Modafinil for cutting

Anybody else use modafinil for cutting? I’ve been trying to lose the same 50 lbs for a year and I’m done. Modafinil has worked for me in the past to get lean because of the appetite suppression. My plan is to do omad and lift 3-4x per week on top of working manual labor. Should be leaned out in 3 months and I don’t have to suffer. After I’m >12% bf, I’ll probably hop on test for a bit. Being natty is pointless in 2023.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Sorta related but this shit gets my body temp extremely high and unable to get hard. Figured that out the hard way. Had sex no problem without it, I drank alcohol both times.

    Normal side effect?

    • 12 months ago

      that sucks. Could it have been something else? I've had ED issues cause of anxiety in the past both on and off modafinil. But i just take cialis now and its not a problem anymore. The worst side effect I had was some pain around my heart but it went away eventually. Freaked me out though.

      • 12 months ago

        anxiety from modafinil? are you moronic?

        • 12 months ago

          >both on and off Modafinil
          learn how to read

          What happens if you mix with caffeine?

          you get a bit of a speedy high. It’s pretty based. Makes me feel more sociable, energetic, etc… just don’t overdo. 1-2 cups will last me the day.

        • 12 months ago

          >are you moronic?
          Are you? Anxiety is one of the main side effects.

          Anybody else use modafinil for cutting? I’ve been trying to lose the same 50 lbs for a year and I’m done. Modafinil has worked for me in the past to get lean because of the appetite suppression. My plan is to do omad and lift 3-4x per week on top of working manual labor. Should be leaned out in 3 months and I don’t have to suffer. After I’m >12% bf, I’ll probably hop on test for a bit. Being natty is pointless in 2023.

          OP I wouldn't do it; speaking from experience. Appetite suppression and constantly doing something is nice... until you get burt out from crashed dopamine and fricked up sleep hygiene. Just get on Semaglutide for appetite suppression and clen for increased thermogenesis and muscle retention. Both are cheap and easy to get and relatively harmless if you know how to titrate (ie. starting clen at 10 mg).

    • 12 months ago

      I get really bad ED from alcohol. Even a single beer. I avoid bars and clubs and all that shit for a variety of reasons. But I think if I ever started going to friends parties or out with them to those places I’d carry a flask filled with ice water or Lions Tail Dagga tea.

  2. 12 months ago

    how the frick was this slid in 2 minutes? If i posted some Black folk dick i would have had 100 replies already.

  3. 12 months ago

    >appetite suppression
    I lost a ton of weight when Monster Hunter:World came out.

    • 12 months ago

      lol video games are an elite cutting tool but I can't find a way to get addicted to them anymore. I bought totk a few weeks ago and was really into it but then I got bored and stopped giving a shit after a week .

      I get really bad ED from alcohol. Even a single beer. I avoid bars and clubs and all that shit for a variety of reasons. But I think if I ever started going to friends parties or out with them to those places I’d carry a flask filled with ice water or Lions Tail Dagga tea.

      just pop a cialis my homie on the day you think you're gonna frick. It's pretty easy to get online. problem solved.

  4. 12 months ago

    What happens if you mix with caffeine?

  5. 12 months ago

    Adderall is way better cause it makes you more jittery/ twitchy meaning youre losing more calories modafinil just keeps you awake like coke
    But if you take modafinil make sure you're getting enough magnesium cause it depletes it and causes headaches

    • 12 months ago

      The reason I prefer modafinil is it doesn't give me that jittery/high feeling. It kind of just gives me a steady alert feeling that makes being productive way easier. Adderall gives me some withdrawl symptoms too that I don't get from moda. Modafinil is also easy to get for me compared to addies. I agree with you about the headaches though.

    • 12 months ago
  6. 12 months ago

    Where can I get modafinil

    • 12 months ago

      EU or shitskin?

  7. 12 months ago

    superdrug. if your personality is neurotic (which the majority of this drug's users probably are) it'll give you some anxiety but keep cool and try not to let your thoughts spiral out of control 'cause you'll burn yourself out by letting your mind run wild instead of focusing on a particular task you'll become smart in subtle ways and read people/situations and understand abstract concepts better and basically you need to put the hours in doing a focused activity with a pomodoro timer or you'll get nowhere and just end up with a whole lotta useless mental gymnastics like a tard chimp homosexual. it literally makes you smart and there's no known longterm side effects except maybe some tolerance if you pop it like candy but this can be mitigated by taking 2-3 days off between popping and trust me if the task at hand isn't mission critical there's not much fun in taking it it's a superdrug so treat it with the respect it deserves drink a lot of water and keep stress at bay or it can make you feel like shit and give you headaches a 100mg pill will last 15 hours so take it in the morning if you want to sleep normally the more the strength the longer it'll keep you awake

  8. 12 months ago

    Lately modafinil makes me irritated. Also, right now Im totally burned out (stress related, work related and no gf related), and taking it doesnt make me finish the things that I am supposed to finish.

  9. 12 months ago

    How bout you just eat less

  10. 12 months ago

    Watch out for musle loss though.
    Also everything which is not a hormone counts as natty.

  11. 12 months ago

    No I just smoke ciggies and drink coffee to suppress my appetite all day until its time for my one meal

  12. 12 months ago

    lmao at the person writing this and believing his own bullshit larp

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