Mental Health: no SSRI edition

how do I exercise my mental health? Every moment I spend not actively progressing my life financially, physically or mentally, it feels like I'm failing.

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  1. 12 months ago

    just be yourself!

  2. 12 months ago

    let go of everything. follow your own version see of god and be a good man regardless of circumstance, whenever you get the strength necessary for it to count.
    Its healthy to want to progress to that level. But appreciate the things that are weaker and more fragile than such ambitions. Dont forget the weak exist, for a reason.

    • 12 months ago

      >appreciate the things that are weaker and more fragile
      I don't quite understand. Can you give an example?

  3. 12 months ago

    any time you get anxious, try this:
    >one inhale through your nose, as deep as you can manage
    >ANOTHER inhale through your nose; it doesn't matter how big or small, just fit in as much extra air as you can from a second inhale
    >breathe out slowly through your mouth
    >repeat until you are calm
    this whole process is called physiological sighing, or cyclical sighing.
    this is not some life-hack, it's one of your body's natural breathing rhythms (for instance, you have probably noticed people crying doing double inhales; people also do this reflexively during sleep). it balances out the ratio of oxygen to carbon-dioxide in your body. it is an especially good countermeasure against hyperventilation because hyperventilation increases arousal in the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for fight or flight behaviours. cyclical sighing, on the other hand, reduces arousal because it engages the parasympathetic nervous system which, when aroused, reduces respiration and heart rate. it improves the strength of your diaphragm and intercostal muscle (between the ribs) because of the exertion required to inhale a second time, which translates to deeper, better breathing, even when you are not conscious of your breathing, because your nervous system is also trained to breathe deeper during times of stress.

    breathing is the only organic process you can control. you cannot change your heart-beat (except by changing your breathing technique). you cannot make conscious decisions wrt your liver, stomach, kidneys, etc, but you can change how you breathe. if you want to exercise your mental health, then, exercise your breathing, because breathing is the only process that bridges the gap between your consciousness and the subconscious processes of your mind and body.

    • 12 months ago

      weird to get sensible advice from IST. thanks, anon

      This image solved all my mental health problems forever

      I have little attachment to a cartoon frog, but perhaps it's just silly enough to work

    • 12 months ago

      Nice advice
      I would also like to add humming for long throughout the day. It engages the parasympathetic system too.

  4. 12 months ago

    This image solved all my mental health problems forever

    • 12 months ago

      >Every moment I spend not actively progressing my life financially, physically or mentally
      thinking about all these things make me suicidal if anything
      the true state of not wanting and just existing is the true naturalistic state of animals and humans
      the complex mind of humans is quite literally a subversion of animals
      or more like the modern society and life is actually what is subverting the normal human state, excessively thinking about useless shit

      the flipside of this image is to not care you actually have to drop all attatchment and value of the thing you are not caring about
      can you actually stop caring about thing if it has some value of you?
      what happens if you stop caring about all those things, you become nihilistic as frick, this can either be your savior or your doom, tread carefully

      Praise Allah.



      • 12 months ago

        >the true state of not wanting and just existing is the true naturalistic state of animals and humans
        My whole life, I have known nothing but the overbearing pressure to succeed. How do I achieve "just existing" when it seems so foreign? I do not know where to even begin

        • 12 months ago

          get to a spot where you are comfortable in success (aka not acutely dying, struggling to pay bills) and then detatch yourself from the success grind
          or if you have nonstop anxiety every day thinking about how to get further and dont enjoy it idk you will burn out hard

          progressively overload how bad things are so you can improve your ability to tolerate even worse situations

          this doesnt work for poor destitute people in shit, shit just gets worse kek

  5. 12 months ago

    Learn to become process-oriented, and less goal-oriented
    Enjoy the path, stop stressing about the destination

    • 12 months ago

      >Learn to become process-oriented

      • 12 months ago

        For example, if you want to get strong, focus less on the end-goal, start focusing more on just enjoying each gym session

        >it's about the JOURNEY not the DESTINATION

        It's corny, but it works, nobody who didn't enjoy the grind ever made it

  6. 12 months ago

    >it's about the JOURNEY not the DESTINATION

  7. 12 months ago

    Praise Allah.


  8. 12 months ago

    progressively overload how bad things are so you can improve your ability to tolerate even worse situations

  9. 12 months ago

    Just take the meds homosexual

    • 12 months ago

      No. I would rather improve myself at my core than take a quick fix and learn nothing.

  10. 12 months ago

    Non-meme answer: Do daily morning cold exposure (cold baths are better than showers) to raise your baseline dopamine levels.

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