Memeshit or will they turn me into an unstoppable super soviet?

Memeshit or will they turn me into an unstoppable super soviet?

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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    Kettlebells? The thing that every gym has and people have been using for decades with good results? Yeah it's a meme.

  2. 4 months ago

    I find kettlebell swings really help my back but you can do them fine with normal weight plates, it's just less comfy

    • 4 months ago

      OK. HEY. how do you build momentum without feeling like an uncoordinated monkey? i have issues not lifting with my back and kettlebells are all ive got but ive been avoiding swings. i love em and they work out everything but like. they HELP your back? give your secrets i feel like im fricking my back up

      • 4 months ago

        Let the kb float and drop, dont push it down
        Push through your heels and forward with your hips, but don't bend backwards

      • 4 months ago

        Imagine there's a string ar the top of your head being pulled by the almighty himself. When your head is vertical, the sting is taut and your head does not move anymore. Squeeze your ass cheeks hard for good luck and let your arms and the bell go up.

      • 4 months ago

        Engage your core(flex abs and spinal errectors), relax your arms.
        Most of the movement comes from hips, or hip hinge, so thrust forward with your ass like when you raping someone.

        is this guy natty?


        If he were on gear he'd be much leaner

        >there's only one type of gear and no difference is dosage

  3. 4 months ago

    God tier for work capacity/stamina and conditioning/body composition.
    Great for unilateral work and power production.
    Middling for strength - yes, monster bells exist, but most go up to 48kg.
    Not great for hypertrophy.

    • 4 months ago

      Monster Lifts and Alternating Seesaw Press would like to have a word with you.

    • 4 months ago

      They're the single most versatile piece of equipment and a pair of 24kgs are actually enough to achieve a very tight and toned body. People really overestimates how many equipment you need for a healthy body and believes you need an entire powertard gym to even begin lifting.

      >Not great for hypertrophy.
      Strongly, strongly disagree. Hypertrophy is about low weight high volume, Kettlebells fits that bill perfectly. Don't mistake powerfat overloading strength routine with actual hypertrophy ones.
      Otherwise I agree with the rest, Kettlebells aren't normally a strength tool. But I doubt a normal guy will ever need to carry more than 32kg in each hand anyway, so this point is moot.

      • 4 months ago

        >Strongly, strongly disagree. Hypertrophy is about low weight high volume, Kettlebells fits that bill perfectly
        Are you Joe Daniels? Kidding aside, you're right, if it's used for grind lifts and isolations like a dumbbell (although you'll get much less ROM on lunges and BSS). Swings and snatches and cleans for volume don't really hypertrophy you, those were the movements I was thinking of when I said "not great." With barbells you can load a clean or power clean enough that it will grow your glutes.

      • 4 months ago

        >seated good mornings
        what can't the kettle bell do?
        2 x 16kgs
        2 x 20kgs
        2 x 24kgs
        all you need.
        I have a 32 and 40kg for heavier two handed swings

        • 4 months ago

          I feel like your pressing power will probably stagnate a lot with only 40kg to work with. Do you add bands? Also, even if you're doing lunges with 2 x 40kg kettlebells you're going to eventually need more resistance for your legs.

          • 4 months ago

            How many people who train can comfortably OHP a 40kg kettlebell?
            I'll be very happy the day I can do this for a couple reps

  4. 4 months ago

    anyone know any russian routines?

    • 4 months ago

      What do you mean by russian routines? The ones created by Pavel?
      If so check Simple and Sinister, Quick and the dead, Rite of Passage, Red Zone or Swing Sandwich.

  5. 4 months ago

    if you enjoy being cucked by your wife with with a big black bull then yes keep doing these meme exercises

    • 4 months ago

      >clean and press barbell: wow, so functional and literally perfect for building power and strength
      >clean and press kettlebells: wtf is this shit meme exercise lol

      • 4 months ago

        and press barbell: wow, so dumb and literally perfect for ruining ur shoulders 😀 keep on pumping that impingement, it will grow into giant boulder shoulders, not many people know but if u rub humerus on scapulae enough your delts will get scared and they will grow instantly

        and of course heavy purses are inferior to dumbbells in every way

        • 4 months ago

          It's a training tool like any other. Something is telling me you don't even lift.

          • 4 months ago

            there are better and worse tools - heavy purse is inferior to dumbbell, heavy stick known as barbell is completely useless

            >impingement impingement impingement
            You know that your scapula naturally elevates and rotates upwards to make space for the humerus as you press upward (courtesy of serratus anterior, upper and lower traps), right? Not my fault that those muscles are pathetically weak in your case, but for everybody else, vertical pressing causes no impingement because of healthy scapular movement. High rep OHP is especially great for the shoulders since you get a ton of blood flow to all those muscles around the scapula as well as drilling good scapular movement that helps prevent impingement.

            Also this is why anyone with a big OHP has big upper traps and serratus; those muscles are absolutely essential, delts and tris aren't the only things being worked here

            >bw ohp is weak
            since when? i just don't do it if i don't have to and i don't have to at all - there are no heavy sticks stalking me to press them
            >High rep OHP is especially great for the shoulders since you get a ton of blood flow to all those muscles around the scapula as well as drilling good scapular movement that helps prevent impingement.
            if i feel like it i do bridges, or bend backwards to wall and do pushups - i do not need to impinge to get le blood flow
            >anyone with a big OHP
            is on shitloads of roids - they've got everything big

        • 4 months ago

          >impingement impingement impingement
          You know that your scapula naturally elevates and rotates upwards to make space for the humerus as you press upward (courtesy of serratus anterior, upper and lower traps), right? Not my fault that those muscles are pathetically weak in your case, but for everybody else, vertical pressing causes no impingement because of healthy scapular movement. High rep OHP is especially great for the shoulders since you get a ton of blood flow to all those muscles around the scapula as well as drilling good scapular movement that helps prevent impingement.

          Also this is why anyone with a big OHP has big upper traps and serratus; those muscles are absolutely essential, delts and tris aren't the only things being worked here

          • 4 months ago

            You're mostly right. If you have a very hooked acromion, you still get a better opening of the AC joint with your arms in the scapular plane, as one can with dumbbells and as one is actively cued to do with kettlebells due to the offset weight.

            • 4 months ago

              my acromion is hooked as frick and it causes impingment on most shoulder exercises, what the frick can I do to get around it? I've been skipping shoulders at the gym to avoid injuries but i am scared it might lead to imbalances

              i do weighted jumprope for cardio 3 days and lift 2 days push/pull, the goal is to ottermode. i have felt a nice change with the weighted jumprope handles, they do work my lateral delts quite a bit since I usually jump rope for 30 mins

              • 4 months ago

                >my acromion is hooked as frick and it causes impingement on most shoulder exercises, what the frick can I do to get around it?
                anterior delt and under clavicle part of chest is done easily with ucv standing db raise - tilt torso to the side worked so that anterior delt doesn't die before upper chest

                rear delt is worked easily when ur torso is horizontal (bend, chest supported whatever, i like it unilateral and support myself with other hand) - think those goofy tricep extensions without extending triceps, trike tendon should entirely bear the load, no weight on bicep tendon, u can rest db on forearm, like so (8th minute):

                side delt - still debating the issue, i will screw another db (because now i just have one i'm doing everything with lol) and maybe try it today

                supposedly pronation of hand, elbow first in scapular plane bent 60 degs is impingement free and actually works the mythical side delts, i will see and evaluate, if they can get any bigger though that would be fricking risiculous 😀

                there is no reason to move with weight through impingement whatsoever

              • 4 months ago

                holy shit anon, this helps a lot. thank you
                i will try to incorporate this in my next workout and see how it feels

                should I start doing some rotator cuff strengthening exercises? i got a resistance band for it just never got around doing it 3x a day 3x a week

              • 4 months ago

                not a grifter - if u're curious u will learn

              • 4 months ago

                Scapular plane ohp will be much easier since your AC will be most open. Shrug as much as you can at the top of the lift. Also look into heavy club work

              • 4 months ago

                i will give it a shot

                heavy club work looks interesting, any particular benefits to it? just looking at some vids rn and i imagine they'd do wonders to improve mobility and strength

              • 4 months ago

                >heavy club work looks interesting, any particular benefits to it?
                Yeah because it's a rotational movement, the centrifugal force pulls your joint open and that will help with a hooked acrimion. It also helps train throwing patterns and fires side chains (like posterior/anterior chains, you've got one for each side) which are pretty sorely neglected
                It also makes you feel like the iron sheik and who doesn't want to feel like sheiky baby

                Mark wildman is a good resource for club stuff

              • 4 months ago

                solid stuff man, thank you.
                now gotta figure out where to find a club in the area of the world where i live

          • 4 months ago

            if ya rly like overhead so much do pin presses - start the movement already past impingement

            if ya rly like overhead so much do pushaway pushups - start the movement already past impingement

            heavy purse is still fricking useless - what is it that u don't understand

            How many people who train can comfortably OHP a 40kg kettlebell?
            I'll be very happy the day I can do this for a couple reps

            u fricking moron, it was just an easy way to cast some weight with handle back in the day, we don't need to suffer through this bs

            • 4 months ago

              I'm simply asking if OHP a 40kg kettlebell is quite easy as

              I feel like your pressing power will probably stagnate a lot with only 40kg to work with. Do you add bands? Also, even if you're doing lunges with 2 x 40kg kettlebells you're going to eventually need more resistance for your legs.

              seemed to imply?

              • 4 months ago

                Nah he's chatting fricking bollocks, or he can post a video of himself pressing 40kg in one hand.

              • 4 months ago

                There is a big guy on Instagram who regularly presses 80kg kettlebells, but 40kg sing arm overhead press is doable for maybe 1 or 2 x reps for experienced lifters. I don't know how much someone would need to go beyond that. If they can do 10 x reps with 40kg they're probably MASSIVE.

                I have a 24kg kettlebell I can do 10 x + reps with but I usually just use a resistance band if I want to press a little heavier. Buying a bigger kettlebell is expensive.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh for sure, I'm not saying it's not possible, but I'm saying that the sort of nerd who'd imply on a Sumatran hat-knitting forum that it's easy is simply trolling and can be safely ignored.

                And yea, for a bigger kettlebell; save for an adjustable - it'll pair with your 24 and then you can load it up to 32 by 1kg increments. They're not cheap, but it's not like you'd ever have to replace it. If you consider how much even a 24kg, 28kg and 32kg would cost individually, it quickly starts to make sense.

              • 4 months ago

                >I'm simply asking if OHP a 40kg kettlebell is quite easy as
                pressing power? if u can do 20 40 kg kt presses u're at klokow level of ohp press - 20 is half of 1rm by the rpe tables, so 5 kg is plenty really, remember klokov is elite, fulla drugs forever, he learned from his father whom was actually better 😀
                so if u can ohp db 5 kilo 20 times u're good, 10 20 times u're better, 20 20 times u're probably elite natural
                u r still impinging, there is no reason to use heavy purse for it, whatsoever

              • 4 months ago

                You can kettlebell press 40kg without even being nearly able to barbell press 80kg. Also I impinge your wife's cervix on the regular and she doesn't seem to show any ill effects, besides the screaming and the funny walk.

            • 4 months ago

              >start the movement already past impingement

              there are better and worse tools - heavy purse is inferior to dumbbell, heavy stick known as barbell is completely useless
              >bw ohp is weak
              since when? i just don't do it if i don't have to and i don't have to at all - there are no heavy sticks stalking me to press them
              >High rep OHP is especially great for the shoulders since you get a ton of blood flow to all those muscles around the scapula as well as drilling good scapular movement that helps prevent impingement.
              if i feel like it i do bridges, or bend backwards to wall and do pushups - i do not need to impinge to get le blood flow
              >anyone with a big OHP
              is on shitloads of roids - they've got everything big

              >i do not need to impinge to get le blood flow
              You just don't get it, do you? Impingement doesn't fricking occur if you have healthy scapular movement, it only occurs if your serratus anterior and upper/lower traps are extremely weak, or if you have dysfunctional movement patterns for some reason (can be fixed by drilling scap elevation+upward rotation). If you want to see what impingement actually feels like, stick your hand on your shoulder and don't let any motion occur at the scapula at all, then try to raise your hand over your head. Congratulations, you just impinged your shoulder, which also disallows you from getting into an overhead position since the scapula can't move. Take your hand off and now your shoulder is no longer impinged and you can reach an overhead position easily.
              >is on shitloads of roids - they've got everything big
              Where in my post did I mention roids? There were individuals with huge OHPs prior to roids existing, so this argument is invalid.

              • 4 months ago

                why move through unmovable movement, u can not lock out bench with proper form without impingement
                >scapulae moves
                >humeral rhythm
                occurs once humerus reaches certain angle - that's why once u get it up in ohp u can muscle it up, i say do only muscling it up part if u're moronic enough that u can't think of anything else to do

                pin presses, exactly same shit, only without bones grinding ur shit

              • 4 months ago

                >u can not lock out bench with proper form without impingement
                I mean yeah technically you can't lock out your elbows correctly with retracted scapula, but you can just protract to neutral and suddenly you can. Or you can just leave a slight bend in your elbows; i.e, don't lock out. Not like that end of the ROM matters much anyway; no stretch, super easy, it's not that important. Stretch matters more
                >occurs once humerus reaches certain angle - that's why once u get it up in ohp u can muscle it up, i say do only muscling it up part if u're moronic enough that u can't think of anything else to do
                When your humerus reaches a certain angle your scapula elevates and rotates upward (again, because of serratus anterior and upper/lower traps) to complete the motion and prevent impingement. I don't know why you keep insisting that impingement occurs because it just doesn't. If impingement did occur, you would feel the sensation of impingement, and I can tell you right now that that shit doesn't occur on vertical presses with good technique, and I know this because when working on my middle splits, I get hip impingement if my body isn't in the exact right position (anterior pelvic tilt to make space etc), and I can replicate that sensation in the shoulder joint via the aforementioned test, but vertical pressing with or without weight does not reproduce that sensation because there is no impingement occurring in that motion.
                >pin presses, exactly same shit, only without bones grinding ur shit
                Pin presses are only useful if you're trying to increase your OHP. Yes, technically the very top of an OHP is "tricep dominant", but it's shit for growing triceps because there's no stretch. Just do a tricep exercise at that point lol

              • 4 months ago

                > imbpinhement is an myth - u're just weak
                how am i weak if i can just walk to heavy stick my weight on it and do ur dumb ohp withour ever training it?
                i get errything bot, everything u shill here is wrong, u are the perfect negative indicator
                > if ur shoulder moves a tad up u r already past impingement, it's only natural and needs to be drilled to perfection
                find me one example of human on the whole planet doing just the part where the bar leaves collar bones over and over - u gotta train weak part of motion right, the sticky point

                one example and i will shut up about ur stupid heavy purses u're selling and ur moronic heavy

                >u can not lock out bench with proper form without impingement
                I mean yeah technically you can't lock out your elbows correctly with retracted scapula, but you can just protract to neutral and suddenly you can. Or you can just leave a slight bend in your elbows; i.e, don't lock out. Not like that end of the ROM matters much anyway; no stretch, super easy, it's not that important. Stretch matters more
                >occurs once humerus reaches certain angle - that's why once u get it up in ohp u can muscle it up, i say do only muscling it up part if u're moronic enough that u can't think of anything else to do
                When your humerus reaches a certain angle your scapula elevates and rotates upward (again, because of serratus anterior and upper/lower traps) to complete the motion and prevent impingement. I don't know why you keep insisting that impingement occurs because it just doesn't. If impingement did occur, you would feel the sensation of impingement, and I can tell you right now that that shit doesn't occur on vertical presses with good technique, and I know this because when working on my middle splits, I get hip impingement if my body isn't in the exact right position (anterior pelvic tilt to make space etc), and I can replicate that sensation in the shoulder joint via the aforementioned test, but vertical pressing with or without weight does not reproduce that sensation because there is no impingement occurring in that motion.
                >pin presses, exactly same shit, only without bones grinding ur shit
                Pin presses are only useful if you're trying to increase your OHP. Yes, technically the very top of an OHP is "tricep dominant", but it's shit for growing triceps because there's no stretch. Just do a tricep exercise at that point lol

                >When your humerus reaches a certain angle your scapula elevates and rotates upward
                stick u're shilling
                this part - who the frick does just that and why the frick not

            • 4 months ago

              Impingement Black folk belong to the plantation

      • 4 months ago

        If it is all about the movement pattern then go ahead, clean and press 0.5 lt water bottles.

    • 4 months ago

      Why are zoomers so obsessed with getting cucked by Black folk and not being functionally fit?

      Memeshit or will they turn me into an unstoppable super soviet?

      KB are based, anyone who says otherwise doesn't belong in a gym.

      • 4 months ago

        >functionally fit
        what does this even mean? how can you be functionally fit without a 3 plate bench and being sub 12% bf?

  6. 4 months ago

    They excel in building a SOLID strength and strength endurance base and if you used nothing but kettlebells your whole life you would undoubtedly be extremely fit and not too bad looking either. But they're limited in how much leg strength you can build, so at some point you'll have to supplement with barbells if you want to take it further into actual powerlifting, bodybuildinig, strongman or whatever. But most training programs aknoledge that and also include suggestions on how to proceed (simple and sinister being one of them). I think it's important to always reflect on how effective whaever you're doing is and when it's time to move on, just fall into tribalistic thinking and fetishizing excersice equipment

    • 4 months ago

      also don't post on IST when you're drunk on vodka unless you wan't to shit out unreadable bullshit

  7. 4 months ago

    Sir, it's a piece of iron with a handle

  8. 4 months ago

    The best bang-for-buck single piece of exercise equipment you can own is an adjustable competition kettlebell. The next best is a second one.

  9. 4 months ago

    I think they're good but people do some silly things with them, like swings
    If I ever got into KB i would do exclusively things like, snatches, TGUs, and clean and press
    I never understood the swing. Just snatch it bro wtf

    • 4 months ago

      I do snatches but I've been doing the swing too and it does hit my hamstrings pretty well and when I am going to do Romanian deadlifts I start with kettlebell swings to warm up.

    • 4 months ago

      I sort of equate swings vs snatches to running a 5k vs hill-sprints; sometimes it's nice to put on a podcast and get the heart-rate humming nicely for half an hour or so, and sometimes it's good to have a race between puking your guts up or tearing something.

  10. 4 months ago

    I can't tell if this is AI or a Black person.

    • 4 months ago

      Probably a Black person AI.

  11. 4 months ago

    Nothing builds size, mass and strength better than barbell training literally everything else is meme shit at worst, or inefficient, and insufficient, for the task

    Just do what every strong man and bodybuilder does and has done for one hundred years and do barbell training don't overthink it

    • 4 months ago

      Size, mass and strength is useless if you don't have application for it.

      • 4 months ago

        >if you don't have application for it
        >Gained it by applying force to barbell
        what kind of dumbass autistic circular reasoning is this?

      • 4 months ago

        Thus you go for an exercise that gives you absolutely none of what you have listed. Peak cattlegay logic.

    • 4 months ago

      >Just do what every strong man and bodybuilder does and has done for one hundred years

      • 4 months ago

        you can build a body all sorts of ways
        barbells specialize in letting you say you lift a lot of weight (but don't mention machines)

    • 4 months ago

      the big bodybuilders you worship so much are using tons of machines
      nobody who actually goes to the gym actually believes barbell is a main hypertrophy tool
      you can drop this larping already, dyel

  12. 4 months ago

    kettlebells are dogshit for everything except weighted calisthenics

    • 4 months ago

      What about for cardio? Seems like a good way to get an intense half hour of cardio.

      • 4 months ago

        exploding knees.png

        • 4 months ago

          What does this mean? The main injury I hear from kettlebells are shoulder. Why would your knees be affected by a few kettlebell swings.

          • 4 months ago

            You don't flex the knees very much on KB swings. Most of it is hip movement.

            i thought he meant like weighted running lol

        • 4 months ago

          You don't flex the knees very much on KB swings. Most of it is hip movement.

          • 4 months ago

            >You don't flex the knees very much on KB swings. Most of it is hip movement.
            u can do this, u can also lie down make an brisge between legs and shoulders/armsand, while u're at it u can pull heels towards head (fires up lower hamstrings, like this meme shit knees over toes guys sell but real, free of charge) just hold or pulsate or whatever, hams are stretched and u r really pulling, just hold 4 40 secs and u've got hams done, awsome

            why the frick would u use heavy purse for that? u can do exact same shit with dumbell only u will get less of a swing, nobody does that though

            there is nothing innately useful in this movement

            and ultimately it's just yet another anterior delt movement, right through impingement, with even moerer weight for no fricking reason whatsoever
            > but hip
            u r not telling me u're gonna get winded before u'r delt dies frontraising heavy purse? lose weight u obese frick

            • 4 months ago

              Kettlebell swings don't work your arm anon, I don't know what you're talking about. They wouldn't cause any burn in your arms aside from your grip if you have a weak grip.

              • 4 months ago

                so arms past initial hip jolt (that lasts 1/8th of a second and then there's half a minute rest until another jolt propels weight, so arms do nothing but hold weight?
                why? why move through impingementwith big weight? why? wtf bot?

              • 4 months ago

                The kettlebell swing is for the posterior chain and doesn't work the arms at all aside from your grip.

              • 4 months ago

                u keep repeating it does nothing to arms and i keep asking why move through impingement with big weight bot - all the way to end bot

              • 4 months ago

                >half a minute rest until another jolt propels weight, so arms do nothing but hold weight?
                The hand just holds onto the weight and otherwise dangles like a pendulum. Idk what you mean by 'wait 30 seconds' because there are no pauses in swings except for rests.
                >you lean forward
                >you let the weight swing between your legs
                >you hinge upward at the waist
                >the weight's momentum should bring it up to about eye level as you hinge up
                >let the weight swing down, hinge at the waist as it falls
                >start the loop over again
                You actively do not lift the weight with your arm or shoulders. The only thing you should be doing in your shoulders is keeping your shoulder blades back so your back is straight.

                It isn't an arm exercise, it's a core exercise + cardio.

              • 4 months ago

                well then what is stopping the weight from hitting back of your head in the bottom of this movement? is it maybe shoulder in impingment position? is it wise? why would u do that?

              • 4 months ago

                why move through unmovable movement, u can not lock out bench with proper form without impingement
                >scapulae moves
                >humeral rhythm
                occurs once humerus reaches certain angle - that's why once u get it up in ohp u can muscle it up, i say do only muscling it up part if u're moronic enough that u can't think of anything else to do

                pin presses, exactly same shit, only without bones grinding ur shit

                First of all, you should work on your english. I barely understand what you're saying.

                >well then what is stopping the weight from hitting back of your head in the bottom of this movement?
                Kettlebell is between your legs and pulling your arms back, it's nowhere near the head. At the top position it's pulling your arms forward, again, no movement towards the head.
                Do you even know how "Kettlebell swing" looks like?
                You don't lift your arms more than a parallel to the ground.
                Impingement can occur when you lift your arms above shoulder height. It doesn't happen during swings.

              • 4 months ago

                >well then what is stopping the weight from hitting back of your head in the bottom of this movement?
                The weight is never anywhere near your head.

  13. 4 months ago

    Daily reminder that a single (1) instance of a kettlebell sperg posting body has never occured

  14. 4 months ago

    I thought kettlebells were strictly for cardio exercises. Since when did these turn into something being used in strength routines?

  15. 4 months ago

    Most cost effective way to efficiently train a base in cardio, strength and endurance.
    A fantastic method of entry for new lifters as at about 1$/lbs you can get a 15, 35, and 50 for the cost of many gyms’ first month+ signup fee.
    Only need a space a couple feet bigger than arms length to do 95% of the exercises, making it a great appeal for apartment rentoids.
    The constantly shifting center of gravity compared to dumbbells or barbells means more functional strength gains.
    The multiple grip variations available open up a plethora of training options for different athletes and those that have developed a strong muscle mind connection.
    Just 30 minutes a day will literally change you.

    If your goal is longevity in your husk of a body, kettlebells are by far what I recommend. I could keep going but it’s almost kettlebell time haha


    • 4 months ago

      youre dreaming if you think it's no big deal to find bells at $1/# today. The bare minimum acceptable quality costs $1.75/# with shipping and marketplace is full of garbage

      • 4 months ago

        As someone who bought many many pairs of bells, find a good adjustable. Kettlebell Kings , Bells of Steel and Titan all make a decent one that goes from 12kg-32kg. Get a pair of a decent adjustable and you'll be set for years

      • 4 months ago

        You’re wrong and snobby. The Walmart and Amazon ones are completely fine and reflect my price range. They have served me very well for years. My rogue one is not different apart from the texture. If you have problems with grip you can put cheap wrist tape on it and problem solved.
        >inb4 weight isn’t exact
        It’s not free weights where you have to have near-equilibrium from both sides. You focus more on progressively overloading reps instead of weights so that little error in weight means zilch. Nada. Rei. Zee-Row.
        It’s also still a better economic choice than a gym membership so you’re just shouting into the void


  16. 4 months ago

    Your body doesn't know or care about the shape of the weight you use. Weight is weight. Use whatever you're comfortable with.

  17. 4 months ago

    >Weights aren't weights if they have other shapes
    How American are you, moron?

  18. 4 months ago

    >not good for strength
    >not good for cardio
    >not good for power

  19. 4 months ago

    goated ab movmeent tbh

    • 4 months ago

      What is Desi?

      • 4 months ago

        To be quite honest with you family, desi is indian and pakistani and bangladeshi and sri lankan and nepali

  20. 4 months ago

    >literally will break your wrists and forearms
    no thanks

    • 4 months ago

      >weak bones and genes

    • 4 months ago

      >walking literally will break your knees and feet
      >lifting literally will break your spine and tear chest
      >calisthenics will break your shoulders and elbows
      What do you suggest, doing nothing and being weak?

  21. 4 months ago

    They are good exercise they are not essential to gains but if you lose everything in your gym you want to keep your kettle bell. Every gas station pit stop I do some kettlebell humping hip swings and give my body a break from Murrikan sedentary stasis

    • 4 months ago


  22. 4 months ago

    Neither, it's a fricking weight with the handle above the center of mass instead of in the middle of it.

  23. 4 months ago

    I bought a 30lb mace to use for similar kinds of workouts, it's been fantastic for my grip

  24. 4 months ago

    is this guy natty?

    • 4 months ago

      If he were on gear he'd be much leaner

  25. 4 months ago

    Swings and deadlifts with shrugs are pretty good addition if you can't go to a gym for various reasons if you also do some calisthenics on top. Loaded Walks make your strength go up as well if you use a racked posture. Those are the main exercises for great gains.

    • 4 months ago

      Also snatches are, bang for buck, the best full body conditioning you can do in the shortest time without specialty equipment.

  26. 4 months ago
    Professional Spaniard

    One of the best pieces of equipment. Trains the entire body at once while combining cardio and strength.

    If you train every day with these, you will get slim and strong in no time.

    • 4 months ago

      What advice would you give for routines and programming?

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