"Mouth taping" is a dangerous new trend where people tape their mouths closed during sleep to force them to breathe though their nose.

"Mouth taping" is a dangerous new trend where people tape their mouths closed during sleep to force them to breathe though their nose. Mouth taping not only doesn’t help you to breathe through your nose, it’s also highly dangerous. It can cause obstructed breathing and create other more serious sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea and sleep disruption. This is nothing a physician would ever recommend to a patient. Please, see a doctor and do not try diy remedies which cause more harm than good.

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  1. 7 months ago

    I put dick in ur sisters ass

    • 7 months ago

      Luv to succ dat dick when you withdraw from OP's sister's heiney!!! <3

    • 7 months ago

      Luv to succ dat dick when you withdraw from OP's sister's heiney!!! <3

      I don't have a sister but I do have a brother who transitioned

      • 7 months ago

        Im sorry for your loss

  2. 7 months ago

    >"Mouth taping" is a dangerous new trend

  3. 7 months ago

    Been taping my mouth with surgical tape for three years and love it.
    Don't trust "The Experts™", simple as.

    • 7 months ago

      I noticed significant jawline definition after my first year of mouth taping.
      Can't believe I didn't start it earlier. Missed all that high school love.

      • 7 months ago

        I've been taping for 6 months and my face is becoming more chadified. My cheekbones are more prominent.
        I have a theory that mewing doesn't work in a lot of people because when they sleep they mouth breath and all the progress made during the day from mewing is reversed. The face bones lose support and reverts back.
        Taping the mouth closed forces the tongue to the roof to maintain and solidify the day gains from mewing.

        • 7 months ago

          show before and after pics stating the age and bf% in each

  4. 7 months ago

    breathing is done with the lungs homie, you can't willfully breath through your nose or your mouth, you suck in air with the lung and it passes through the respiratory region. you also cannot willfully open your mouth because your ramus bone automatically counteracts gravity by holding the mandible in a tight position thus forcing the back of the tongue to block air from entering through your throat, opening your mouth isn't mouth breathing, try leaving your mouth open then breath but block your nostrils, you won't frickin breath you ignorant moron. mouth breathing is a symptom not a cause of developmental maladies

    • 7 months ago

      lmfao brother what
      youve never breathed through your mouth

      • 7 months ago

        It's true, you have to take your tongue out of its natural resting position to breathe through your mouth. Try it.

        • 7 months ago

          >you have to take your tongue out of its natural resting position to breathe through your mouth
          yeah thats the point of thing dumbass, nose breathing is the natural state and mouth breathing fricks up your shit because its not aligned properly and slides further out of place

      • 7 months ago

        how the frick would I homie, the back of my frickin tongue is blocking the air from passing through the larynx, in order to mouth breath your mandible has to literally fall off your face for the back of the tongue to be pulled by gravity. this is the natural unconscious position of every normally developed human being, even if you leave your mouth open like a drooling moron ( and to top that have the front of your tongue fall as well ) and try breathing: you're still breathing through the nose(try doing it and then block your nostrils midway, you'll find that air doesn't pass through at all) I don't know from where did morons come up with the idea that opening your mouth = breathing through your mouth. mouth breathers are the way they are because of the same reason manlets are the way they are: their development is stunted

  5. 7 months ago

    Why am I not a mouth breather but my twin brother is. I never breathed through my mouth when sleeping or at rest. But my brother sleeps with his mouth wide open and walks around slackjawed. It was never a conscious thing to me but it's something I've noticed. Why are some people more prone to mouth breathing

  6. 7 months ago

    My parents made me do this with non-toxic tape when I was a kid. It does work, and got me to stop mouth breathing.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine having real parents

  7. 7 months ago

    blocking my mouth with mouth-tape made my chin grow and im seeing more definition aswell as i wake up early refreshed instead of sleeping in all groggy

  8. 7 months ago

    I've been mouth taping for 2 days and I'm now literally gigachad, thanks bros

  9. 7 months ago

    Mouth tapping unfricked my wife and she came back home. We are a loving couple again.

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