Most Embarrassing Thing To Happen To You In The Gym?

>gym girl slim thicc is hot but not outrageously so, 7/10
>been seeing her in gym last few months and we catch glances of each other
>it's just me and her in an area after she moves to where I am
>frick it, let's do it. Gonna talk to her without being overbearing and get her number
>she is in between sets looking at her phone with big earphones on
>go up and say hey and waive, clearly visible in her space
>she raises her eyes a little with me in her line of sight and stares at the floor clearly knowing I'm there
>I waive my hand again as if she can't hear me, and her eyes go big like "I am not talking to you or even looking at you", still staring at floor
>walk back, do another set and leave

>j-just be confident bro

You couldn't believe me anyway, but I have a face of a lesser sean connery at 12% bf with muscle. I could have been asking the most innocent question for all she knew and she's too stuck up to even dignify looking up lmao

This is what even 7/10 sub Chads have in store for them in modern dating

Maybe she's a lesbian with tats and has a dance festival vibe

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  1. 6 months ago

    You need zoomer hair to look less creepy

  2. 6 months ago

    >gym girl with tattoos
    Theyre mentally ill

    • 6 months ago

      but that's a good thing

  3. 6 months ago

    yeah I had a bad pick up attempt one time where I approached with "I think you look super hot"
    and she laughed and basically told me I was too direct. The first interaction was not so bad. The second time I saw her I tried talking to her while she was doing a set and she just ignored me, I realized I was a creep and a weirdo.
    I didn't talk to her again, in fact I stopped going to that gym out of fear of seeing her.

    • 6 months ago

      >The first interaction was not so bad.
      Thta's the worst line you can drop on a girl in the gym and then you let her shut you down, so yeah it's bad

    • 6 months ago

      >in fact I stopped going to that gym out of fear of seeing her

  4. 6 months ago

    If someone is using their headphones you shouldn't talk to them

    • 6 months ago

      yeah I had a bad pick up attempt one time where I approached with "I think you look super hot"
      and she laughed and basically told me I was too direct. The first interaction was not so bad. The second time I saw her I tried talking to her while she was doing a set and she just ignored me, I realized I was a creep and a weirdo.
      I didn't talk to her again, in fact I stopped going to that gym out of fear of seeing her.

      >gym girl slim thicc is hot but not outrageously so, 7/10
      >been seeing her in gym last few months and we catch glances of each other
      >it's just me and her in an area after she moves to where I am
      >frick it, let's do it. Gonna talk to her without being overbearing and get her number
      >she is in between sets looking at her phone with big earphones on
      >go up and say hey and waive, clearly visible in her space
      >she raises her eyes a little with me in her line of sight and stares at the floor clearly knowing I'm there
      >I waive my hand again as if she can't hear me, and her eyes go big like "I am not talking to you or even looking at you", still staring at floor
      >walk back, do another set and leave

      >j-just be confident bro

      You couldn't believe me anyway, but I have a face of a lesser sean connery at 12% bf with muscle. I could have been asking the most innocent question for all she knew and she's too stuck up to even dignify looking up lmao

      This is what even 7/10 sub Chads have in store for them in modern dating

      Maybe she's a lesbian with tats and has a dance festival vibe

      If this were 2018, they would not be acting like this. Hell these girls wouldnt even be in the weight section. Probably would be doing cardio on the treadmill or not even be in the gym at all

      • 6 months ago

        What changed? Are girls actually noticeably more into lifting than pre 2019?

    • 6 months ago

      In between sets doing nothing looking at one is able to say anything to you ever even asking how many sets in a commercial gym. Reddit moment

      • 6 months ago

        Obviously you can ask how many sets someone has or whatever but nobody wants to make small talk if they have headphones in

      • 6 months ago

        You can ask about sets, but if they're using a headphone they don't want smalltalk

  5. 6 months ago

    ever since biden became president the average gymgoer has became more hostile , rude and standoffish for some reason. I swear it wasnt like this when trump was president. I was dyel af back in 2017 and i swear the people in the gym back then were more friendly. The big guys even offered to spot me on the bench out of their own good will without me asking and the few girls that went to the gym were less rude

  6. 6 months ago

    >a year and a half ago living in the city, just moved from the country.
    >wearing short light grey sweatpants material shorts.
    >I work out at one of those big fancy influencer city gyms so packed with people who are there everyday and heaps of babes (which is why I went there)
    >Finish my workout go home.
    >My roommates look at me and laugh. "hey you shat yourself"
    >Look down and huge brown shit mark clearly visible on my light grey pants. Frick my ass must have leaked from my gomad bulk diet.
    >Tell them I must have sat down on something dirty and try to convince them It wasn't shit. complete copium
    >Go upstairs and shower, contemplating how everyone at that gym saw me.
    >Move back to my home town a few months later back to the grungy local gym.

    I've never worn shorts that arn't black again. Fool me once....

    • 6 months ago

      What a shitty existence

    • 6 months ago

      Influencer gyms are a product of the biden presidency

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, I wear non black shorts all the time it doesn’t happen to me cause my ass isn’t leaking. sounds like you have rectal issues mate. Either gay butt stuff or a lifetime of holding in your shit to stay on the computer has weakened your poop mechanics so you prairiedog without noticing

      What I don’t get is, how did you not smell it?

      • 6 months ago

        It has never happened to me before and never after, I think I was recovering from an illness at the time so I must have farted and a little liquid shit/diarrhea came out idk. It wasn't a super obvious mark but was clearly there.

    • 6 months ago

      For me it's leaking precum while squatting. It's not shitting your pants embarrassing.

    • 6 months ago

      We got another one, boys.

  7. 6 months ago

    Yes, be confident, that doesn’t mean every girl on the planet automatically wants to frick you, if she couldn’t even dignify you with a response let alone eye contact you either did/have done something to make her creeped out by you. Or, she’s just not in the mood

    • 6 months ago

      No one would give a frick about picking up women at the gym if it were 2019.

      • 6 months ago

        Ye ye I hate democrats too and the gyms have become more hostile due to TikTok and zoomers in general but people are still allowed to want privacy. If you’ve ever been catcalled by teenagers you know the best solution is to ignore, same goes for weird guys, gypsies and the homeless. The second you interact with them they shove.

        • 6 months ago

          We had privacy when trump was president. Nowadays you have all these creeps and narcissists at the gym

  8. 6 months ago

    I once ripped my compression shorts squatting. I hope nobody noticed

  9. 6 months ago

    "How many sets you have left?" said with a smile, and seeing if they smile back is a decent opening. If they smile as they respond to you, it's usually pretty easy to make small talk.

    • 6 months ago

      She wouldn't respond to him.

  10. 6 months ago

    I swear to god a lot of you zoomer c**ts, men and women alike, are actively doing everything to take yourself out of the gene pool.
    God you'd think you were the ones raised by boomers to be this socially inadequate. WTF did their gen X parents do to these c**ts? Don't blame it all on the internet gays.
    It's like these kids never were house trained or anything. Absolutely feral.
    I'm shocked but not in disbelief at all at this story.

    • 6 months ago

      The people that go to the gym now especially after biden was inaugarated are some of the most insecure rude narcissistic people you will ever meet in your life. Now i get there are a lot of creeps and people who want to harm them, but these new people live in a constant state of fear and anger thinking everyone wants to see their downfall.

      True pretty girls get approached by a lot of creepers.

      • 6 months ago

        Even mid ones.

  11. 6 months ago

    Don't overthink it
    Pretty girls get approached almost every day by a variety of weirdos
    She probably got approached by a creep before she came into the gym so was already hostile before you tried
    But really anon you didn't have any signal to go. Glancing at each other is normal, people look at other people. If she had smiled during those glances then you'd be okay to walk up to her

  12. 6 months ago

    That is funny anon (still sucks though) but I feel like I witnessed a similar situation just the other day where some guy tried to get a girls attention and she kept her headphones on and he fricked off after 2 weak seconds.

    Kinda crushing me a little because I am just now trying to work up some nerve to talk to a few of these girls I have seen looking my way

  13. 6 months ago

    Once I worked so hard I got very dizzy and nauseous so I went into the toilets and vomited in the basin and the cleaning lady was right next to me. I was terrified and said I'd clean it up and she said that it's fine and to go sit down somewhere and recover. Nice lady.

  14. 6 months ago

    I passed out while doing OHP with 125 lbs above my head. Not a fun night. This wasn't an ego lift, my PR at the time was 140.

  15. 6 months ago

    I hit my head on the lat pull down handlebar when standing up from adjusting the weight.

  16. 6 months ago

    I literally had to fight two British dickheads before the gym Stacey noticed me. OP, you can't just walk up and stutter "howdy" to the local gym Stacey...You gotta earn that right.

    • 6 months ago

      Tell us the story

      • 6 months ago

        >Walking through town
        >This bald manlet and his friend creep on these 2 girls
        >I call him a fricking creep
        >He tries to get in my face
        >Immediatly push him, He goes a few meters back
        >His friend punches me in the chest
        >I slap the shit out him and boot him in the knee
        >He goes to kick me but i catch it and pull his leg, he falls
        >I should have stomped him atleast once, i didn;t
        >He's screaming to his friend to punch me so i go after him
        >This guy gets up again and i go back after him
        >He pushes me
        >Two guys break the fight up
        >Gym Stacey watching the whole time
        >See her riding my bike a few days later and she smiles at me.

        • 6 months ago

          What was she doing riding your bike?

  17. 6 months ago

    Had really loud diarrhea and the people in the bathroom started laughing at me

  18. 6 months ago

    >we catch glances of each other
    YOU probably catched her glances, stupid homosexual

  19. 6 months ago

    similar story to the grey sweatpants guy but different story.

    I always used to alternate between grey and black sweats. For a brief period of time - all my underwear was in the wash and I had heavy depression due to work stress - so I just started going to the gym Commando for a while. Didn't think anything of it - but it would later be made clear to me after looking in the mirror more closely after wondering why are all the girls looking at me and giggling on grey sweats day - apparently the imprint/silhouette of your dick will show in grey sweats if you have no underwear on.

    Lesson learned.

    The other embarassing one I suppose was when I was 14 and I just put on 25 cause the bar felt light - waaaay too big of a jump and no clips and both plates slid off making a loud bang. Everyone in the gym stared that day - but I'd like to think I was forgiven for being 14.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        you rang?

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