Mire routine

The exercises that get you the most mires from women are...

>pull ups
>other forms of cardio
Sorry benchgays. Women don't care about your 2pl8

Unironically this isn't a bad routine either. You could go to the gym and do this routine and get mires from women everytime.


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  1. 6 months ago

    >chill bro were indoors woth AC
    >but it's ok gor me to wear nothing but panties and a bra because it's comfy
    Shut the frick up.

    • 6 months ago

      The women in my gym wearing hoodies and sweats like everyone else. I don't think you actually go to a gym, you just b***h about shit your saw on IST.

      • 6 months ago

        Lmao they walk in wearing hoodies but it's really just a pump cover and they are almost always wearing instagram ho shit underneath the hoodies and sweats.
        You just might be ugly or a gym creep so they don't remove their pump covers around you

        • 6 months ago

          >pump cover
          bro fr fr i hate that so much nocap (skull emoji)

          The women in my gym wearing hoodies and sweats like everyone else. I don't think you actually go to a gym, you just b***h about shit your saw on IST.

          yep, most of the women at my gym wear respectable clothing too, but once a month or so i'll see someone come with yoga pants, tights, etc.


          The exercises that get you the most mires from women are...

          >pull ups
          >other forms of cardio
          Sorry benchgays. Women don't care about your 2pl8

          Unironically this isn't a bad routine either. You could go to the gym and do this routine and get mires from women everytime.


          nice bait, but that article gives away that you don't lift, no one actually reads these, they are filler articles.

          • 6 months ago

            I read them. I like seeing the viewpoints of women. I unironically have gotten more female attention now that I take women's advice (to a certain degree)

            • 6 months ago

              >implying that some cowBlack person with shitty hands isn't "Lauren" and "Kelsey" and "Sabrina" and whoever else is "quoted" in that article
              anon pls

            • 6 months ago

              Holy frick there is no saving this simp. I remember when I was this naive and gullible. I was in middle school

              • 6 months ago

                Nobody asked. You sound like a gay best friend. I almost pity you

                >hahahaha you're gay! You like women! You're such a homosexual! I bet you like sticking your penis inside women homosexual. So gay. If you're a straight man you'd suck wiener like me!

              • 6 months ago

                By far the weakest strawman I’ve ever seen. Fitting for a moron that unironically reads clickbait articles written by women.

              • 6 months ago

                So then what are you actually saying? Because if being le big stoic chad is how you get women, why are most of you virgins or no gf?

              • 6 months ago

                any random rostie that is geniuenly looking out for you has better insight then virgin IST dwellers. we all know you are a lonely degenerate

          • 6 months ago

            >bro fr fr i hate that so much nocap (skull emoji)
            (crying laughing emoji)(crying laughing emoji)(crying laughing emoji)(crying emoji)(crying emoji)

      • 6 months ago

        do you go to an islamic gym? women dress like prostitutes in normal gyms.

        • 6 months ago

          my gym is packed full of prostitutes that will cut in front of you on your ways to dumbells just so they can bend over and present their giant bunda in your face bruv

          > T. haven't touched a tit since their mother weened them

      • 6 months ago

        my gym is packed full of prostitutes that will cut in front of you on your ways to dumbells just so they can bend over and present their giant bunda in your face bruv

    • 6 months ago

      >in the gym
      Anon… women free lip it to the gym.

  2. 6 months ago

    >listening to women

    • 6 months ago

      Are they wrong? Everything they said was within reason

  3. 6 months ago

    Snatches, clean and jerks, muscle ups and free handstand pushups get way more mires than any of those.

    • 6 months ago

      >ask women for their opinion
      >"well actually you're opinion is wrong. You actually like these exercises. You just don't know it"
      Man that's funny. Women are giving you their answers and yet you still say otherwise

      • 6 months ago

        >Listening to what a handful of women (read: deceitful c**ts) say instead of following personal experience and common sense

        • 6 months ago

          If I wanted to know about a law, should I ask the lawyer who knows the law or a criminal who broke the law?

          Women, especially anonymous women are an honest source of information. They have no reason to lie. One women even admits to liking grunting. Your personal experience is shit because that is only derived from a smaller handful of women.

          But I see no point arguing with you, as you've eventually said the same thing as the women said
          >a woman said she likes snatches
          >clean and jerk is just a snatch
          >muscle ups are just pullups+dips
          >a woman said she likes handstands

          So while you're answers are technically different, they are the same. It's just funny that you went through such a roundabout way to discredit the women, just to ultimately agree with them

          Unrelated to your post. Looking at all of the answers it shows thay women have a clear bias towards calisthenics, cardio and slimmer athletic men. So being a fat powershitter is not in your best interest if you want mires from women

          • 6 months ago

            You are dumber than a bag of rocks.

            • 6 months ago

              Cope. I said nothing wrong.

              women can't disclose what they're really into because then losers start doing those things and they (the women) can't use the behaviours to discern between competent men and copycat losers. hence women's advice is all obvious shit like "be nice to us" or "be yourself"

              >be nice to us
              Is great advice. Fake pua douchebag "negs" is not a good way to start a relationship. You don't have to be a pushover but women love a confident guy who can treat women fairly
              >be yourself
              Also great advice. If you have to fake who you are, it gets increasingly difficult to maintain that image as time goes on. If you're yourself, then you don't have to put on airs about who you are and what you like. If you're a guy thay likes pokemon at the age of 25, eventually you'll find a girl who thinks eevee is cute. Things do workout when you're being honest to yourself. And thats coming from an anime fan with a Japanese speaking anime fan gf

              • 6 months ago

                You said nothing right either. Just a bunch of vapid empty nonsense

              • 6 months ago

                That's your brain you're talking about. If you can't understand why what I said is meaningful, then you're just too moronic to be in a relationship

          • 6 months ago

            women can't disclose what they're really into because then losers start doing those things and they (the women) can't use the behaviours to discern between competent men and copycat losers. hence women's advice is all obvious shit like "be nice to us" or "be yourself"

          • 6 months ago

            >If I wanted to know about a law, should I ask the lawyer who knows the law or a criminal who broke the law?
            If you're a hunter, do you listen to other hunters or the deer for advice?

      • 6 months ago

        And if you have any basic observational skills you would notice the men who are the most successful in getting women don't give a frick about what women claim they want

        • 6 months ago

          And at the same time those men are what women claim they want. So which is it?
          He doesn't care, but he still ended up being what women claim they want. Or he does care and he became what women claim they want

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody asked. You sound like a gay best friend. I almost pity you

      • 6 months ago

        >you are opinion is wrong
        What did she mean by this?

  4. 6 months ago

    I have a home gym so I don't have experience with mires in the gym but I recall hanging out with a bunch of people and the guy had a pull-up bar and when some of us were banging out some reps you could see in the facial expression of the girls that they enjoyed watching.

  5. 6 months ago

    >lifting for women

  6. 6 months ago

    imagine thinking a woman knows what she wants

  7. 6 months ago

    >Some random roastie on the internet said she has a fetish for guys doing calisthenics
    >I'm gonna change my whole routine and physique because of that

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Yes. It's healthier, more mires, more attractive, more functional, and less stinky

  8. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Pullups are only impressive if you're a large man, if you're a small guy you need to bust out like 30 pullups in two minutes to make it impressive.

    • 6 months ago

      I can assure you, when you're 92kg and 183cm the chicks mire hard in the mirror. I catch then glancing.

      It's the halo effect, everything looks more impressive when you do it as a hot person.

  9. 6 months ago

    Pro tip: never take advice from women, especially when it comes to attracting them

  10. 6 months ago

    Lauren P. is a bawd and a PROSTITUTE HOOR!

  11. 6 months ago


    With very few exceptions, do the exact opposite of what women tell you that you should do. I’m not a virgin/incel and have real world experience that proves this. Spent many years testing different methods and doing what women say has failed 100% of the time. Being the stereotypical butthole has reliably gotten them obsessed and gotten me laid. The more you treat them like disposable pussy the more they want you. If you don’t have the stomach to treat them like shit then I’m sorry, but that’s just how women are. Even the “good girls” are like this (they tend to get the most turned on by it from personal experience). Ignore this advice all you want and learn this lesson the hard way like most guys do

    • 6 months ago

      >Being the stereotypical butthole has reliably gotten them obsessed and gotten me laid

      Facts, though if you want a relationship you have to show you care from time to time.

    • 6 months ago

      Cope. Anyone who says being an butthole is how you get women only get low self esteem prostitutes and fat chicks. Nobody who says that is actually married or dating a girl above 5/10

      • 6 months ago

        Being an butthole gets them interested. They either see it as a challenge or they've been conditioned by romantic comedy movies.

        • 6 months ago

          Again. That's girls with low self esteem. Is your dad and mom in a happy relationship. Does your dad neg and be an butthole to your mom?

          • 6 months ago

            Initial interest is not the same as a relationship.

            >Being the stereotypical butthole has reliably gotten them obsessed and gotten me laid

            Facts, though if you want a relationship you have to show you care from time to time.

            The last girl I dated I got her interest by being an butthole - we were coworkers and I would pick on her and not seem too interested. She asked to come over, we started banging, I wanted a relationship so I balanced the negging with caring. We've been together 7 years, getting married in May - I still pick on her.

            • 6 months ago

              Look at you doing what women want. homosexual.

  12. 6 months ago

    mire lifts:
    >front lever
    >muscle up
    >press to handstand
    >handstand pushups (without wall)
    >one handed pullup
    >weighted pullups
    >weighted dips
    >pistol squats
    >dragon squats
    >massive box jumps
    >animal style mobility drills

  13. 6 months ago

    what they mean is they like a ripped roided guy running lightly on the treadmill in the same way girls will say they love a guy with glasses if he's 6'4 140kg and the glasses are just for aesthetic reasons

    • 6 months ago

      troony cope

  14. 6 months ago

    Runners are attractive to women because there's some kind of innate evolutionary psychological association with successful hunters. If she reproduces with a good runner, her offspring will also be fast, successful hunters. If runners started carrying a spear while they run, it would make women soak themselves.

  15. 6 months ago

    Only bros appreciate.

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