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  1. 7 months ago

    It's good but you still acquire a sleep deficit. Go off it and you'll crash like you never were on it.

    How to use if you haven't:
    >Begin with 50mg to 100 mg on waking daily
    >Wait 5-7 days before deciding how it's working.
    >You may do fine with that. Sleep will become optional BUT if you ever go off you collapse.

  2. 7 months ago

    Didn't really do shit for me long term. However, I am prescribed Dexedrine for ADHD so my brain is likely fricked.

    I cannot recommend against Dexedrine + Moda combo hard enough. The slightest issues sent me into long-rages, and my vision would go red tinted for hours. I presumed moda was primarily a DRI, however there must be something fricky going on in the background because the agitation exceeds what you'd get from just higher doses of either stimulant alone.

    • 7 months ago

      How the frick did you get prescribed Dexedrine? No doctors here will write my a script (I'm in my late 20s and employed as a senior software engineer and don't look like a junkie).

  3. 7 months ago

    The drug is not well understood and nobody should take it
    All research concludes that this drug literally does nothing unless you’re sleep deprived and it’s off-label uses are completely bullshit, and have been disproven.

  4. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Great but for specific uses only, when you know you're going to do something repetitive. Gives you a state of flow but not "creative" flow if that makes sense.

      Drink a lot of water before taking it.

      • 7 months ago

        Copy/Paste reddit response because you don’t think for yourself
        > Modafinil has been used non-medically as a "smart drug" by students, office workers, transhumanists,[41][42][43][44][45] professionals in the corporate and tech fields, surgeons, truck drivers, and call-center workers. Its attention-promoting, cognitive-enhancing, and wakefulness-boosting properties are cited by those people as reasons behind modafinil's use.[46][47] However, multiple studies have consistently shown that modafinil does not provide cognitive enhancement or attention improvement benefits in non-sleep-deprived individuals, with some studies even reporting impairments in certain cognitive functions.[48]

        INB4 “you never tried it”
        Ive tried it hundreds of times

        • 7 months ago

          Forgot pic

        • 7 months ago

          >"Copy/Paste reddit response because you don’t think for yourself"
          >throws cherry picked study at me to validate his experience

          • 7 months ago

            People try to compare it to adderall

            Feels nothing like it

            After about an hour I do feel a kind of "come up" just a little similar to taking a huge vyvanse or adderall dose

            But then after that the similarities end

            All I can say is that it

            - Just makes you feel awake. Is it 3am? Take one. You feel exactly how you feel at 1pm. It just erases tiredness and brain fog. It IS pretty cool in that regard. It makes time confusing. Like "oh wow it's 7:15am.... it feel like it's 3 in the afternoon".

            - Does have a mild dissociating effect. Kind of like the world ISN'T all that real. Mildly.

            - I can't really socialize too well on it.

            - Gives you that strange very piercing head buzz like cocaine

            In all honesty I like it when I wake up at 4am for my 3 hour commute that I do twice a week. It literally keeps me awake and alert. And in that respect it is way better than caffeine. It erases tiredness like I said. Which is what it was meant for - fighter pilots on long missions.

            Is it comparable to adderall or vyvanse in trying to study or do tasks or stay focused or anything to THAT degree?


            I scoff at anyone who tries to say it does that as well

            it literally doesn't do anything unless you're sleep deprived because it's not a pscyhostimulant. What you're describing are psychostimulant effects, which modafinil is not. You are all experiencing the placebo effect, which you probably underestimate.

            • 7 months ago

              >describes things I feel when I take it at 3am
              >moron telling me it only works when sleep deprived so im feeling a placebo


              • 7 months ago

                >I can't possibly be experiencing the placebo effect
                >The people that synthesized this drug don't understand it like I and the other Redditors do!

                look man, unless you lost sleep you aren't getting any use out of the drug that couldn't be explained via placebo. The research is conclusive in stating there's no benefit outside of promoting wakefulness, it is a wakeful promoting agent, not a psychostimulant because it doesn't have the typical Dopamine Reuptake Inhibition that classical stimulants do like caffeine or amphetamine.

                it's like your saying that eating a poppy bagel makes you feel woozy because of the opiates in poppy seeds. There just isn't a mechanism of action present for this to occur. It's not physically possible outside of placebo.

            • 7 months ago

              >You are all experiencing the placebo effect
              Cool, I'll keep enjoying my placebo then.

  5. 7 months ago

    best drug

  6. 7 months ago

    Did anybody notice cardio gains when taking this?

    • 7 months ago

      yes i do notice it helps a lot with cardio, you become more focused and can push yourself harder and longer

      • 7 months ago

        I took adderall in the past and went and did jiu jitsu- I felt unstoppable in the beginning of training but gassed very quickly I guess due to the elevated HR.
        You really felt your overall endurance improve or you were just doing an intense lift?

  7. 7 months ago

    This is great for my goon sessions. I get so focussed and 4 hours of edging can pass while it only feels like 1 hour. Plus you are so concentrated

  8. 7 months ago

    Can keep you awake but thats about it, you get an ok high from it also but doesn't increase your productivity beyond stopping you from sleeping and eating which is only viable extremely short term.

    I wouldn't bother, dexanphtamine does the same thing but is less fun.

    I have improved my productivity and concentration by eating a basic healthy diet (sweet potato and chicken cooked in EVO works for me) and seeping 8 hours a day.

  9. 7 months ago

    tried as a study drug in uni, it just felt like chugging 3 or 4 energy drinks instead of 1 so pretty meh on brain gains

  10. 7 months ago

    People try to compare it to adderall

    Feels nothing like it

    After about an hour I do feel a kind of "come up" just a little similar to taking a huge vyvanse or adderall dose

    But then after that the similarities end

    All I can say is that it

    - Just makes you feel awake. Is it 3am? Take one. You feel exactly how you feel at 1pm. It just erases tiredness and brain fog. It IS pretty cool in that regard. It makes time confusing. Like "oh wow it's 7:15am.... it feel like it's 3 in the afternoon".

    - Does have a mild dissociating effect. Kind of like the world ISN'T all that real. Mildly.

    - I can't really socialize too well on it.

    - Gives you that strange very piercing head buzz like cocaine

    In all honesty I like it when I wake up at 4am for my 3 hour commute that I do twice a week. It literally keeps me awake and alert. And in that respect it is way better than caffeine. It erases tiredness like I said. Which is what it was meant for - fighter pilots on long missions.

    Is it comparable to adderall or vyvanse in trying to study or do tasks or stay focused or anything to THAT degree?


    I scoff at anyone who tries to say it does that as well

  11. 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    Used to do it recreationaly, now I do it pretty much daily. I hate it, but I can't function without it.

  13. 7 months ago

    where get

    • 7 months ago

      buymoda, modalert

  14. 7 months ago

    200mg is way too much, even 100mg I split sometimes. I don't take it very often because I don't like the feeling of it and it is very difficult to fall asleep on, even taken first thing in the morning. It basically guarantees sleep deprivation the next day. Focus is increased a good bit and the brain goes much faster. But I sweat a lot, flush, and feel hot. Doesn't really make me not feel tired, but gives me energy while still feeling drowsy. Overall I take it pretty rarely, only when I really need to get something done and don't need to think too critically.

    • 7 months ago

      its okay. you just literally dont feel tired for ~6hrs. if you stay up all night studying/partying etc and have class early the next morning, you take one of these and youre good to go. there are slight improvements on focus but nowhere near what adderall would be. which isnt necessarily a bad thing. with adderall i would have to time what i needed to do with when i dosed it because whatever i was doing when it kicks in is whatever id be doing for 6hrs straight. there have been several times where i blocked out a chunk of time to work on projects but because i was dicking around on IST 30min after i took it, i ended up just shitposting like the fist of the northstar all day. shit was based.

      i second splitting them in half.

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