Mental Health gains

How do i make mental health gains, bros?
Im anxious over everything, including excersize.
I cant get the voice to stop doubting and degrading me.

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  1. 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    >I cant get the voice to stop doubting and degrading me
    Condition yourself not to.
    Affirmations early morning, every single day.

  3. 1 year ago

    The male cope mechanism is one you're not going to like, because you've been ADHD for so long from jerking off to pornography and context switching on the internet that the very concept will make you reel back and think "I don't wanna do that, that sounds like it takes effort". It's WORK. Men cope through work. Not specifically wage-slavery work at some employment farm, but any form of constructive toil.

    >drawing and painting
    >playing a musical instrument
    >martial arts
    >religious meditation
    >building Warhammer figures
    >wage-slavery at some employment farm

    This is how men cope. This is healthy for the male psyche. This is the thing that will vent your pent up loneliness and anxiety. This is the thing that will stop the void from consuming your heart.

    • 1 year ago

      I agree with this completely, but despite enjoying my hobbies and working out consistently, I'm depressed for 9 hours a day while I'm at work. Even if I change jobs, after about 8 months the depression sets in again. I don't want to live anymore if half my time is spent in indentured servitude.

      • 1 year ago

        Move to Germany, unemployment is getting the same as minimum wage jobs I heard (because they also pay for rent and heating, etc)

        So come here. Its open for Africans, Arabs and you

        • 1 year ago

          I'm too white to get unemployment anywhere.

      • 1 year ago


        Meditate. More specifically start a structured mediation practice. I recommend the book "The Mind Illuminated" followed by "The Path to Nibbana".
        Telling someone to "meditate" generally comes out like telling someone to "just exercise bro", when what you actually want is something like "have a proper workout routine with reasonable progression, I recommend *X workout*, and make sure to have a proper diet with the caloric consumption more adequate to your goals and optimally 1g/lb of lean body-weight",

        elaborated an important aspect of it. It must be constructive toil, which is different from aimless toil. Aimless toil is Sisyphus pushing the stone up a hill and having it roll back down eternally, and it will crush your soul.

        It's not enough to just work out. You have to be working out towards a goal, and meeting that goal, and reveling in the pleasure of success, and then setting new goals. That's what makes it constructive toil, a kind of aimed intent. It's not enough just to mindlessly consume hobbies, you have to be working towards something with them, building a measurable skill, producing some artifact that says
        >yes, I made that, I did that, ALL ME

        • 1 year ago

          I'm 35 and I already feel like I've completed life and now I'm just on the post game. I have a wife and a kid and I really don't have anything I absolutely need to do before I die. But at the same time I'm not enjoying life either, I'm still forced to eat, shit, sleep, work, and all that other toil. How do I make goals when I no longer feel like goals are worthwhile?

          • 1 year ago

            The goal being "worthwhile" is meaningless. The goal just has to be. The worth comes from completion of a goal, not from the content of the goal itself. For instance right now my fitness goal is to be able to do pull-ups repeatedly. Is that a "worthwhile" goal? It won't make me jacked, it won't make women more attracted to me, it doesn't contribute greatly to my health vs any other exercise. But I want to do it, and every time I get a little closer to it, use weaker elastic bands, do more reps assisted, the better I feel about myself.

            Maybe that's why you feel so slumped? Because you stopped making goals, not feeling like any were "worthy" enough for you, but in reality all you did was rob yourself of the satisfaction of completing goals and now you sit around and feel useless and like life is over.

            FRICK those people who say "it's the journey that matters, not the destination". Those people are like me years ago when I hated running because I never felt the runner's high everybody talked about and suffered every single step. Someone taught me that the runner's high is supposed to come after you've finished the race, not in the middle of it. You finished, you got to the end, you completed your goal, that's when you drink your own dope.

            • 1 year ago

              I don't know if I'm getting my point through properly

              >it's the journey that matters, not the destination
              I feel like my issue is that I have no destinations I want to reach. It's not that none are worthy of a man, it's that I don't feel like any are necessary for me before I die. Therefore I don't know what the point of staying alive other than suffering daily for the potential of disproportionately small moments of happiness.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's not that none are worthy of a man, it's that I don't feel like any are necessary for me before I die.
                But you contradict yourself. Worthy, necessary, you're still looking for a kind of justification or qualification when it's not needed. It's not necessary to do things that make you feel better, does that mean you shouldn't do things that make you feel better? At some point you can go full nihilist, why do anything at all if there's no meaning or purpose or grand design? But that's a waste, don't you think? If you're an average man you have another 30-35 years ahead of you to do literally anything at all, are you gonna slump into a pool of jelly and waste away or have a proper mid-life crisis and do something new for no other purpose or reason than that it's something new?

              • 1 year ago

                That's fair, and I agree with everything you're saying, but I just can't find it in me at the moment to want anything out of life. Maybe that will change one day, but I just don't know if I'll be able to reach the moment. Frick I need to go to therapy or something.

              • 1 year ago

                Well here's another way to look at it. You mentioned feeling like you're in the post-game, but post-game doesn't mean game over, it means means you finished all the "required" shit and now you get to dick around and do the "fun" shit as much as you want without any pressure. That's the other nihilism, nothing matters, so you're free to do anything.

            • 1 year ago

              Anon I think you have bad advice to offer. I don’t feel like taking the time to explain why

              • 1 year ago

                Are you female?

              • 1 year ago

                No one on here is female

              • 1 year ago

                I'm convinced most of the internet is bots talking to each other. It's the only way I can rationalize that I get no replies.

    • 1 year ago

      acceptance and commitment therapy. Youtube it. You don't get the voice to stop doubting and degrading you, you just do what you set out to do with or without the voice. The voice is coming along on your journey, but you are still going the journey.

      >and context switching on the internet
      If you only knew how right you are.

  4. 1 year ago

    Meditate. More specifically start a structured mediation practice. I recommend the book "The Mind Illuminated" followed by "The Path to Nibbana".
    Telling someone to "meditate" generally comes out like telling someone to "just exercise bro", when what you actually want is something like "have a proper workout routine with reasonable progression, I recommend *X workout*, and make sure to have a proper diet with the caloric consumption more adequate to your goals and optimally 1g/lb of lean body-weight",

    • 1 year ago

      >1g/lb of protein per lean body-weight"

    • 1 year ago

      I am currently reading this one, coincidentally. My mental health is fricked up, it's way harder to do even the basics than I expected (breathe and pay attention to breathing). When I close my eyes and sit still, all sorts of demons, words, musics, hate and fears flood my mind... I can't even get past stage 1.

      • 1 year ago

        >it's way harder to do even the basics than I expected (breathe and pay attention to breathing). When I close my eyes and sit still, all sorts of demons, words, musics, hate and fears flood my mind... I can't even get past stage 1.
        Anon, even Zen masters struggle with the monkey mind. Don't beat yourself up, you're literally experiencing the "point" of meditation.

      • 1 year ago

        Try reading The Path to Nibbana. The focus on accepting and letting go of distractions seems like will help you.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks. I am not a Buddhist but I will take a look at it.

          • 1 year ago

            >I am not a Buddhist but I will take a look at it.
            nta but the Buddha invited his teachings to be tested openly without pretense.
            “O monks, just as a goldsmith tests gold by rubbing, burning, and cutting before buying it, so too, you should examine my words before accepting them, and not just out of respect for me.”

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks. I am not a Buddhist but I will take a look at it.

        Should I kill myself? Women aren’t interested in me and I can’t make friends with other guys. Everyone thinks I’m a loser even though I’m trying to get better. How do I improve?

        Well, yes, but how do you avoid catching syphilis or AIDS? Shit's scary as frick, fricking strangers.

        Forget those Muslim homosexuals, it won't solve a single thing.
        Only you, through your hard work on this.
        It will take time to heal, but i have faith in you anon.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes that's very nice but how avoid syphilis when fricking the prostitutes?

  5. 1 year ago

    Also, try to become Conservative Religious. I don't care Muslim, or Christian.

    From the Christian perspective, I listen to a Catholic priest Hans Milch (in German though) and God died for YOU. Is a powerful message. You need purpose.

    Today, people do things for Instagram, or to be successful on Tinder and they feel all hollow and depressed.

    But if you do things for GOD, who died for you (Christianity) My God, how can you be anxious? How would you dare you...

    Humans are actually not selfish beings just achieving for themselves. Countless studies have shown that people who have an believe in something outperform selfish people a lot

  6. 1 year ago

    Get hobbies that reduce your screen time and make you go outside more, when i vape outside in the summer or go to my brightly lit gym is when im happiest and its the only time i leave the house and am not in front of a screen the whole day. Humans never evolved to be in front of a screen the whole day, we're only just learning the consequences of the internet on the human body. One of the things it does is fries your dopamine receptors from overstimulation, so any reduction in it's use at all is not nominal.

  7. 1 year ago

    stop consuming news or spending time on social media. I deleted IG, twitter, and even youtube from my phone and haven't read the news in a few weeks and life is pretty good

  8. 1 year ago

    Start working out for a month.
    1 day running, 1 day lifting, take the Saturday off.
    Im pretty sure you have the time because youre a loser loner just like everybody else here.
    Just do it right away.
    Your perspective on things will change and then you can take a decision if you should continue doing it or not.
    If you dont try it, youll never know.

  9. 1 year ago

    Sports, specially martial arts

  10. 1 year ago

    just transition already

  11. 1 year ago

    Turn to God, you will have confidence and clarity.

  12. 1 year ago
    namefag lololol

    >mental health

  13. 1 year ago


  14. 1 year ago

    The voice just yells at me and it's unintelligible.

  15. 1 year ago

    Should I kill myself? Women aren’t interested in me and I can’t make friends with other guys. Everyone thinks I’m a loser even though I’m trying to get better. How do I improve?

    • 1 year ago



      • 1 year ago

        Well, yes, but how do you avoid catching syphilis or AIDS? Shit's scary as frick, fricking strangers.

  16. 1 year ago

    Don't lie. To yourself, others, etc. Lying is the source of all mental afflictions.

  17. 1 year ago

    read "how to read a book" by mortimer adler. i like the 1940 verson. theres a pdf you can obtain it has a lot of typos though. literally solved all my problems, reading it was a major inflection point in my life. i'm not going to elaborate

  18. 1 year ago

    Had the same problem some years back and to an extent even now.
    The first thing is to completely eradicate from your vocabulary phrases like “I just can’t do it/it’s impossible” these are poison.
    Second of all do activities that satisfy you, I strongly recommend martial arts since they promote both discipline and allow you to get in touch with more people and create relations.
    I recommend kendo since half the purpose of that martial art is nurturing your spirit allowing to focus on the task at hand instead of dwelling on stray thoughts but if are skeptical about it try karate.

  19. 1 year ago

    Prayer and fasting.

    Any other answer, especially "self-help" shit is fricking useless. Mental state correlates with physical state. Fix your body, fix your mind.

    • 1 year ago

      this one gets it
      hormones are fricked up in this shit society
      kill parasites

      • 1 year ago

        Once you realize the body is a bunch of cells, and that these cells are naturally meant to work in harmony together, the picture becomes a lot clearer.

        Animals in the wild never stop to contemplate their existence and fall into crisis. They never worry about the many predators which could devour them at any moment. Nor do they need to ponder their fates.

        They just are. And just being, they are happy. This is the natural state for all animals. But you poison an animal, and it becomes ill and diseased. All animals when becoming ill begin to fast. It is so their body can eliminate the accumulated poisons so they can return to a state of health. This is a natural process, which has been encouraged and practiced in every major religion to date. It is only a modern concept that one should be constantly eating, and especially as our food quality has become so incredibly poor, fasting is essential.

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