>missing halfmoons/lunula on all fingers

>missing halfmoons/lunula on all fingers
anyone know why? Am I dying? Am I really b12 deficient if I eat meat?

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  1. 5 months ago

    This is the astrology of fingers

    • 5 months ago


      Also, many people only have it visible on their thumbs, maybe pointer too. Mine is visible only on my thumbs and I literally just got full blood work done on the 20th and all my vitamins and minerals are fine.

    • 5 months ago

      moids will laugh at horoscopes then have panic attacks over shit like this.

      • 5 months ago


        I always get white spots after I drink milk and only after I drink milk

        Back to your website, femoid bleeder

      • 5 months ago

        Go away, noona.

    • 5 months ago

      There's a chinese study showing that depressed people have missing half moons on most their fingers. Mine are missing on all fingers except the thumb and I'm depressed so it checks out.

      • 5 months ago

        Is there also a link between depression anxiety and nail biting?

        • 5 months ago

          There is with childhood trauma

    • 5 months ago

      no this is all real.
      I recently switched to chicken as my main protein and have been not eating beef liver lately for some reason, some of my fingers donr have halfmoons.

  2. 5 months ago

    my homie you just got long, outgrown cuticles...
    Everytime I trim my cuticles my halfmoon becomes apparent again, then the skin of the cuticle grows back over, rinse and repeat.
    Do you happen to have a short finger or shorter set of first knuckle on your fingers? Explains why the skin can crease and sometimes drape over the nailbed. Some people have it really pronounced and their finger skin looks really wrinkled at the knuckle or darker at the joint. It's just too much cuticle but beware that there's a hard limit to what you can trim and the rest is basically unremovable.

    • 5 months ago

      I pushed the cuticles back and now I can see a little bit on one thumb and one index finger. Still seems to way less than what I see other people have. Don't think I have particularly shorter first knuckles

      moids will laugh at horoscopes then have panic attacks over shit like this.

      Don't call me moid, foid

      • 5 months ago

        dont push your cuticles back. that was a trend started a long time ago by women to have longer looking nails and all it does is make you more prone to issues there.

    • 5 months ago

      >trim my cuticles
      what did he mean by this?
      is this a thing that people do?
      why does this need to be done?

  3. 5 months ago

    It's just covered by skin, buddy. Your only issue is extreme body dysmorphia by caring or noticing this about your nails. Keep lifting to conquer your neuroticism. Remember, we're all gonna make it.

  4. 5 months ago

    I've had ridges on my left thumb since I was 5 and never got diagnosed for diabetes.

    • 5 months ago

      >Have nail ridges all my life
      >Sudden onset type 1 at 21
      Well shit

      >some ridging on all the left hand nails
      >right hand nails normal
      >significant ridging on right big toe, all other toenails normal
      Doctor said I was fine went for a checkup on everything a few months ago but this isn’t gonna help my hypochondria/neuroticism. I actually don’t think he checked for beetus but they took blood.

      dont push your cuticles back. that was a trend started a long time ago by women to have longer looking nails and all it does is make you more prone to issues there.

      Nta but if you see above I mentioned my big toe has ridging. I used to get pretty bad ingrown toenails and the whole toe would blister up and they had to pop this white pus filled blisters it was bad couldn’t even walk on it so the podiatrist did minor surgery and cut the root of the nail out on both sides. She did both sides on this ridged toe and one side on the other big toe but that one’s normal. Could this have caused the ridges?

      • 5 months ago

        >Have nail ridges all my life
        >Sudden onset type 1 at 21
        Well shit

        dont push your cuticles back. that was a trend started a long time ago by women to have longer looking nails and all it does is make you more prone to issues there.

        I've had ridges on my left thumb since I was 5 and never got diagnosed for diabetes.

        Just read that longitudinal ridging is usually age related, horizontal dodging can mean diabetes though. Sorry to you bros who have it.

      • 5 months ago

        You legitimately went to a doctor because of fingernails? That is exactly hypochondria and neuroticism.

        I have ridges on every single fingernail and no health problems. Get off the internet and stop trying to diagnose yourself.

        This shit isn't real

        • 5 months ago

          No I went to the doctor I kept getting paranoid I was having some serious medical condition.
          >leg pain
          Oh frick I have a blood clot I’m gonna die
          >see pulse in stomach despite being overweight
          Oh frick I have a triple A it’s gonna burst and I’m gonna die
          >weird pain in abdomen
          >ice pick headache
          Frick I have an unburst brain aneurysm it’s gonna pop and I’m gonna die
          >weird chest pain
          Oh frick heart attack
          >cheap pulse ox/HR device which is several years old starts reading my O2 at 93 when I first out it on before it raises to 98 probably because fingers are cold and it’s old plus wasn’t the best in the first place
          Oh frick I’m gonna die
          Yeah it’s hypochondria and neuroticism. I kept getting laser focused on potential symptoms and every little pain I had I swore meant it was true. Im gonna have to go to get a checkup every 6-12 months to keep this anxiety at bay.
          >get off internet stop trying to diagnose yourself
          Doing doctor google definitely makes it worse but I only know about these issues because I was an EMT for a while. After that and some medic classes this health anxiety shit started. It’s going away though, I still initially think “oh frick it’s [condition]” at first but immediately I remember I was at the doctor like 3-4 months ago and all was fine, I’m just an anxious mess. Then I stop worrying.

  5. 5 months ago

    my fingers have mild clubbing and two of my toes are clubbed, I know it's probably lung cancer but my doctor tells me it's not because my digits have looked like that for 10 years and I haven't gotten any worse according to him, my C02 levels are high every time I get bloodwork. I know that it's just that insurance probably doesn't want to pay for screening and treatment. I've been checked for AIDS numerous times (not positive, I don't get fricked in the ass so it's unlikely) and I don't have signs of liver problems, clubbing happens with both of those and with B12 deficiency too but I get plenty of that.

    • 5 months ago

      > "my co2 levels are high every time i get blood work"
      You don't determine CO2 levels with any normal blood test my hypochondriac moron and there's no way you're getting regular ABGs without going in to hospital acutely hypoxic or unless you have established lung disease. Your CO2 levels are fine.

      • 5 months ago

        so what are the C02 levels on my regular bloodwork indicative of then? I was a social to moderate smoker for 5 to 10 years, I wouldn't call it hypochondria to suspect lung cancer with a weird lung cancer symptom. they also said I had COPD years ago but then they said it was asthma but my doctor flip flops on which one I have.

        • 5 months ago

          You're not getting CO2 readings on normal venous blood results, you're misreading something or your clinic is a total con.

          If every time you go in they take the blood from the underside of your wrist from the artery then maybe but then you have serious other concerns to have with your doctor.

          COPD is diagnosed by pulmonary function tests, asthma can be the same but usually diagnosis of that is a bit more informal. If you're multiple decade smoker COPD could be considered, in which case you could end up being a CO2 retainer but even then you tend just to measure the CO2 in order to determine oxygen targets and if someone needs permanent O2, you don't measure it routinely.

    • 5 months ago

      >high co2
      your doctor is a moron

  6. 5 months ago

    I've got clubbing, it's for IBD as well

  7. 5 months ago

    I always get white spots after I drink milk and only after I drink milk

  8. 5 months ago

    I want just one (1) whiff of those toes

  9. 5 months ago

    >Have nail ridges all my life
    >Sudden onset type 1 at 21
    Well shit

  10. 5 months ago

    Hey OP did you know that if your hand is bigger than your face it means you're gay?

  11. 5 months ago

    >>bang finger in a door
    >>welp guess i have cancer now

  12. 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    Woowoo alt practitioner here (acupuncturist), my teacher said no moon means hypoxia. Try rhodiola. Have a wonderful day!

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