MD here. Ask me your medical questions. So what seems to be the issue?

MD here. Ask me your medical questions.

So what seems to be the issue, IST?

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  1. 7 months ago

    i pinned cc of oil in my ventro ass cheek in under 1sec now my arse hurts and i walk around like a cripple
    when do i get the gains

  2. 7 months ago

    Actual MD? If I have a AAA (3.4x3.2cm) how heavy can I lift safely? Restrictions on cardio?

    • 7 months ago

      Rupture risk is mostly determined by diameter. Yours is smaller (<5 cm) so your rupture risk is a lot lower.

      I don't know if you've already seen a vascular surgeon and discussed repair vs monitoring (I'm a family doc not a vascular surgeon )

      But with that size i wouldn't give you any absolute limits on weight lifting yet. And cardio in general will always be good for you. Just make sure your BP is normal.

      However, if you lift a lot of weight over time that could increase the size of it in the long run so monitoring would be especially important.

  3. 7 months ago

    I coughed up a little mucus octopus thing on a bike ride, then couldn't catch my breath for 20 mins. Took it slow on the way back and eventually felt normalish but not sure if I should be concerned. No health insurance until Dec unfortunately

  4. 7 months ago

    Why are you gay?

    • 7 months ago

      I think it's genetic. When my dad busted a baby into my father's bussy, I grew like a little bean sprout.

    • 7 months ago

      Who says I'm gae?

  5. 7 months ago

    Clogged nose every night doctor. When I wake up I have blood in my nose

    • 7 months ago

      without wanting to hear more of that story, the most common things are allergies and being too fat. so...

      >lose weight
      >buy hypoallergenic sheets and actually wash them, vacuum your place and change your air filters your nasty frick
      >take daily nondrowsy anithistamine and intranasal steroid (flonase for example)
      >stop picking your nose
      >seriously stop picking it.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm 70kg and I think my bedroom is decently cleaned but I will try to do better.

        Recently I've started suspecting dry air in winter, do you think a humidifier would help doc?

        • 7 months ago

          absolutely that would also help. usually nose bleeds are cuz your mucus membranes in your sinuses dry up and crack and forms these fissures that bleed once your sinuses get wet again.

      • 7 months ago


        NTA but same boat. Won't this shit give me cushing's?

        • 7 months ago

          cushing's syndrome happens with a high level of systemic steroids (oral prednisone for instance). inhaled or topical steroids have very low systemic absorption and chronic use of those meds isnt correlated w/ cushings.

          Hey my like butthole itches and kinda burns sometimes. Obviously I wipe and use wet wipes too so I don’t think it’s like dirty itching. Don’t know what’s going on

          ur gay. use baby wipes

          Legitimately thought I was having a first flare of inflammatory arthritis. Lots of autoimmune issues (psoriasis, PsA, RA) in my family. Instead I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia 🙁
          >my mom has fibro
          >hasn't had a job in years, on disability
          >always thought she was lazy
          >is always complaining about something
          >I never took her seriously. Thought fibro was bs
          I'm not lazy, I swear 🙁 I'm a hard worker. Have always dealt with instances of pain in silence. It was only when my ankles randomly swelled up and the and my knees and wrists felt like glass that I finally thought something serious might be going on. Instead, I've been doomed. I will never been taken seriously by doctors again. They will see my record and assume I'm a piece of shit before they even meet me.
          >my muscles don't even hurt, it's still all only in my joints
          >can't take myself seriously either now

          hard to say. idk if you got bloodwork done to rule out inflammatory arthropathies, but hopefully you did. there's another kinda of arthritis called reactive arthritis (look it up) that sometimes has a odd story like that.

          >MD here. Ask me your medical questions

          detail how the mitochondria create energy, and how statins destroy that process.

          no, you look up the krebs cycle. i already had to memorize that shit once and never again. also statins definitely don't do that. it;s mechanism of aciton is that theyre HMG coA reducatase inhibitors which is in the cholesterol synthetic pathway

          • 7 months ago

            >also statins definitely don't do that. it;s mechanism of aciton is that theyre HMG coA reducatase inhibitors which is in the cholesterol synthetic pathway

            Yes they do. That is why it is recommend people on statins take C0Q10. Statins interrupt the process.

          • 7 months ago

            I did get blood work. Ultrasound on my hands, wrists, feet, and ankles too. I've also read so many academic and clinical studies and personal accounts on all major types of inflammatory arthritis, that at this point all I need is to be able to read imaging and I can confidently say I could be a rheumatologist. I thought of reactive arthritis, but at this point with all my current results as they are, I'd never get that diagnosis unless something truly visible showed up.

            are you israeli by chance?

            I am not, anon. Maybe if I were I'd have money though

          • 7 months ago

            Listen magic medicine man, I’m telling you there’s something up with my butthole. Fix problem plz. Could it be like fungus or bacteria? I’m not gay and stuff doesn’t go in my butt if that helps your synopsis or whatever it is you do.

            • 7 months ago

              Not even really my actual butthole, it’s the area around it medicine man.

  6. 7 months ago

    How old? Are you white? Are you male?

    • 7 months ago

      29. I'm white Mexican. Non-binary.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        MD here. Ask me your medical questions.

        So what seems to be the issue, IST?

        Being a doctor runs in my gfs family. Her mom was a doctor. Her stepmom was a doctor and 2 of her stepsisters are doctors

    • 7 months ago

      30, brown, male

  7. 7 months ago

    how to solve erectyle dysfunction without pills

    • 7 months ago

      9/10 times theyre either depressed (or some other psych issue) or having side effects from SSRIs (feels bad man)

      If you still get morning or nocturnal erections the signs port even more to psych. otherwise maybe should get your hormones evaluated.

    • 7 months ago

      Just take the fricking pills, anon.

  8. 7 months ago

    >So what seems to be the issue, IST?
    why am I moronic? 🙁

  9. 7 months ago

    im on the carnivore diet. so far, so good. its working like the carnivore schizos told me, with the exception of the extra energy benefit.

    I dont feel it. im taking more naps tbhs. any idea?

    • 7 months ago

      yeah any really restrictive diet is fricked to begin with. humans have been omnivores for millions of years and we really need it all. obviously depending on your fitness goals the macro ratio and total calorie might be different. don't buy into every trend.

      >constantly tinnitus
      >low blood pressure
      >get too quickly up and I almost pass out
      >constant cold hands/feet/nose

      i mean the last two points sound like sympptoms of low blood pressure and/or poor circulation. maybe worth getting basic bloodwork.

      tinnitus is really tough cuz we hardly ever find a slam dunk answer for it and the "treament" is mostly just teaching people to cope with it with CBT techniques.

      Can I take creatine with high blood pressure?

      if you took your blood pressure medication that day then probs. but ask yourself why your BP is so high in the first place. sometimes it just happens but a lot of times theres causes/risk factors (obesity, smoking, stimulant use)

      Is there a such thing as too much calcium? Like 3000 mg/day is red on chronometer.

      yes. although in general if you have working kidneys it's exceptionally difficult to cause yourself an electroyle imbalance with dietary supplements cuz your kidneys just clear extra. also with that much excreted into your urine youre at a higher risk for kidney stones (calcium oxalate stones are the most common kind of stone). why the hell are you taking that much? are you a postmenopausal woman?

      I have a pain in both of my forearms, on the top part right near my elbow, that suddenly came on one day a couple months ago. It has gotten progressively worse. Doctor says its just tendonitis, but I'm starting to think it could be something more. Wearing the tendonitis arm bands seems to make it feel worse somehow too.

      yoga. voltaren gel. ibuprofen/tylenol when its real bad. bands. really do a deep dive into your current workouts and see what might be worsening it. may require you to take it easy on that exercise for it.

      Do you enjoy giving prostate exams or do you hate them as much as we do?

      no one enjoys them and honestly i dont do too many since there isnt much evidence to suggest a benefit from doing screening digital rectal exams. i really only do them if someone has a compelling history (obstructive urinary issues, family hx of prostate cancer)

      • 7 months ago

        >We were omnivores and shieeeet

        We invented the agriculture israelite just 10 thousand years ago. We never were meant to eat bread, potatoes or bananas you medic Black person.

      • 7 months ago

        >there isnt much evidence to suggest a benefit

        Is... is my doctor fingering my hole for nothing?

  10. 7 months ago

    >constantly tinnitus
    >low blood pressure
    >get too quickly up and I almost pass out
    >constant cold hands/feet/nose

    • 7 months ago

      Are you me? Do you also have sciatic pain, plantar fasciitis, and ingrown big toenails?

    • 7 months ago

      Drink more red wine or porter

  11. 7 months ago

    Can I take creatine with high blood pressure?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, but you may die

  12. 7 months ago

    Is there a such thing as too much calcium? Like 3000 mg/day is red on chronometer.

  13. 7 months ago

    I have a pain in both of my forearms, on the top part right near my elbow, that suddenly came on one day a couple months ago. It has gotten progressively worse. Doctor says its just tendonitis, but I'm starting to think it could be something more. Wearing the tendonitis arm bands seems to make it feel worse somehow too.

    • 7 months ago

      My question to you is, could this be something else? I have a phsyio appointment booked but its not for a while.

    • 7 months ago

      Do heavy farmer walk to stretch the elbows out and take pressure off the joint

  14. 7 months ago

    Why do i still get random boners at 32yo

    • 7 months ago

      Medically speaking, you are based and redpilled

      • 7 months ago

        no he isn't he's a short little flabby manlet who doesn't have kids or an opportunity for kids past his 30s

        • 7 months ago

          Boners are for raping the women after you burned the barbarian village with your roman friends.

    • 7 months ago

      giddy I just want you to know that I think your breasts are beautiful the way that they are, and it's really fricked up how everyone in /plg/ makes fun of them for being so supple
      even if you do decide to start wearing a bra, that doesn't make you a woman, and I support you

  15. 7 months ago

    Do you enjoy giving prostate exams or do you hate them as much as we do?

  16. 7 months ago

    i quit drinking alcohol. started intermediate fasting. then started pissing foam. hosipital er said my kidneys are fine from the 3 ounces of piss i gave them. why is my piss like beer foam?

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe tilt you kidney when you fill them up

  17. 7 months ago

    Hey my like butthole itches and kinda burns sometimes. Obviously I wipe and use wet wipes too so I don’t think it’s like dirty itching. Don’t know what’s going on

    • 7 months ago

      Answer me magic medicine man

  18. 7 months ago

    I got fricked up knees (patellar instability and dislocations. right knee has gotten surgery) when will I be able to squat normally again? I'm only 21 🙁

  19. 7 months ago

    >So what seems to be the issue, IST?
    There's a Black person. RIGHT. BEHIND. YOU.

  20. 7 months ago

    How to fertility max please for both men and women.

    Thanking you in advance

  21. 7 months ago

    Legitimately thought I was having a first flare of inflammatory arthritis. Lots of autoimmune issues (psoriasis, PsA, RA) in my family. Instead I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia 🙁
    >my mom has fibro
    >hasn't had a job in years, on disability
    >always thought she was lazy
    >is always complaining about something
    >I never took her seriously. Thought fibro was bs
    I'm not lazy, I swear 🙁 I'm a hard worker. Have always dealt with instances of pain in silence. It was only when my ankles randomly swelled up and the and my knees and wrists felt like glass that I finally thought something serious might be going on. Instead, I've been doomed. I will never been taken seriously by doctors again. They will see my record and assume I'm a piece of shit before they even meet me.
    >my muscles don't even hurt, it's still all only in my joints
    >can't take myself seriously either now

    • 7 months ago

      are you israeli by chance?

  22. 7 months ago

    >MD here. Ask me your medical questions

    detail how the mitochondria create energy, and how statins destroy that process.

    • 7 months ago

      >detail how the mitochondria create energy, and how statins destroy that process.

      As a person who ust spent $200 on CoQ10 for my mother, I have researched statins extensively. And how they disrupt the mitochondria energy creation process.

  23. 7 months ago

    The issue is western medicine you fricking ghoul. How many bodies do you have, personally? Iatrogenesis being the third leading cause of mortality somewhere between 250-500k every frickin' year, chances are good you've offed at least a couple by now.
    Fricking charlatan. have a nice day and take 5 of your colleagues with you.
    If you factor in the degree to which your "profession" is responsible for cancer and heart disease you'd own the whole podium. I will never consult any member of your death cult. First do no harm my beautiful Aryan ass.

  24. 7 months ago

    for the past few weeks i constantly have had a very mild headache near the back of my head that drinking water doesn't solve. whats wrong with me?

  25. 7 months ago

    I dont have any questions i just want to say scrubs was a great show.

  26. 7 months ago

    Is ADHD real?

  27. 7 months ago

    How do I lower blood pressure without meds? My dad’s on losartan and I don’t want him to be like this for the rest of his life. He has a hernia that he never fixed so weight lifting is NOT an option

    • 7 months ago

      I'll save the MD's time
      TLDR low sodium, low processed foods, lose weight, regular cardio

  28. 7 months ago

    how many covid shots have you received, dr. homosexual?

  29. 7 months ago

    TFCC tear in a small bike accident 3 months back. The ligament seems to have healed, there's almost full ROM with no substantial pain. But the distal ulna head still has some prominence compared to the other hand. Will it fix itself or am I gonna have to live with it?

  30. 7 months ago

    I'm 19 and I just found out I have gyno. Never touched gear in my life, and I'm not even that fat.
    Also I have shin splints now.
    Also I have plantar fasciitis.
    Am I a genetic dead end? Should I just give up? Is it over?

  31. 7 months ago

    Two things, ulna feels like it's ripping through my skin after a barbell curl (not too heavy, just 112 lbs). The pain is halfway between the olecrenon and middle of the bone. Is this a ligament issue, nerve pain, or just muscle weakness?

    Also, as a 3rd year premed, how's the people in medical school? Are they still catty like premeds or a bit more chilled out?

  32. 7 months ago

    i have knocked knees and i want to get an osteotomy surgery to correct the imbalance and maybe save my future knee cartilage. any experience with this area?

  33. 7 months ago

    Is keto a good diet for general health or just a meme/weight loss thing/what?

  34. 7 months ago

    how to make hemorrhoids go away
    i use the squatty potty, use a bidet, don't scrape with shitty paper
    only thing i won't do is set up a sitz bath.

  35. 7 months ago

    one time I bent all my fingers all the way backwards and now my ring finger and middle finger curve towards each other and overlapping when they're bent and it's really fricking annoying when trying to play shit like guitar
    how fix?

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