Modern physicians are gross

Why are doctors and medical students the most unfit, unhealthy disgusting drug abusing individuals out there?? most of the students who have anything to do with medical field are unhealthy themselves, are these people the ones who I am supposed to take advice about my IST body from?

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  1. 1 year ago

    the last two doctors I went to were young and fit. This was like 5 years ago tho. I now avoid doctors at all costs. They are the 3rd leading cause of death

    • 1 year ago

      Most medical students at my uni are smelly and fat, I struggle to find one that is actually fit.
      The guy I knew who was a junior started to look like shit.

      • 1 year ago

        Probably bc they're all greencard pajeets

        • 1 year ago

          My office has 6 other providers and 4 of them are pajeets. Patients hate seeing them but have no other options.

          • 1 year ago

            You WILL get sepsis from dirty poojeet hands
            And you WILL be happy

          • 1 year ago

            How dare those racists prefer to talk to someone that doesn't have a ridiculous accent and dubious medical education when it comes to their health.

            • 1 year ago

              >dubious medical education
              In America?
              Foreigners come here to get their education they don’t go to school in their countries usually

              • 1 year ago

                No Indian doctors go to med school in India and do residency in the US. They learn the basics at home then come here to learn how to practice medicine.

          • 1 year ago

            poo doctor in my area got caught raping a woman while she was under

            wonder where they get these guys

    • 1 year ago

      look up any pre med or doctorate program and check out how many fitness/nutrition courses they are mandated to take. Then look up how many pharmacology courses they have to take.

      only trust docs for acute things like broken limbs or exploding organs. anything long term you are 100% better figuring it out yourself. unless you want to trade 1 malady for another

      I wouldn't consider myself any sort of conspiracy theorist, but I will never go to a doctor again. Why would I go see someone who makes more money keeping me sick than fixing my health? Healthy people don't need to go to doctors. He's making more money by keeping me sick. No thanks.

      based and ivan illich pilled

      doctors are a priestly class in our society and were taught a bunch of myths to legitimize their status
      one of which is the "miracle of modern medicine" and how wonderful it is we live in the time we do, the second half is how horrible it mustve been before our enlightened age
      the myth that everyone died before 30, that people died of infected paper cuts, that doctors of the past were stupid faith healers (in contrast to themselves)
      when in fact people lived much longer than they do now if they didnt die in war, that peoples general health was good enough that they could fend off minor infections, that the remedies of past doctors were often very effective
      the way in which people died in old age was different too: youd live to maybe 90 and be relatively vital and active, then suddenly something would befall you and youd be bedridden for a few weeks and die, or better yet you live life as usual and one day die in your sleep
      today its a drawn out multiple year decline where the old are decrepit and bedridden for years, they all become demented (this used to be rare), its just drawn out forever and then you gracelessly expire

      • 1 year ago

        >when in fact people lived much longer than they do now if they didnt die in war,
        >the remedies of past doctors were often very effective
        Meds, now.

      • 1 year ago

        >youd live to maybe 90 and be relatively vital and active
        *dies of slow mental decline at the ripe old age of 50 while pissing puss from undiagnosed syphilis*

      • 1 year ago

        frick this hits home, my father died of dementia a year ago, he was 83 and pretty active for his age

        what can I do to die peacefully and gracefully, or am I doomed due to genetics?

      • 1 year ago

        BTW didn't see hordes of supersick boomers who are not being let to die by some modern wonder medicine at all, I think it's just a stereotype. Simply the general population is all developted contries is old as frick and doctors are sick of all the boomer grannies and are imagining themself things.
        Maybe some billionaries are like that, but are most likely on simple COKE, not on some modern wonder pills.

    • 1 year ago

      Old doctor = senile, they can do nothing at all, just sit there and send everyone back home, and still get payed.

  2. 1 year ago

    look up any pre med or doctorate program and check out how many fitness/nutrition courses they are mandated to take. Then look up how many pharmacology courses they have to take.

    only trust docs for acute things like broken limbs or exploding organs. anything long term you are 100% better figuring it out yourself. unless you want to trade 1 malady for another

    • 1 year ago

      I heard about it, the pharmacology courses vastly outnumber by large margin.
      God damn.
      God's green earth has the cure but these runts misdirect people every time.
      If they spent time exploring the algae and the trees they'd come up with breakthroughs.

      • 1 year ago

        >If they spent time exploring the algae and the trees they'd come up with breakthroughs.
        Most physicians don't do research or invention.

        • 1 year ago

          They are mostly arrogant and wienery c**ts who think they've mastered hygiene when most of them would struggle to fix your runny nose.

          • 1 year ago

            i hate docs so much its unreal
            >don't confuse google with my med degree

            >why yes of course i use UptoDate and Kaero where else would i get the most recent medical information.

            general practitioners bite the curb
            ER docs and surgeons are the only good ones

      • 1 year ago

        I don’t think I’ve ever met a fat doctor
        Are you some anti medicine skeptic?
        >if they spent time exploring the algae
        Black person where do you antibiotics come from?

        • 1 year ago

          >He thinks antibiotics come from algae
          LMAO, KEK... ROFLMAO EVEN.

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't consider myself any sort of conspiracy theorist, but I will never go to a doctor again. Why would I go see someone who makes more money keeping me sick than fixing my health? Healthy people don't need to go to doctors. He's making more money by keeping me sick. No thanks.

        The virgin pharmaceutical vs the granny's chicken broth soup.

        That's exactly such ~~*homeopaths*~~ and ~~*naturopaths*~~ that are collapsing medicine.

        • 1 year ago

          t. Dr. Shekelstein

  3. 1 year ago

    I wouldn't consider myself any sort of conspiracy theorist, but I will never go to a doctor again. Why would I go see someone who makes more money keeping me sick than fixing my health? Healthy people don't need to go to doctors. He's making more money by keeping me sick. No thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      The virgin pharmaceutical vs the granny's chicken broth soup.

    • 1 year ago

      >doctors are paid via patient visits
      There’s enough obese people and alcoholics to go around to keep the industry afloat for a thousand years they don’t need your business, if you’re healthy and walk into a hospital with some sort of “ailment” the doctors gonna tell you politely to frick off so they can deal with the 40 other patients they have who are actually sick

      • 1 year ago

        The doctor will, but big pharma welcomes the ill.

    • 1 year ago

      >I wouldn't consider myself any sort of conspiracy theorist
      most people labled conspiracy theorists are people like you who noticed things.the craziest ones involving ayys are spread to make people like you seem crazy or by sane people acting crazy to avoid assassination. plenty of accepted bad things the government did where called conspiracy theories.

    • 1 year ago

      >Why would I go see someone who makes more money keeping me sick than fixing me health?

      This is why first world countries have public healthcare, so doctors get paid anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      I am forced to go every 6 months for my OCD meds. They do work, and are the only thing that get me through in this modern world. It is also a scam that I have to keep going to them every 6 months. It is the same med, same dose for 10 years. I have to wait around with fat and old people and pay a ridiculous amount of money for some uncaring israeliteery.

      • 1 year ago

        OCD is literally just thoughts
        I just it seems terrifying but it's LITERALLY JUST THOUGHTS
        You don't need the medication

  4. 1 year ago

    culture war shill thread

  5. 1 year ago

    you guys know doctors are like businesses, right? you can shop around. gay doesn't do yearly full blood/pee/hormone panels and complimentary head/chest x-ray ? okay, I'll shop around for a doc who does give that.
    I mean all you have to do is just get up from your chair and the gay will reach for his little script book.

    • 1 year ago

      You gotta trust him, he's a doctor bro.
      Doctor will never tackle the truth about health and will always assume your god given genetics are the problem.

      • 1 year ago

        I still expect outstanding service if he wants my continued clientele, and i am willing to spend with him, make good use of his little script book.

        so for starters, you're gonna have to agree for blood panels every three months, complete hormones etc, then we're also going to do the yearly x-rays of my organs and my head, no questions asked, just as a check-up.
        i might also ask you for an anti-biotic or script pain medicine once or twice a year for no other reason than to stockpile in my home in case of emergency, don't ask questions and we're fine. you'll never get a better client than me, but you have to play ball with me doc, we live in a society. i'm not wasting your time, don't waste mine.

  6. 1 year ago

    As others have said medical school is 95% medications and 5% diet/nutrition at least in my experience having been through PA school. I’m always happy when someone’s blood pressure is only mildly elevated or they have new-onset diabetes because at that stage you can push lifestyle modifications instead of having to put them on meds to prevent an imminent stroke.

    I work with six other providers, one of the female doctors is a little thick and I’ve got 20 pounds to lose but the rest of them are in good shape, they eat salads every day etc. So very health conscious I’d say. The reason we don’t bother with lifestyle modification is because we’ve all failed hundreds of times with patients and it’s hard to not feel like you’re wasting your time when you know they won’t listen and are going to end up on meds anyways.

  7. 1 year ago

    Every single one of you anti-medicine morons will gladly accept the wonders of modern medicine when you truly need it. The system isn't perfect, no system really is, but you're delusional to think that you'd accept a painful death rather then just go to the hospital and get your appendix removed

    • 1 year ago

      This isn't an "anti-medicine" thread, moron. Read OP's post. He's talking about out-of-shape doctors.

      • 1 year ago

        >I wouldn't consider myself any sort of conspiracy theorist, but I will never go to a doctor again. Why would I go see someone who makes more money keeping me sick than fixing my health? Healthy people don't need to go to doctors. He's making more money by keeping me sick. No thanks.

        I'm responding to this sentiment. And you see it all the time on here

        • 1 year ago

          I respect surgeons and GPs but I will NOT take the waxscene or israelitemeds.

          • 1 year ago

            damn bro that you are so brave... *nuzzles your penis* you are like an independent thinker

            • 1 year ago

              Thanks, I know

    • 1 year ago

      Modern medicine is better than nothing for emergencies like severe trauma or infection, but if you think it's at all effective in preventing or treating chronic conditions then you're in for a big surprise.

      • 1 year ago

        yea, of course I'll go if I have a broken bone or something like that. But the risk of dying goes up every time you step foot in a hospital. If I cared to get blood work, I could do it myself. It literally tells you the ranges right on the test. Doctors are just pharma shills now

      • 1 year ago

        Depends on the condition, we've made insane progress with some single-cause diseases in the last couple of years thanks to monoclonals
        t. molecular biologist, never saw a patient in my life thank god

        • 1 year ago

          My goal is to never get a cold/flu again
          What's your advice? Doesn't matter how extreme it is

          • 1 year ago

            Impossible, if you get exposed to a high enough viral load you'll develop symptoms

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      name one marvel of modern medicine that is not surgery/treatment of an acute injury or infectious disease
      (hint: you cant)

      • 1 year ago

        CAR T-Cell therapy

        • 1 year ago

          wow another "breakthrough" that will be forgotten in ten years or at very most added to the laundry list of other "treatments" which have questionable efficacy to begin with
          give me a percentage of patients who are CURED by this, not have their life extended by a years, "positive outcomes", etc, what percent get the treatment and then the cancer is gone forever
          i guarantee you its a bunch of hemming and hawing, "well we dont want to use the term 'cure'..."
          none of the current treatments for cancers (beside maybe serms and aromatase inhibitors and tlr4 stuff in a very roundabout way) treat the underlying metabolic deficiencies which caused the cancer in the first place
          which is why they always go into "remission", the preconditions never changed and new cancer cells appear out of the same deficient environment

          • 1 year ago

            >treat the underlying metabolic deficiencies
            There are tons of cancers which are caused by single site mutations of a progenitor cell causing constant stimulation of a growth receptor, targeting those aberrant receptors fully removes the cancerous tissue
            >give me a percentage of patients who are CURED
            As of 2023 the lasting remission rate is 30-40%, which is amazing when you realize that this is a therapy for non-responders, who were previously simply doomed

          • 1 year ago

            >This medical breakthrough doesn't count because it simply extend your lifespan by years, it doesn't make you remission-proof for all time
            You're a fricking moron, see how much you value those additional years once you're staring your own mortality in the eyes

          • 1 year ago

            Are you moronic? It would be like saying that a train isn't an improvement over a horse with a carriage because trains in 1925 couldn't do 450km/h.

      • 1 year ago

        Treatment of autoimmune diseases.
        >t. have ulcerative colitis and take daily medication that makes it a non-issue, would have shat myself to death without it

        • 1 year ago

          >Suppresses symptoms
          That's like saying drinking half a bottle of whiskey every day is a treatment for toothache.

        • 1 year ago

          I wish they would hurry with help for IBS
          Weed is the only things that helps mine, otherwise I'm shitting all-day/can't eat properly

      • 1 year ago

        Smallpox, tuberculosis.

        • 1 year ago

          Not him, fully agree that modern medicine still makes amazing advances every year, but both of those examples are infectious diseases

  8. 1 year ago

    Why do make assumptions about every doctor according to the movies you have watched? I hate you OP. I really genuinely hate you and hope you don't wake up in the morning. Frick you. Go die, please.

  9. 1 year ago

    It’s really hard staying professional and not agreeing with them when they say they don’t want to see an Indian doctor. I just tell them they’re welcome to schedule appointments with me if they like but they need to keep their doctor for the complicated stuff that comes up sometimes that’s beyond my pay grade as a PA.

  10. 1 year ago

    private practice doctors tend to be chads. Stay away from actual hospital staff and you'll be fine.

  11. 1 year ago

    Camels are doctor's #1 recommended cigarette

  12. 1 year ago

    I work in clinical research for blood/bone cancer and have a vastly different perspective. We’re able to give some of our subjects years of complete response after their cellular therapy or once a month injections. There’s a lot of room for a life in between, and I don’t begrudge them anything.

  13. 1 year ago

    china flu has made you guys moronic lmao
    enjoy your snake oils and sUpPlEmEnTs as you die of a preventable disease

    • 1 year ago

      what diseases are you talking about? Basically everything they treat you for is a result of being fat

      • 1 year ago

        obviously obesity puts you at risk for a lot of shit. any doctor will tell you that. doesn't mean skinny/ in shape people don't get sick, especially as they age
        >inb4 muh keep us sick to sell us meds
        take it up with pfizer, not your local doctor

        • 1 year ago

          >take it up with pfizer, not your local doctor
          kek, what kind of point is that? If doctors shill pills, they are no better than a pill salesman. Doctors treat the symptoms not the cause of the disease. An individual can stay healthy through diet and some of the right supplements that the modern diet is lacking.

          • 1 year ago

            if your doctor "shills pills" without even suggesting lifestyle changes, find a new doctor.
            also good luck bench pressing your way out of a congenital heart condition, or a natural condition that comes with aging

  14. 1 year ago

    >They don't teach doctors about nutrition and fitness!
    Yeah, no shit, its simple and easy knowledge that anyone with internet can figure out.
    People aren't fat and lazy because they're ignorant, they just don't care. Doctors can't make anyone get off the couch and stop eating goyslop.

    • 1 year ago

      That’s correct. When you’ve talked to one patient with a BMI over 40 you’ve talked to them all. Why waste my time when they will never ever listen to my advice that they supposedly want?

    • 1 year ago

      Nutrition is the key to actually health.
      Not taking a bunch of medicines and antibiotics made from color dyes.

      • 1 year ago

        >had excellent nutrition, lifted a pretty good amount for a manlet (90/135/160/200 kg). 6 minute mile.
        >ate very healthy, no processed food, homecooked meals.
        > got a brain tumour and epilepsy anyway.
        Tfw some autist tells me to trust nature. Frick nature, corpo-governmental collusion polluted nature.

        • 1 year ago

          Grown your own shit, pussy.

        • 1 year ago

          Tell me about it.

          >Lift for 5+ years
          >Literally best shape of my life
          >Eat healthy, sugar is the enemy
          >Every test looks good, have more muscle mass than fat, lean, etc.
          >Get cancer in my blood
          >6 months of chemo
          >Become skelly
          >Bone-marrow transplant and everything

          Nothing fricking matters in the end, it doesn't matter how much you train, how healthy you are, it's all literally fricking random who gets to live and who doesn't. I'm still here but holy frick this made me realize the universe doesn't really give a shit about you or what you do to keep ""healthy""

          • 1 year ago

            That is how I felt after spending years studying software engineering, getting top grades, and then having to work at some shitty company because I didn't pass as a normie, while some random guys get paid twice as much to do nothing because of their social connections.

            In the end I realised there is no point doing things to be a good little boy, but just do things that you enjoy, because there is no real reward to being the good boy.

          • 1 year ago

            >Eat low carb and overtax your system with meme routines
            >Get cancer
            It's not the universe's fault you're a sucker who believes everything he reads online.

            That is how I felt after spending years studying software engineering, getting top grades, and then having to work at some shitty company because I didn't pass as a normie, while some random guys get paid twice as much to do nothing because of their social connections.

            In the end I realised there is no point doing things to be a good little boy, but just do things that you enjoy, because there is no real reward to being the good boy.

            Same for you, you mong.

            >Claims he did the right thing
            >Never did the right thing but the internet meme thing
            I mean shit, what do you guys expect? Life isn't a grade school athletic meet where you get rewarded just for showing up. If you do the wrong shit, you're in deep shit, simple as. It doesn't matter how hard you to the wrong shit, there is no A for effort.

  15. 1 year ago

    post body

  16. 1 year ago

    >can work 80 hrs per week, including shift work
    >limited to shitty hospital based fast food to eat, no time for physical exercise
    >limited nutritional education
    Tell me the baritrican patients, cancer patients, and heart failure patients they see are healthier than the residents or physicians themselves.
    Doctors generally tell you to eat less and exercise more. Absolutely normal tier health advice that is reasonable, even if your doctor is fat, bald and rash ridden.
    Grow up, kid.

  17. 1 year ago

    Because they work 80 hr weeks

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah 80 hours per week with shifts.

  18. 1 year ago

    My sons friend’s mom is a doctor. She’s easily pushing 300 pounds. Maybe more. I can only imagine her skinny husband banging out that stinky vegana. And, boy, you know it stinks.

  19. 1 year ago

    Cry about it.

  20. 1 year ago

    Diversity hiring

    • 1 year ago

      No such thing.

  21. 1 year ago

    Because they spend all their days in hospitals and shit. Not necessarily working, need I remind you, but some of them do.

    • 1 year ago

      Everytime I've been to hospital, all the nurses and doctors gather around and gossip/laugh and joke, while all the patients stare at them begging to be seen

      • 1 year ago

        Except you're at the hospital for a few hours at best, they're there the whole day.

        • 1 year ago

          And when I'm not, I'm working my ass off to pay them

  22. 1 year ago

    >be me, family doctor
    >go to work
    >first patient, high blood pressure, prediabetic
    >this puts you at risk of blah blah and blah blah. If we don't correct it, it can lead to blah blah blah. So for the first 6 mo ths I'd like you to try some lifestyle changes like exercising more, stop the smoking, and eating better. Here's how you can start blah blah blah, here's some more resources.
    >but doc that's hard can't you just give me a pill
    >no, we should try doing this before. Setting aside that it makes more sense, it's also in every guideline
    >a month passes, he's back here
    >look doc this isn't working, give me a pill
    >it's too early for that, and have you made those changes
    >yeah sure, well, some, maybe, I already eat almost nothing!
    >look if you need more help bla blah more info, basically do everything for him except actually put in the effort
    >a few months later
    >doc this isn't working
    >have you done everything
    >yes I swear
    >ok here are some pills but I'd really like for you to keep at it
    >sure doc
    >go back online to the basket weaving board I grew up with since 2007
    >doctors just want to shill pills

    • 1 year ago

      Another doctor here.
      This is 100% true.
      Most diseases in first world countries are caused by unhealthy lifestyle, consuming shit tons of goyslop and sitting on your ass the whole day, and we know it.
      And when i started working i tried to convince every fat frick that came into my office the what they need is a lifestyle change.
      I offered help, psychologist and dietetician consultations (I live in Europe, so these are absolutely free and would only require them to go there) but they never listen.
      Right now when i see anyone prediabetic or diabetic over 35 BMI i don't even bother. Just tell them about lifestyle change and if i see the grimace of disgust on their fat faces when i mention "diet and excercise", I just prescribe pills and wait for them to come back in a couple of years with infected foot for amputation.
      Eat healthy bros, don't become deluded fatties hoping a pill will revert years of health damage.

      • 1 year ago

        You sound like a bad doctor, your job is to convince them to take the medication.

    • 1 year ago

      Based GP bro. I usually just respond to thread like this with "kys"

  23. 1 year ago

    My brother is a doctor, when he started medschool he used to hit the gym four times a week but the stress and dealing with patients on a daily basis made him jaded as frick
    Now he built himself a homegym and works out five times a week
    He told me being around fat lazy fricks every day who keep dying on him of preventable disease just made him hat fatties even more
    Also he got transferred out of three different hospitals in the last couple of years for being rude to fatties i.e. telling them their disgusting fat fricks and if they don't change their habits they will die of their own fault

  24. 1 year ago

    As a doctor I dont see it as my responsibility to educate people on basic shit. If youre sick sure Ill help you, but if you cant figure out how to live properly thats on you.

    • 1 year ago


  25. 1 year ago

    and they are all promoted by the government as authoritative figures. I wonder why? Maybe because behind the government are the drug companies, and the doctors are the drug pushers. Imagine waking up and realising the world is a giant scam and nothing is what you thought it was. Hopefully that never happens to me.

    • 1 year ago

      Partially/Probably true in the US, not necessarily elsewhere. But you are also encouraging scumbags to get into medicine. SO its a bit of a selfmade problem.

      • 1 year ago

        which part is not necessarily everywhere

        • 1 year ago

          Being drug pushers. For example where I live its very restrictive of what you can prescribe and almost impossible to give people opiates unless they lost a leg or are acutely recovering from major surgery.
          Being promotes as a figure of authority is a more complicated topic. I do agree with a liberalization of medicine, in terms of legal requirements, but in practice its very complicated to not totally frick everything up. To be honest I havent found a good solution for that yet. I think capping salaries like we do here is a good start, but certainly not enough.

      • 1 year ago

        >not necessarily elsewhere
        It sure is true in Europe.

  26. 1 year ago

    I was at a psychologists once and before I came in, the psychologist was getting treated to a 3 course meal by a drug company rep haha.

  27. 1 year ago

    I'll share some of mine
    >Swollen lymph nodes
    >Old white female ENT specialist said nope you're all good.
    >Checked me twice and sent me home saying I'm healthy
    >Complain about still having swollen lymph nodes and get another time booked
    >See it's her so I skip it
    >She goes into pension so I get to see a male middle aged doctor
    >"No it's not okay to have lymph nodes that size, take these tests"
    >I take the tests
    >"Cancer , stage 2. I've booked appointments for you with oncologists"
    >Get treated within 3 months

    Second one
    >Problem with being tired all the time
    >Go to a fat arab female doctor
    >"You're depressed, take these antidepressants. No blood test needed."
    >Don't take the meds
    >Problem goes away on its own.

    I've had a lot of good doctors too but dismissive/incompetent hags grind my gears like nothing else.

  28. 1 year ago

    My proctologist is an attractive young woman, the colonoscopy she prescribed to me was performed by two another attractive young women. What the frick is the appeal for women to go into profession where you stare at diseased anuses all day?

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