Mike Mentzer - Genius or Fraud??? Is overtraining fake?

I've been an on and off natty lifter for many years now, but have always spun my wheels for one reason or another. I blame my 60hour work weeks.

However, I just got a new job that pays me 80k a year to work 20 hour weeks due to some of my foreign language skills and now I have a metric shit ton of time to dedicate to lifting, nutrition, etc.

Point it, anons, it's time to get serious about lifting. Should I follow the Mike Mentzer school of thought or is overtraining completely fake and overblown?

I'm thinking either I go full Arnold (Assload of volume) or full Mentzer (high intensity, low volume)


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  1. 7 months ago

    >is overtraining completely fake and overblown?
    Are you fricking moronic? You're American, aren't you?

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not American but I truly despise posts like this. If you think someone's wrong tell they why. Don't just accuse them of being moronic or American.

      To answer your question OP overtraining is very real and anyone who disagrees is almost certainly on roids.

      You shouldn't take fitness advice from roiders cause they are playing an entirely different game than us. Rules that apply to us don't apply to them but we don't need to rent our endocrine system like they do.

      • 7 months ago

        Assblasted natty who talked about roids anyway ?
        Talk about rentfree

    • 7 months ago

      >You're American, aren't you
      It's so odd how very online people say things like this all the time these days.

      • 7 months ago

        Point taken but I still think Russia and China are right to have intranets instead fully connected internet. Yeah some slip through but they had to figure out how to do it, implying some level of competence. The drooling masses need to be kept in their smaller neighborhoods.

  2. 7 months ago

    I got a full time job and 3 kids. Hit style training is a blessing. May not be optimal, but still enough to make gains. Watch some vids on YT by Jon Heart (Mister American Heart) best lifting channel regarding HIT.

    • 7 months ago

      I’ve got a busy career and two kids but I can still find time to lift for about 75 minutes, three times a week. Thankfully my gym is at work otherwise it would mean getting up really early or lifting late (and fricking with my sleep).

      There is a field of moderation between the Arnold and Mentzer extremes. I think overtraining for most casual lifters isn’t a concern and people are just using it as an excuse to baby themselves,

  3. 7 months ago

    i think it works. the mentzer way has me literally struggling to walk out of the gym.....on a Back day. you'd swear I had done legs. the next couple of days are pretty rough as the body recovers. all of this from doing 1-2 warm up sets and 1 HIT set where I lower the weight across 4 seconds, hold 2, and then raise the weight across 4 sets. 9 reps (if i can even get that) followed by a rest-pause, which is where you rest for 15-20 seconds and then try to get 2-3 more reps to ensure you reach failure. also, you do about 2-3 exercises for a body part, so you're out of the gym in 30 minutes.

    • 7 months ago

      why don't you post body?

      • 7 months ago

        i don't give into homosexual requests, especially for strangers on the internet. also I just started this routine so not much progress to show from my previous routine to cbt

  4. 7 months ago

    Whatever method is the one that you enjoy the most and will lead to you showing up consistently month after month year after year is the one to go with.
    Everything works, all that matters is intensity and consistency in the gym; then lots of protein and sleep outside the gym. Sure you can overtrain but that's difficult to do, don't be afraid that if you do 3 sets you're suddenly not going to make any gains because you went past the threshhold. Just do shit you enjoy and stick with it.
    Personally I do like doing some heavy sets and then dropping the weight and hitting a couple volume sets at the end and really getting a sickening pump, going right to failure, feels great.

  5. 7 months ago

    The ideas are valid but the application isn't necessarily valid. Imagine talking about overtraining in the 70s, that's great that's fantastic but it's still a leap of faith to assume this person's volume requirements are going to be good and proper. Being correct about a certain principle doesn't make you correct about another principle even if it is in the same field

  6. 7 months ago

    I was overtraining for years because I would workout 3-4 times a week, 6 different exercises, 3 sets each, and I was completely incapable of holding myself back because when i start a lift, I autismo mode and want to give it everything I've got like Gohan killing Cell. So I would just run my head into the wall over and over and always hit the same plateaus. And what did fricking EVERYONE in the fitness community say? "THE KEY TO GETTING BIG IS TRAINING HARD. IF YOU ARENT GROWING, YOU ARENT TRAINING HARD ENOUGH! OVERTRAINING IS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE! JUST TRY AND OVERTRAIN, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO DO IT!!"

    Frick that noise. I now lift twice a week, about 4 - 6 exercises, and only one grueling set to absolute failure (sometimes with drop sets) and I have been making more progress than I have in the past 5 years. Frick the dogmatic buttholes. Just fricking try EVERYTHING until something works for YOU

  7. 7 months ago

    Why don't you try a program for 6 months instead of making shitty threads

  8. 7 months ago

    always spun my wheels until I did SS Novice Linear progression and actually started packing weight onto my frame and onto the bar.

    You have to actually read the book and follow it though...which all the morons who poopoo it refuse to do (probably due to lack of comprehension skills)

  9. 7 months ago

    Just try it out man. I started doing this mentzer stuff while back volume is not even low. Got good results.

  10. 7 months ago

    Think of it like this..Mentzer is the Old Testament god and Dorian Yates is the New Testament Jesus. Yates really perfected the HIT style of training. Yates’s programming and exercise selection is simply superior to mentzer. 2-3 exercises per body part 4 days a week. Plus Yates even recommends you do cardio 3 times a week. Mentzer says to never do any. If you want to start HIT training I would begin with a yates routine like pic related.

  11. 7 months ago

    If you think overtraining is fake, you don't train hard enough.

  12. 7 months ago

    He's basically right.
    Try it or don't.

  13. 7 months ago

    I think full body 1-3x a week is the best program for adult male with aspirations outside of gymceling while still giving >95% of the results if not better. Some of the greatest natty physiques all time were built on 3x full body

  14. 7 months ago

    I did pplppl for a year and a half and made great gains then i swapped to HIT because i got busy at work and wanted to save some time tbh and i followed the ideal routine for 3 months and did it exactly as dictated and i lost gains and got a little fat. Might work for you and ive heard it does work for ppl but thats what happened to me just straight up. I will say i did get stronger oddly enough but no size gains even lost size in my arms. Back on the pplppl and already see better results. Used to think mike mentzer was a smart guy now i think hes a gay moron

    • 7 months ago

      Many such cases, the only people who say it works either a) were and still are small, or b) haven't been doing it long enough to really see how badly it is vs. higher volume.
      The more moderate volume HIT ala Dorian Yates works very well though, note he also doesn't use the meme ultra slow negatives.

    • 7 months ago

      were you ever sore after a workout?

  15. 7 months ago

    I honestly believe that overtraining comes exclusive from the heart and respiratory system. Not even CNS.
    Just those two

    • 7 months ago

      good thing physiology doesn't come from beliefs

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