat tons of meat.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's also very high protein to the point that Roman legions could subsist solely off of it if need be.
          What an absolute fricking lmao. Freshly baked bread has a shelf life of approximately a day. You can't feed an army on shit like that.

          • 2 years ago

            >Freshly baked bread has a shelf life of approximately a day. You can't feed an army on shit like that.
            Bread is one of, if not the easiest things to cook on the planet.

            And the fact that you don't know that reveals you're an incredibly stupid Amerimutt.

          • 2 years ago

            >Freshly baked bread has a shelf life of approximately a day.
            are you moronic?

          • 2 years ago

            >What an absolute fricking lmao. Freshly baked bread has a shelf life of approximately a day. You can't feed an army on shit like that.
            t. American that has only ever seen sugary yeast based whitebread and thinks the shit they crisp up at the supermarket is "freshly baked"

        • 2 years ago

          The legions ate a shitload of bread because flour is cheap and easy to transport, and you just need to mix it with water and put it next to fire to turn it into a meal.
          They also brought insane amounts of animals to eat as they went, and pillaged what they could on the way. Veal was big part of the diet of a marching legionaire, plus some olive oil, vinegar, salt, and wine.
          Not just bread

          • 2 years ago

            >insane amounts of animals to eat as they went, and pillaged what they could on the way. Veal was big part of the diet of a marching legionaire, plus some olive oil, vinegar, salt, and wine.
            Depends on the era and the area they were fighting in.

            And obviously you don't eat only bread. Nobody does that because it's stupid. But there were plenty of times when it's all they had to survive on. Look up what they subsisted on in their Persian invasions.

            • 2 years ago

              Desperate and having to eat whatever they had available =/= that's what their diet was like.
              Also, >legions usually means until the VIII century or so. After that they were still called legions, but didn't have the training, capability, equipment, and principles of the legions.

        • 2 years ago

          >Bread is the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet
          This is such a vague thing to say that I'm convinced it's a point being made in bad faith. If you want calories with a long shelf life, eat fat. If you want actual nutrients, eat preserved meat. Keeping your body away from carbs and in a fat burning state while on the march also means you don't need to stop for lunch breaks because everyone's glycogen stores are getting low. I could understand baking and eating bread when camping at night, but don't act like it's some incredible magical thing.
          >It's very high protein
          Bread doesn't contain all of the animo acids essential to form a complete protein so this is a bit of a moronic point honestly and just makes me think you don't know what you're talking about.

          • 2 years ago

            >If you want actual nutrients, eat preserved meat.
            Only organs meats have any comparable nutrition to fruits and vegetables, which should always be the mainstay of your diet.

            >Keeping your body away from carbs and in a fat burning state while on the march also means you don't need to stop for lunch breaks because everyone's glycogen stores are getting low.
            This is supremely idiotic. Go tell any endurance runner to stay away from carbs. They will laugh for a good 10 minutes. There are ZERO runners or endurance athletes of ANY kind that practice keto. Anyone who knows even the slightest thing about athletics would NEVER suggest an army marches in ketosis.

            >Bread doesn't contain all of the animo acids essential
            All plant foods contain all 8 essential amino acids necessary to build muscle. Cystine, the 9th "essential" amino acid is made from methionine, which is plentiful. The idea that plant foods have incomplete proteins is based on old science did not fully understand the roles those amino acids played.

            >you're a ketolard who doesn't exercise, or know the slightest thing about it

  2. 2 years ago

    Twitter Screencap thread

  3. 2 years ago

    Lack of exercise is the problem. Your body can and will burn any calories, this board is more autistic about nutrition than actual athletes. Stop majoring in the minors kids

    • 2 years ago

      Shut up you ducking dipshit

    • 2 years ago

      >Your body can and will burn any calories,
      a type 1 diabetic can eat 10 thousand calories and continue to waste away without sufficient insulin. you need insulin to build muscle and fat

      • 2 years ago

        oversimplified to the point of not being remotely factual.
        >t. t1d

    • 2 years ago

      This is true. I’ve seen a bunch of world class athletes say they eat whatever they want and it’s fine. Literally just use common sense and moderation.

      Unless you need to maintain a weight you’ll be fine.

  4. 2 years ago

    I'm making some garlic confit this weekend.
    A big jar

  5. 2 years ago

    It's not.

    Argue all you want, but you have evolved to consume A LOT of nasty stuff.

    Gluten is only bad because it's in products that are high in refined carbs, and even then, it's the dose that makes the poison. You could probably eat garlic bread every single night and, as long as you compensated for this questionable habit, live to be 110.

  6. 2 years ago

    A lot of people have celiac's disease (allergy to gluten) without knowing it becaus they have been eating gluten since they were kids and their bodies have developed a 'tolerance' to it, yet it's still fricking them up in some indirect way.

    If you are unsure if you might have it or not you should try going on a 100% strict no gluten diet and after like 3 months try it again and see how you react to it.

    • 2 years ago

      >A lot of people have celiac's disease (allergy to gluten) without knowing
      No they don't

      • 2 years ago

        Yes they do

        • 2 years ago

          Prove it

          • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    I had a 6 eggs with a nice piece of bread for breakfast and i dont care what autists on 4 chan think about it. Will drink 1 liter of milk later.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I literally don’t see a problem. What are you trying to show here?

        • 2 years ago

          >While grain may sound like a healthful food, the excessive quantities fed to some animals are not. This is especially true for cattle, which are natural grass eaters. Their digestive systems are not designed to handle the large amounts of corn they receive at feedlots. As a result of this corn-rich diet, feedlot cattle can suffer significant health problems, including excessively acidic digestive systems and liver abscesses. Grain-induced health problems, in turn, ramp up the need for drugs.

          >Animal feed legally can contain rendered road kill, dead horses, and euthanized cats and dogs.

          >Feed for any food animal can contain cattle manure, swine waste, and poultry litter. This waste may contain drugs such as antibiotics and hormones that have passed unchanged through the animals' bodies.

          >Many animals need roughage to move food through their digestive systems. But instead of using plant-based roughage, animal factories often turn to pellets made from plastics to compensate for the lack of natural fiber in the factory feed.

          yep. no problems here. move on. I'll stop asking questions.

          • 2 years ago

            large populations require industrial food sources. if you dont like it, be prepared to kill all your neighbours for their land and drastically lower your living standard.

            • 2 years ago

              cry about it

              Imagine defending factory farming. You're eating shitty animals. Their dystopian lifestyle and unhealthy diet affects the very product you are consuming. This isn't even a controversial science. I swear the American brainrot gets worse every increasing year. But then again, your country is just one big factory farm and you are the cattle.

              • 2 years ago

                He's not defending it you brainlet. He's accepting the necessity of it to feed a population as dense as ours.
                You cannot feed a planet of 8 billion people without a large degree of industrialised factory farming, not unless you want every square mile of existing wilderness to be turned over to food production.

              • 2 years ago

                They're a necessity for providing large amounts of cheap meat but getting all of your protein from meat isn't necessary.

              • 2 years ago

                They sell this in American supermarkets.

              • 2 years ago

                >american flavored

          • 2 years ago

            cry about it

      • 2 years ago

        There is too much space between each Row. That place could be optimized a little more

        • 2 years ago

          Its so two trucks can pass through easily.

          • 2 years ago

            Let him have this. He needs it.

      • 2 years ago

        Yea capitalism is a thing bro, whats your point?

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >While grain may sound like a healthful food, the excessive quantities fed to some animals are not. This is especially true for cattle, which are natural grass eaters. Their digestive systems are not designed to handle the large amounts of corn they receive at feedlots. As a result of this corn-rich diet, feedlot cattle can suffer significant health problems, including excessively acidic digestive systems and liver abscesses. Grain-induced health problems, in turn, ramp up the need for drugs.

        >Animal feed legally can contain rendered road kill, dead horses, and euthanized cats and dogs.

        >Feed for any food animal can contain cattle manure, swine waste, and poultry litter. This waste may contain drugs such as antibiotics and hormones that have passed unchanged through the animals' bodies.

        >Many animals need roughage to move food through their digestive systems. But instead of using plant-based roughage, animal factories often turn to pellets made from plastics to compensate for the lack of natural fiber in the factory feed.

        yep. no problems here. move on. I'll stop asking questions.

        Imagine defending factory farming. You're eating shitty animals. Their dystopian lifestyle and unhealthy diet affects the very product you are consuming. This isn't even a controversial science. I swear the American brainrot gets worse every increasing year. But then again, your country is just one big factory farm and you are the cattle.

        >cries about the cost of food
        >complains about cost efficient farming practices
        I hate these people. Inb4 "I am willing to pay more to avoid this" - then do so, it's a free country. But you don't, because you don't actually care. Noone is stopping you from buying grass fed, organic meat, raised by a small family and lovingly cared for over years. But you aren't willing to pay the premium attached to that. Instead you preach empty promises, because it gives you the satisfaction of feeling morally superior, while also not requiring you to make a single sacrifice.

  8. 2 years ago

    this guy thinks the problem is fructose

    • 2 years ago

      >this guy thinks the problem is fructose
      Hes fat

      • 2 years ago

        of course vegans are skinny, they are literally starving
        anyway, that guy did controlled experiments and made mice sick. he also not selling anything, he's showing his research to find the cause of obesity and heart disease epidemic

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    When I think of garlic bread and pasta I just immediately feel absolute disgusting and it conjures up images of how terrible I'd feel if I ate that shit. I don't get how people do it/enjoy it. Only food that makes me feel good and "clean" is meat and some rice.

  11. 2 years ago

    The only problem is bad habits and goyslop.

  12. 2 years ago

    count macros

  13. 2 years ago

    Current diet meme list:
    >keto diet
    >carnivore diet
    >vitamin a = toxic diet
    >FODMAP diet
    >gluten diet
    >paleo diet
    >vegan diet
    >ancestral diet + supplements
    >goutmaxxing (liver king)

    Did I miss anything?

    • 2 years ago

      yeah the fact that carbohydrate restriction increases metabolism

      • 2 years ago

        Then why are all the keto gurus fat

        • 2 years ago

          Because they eat too much fat.
          You couldn't figure that out yourself?

          • 2 years ago

            So what diet do you advocate then

            • 2 years ago

              Try moderation.
              If you read "carbohydrate restriction" and thought "absolutely no carbohydrates ever no cap fr fr on god", that's your fault.

              • 2 years ago

                >ketoschizo patrols the board day and night flinging shit at anyone who eats carbs
                >oh btw carb restriction = good
                >wtf? why are you make assumptions?

                You're either a newbie, baiting, or a moron

              • 2 years ago

                Someone told you to eat carbs and you really thought "KETOSCHIZO OMG!"

              • 2 years ago

                >says carbohydrate restriction
                >eat carbs
                Ahh, so you're a garbage-tier troll. newbie shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >all or nothing
                The younger generation is truly lost.

  14. 2 years ago

    maybe the real gluten was the friends we made along the way

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >incel calling others gay
        lmao @ u

        • 2 years ago

          >gets upset for having his joke acknowledged

          guess you didn't actually mean it then, you dumbell

  15. 2 years ago

    Frick gluten.
    Shit makes me shit bad and get too inflamed to lift weights.
    I hate gluten.

    • 2 years ago

      have you ever considered that you're just gay?

      • 2 years ago

        Does eating bread have something to do with sex for you?
        They're completely separate for my wife and I.

  16. 2 years ago

    Bread is a satanic conspiracy against my gains
    If you wanna be a fat c**t, eat bread

  17. 2 years ago

    wine mom accounts are some of the happiest people on earth

    learn something from them mental DYELs

    simple as'

  18. 2 years ago

    >Maybe carbs aren't the problem, maybe gluten is
    Maybe eating hundreds or thousands of calories above your maintenance whilst doing no physical activity is the problem.

  19. 2 years ago

    The best carbs are the ones made with added hydrogenated vegetable oils, a double dose of kick ass health to help you fight the fascist capitalists.

  20. 2 years ago

    All I know is I used to have heartburn every day and it went away 100% when I stopped eating bread

  21. 2 years ago

    Does anyone think pasta needs to be involved? Almost all the time when I eat garlic bread there's no pasta.

  22. 2 years ago

    >is the problem overeating and being sedentary?
    >no, it must be this single ingredient/constituent/additive

    • 2 years ago

      Well I got the covid vaccine and ever since then I get hives and unbearable itching whenever I eat dairy

      So can you explain this because cheese was my favorite food

      • 2 years ago

        Babies conceived after the parents got Covid jabs are being born basically without an immune system, and in some places birth rates are now down by over 20%. But I wouldn't worry, I'm sure your body is fine. No refunds btw.

  23. 2 years ago

    Gotta love all the unwitty holes on twitter who post shit thinking it's original when in reality is just another variation of some shit that's been posted a million times before.

    I'm not an incel but holy frick cringe female social media "humor" makes me want to start strangling prostitutes.

    • 2 years ago

      Variation on a theme of "OMG LOOK EVERYONE I'M AN ADULT". They can't handle the idea that nobody cares about them.

      • 2 years ago

        well fricking said

  24. 2 years ago

    >Gluten is the problem
    5 years ago it was the hipster vegan types who were making a fuss about gluten and making people who were actually intolerant to gluten look like rubes by association. When did this board become so autistic about diets? Also, the problem is actually just eating like a pig.

  25. 2 years ago

    >pasta doesn't need to be involved
    Are you frickers actually eating garlic bread as a side with a carb heavy main dish like pasta?
    No wonder the world is getting obese.

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