>Modern masculinity be like

>Modern masculinity be like

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    I never watched Twitch not any streamers

  2. 9 months ago

    it do be like that

  3. 9 months ago

    I have sex with my hand... and relationships with my gf

    • 9 months ago

      well i got news for you, that means you're GAY

    • 9 months ago

      don't use max0r's joke homie

      • 9 months ago

        wasn't his joke homie
        lmao you think max0r's done an original joke in his life
        tho this homosexual did probably get it from him ill admit

  4. 9 months ago

    Hunt simulator is ball sports.

  5. 9 months ago

    nope, not a zoomer
    nope, not a coomer

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, groomer

    • 9 months ago

      >Millennials aren’t the most wretched lonely losers
      Come on now, we see that blue yeti on your desk.

      • 9 months ago

        ummmm akchually it's a shure sm7b buddy

  6. 9 months ago

    Nope, don't watch porn
    I am addicted to videogames, thoughever

  7. 9 months ago

    I’m happy to say after sexting a fat chick last night and getting a boner I did NOT jerk off.

  8. 9 months ago

    >I get to watch people who put in 10000 hours into mix maxing my favorite childhood games?

    >I get to look at millions of different naked women without having to spend time, energy, or money getting to know them?

    >I get to better myself physically and gain a sense of accomplishment in an air-conditioned room, safe from wildlife and hot sun?

    • 9 months ago

      >I get to watch other people have fun on my computer screen
      yeah... really based...

      • 9 months ago

        Speedrunning is not fun. Trust me, resetting because you were half a frame off a frame perfect trick for the 70th time in one night, or rng b***hslapped you to hell with a 1% spawn or no resources dropped

        Sex is fun. But talking to women is such a fricking drag that it's not fun. Picking up women + having sex? No thanks. I'd rather watch porn

        • 9 months ago

          Speedrunning is an exercise in delayed gratification.
          You suffer extreme frustration for months and you get a payoff at the end when your name is at the top of the chart.
          I'm not into gaming but I'm considering getting into it just for the discipline gains.

          • 9 months ago

            fricking hell, please be kidding
            you want an exercise in discipline, do literally anything hard and actually rewarding

            • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >hard and actually rewarding
              Give 5 options

              • 9 months ago

                >learn a new language
                >start a rigorous training/skill program challenge
                >hit 10% bodyfat
                >daily meditation/yoga practice for a month
                >getting off IST for a month

              • 9 months ago

                All of these give you dopamine pretty early and consistently as you see your progress.
                None frustrates you for months like speedrunning, where even when you make progress you still end up with frustration

              • 9 months ago

                That's because you're comparing being a world record speedrunner with somebody who can say hello and goodbye in another language. Make harder goals

                >actually be naturally fluent in the second language then travel to that country and speak minimal English
                >try to master an elite level fitness skill like a planche/6pl8 deadlift
                >turn off your brain during meditation/hitting harder yoga poses
                >live off the net

                Also speedrunning has its own dopamine hits. The first time you get tricks down, watching your time decrease to actual contending levels, races with other runners

                You're not going to pick up a game and be a world record contender on start up. Youre going to have to go through a dopamine earning learning process just like any other activity

                At the top there is long stressful periods, but thats the same thing with any skill you can get to a world record contending level. A daily 8hr grind for WR is the same as challenging yourself to do a 30 second planche everyday.

              • 9 months ago

                Successes in speedrunning are always spoiled by the frustration that comes with them.
                Everything else is just progress and a slow trickle of dopamine along the way, which is different from suffering for 3 months and getting your dopamine all at once at the end.
                Your activities train you to work for small frequent rewards, while speedrunning trains your brain to endure suffering for extended periods of time with a big prize far off into the horizon.

                dedicating so much time to something that is both worthless and uninteresting isn't a virtue, it's a mental illness, there's a reason why speedrunning has probably the worst demographic out of every activity on Earth

                Who said it is?
                I'm merely saying it has a positive side effect (training your delayed gratification) even though it is indeed a pretty stupid and pathetic thing to be passionate about.

              • 9 months ago

                You will never be a speedrunner. I can already tell you don't have the autism required

              • 9 months ago

                Mom said the same and I will prove all of you wrong.
                Haters are pure fuel for my delayed gratification. Any kind of pain that ceases when I attain my goal is.
                That's why I will also deprive myself of Monster (except at dinner) and as soon as it arrives in the mail I will wear a very very tight wiener cage that my mom is gonna keep the key of, until I break into the top 3 of at least one any% category of a game popular enough to have a Wikipedia page AND an active subreddit that I'm not a mod of.
                If this doesn't push my discipline through the roof and lead me to making it, I don't know what will.

              • 9 months ago

                Feeling gratification from something so asinine isn't positive, you're merely training your mind to believe that the stupid shit you make up to fill the void has meaning, fooling yourself into thinking you're facing hardships and frustration when in reality you're staying in your comfort zone

              • 9 months ago

                Mogging everyone else on the planet at the thing they built their identity around, as an outsider, is scientifically proven to increase testosterone.
                And no, I will not post source.

              • 9 months ago

                The fact that you're seeking approval of trannies, turbo virgins and literal autistic children is dropping your testosterone more than cutting your balls would

              • 9 months ago

                I don't want their approval. I want supremacy over them, for the purpose of utilizing the only advantage of their little hobby to better myself and leave humanity behind.
                How are you not getting it?
                Or are you just pretending to misunderstand me just so you can achieve your objective to discredit my method just because it's gaming related?
                Yeah I'm thinking it's the latter.
                Sad, gamers truly are the most downtrodden and discriminated against group of people (I say this without an shred of irony).

              • 9 months ago

                You said you want them to mog you, now you said you want supremacy over them, this means you think their opinion of you has value, meaning you seek their approval

                >to discredit my method just because it's gaming related?

                Absolutely not. If you said you're trying to go for esports, streaming, being a youtuber or whatever the frick we wouldn't be having this conversation, I just truly think speedrunning is the most worthless activity with the most worthless demographic and nothing good can come out of it

              • 9 months ago

                >You said you want them to mog you
                I didn't. Learn to read.
                And what the frick would be the point of wanting to be mogged by speedrunners?
                Don't care about anything a mentally handicapped anti-gaming bastard like you has to say. Not reading the rest of your post. Saving myself from further exposure to dumbassery, strawmen, and anti gaming hate.
                Bye bye.

              • 9 months ago

                You're missing the point, the point is to dedicate your time to something better than your meaningless autism grind

              • 9 months ago

                It's as meaningless as lifting weights. The activity itself is pointless, except for what it makes you become over time.

              • 9 months ago

                I guarantee that repeating the same level or game or whatever over and over for months and months is a net negative on your mental health whereas lifting is a net positive

              • 9 months ago

                No, you can't guarantee it, because it's just your unfounded opinion.

              • 9 months ago

                dedicating so much time to something that is both worthless and uninteresting isn't a virtue, it's a mental illness, there's a reason why speedrunning has probably the worst demographic out of every activity on Earth

              • 9 months ago

                Learning a new language can be incredibly valuable. Especially for opening opportunities in new areas. Useful for getting ass and making $$.

              • 9 months ago

                >learning a new language
                >reading a poem
                >memorizing fun facts

          • 9 months ago

            Enjoy becoming a troony

          • 9 months ago

            >discipline gains
            you should play jump king

      • 9 months ago

        >I get to watch people who put in 10000 hours into mix maxing my favorite childhood games?
        how is this enjoyable, seriously

        I believe he's being sarcastic.

        • 9 months ago

          I dont think he is

          Speedrunning is not fun. Trust me, resetting because you were half a frame off a frame perfect trick for the 70th time in one night, or rng b***hslapped you to hell with a 1% spawn or no resources dropped

          Sex is fun. But talking to women is such a fricking drag that it's not fun. Picking up women + having sex? No thanks. I'd rather watch porn

          >Picking up women + having sex? No thanks. I'd rather watch porn
          Been there. It's a lie you tell yourself. You would rather have a woman, you just would rather do it without putting in effort. Understandable, but porn is inferior in every way.

          • 9 months ago

            Porn I can watch whatever I want and get my nut off and get back to whatever I was doing before. It's not ideal, but it surely beats making a tinder, talking to a woman, going through her 16 shit tests, paying for dinner, and not even getting to kiss her until the third date while she talks to chad fricks him on the first date then ghosts me until he dumps her

            Speedrunning is an exercise in delayed gratification.
            You suffer extreme frustration for months and you get a payoff at the end when your name is at the top of the chart.
            I'm not into gaming but I'm considering getting into it just for the discipline gains.

            Lmao yeah. But then someone uses your strategy, gets lucky, and now your 1 year of grinding got surpassed in a month

            • 9 months ago

              >It's not ideal, but it surely beats making a tinder, talking to a woman, going through her 16 shit tests, paying for dinner, and not even getting to kiss her until the third date while she talks to chad fricks him on the first date then ghosts me until he dumps her
              Hard to disagree tbh

            • 9 months ago

              just be Chad you moron

              • 9 months ago

                >just be something you're not
                That's even worse than saying just be yourself

              • 9 months ago

                Just grow 4 inches and become a thing you will never be because chads are born not made.

            • 9 months ago

              Maybe just don’t be a b***h. Why would you ever take some hole on a date and waste money on her. Just tell those prostitutes that you’re only interested in fricking them and they can either put out or move on. When they know that you don’t give a shit about them and you only want sex it turns them on. Most women have daddy issues and want a man that will neglect them and make them feel like the piece of garbage that they are

              • 9 months ago

                This is the way. Chad gets to have fun and laugh and connect with women. The rest of us need to treat them how they treat us, like dogshit. It's an abuse arms race and I'm not going to ever lose it again.

              • 9 months ago

                That’s the thing though. Most modern women are subconsciously attracted to men who will emotionally and even sometimes physically abuse them. They will cry on social media about how they’re traumatized from relationships with shitty men, then they still jerk off to the thought of that same man choking the shit out of them and raping them. Women long to be dominated and used then thrown away. Just give them what they want.

              • 9 months ago

                It's absolute shit but the truth. There aren't any "good" women out there. At least from the perspective of being a loving wife and mother. All women demand to be treated this way and it's fricked me in the head. I don't even remotely want to be like this but here I am without an choice. I was made into this by years of abuse and rejection. No real chance to have a real relationship except with the men in my life. If I want children I'll just have to use one of them as an incubator and then continue abusing them emotionally after they shit out my spawn

            • 9 months ago

              >just be something you're not
              That's even worse than saying just be yourself

              You know this is cope, man.. how about not being a b***h and following a script that leads to your failure
              >waaah I'm not Chad, all women are worthless
              take control and stop acting like porn isn't a cope for your own personal failure

      • 9 months ago

        I assume you don't watch sports either right?

        • 9 months ago

          Yes I do, and before you argue with me about how esports are exactly the same I want you to consider whether you enjoy watching games or playing games more. I watch sports but playing football is better than watching football, any day.

    • 9 months ago

      >I get to watch people who put in 10000 hours into mix maxing my favorite childhood games?
      how is this enjoyable, seriously

      • 9 months ago

        Because I get to see how the game can be broken, tricks, and glitches without having to put 1000s of hours into practicing and I get to watch them perform those tricks while I get to game, study, eat or do whatever

        That's like saying watching a magician, sports, or play isn't fun unless you're the one in it

        • 9 months ago

          >That's like saying watching a magician, sports, or play isn't fun unless you're the one in it
          but thats true

      • 9 months ago

        for the same reasons its enjoyable to watch a very high level soccer game on tv (or whatever other sport)
        if you like something, watching somebody do it really well is fun, sometimes

        mind you, i have no idea how people can watch those super famous streamers who are famous on the basis of personality or whatever and not skill in some game
        but watching somebody legitimately quite good at something you like is totally understandable.

        • 9 months ago

          I used to watch Ice Poseidon's IRL streams to see him blunder and see his viewers frick with him.
          I'm pretty sure Xqc, the most popular streamer, is watched for mostly the same reason.
          It's modern lolcows. Not saying it's not an extremely low form of entertainment and pathetic way to spend your time, but that's what it is.

    • 9 months ago

      >I get to watch people who put in 10000 hours into mix maxing my favorite childhood games?
      >I get to look at millions of different naked women without having to spend time, energy, or money getting to know them?
      >I get to better myself physically and gain a sense of accomplishment in an air-conditioned room, safe from wildlife and hot sun?

  9. 9 months ago

    Twitch is so gay and pathetic I find it hard to articulate my negative view of it.

  10. 9 months ago

    I stopped watching twitch once I realized I had next to no memories of it, it's just completly empty, worthless content that doesn't even register in my brain

    • 9 months ago

      Same shit with YouTube or IST. Or any other social media. I opened a Twitter/X for business reasons, and I'm considering shutting it down.
      Just scrolling and reading all those gays pretending to be big shots and telling others what to do makes me sick to my stomach.

      Social media makes people mentally ill. That's where gays and trannies are made. That's where women are told to abandon their husbands and families.
      Every single societal dysfunction comes from it. You cannot be a well-adjusted person and spend even a few hours a week in that.

    • 9 months ago

      Same shit with YouTube or IST. Or any other social media. I opened a Twitter/X for business reasons, and I'm considering shutting it down.
      Just scrolling and reading all those gays pretending to be big shots and telling others what to do makes me sick to my stomach.

      Social media makes people mentally ill. That's where gays and trannies are made. That's where women are told to abandon their husbands and families.
      Every single societal dysfunction comes from it. You cannot be a well-adjusted person and spend even a few hours a week in that.

      Maybe because you're an npc on autopilot. If you're CONSOOMing media and not at least using it to better you're understanding/getting inspiration then you're simply a low IQ normie waiting on the next big flashy words to pop up on your screen to get you to click for ad revenue

    • 9 months ago

      Same shit with YouTube or IST. Or any other social media. I opened a Twitter/X for business reasons, and I'm considering shutting it down.
      Just scrolling and reading all those gays pretending to be big shots and telling others what to do makes me sick to my stomach.

      Social media makes people mentally ill. That's where gays and trannies are made. That's where women are told to abandon their husbands and families.
      Every single societal dysfunction comes from it. You cannot be a well-adjusted person and spend even a few hours a week in that.

      This. I've used online "content" as entertainment and escapism (mostly the latter) enough that it's pretty much my hobby, and I've gained very little from it. My life is certainly much worse because of it and even spending that time watching anime or playing games would've been better.

      • 9 months ago

        It's a chicken or egg question. If you had stuff to do in your life, you wouldn't be wasting your time on this. But if you didn't waste your time on this, you'd be doing something with your life.
        I installed a browser addon called Mind The Time and let it run passively. It tells you how much time you spend in each site.
        After a couple of months I checked out how many hours I wasted on YouTube and sites like this one, and I was horrified.

        • 9 months ago

          I do have stuff to do. I just procrastinate or use it deliberately as escapism when I'm too depressed to work.

        • 9 months ago

          >and I was horrified.
          no you werent. unless oyu an actual loser, who cares?

        • 9 months ago

          >Mind The Time and let it run passively. It tells you how much time you spend in each site.
          >After a couple of months I checked out how many hours I wasted on YouTube and sites like this one, and I was horrified.
          I did that too once many years ago. I was amazed at how much time i wasted. Horrified. Then i just kept doing it.

    • 9 months ago

      >I stopped watching twitch once I realized I had next to no memories of it, it's just completly empty, worthless content that doesn't even register in my brain

      This. I've used online "content" as entertainment and escapism (mostly the latter) enough that it's pretty much my hobby, and I've gained very little from it. My life is certainly much worse because of it and even spending that time watching anime or playing games would've been better.

      This is so true. IST posting, youtube, discord chatting, seems like you are doing something in the moment but when you look back you haven't created any memories. Made no new experiences. Its quite sad.

      • 9 months ago

        Guy from the second post you quoted here.
        I do actually remember a lot because I watched tons of "interesting" "edutainment" videos and I have my head full of random useless trivia that undoubtedly widened my worldview and made me more knowledgeable about the world, but it's far from being worth the massive amount of time I sunk into it. If I had spent that time working on my goals I would 100% certainly not be a loser today.
        Instead I've been weak and I have nothing to show for the years wasted this way (other than pointless tidbits that I can't even tell people because it's cringe and annoying lol)

  11. 9 months ago

    lmao, i actually started streaming because i lost all my friends

  12. 9 months ago

    you guys are my friend simulator

  13. 9 months ago

    what kind of simulator is IST?

    • 9 months ago

      Janitor at the local special needs middle school.

  14. 9 months ago

    >Hunt simulator
    More like assisted suicide cabin for incels.

  15. 9 months ago

    modern masculinity for zoomers is more like the red pill life guru garbage they find on youtube lol

  16. 9 months ago

    You guys keep using this chad archetype to put yourselves down but in reality when you dig down into it chad = a man who has sex which is really not hard to attain

    • 9 months ago

      Absolutely. People will be surprised to know the kind of creatures who got lucky compared to relatively clean virgins present on this board.

    • 9 months ago

      Henpecked husbands and sleazy pick-up artists may have sex but they are not chads
      A Chad is someone who has sex whenever he wants because women want him. He doesn't have to work for it.

      • 9 months ago

        and if that chad gets married, is he no longer a chad?
        if that chad gets a medical condition that stops him from having sex for 6 months, is he no longer a chad for those 6 months?
        if that chad gets fat, is he still a chad?
        if this chad gets rejected by a woman, is he still a chad? How many rejections until he has to hand in his chad card?

        • 9 months ago

          A Chad is no longer a Chad when women no longer want him.

          • 9 months ago

            Okay so for the 6 months he has a medical condition, he's not a chad, and then he's back to being a chad?
            Answer the rejections questions.
            I'm being like this because you guys keep using 'Chad' as this archetype set in stone and the truth is it's utterly meaningless and is really just 'a man that women have sex with' which you proved to me.

            • 9 months ago

              You're stupid. Read

              >and if that chad gets married, is he no longer a chad?
              If he has the option of sex but chooses to be loyal, he's still chad.

              >if that chad gets a medical condition that stops him from having sex for 6 months, is he no longer a chad for those 6 months?
              If women are still as attracted to him during that temporary period, he's still a chad.
              If Ronaldo or Messi get an injury, are they not still top tier athletes even if they can't temporarily use their abilities?

              >if this chad gets rejected by a woman
              No man can possibly be attractive to every woman. A certain percentage is fine as long as he's attractive to the majority of women.

              In other words, a chad is someone in the top n* percentage of male attractiveness and general status among males.

              *kinda subjective but in any case a small number, typically not over 5 or 6.

              All of this os obvious. You're stupid. Stop being so smug about something you don't understand even though it's extremely simple.

              for a dummy-friendly explanation.

        • 9 months ago

          >and if that chad gets married, is he no longer a chad?
          If he has the option of sex but chooses to be loyal, he's still chad.

          >if that chad gets a medical condition that stops him from having sex for 6 months, is he no longer a chad for those 6 months?
          If women are still as attracted to him during that temporary period, he's still a chad.
          If Ronaldo or Messi get an injury, are they not still top tier athletes even if they can't temporarily use their abilities?

          >if this chad gets rejected by a woman
          No man can possibly be attractive to every woman. A certain percentage is fine as long as he's attractive to the majority of women.

          In other words, a chad is someone in the top n* percentage of male attractiveness and general status among males.

          *kinda subjective but in any case a small number, typically not over 5 or 6.

          All of this os obvious. You're stupid. Stop being so smug about something you don't understand even though it's extremely simple.

          • 9 months ago

            >If he has the option of sex but chooses to be loyal, he's still chad.
            So if his physical appearance doesn't change, but his wife no longer wants to sleep with him is he still chad?
            >If women are still as attracted to him during that temporary period, he's still a chad. If Ronaldo or Messi get an injury, are they not still top tier athletes even if they can't temporarily use their abilities?
            Well they are not able to be athletic for that time, no.
            >No man can possibly be attractive to every woman. A certain percentage is fine as long as he's attractive to the majority of women.
            What's that percentage of women until they become chad? What's the margin for being a chad? If you're 1% point below that are you still a chad? If you're only in the top 10%, and not 5 or 6 like you said, are you still a chad?

            • 9 months ago

              >So if his physical appearance doesn't change, but his wife no longer wants to sleep with him is he still chad?
              Yes because his wife is just one woman and her decisions don't affect his attractiveness and status.
              You're fixated on this "you're chad if you have sex with women", which is merely a misunderstanding on your part. Lots of non-chads have a lot of sex, because chads aren't the only people who have lots of sex (or can but choose not to). You need to decouple these two things, and invert which is a cause and which is a consequence.

              >Well they are not able to be athletic for that time, no.
              You're arguing about the semantics of an analogy instead of using the analogy (whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant) to better grasp the main point of the discussion.
              You're the breakfast meme irl.


            • 9 months ago

              >What's that percentage of women until they become chad? What's the margin for being a chad? If you're 1% point below that are you still a chad? If you're only in the top 10%, and not 5 or 6 like you said, are you still a chad?
              It's fricking slang you dumb shithead. It's not fricking taxonomy.
              Go search "Adam Conover Joe Rogan alpha males" on youtube. You're using the same reasoning.
              "Chad" just means "guy at the top of attractiveness and status scale", much like "jacked" means "guy in the top percentage of physiques", of "fast runner" means "guy in the top percentage of running speed".
              It's just a colloquial way of labelling someone who's very desirable to women and of high social and/or economic status.
              Much like "alpha male" isn't an exact human classification because it's a colloquialism for "guy who's more dominant than most".
              If you want to be fully autistic, we can define it as a spectrum where the most chad (let's say the guy who's closest to gigachad irl) is at one end with a "100% chad" label, and at the other end you have someone like Chris Chan (or whoever you think has the lowest attractiveness and status in the world) with 0% (so not a chad at all), and every other man is somewhere in between.
              So you can have two chads but one is more chad than the other, and as you go down the scale, you approach the threshold below which one can no longer be considered chad.
              As previously explained, this threshold is subjective, because it's a fricking colloquialism and not a set in stone rule, you black/white thinking brainlet.


              Now stop wasting my time.

              • 9 months ago

                >and if that chad gets married, is he no longer a chad?
                If he has the option of sex but chooses to be loyal, he's still chad.

                >if that chad gets a medical condition that stops him from having sex for 6 months, is he no longer a chad for those 6 months?
                If women are still as attracted to him during that temporary period, he's still a chad.
                If Ronaldo or Messi get an injury, are they not still top tier athletes even if they can't temporarily use their abilities?

                >if this chad gets rejected by a woman
                No man can possibly be attractive to every woman. A certain percentage is fine as long as he's attractive to the majority of women.

                In other words, a chad is someone in the top n* percentage of male attractiveness and general status among males.

                *kinda subjective but in any case a small number, typically not over 5 or 6.

                All of this os obvious. You're stupid. Stop being so smug about something you don't understand even though it's extremely simple.

                damn btfo

      • 9 months ago

        That’s cope. I’m a manlet with a slightly above average face and a good physique and I have never put out any effort to frick whatever women I have wanted throughout my life. It really just comes down to having confidence and not being an autistic homosexual. Most incels are incels because they’re socially moronic and don’t know how to interact with other people

        • 9 months ago

          Chads aren't necessarily tall

          • 9 months ago

            This is true but so many of you autists on here are convinced that if you aren’t over 6’ that you’ll never have a chance of getting with a woman. Social media and the internet are not the real world. I’ve never once met a woman thru tinder or any other form of social media. I’ve had girls give me their numbers when I come in to eat lunch at the restaurant they work at without ever having spoken a word to them solely based on my physical appearance and I’m 5’7

            • 9 months ago

              Being short is a disadvantage. It is not an insurmountable disadvantage but it is absolutely a count against you. Many studies have been done on the subject.

              • 9 months ago

                It's an aggressively weighted mark against you. Like 60% of your overall attractiveness and charisma. No matter if you're maxed out on everything else you'll never ever be higher than 40% attractive, lucky, successful, or charismatic.

              • 9 months ago

                That’s all in your head. You have deluded yourself into thinking it actually matters. Being a manlet has never once impeded my ability to seduce women. I have had women taller than me, and more physically attractive than me. I have had gorgeous women choose me over friends of mine who were over 6’ tall. Your height is only a limitation if you allow it to be. Your charisma and physique are more important than height. Just don’t be fricking autistic.

              • 9 months ago

                Rofl hope you're having a fun telling lies on the Internet. Women would walk through hundreds of feet of broken glass barefoot to pass by a 5'11" 7/10 to get to a 6'1" 6/10. Seen it thousands of times. Pay attention when you're shopping or out drinking. Literally hordes of single men under 6' and every single 6'1"+ guy is paired up.

              • 9 months ago

                Believe whatever delusions you want lol. You’re just inventing these doompill scenarios in your mind acting like a moron. Why don’t you actually go out and interact with a woman instead of imagining what it would be like on IST.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm 5'4" and happily married. Get a grip dude.

  17. 9 months ago

    I dont watch Twitch or porn. I have a gf who i plap whenever i want. I go to the gym to be strong and feel good for plapping. Whats the problem

  18. 9 months ago

    Hunt? What am i hunting? What the frick kind of hunting is the gym simulating?

    • 9 months ago

      The insects you find under big rocks.

    • 9 months ago

      He means like the old hunter/gatherer survival thing back in the past.

      • 9 months ago

        That was cardio no? Nobody was killing elks by overhead pressing them then slamming them down.

  19. 9 months ago

    >friend simulator
    Similar but I’ll listen to podcasts. Stuff like cumtown (not listening to their new shit), Shane Gillis & Matt’s secret podcast
    >sex simulator
    Been about a year since I’ve had sex. Had an 8 hour edge and fap session today though. I’m disgusted and was thinking about quitting porn. This is abhorrent.. woke up early just to do this… was on track to have a great day now I’m exhausted and can’t focus.
    >hunt simulator
    Yes. Also, fishing and actual hunting though.

  20. 9 months ago

    why would anyone care what a bunch of homosexual browncels think a "chad" is?

  21. 9 months ago

    I don't play games nor watch streams.
    I exclusively fap to strangers sharing their gfs' lewds on b.
    Besides lifting I play sports with frens.

    Check mate.

  22. 9 months ago

    Only streamer I used to watch xqc but his content noticeably started to become shit during the gta rp era
    Who doesn't jerk off
    Self explanatory

  23. 9 months ago

    >friend simulator
    >actually have sex
    >hunt simulator
    Calisthenics by the beach.
    Ain't doing too bad

    • 9 months ago


  24. 9 months ago


    >missing the point

    • 9 months ago

      No, he got the point

  25. 9 months ago

    Twitch with no audio is actually pretty good for going to sleep.

  26. 9 months ago

    A grownup man uses his time efficiently. Only 16yo< teenagers and NEETs have the time to spend hours watching people talking stupidities and/or teasing while pretending to play video games.

  27. 9 months ago

    None of them , and about PornHub tho I was watching some prostitute there that honestly at some point I think she thinking wtf am I actually doing with this tho

  28. 9 months ago


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