>Mom actually thinks sneed oils are healthy. >Most food at home in turn contains them

>Mom actually thinks sneed oils are healthy
>Most food at home in turn contains them
>Yells at me when I cook my own food in the kitchen because I'm in the way
Should I just fast for those few days even though I'm on a bulk?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >>Mom actually thinks sneed oils are healthy
    You are an unsuccessful, insufferable boy who won't leave your room. I should have aborted you.

  2. 10 months ago

    >because I'm in the way
    You could try cooking at a different hour?

  3. 10 months ago

    Cook faster

  4. 10 months ago

    Her generation got psyoped pretty badly when it comes to vegetable spreads and stuff

  5. 10 months ago

    1) Any chance you can introduce butter into your household?
    2) Do you have some cash that you can use towards groceries?
    3) Two in the kitchen isn't ideal, but her not allowing you to cook your own meal doesn't sit right with me.

    • 10 months ago

      >but her not allowing you to cook your own meal doesn't sit right with me

      Maybe he doesn't clean up after his ass. Doesn't know how to control the fire (certain pans get damaged with too high a flame), maybe he burns half the food he tries to make.

      • 10 months ago

        >Doesn't know how to control the fire (certain pans get damaged with too high a flame)
        Not op, what is the rationale behind that? my dad always fricking moans when i use a high flame saying im ruining the pan, how would a bigger flame for a shorter amount of time be worse than a smaller flame for a longer amount of time. it makes no sense to me, his "proof" that high flame = ruined pan, is a burnt residue on the underside of the pan like in picrel (not my pan), and he insists that is purely caused by the use of high flame, and, let's assume he was right, why should i care how the underside of my pan looks? the inside is totally clean and looks fine

        • 10 months ago

          Then spend 10 seconds in industrial furnace instead of hour in the sauna you insufferable gay c**t

          • 10 months ago

            >how would a bigger flame for a shorter amount of time be worse than a smaller flame for a longer amount of time
            Lets takes your logic and apply it.
            How is
            >putting you in a 500 degree oven for 30 minutes
            any different from
            >nice balmy 70 degrees outside for 10 years
            surely since 70 degrees for 10 years leaves you nice and comfy, 500 degrees at 30 minutes would not damage you in any way?
            Maybe we should try 5000 degrees at 3 minutes. All of these scenarios should leave you without any damage to you body, right?

            of course a change this big would have drastic effects, but
            >a pan under a low flame for 30 minutes
            >a pan under a bigger flame for 15 minutes
            that doesn't seem like such a huge deal

            Non-stick pans don't take too kindly too high heats and if you've got a high quality one it should distribute the heat more evenly and a large fire is obsolete anyway. Too high differences in temperature (pan getting really really hot, then cooling down again too fast), can also deform the metal

            >a large fire is obsolete anyway.
            it makes it so i don't have to spend as much time cooking anon
            >deform the metal
            none of the pans seem to be deformed, the underside is flat and it slides on the burners just fine

            Not him but. Your dad is right. (1) The damaged underside cosmetics is a part of the problem but there are other reasons (2) Sudden rise in heat heats up the pan unevenly (3) Too high of a temperature messes up the coating on the cooking side, shortening its lifespan. (Teflon coating on a modern pan, Aged surface on a castiron)

            >(2) Sudden rise in heat heats up the pan unevenly
            >(3) Too high of a temperature messes up the coating on the cooking side
            what if the pan/pot is already filled with things? like a pot with water or a pan with ingredients in it, shouldn't both of those situations mitigate (or even prevent, especially the water) the damage that would be caused by these things

            >Being this moronic
            You shouldn't even be allowed in a kitchen with fire and sharp objects

            i personally know people who can't even cook scrambled eggs so don't think im doing that badly

            To add, you should use high heat only if you know you have a special purpose for it, Anon. And that purpose should be to use the rising air (to fluff up sth), induce a different texture (a rare ~ medium rare steak with a crusted surface for example) rather than the high heat it self. Good on you to ask a question even if it was dumb and you're being piranhaed because of it lol

            the special purpouse is spending less time in the kitchen anon, cooking some things takes ages
            >Good on you to ask a question even if it was dumb and you're being piranhaed because of it lol
            don't mind the negative responses, gave me a good laugh. and yeah better to ask a dumb question rather than not know why it was dumb in the first place

        • 10 months ago

          Non-stick pans don't take too kindly too high heats and if you've got a high quality one it should distribute the heat more evenly and a large fire is obsolete anyway. Too high differences in temperature (pan getting really really hot, then cooling down again too fast), can also deform the metal

        • 10 months ago

          Not him but. Your dad is right. (1) The damaged underside cosmetics is a part of the problem but there are other reasons (2) Sudden rise in heat heats up the pan unevenly (3) Too high of a temperature messes up the coating on the cooking side, shortening its lifespan. (Teflon coating on a modern pan, Aged surface on a castiron)

        • 10 months ago

          >Being this moronic
          You shouldn't even be allowed in a kitchen with fire and sharp objects

        • 10 months ago

          >how would a bigger flame for a shorter amount of time be worse than a smaller flame for a longer amount of time
          Lets takes your logic and apply it.
          How is
          >putting you in a 500 degree oven for 30 minutes
          any different from
          >nice balmy 70 degrees outside for 10 years
          surely since 70 degrees for 10 years leaves you nice and comfy, 500 degrees at 30 minutes would not damage you in any way?
          Maybe we should try 5000 degrees at 3 minutes. All of these scenarios should leave you without any damage to you body, right?

          • 10 months ago

            Same example already posted by

            Then spend 10 seconds in industrial furnace instead of hour in the sauna you insufferable gay c**t

            and I'm not a fricking cookingpan designed for being cooked on so your logic is moronic anyway. Only real answers please

        • 10 months ago

          Not him but. Your dad is right. (1) The damaged underside cosmetics is a part of the problem but there are other reasons (2) Sudden rise in heat heats up the pan unevenly (3) Too high of a temperature messes up the coating on the cooking side, shortening its lifespan. (Teflon coating on a modern pan, Aged surface on a castiron)

          To add, you should use high heat only if you know you have a special purpose for it, Anon. And that purpose should be to use the rising air (to fluff up sth), induce a different texture (a rare ~ medium rare steak with a crusted surface for example) rather than the high heat it self. Good on you to ask a question even if it was dumb and you're being piranhaed because of it lol

        • 10 months ago

          The other anons are right, but the brown residue on the bottom will ruin a pan as well. It's cooked on grease from lazy cleaning jobs. That residue will cause uneven heat distribution and make the pan cook shittier over time. Only solution is to blast it off with heavy-duty cleaner and scrubbing.

        • 10 months ago

          That shit will cook unevenly, good luck getting an even sear on any meat that isn't ground. Also the rust on the bottom will scratch the frick out of your stovetop, damaging it too. And the high heat will break down the teflon inside the pan causing it to leach into your food. mmmmmmm, teflon

          • 10 months ago

            i cook with ground meat most often, but like i said, the bottoms of the pans are still flat, they don't wobble, i have no problem cooking something like a schnitzel evenly
            >Also the rust on the bottom will scratch the frick out of your stovetop
            i cook on a gas stove top with cast iron grates, it doesn't matter if they get scratched
            >And the high heat will break down the teflon inside the pan causing it to leach into your food.
            unless im blasting an empty pan for multiple minutes on the highest heat i don't think it gets hot enough to break down

  6. 10 months ago

    Any chance you can try to make her switch to olive oil? Actually healthy in moderation, and an staple in Mediterranean countries

  7. 10 months ago

    >because I'm in the way

  8. 10 months ago

    Try getting a job and moving out for your "bulk," lazy fatass

  9. 10 months ago

    Make her use olive oil, then enjoy what your mother cooks you ingrate

  10. 10 months ago

    at me when I cook my own food in the kitchen because I'm in the way
    maybe it's time to find your own place buddey

  11. 10 months ago

    >Yells at me when I cook my own food in the kitchen because I'm in the way

    Why don't you take up cooking for the whole family and take some burden off your mother? Make yourself useful.

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