>muh calves are purely genetic

>muh calves are purely genetic

Then how come every current or former fat dude has massive calves.

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  1. 3 months ago

    except not every current or former fat dude has massive calves, just a disproportionate amount of them
    explained by the fact that they are fat, so they have more fat in their legs, which makes them bigger

    • 3 months ago

      nonsense, it also holds true for former fat guys

      • 3 months ago

        except it's not true for every former fat dude

        Classic example of confirmation bias. There are as many ex fatties with small calves as there are with massive calves. But you are just interested in the latter so whenever you see an ex fatty that does have massive calves = you make that connotation.


        OP is just coping

      • 3 months ago

        Former fat guys were basically supporting 250lb with their legs connstantly, and constanconstantly, of course their legs will be huge

  2. 3 months ago

    Being fat/chubby is healthy and skinny is low test inducing. Fitness people are moronic, the reason low bf% is desirable is because steroids cause excess estrogen and theyre trying to downregulate hormones by being low bf.

    • 3 months ago

      there is nothing unhealthy about 10-15% BF lardass

      • 3 months ago

        15-20 is actually where its at. People who grow up skinny are perma 10-20 lbs lighter at any bodyfat%.

        • 3 months ago

          people who grow up skinny usually are also shorter and narrower so it explains why they would be lighter

          • 3 months ago

            Take a fat person have them lift hard and they look like a skinny person on just test minus the weird proportions.

            Both of you are wrong. Bodyfat percentage and weight are meaningless in isolation because different individual have different "set points" due to genetics. You probably remember at least a couple of guys in your high school class who were super bony skinny in spite of eating like a horse. "Body type" is genetic, just like everything else. Being fatter (or skinnyfat) is probably a symptom of poorer genetics overall but I don't judge people for it.

            Nah fat people get a 3pl8 bench in a year.

        • 3 months ago

          Both of you are wrong. Bodyfat percentage and weight are meaningless in isolation because different individual have different "set points" due to genetics. You probably remember at least a couple of guys in your high school class who were super bony skinny in spite of eating like a horse. "Body type" is genetic, just like everything else. Being fatter (or skinnyfat) is probably a symptom of poorer genetics overall but I don't judge people for it.

      • 3 months ago

        Nah ~10% definitely fricks you up i used to perfor, worse at school on a cut, if you lift any significant amount of time you should be very muscular.

  3. 3 months ago

    Truth. High school football coaches are ascended calflords just from walking.

  4. 3 months ago

    Classic example of confirmation bias. There are as many ex fatties with small calves as there are with massive calves. But you are just interested in the latter so whenever you see an ex fatty that does have massive calves = you make that connotation.

    • 3 months ago

      That's bullshit. Living life as a fat guy for many years will get you massive calves every time. You're walking everywhere with extra weight on of course you're calves have to get bigger.

      • 3 months ago

        >Living life as a fat guy for many years will get you massive calves every time
        it won't
        even if it did, why would former fatties still have big calves if according to you it's walking as a fatty for many years that makes them big?
        you think muscles don't shrink if the stimulus disappears?
        >You're walking everywhere with extra weight on of course you're calves have to get bigger.
        walking doesn't build muscle unless you're sedentary

        it's just genetics
        stop coping bro

        • 3 months ago

          They remain big because even when they lose the weight they're still using their legs every day and maintaining most of their muscle mass. Do their calves shrink a bit once they reach a normal weight? Maybe a bit but they will still have big calves.

          Do guys who are absolutely shredded turn into DYELs if they stop working out as much? No, they will still have big muscles and won't turn into a skeleton.

          >walking doesn't build muscle unless you're sedentary

          What does this even mean? Most of us are sedentary more than we're up walking. Using your legs literally builds muscle. A fat guy walking everywhere is moving a bunch of weight with his legs. Over the course of years his legs will have to be stronger to move his mass.

          You sound like you're the one coping with tiny calves.

          • 3 months ago

            >They remain big because even when they lose the weight they're still using their legs every day and maintaining most of their muscle mass
            if the stimulus that built their legs disappears so will the muscle
            are muscles data banks that memorize what you did 10 years ago and magically just stay the same size?
            if you start taking anabolics you will get bigger, if you stop taking them you will shrink back down
            if you start training legs you will get bigger, if you stop you will shrink back down, even if you keep walking
            if it was really the physical activity that built their calves they would have to maintain said activity with the same intensity for size to not be lost
            >What does this even mean?
            that a healthy young adult human doesn't build muscle by walking, not unless you're living on the couch
            >Most of us are sedentary more than we're up walking
            doesn't matter walking is too easy for any of us to build any muscle
            >Using your legs literally builds muscle.
            only if effort is high enough and velocity slow
            > A fat guy walking everywhere is moving a bunch of weight with his legs
            unless they can walk to calf muscular failure they won't build big calves from that, if they happen to have big calves is because they simply have more muscle fibers and good insertions
            >Over the course of years his legs will have to be stronger to move his mass.
            doesn't explain why light people have big calves
            >You sound like you're the one coping with tiny calves.
            genetic determinism deniers(aka copers) always say stuff like that

            >every muscle in the body can be trained and forced to grow except this one
            peak doomer mentality taking comfort in determinism

            you can't just force muscles to grow though which is why people eventually stop growing, once muscle fibers reach a certain size they will stop growing no matter how hard you try, and some muscles are indeed much harder to grow specially the calves
            pic related, anabolics abusing bodybuilder on slin+hgh+grams of androgens + site enhancement and still has small calves despite training them

            • 3 months ago

              This is too moronic to even respond to.

              Your muscles aren't going to shrink to nothing unless you literally never move or use them again. (See wheelchair guys). A guy who has big muscles simply isn't going to shrivel up like you're saying.

              >doesn't explain why light people have big calves

              They get them from moving big weight frequently in the gym. The fat guy moves big weight every day,

              Just go it fat for 10+ years bro

              • 3 months ago

                >This is too moronic to even respond to.
                why even start with this when you know you're gonna respond?
                >Your muscles aren't going to shrink to nothing
                no one said they would
                >unless you literally never move or use them again
                which is why they will shrink down to the size they need to be for the type of physical activity you have
                >A guy who has big muscles simply isn't going to shrivel up like you're saying.
                yes he will if he doesn't have the same stimulus he built those muscles on
                >They get them from moving big weight frequently in the gym
                didn't you claim former fastties who don't even train have big calves?
                >The fat guy moves big weight every day,
                what about the former fatties that supposedly have big calves?

                pic related, random b***h with calves bigger than those of competitive bodybuilders on anabolic steroids


                >they think fat people "walk all day"
                the cope literally makes people blind
                i don't understand why you even care about calves, unless you get ugly disproportional quads or are a lanky longlegged Black person it doesn't matter much.

                it's the last cope of the noble natty gymcel crowd
                if there is even one muscle for which training is useless it will destroy their worldview, so they can't accept it

        • 3 months ago


          >They remain big because even when they lose the weight they're still using their legs every day and maintaining most of their muscle mass
          if the stimulus that built their legs disappears so will the muscle
          are muscles data banks that memorize what you did 10 years ago and magically just stay the same size?
          if you start taking anabolics you will get bigger, if you stop taking them you will shrink back down
          if you start training legs you will get bigger, if you stop you will shrink back down, even if you keep walking
          if it was really the physical activity that built their calves they would have to maintain said activity with the same intensity for size to not be lost
          >What does this even mean?
          that a healthy young adult human doesn't build muscle by walking, not unless you're living on the couch
          >Most of us are sedentary more than we're up walking
          doesn't matter walking is too easy for any of us to build any muscle
          >Using your legs literally builds muscle.
          only if effort is high enough and velocity slow
          > A fat guy walking everywhere is moving a bunch of weight with his legs
          unless they can walk to calf muscular failure they won't build big calves from that, if they happen to have big calves is because they simply have more muscle fibers and good insertions
          >Over the course of years his legs will have to be stronger to move his mass.
          doesn't explain why light people have big calves
          >You sound like you're the one coping with tiny calves.
          genetic determinism deniers(aka copers) always say stuff like that

          you can't just force muscles to grow though which is why people eventually stop growing, once muscle fibers reach a certain size they will stop growing no matter how hard you try, and some muscles are indeed much harder to grow specially the calves
          pic related, anabolics abusing bodybuilder on slin+hgh+grams of androgens + site enhancement and still has small calves despite training them


          natural selection yes
          in other words, genetics

          these copers just refuse to accept reality


          >This is too moronic to even respond to.
          why even start with this when you know you're gonna respond?
          >Your muscles aren't going to shrink to nothing
          no one said they would
          >unless you literally never move or use them again
          which is why they will shrink down to the size they need to be for the type of physical activity you have
          >A guy who has big muscles simply isn't going to shrivel up like you're saying.
          yes he will if he doesn't have the same stimulus he built those muscles on
          >They get them from moving big weight frequently in the gym
          didn't you claim former fastties who don't even train have big calves?
          >The fat guy moves big weight every day,
          what about the former fatties that supposedly have big calves?

          pic related, random b***h with calves bigger than those of competitive bodybuilders on anabolic steroids

          it's the last cope of the noble natty gymcel crowd
          if there is even one muscle for which training is useless it will destroy their worldview, so they can't accept it

          The work required to maintain muscle size is much less than that required to grow it. You would know this if you actually lifted.

          It just sounds like you have small calves and want to blame genetics instead of
          not training then.

  5. 3 months ago

    being fat is genetic

  6. 3 months ago

    I don't want to read a thread full of gays arguing about genetics or "optimal training". being a fat frick, a scrawny dude and all other shades of DYEL is "genetics" as in, you have a body and you chose to waste it if you want. nobody is gonna do the curls for you or put creatine in your tap water, so go fricking lift already.

  7. 3 months ago

    >every muscle in the body can be trained and forced to grow except this one
    peak doomer mentality taking comfort in determinism

  8. 3 months ago

    calves are largely genetic , HOWEVER this is mostly the muscle insertion, , if you have long muscle bellies , the muscle can grow bigger than if they are short, aka if you happen to have the right insertions training the muscle will yield much greater results, this is applies to most muscles in your body , but calves are particularly noticable.

  9. 3 months ago

    I always walk on the balls of my feet when I'm not wearing shoes, done so ever since I was a kid. My calves are massive but I've had to correct for lordosis with a lot of core work.

  10. 3 months ago

    5'9 170lbs I grew up in a town built into a very steep hill and I walked everywhere for the first 25 years of my life.

    My calves are huge, I have to stretch new socks/cuffed pants to get them over my calves, but my knees hurt so I guess there's a trade off. I'm a DYEL it just comes from years and years of incline walking. I assume you can get the same shit if you live near a beach and walk in the sand a lot.

  11. 3 months ago

    the logical conclusion is there is a link between good calve genetics and obesity genetics. you stupid moron

  12. 3 months ago

    not really
    some fat homies
    you know, the soft type, the ones that wiggle a whole lot everywhere, have tiny calves.
    The one who ARE fat but with "harder" looking fat are the one with big calves

  13. 3 months ago

    i was saying this for years but IST will cope with dumb myths and broscience like "fat guys have calves" therefore its not genetic
    by that same logic fat fricks should be able to squat their massive bodyweight easily from standing up from chairs

    it only takes one look at south east asians and then one look at africans to see that calves are all genetics
    a starving 5'3 jungle chink will have bigger calves naturally than some zulu ape on steroids.

    • 3 months ago

      >Rugged, uneven, mountain jungle terrain
      >Flat plains of just dirt for miles and miles
      I wonder what causes this.

      • 3 months ago

        walking doesn't grow calves, no matter if its uphill, you are just delusional and coping

        • 3 months ago

          >He doesn't do farmer's carry hill runs

          • 3 months ago

            neither do jungle asiatics
            people with big calves never had to train them

      • 3 months ago

        look at famous Black person boxers who jump rope and run all day every day, yet they have tiny calves, thats just their genetics.
        meanwhile sedentary starving SEA have big usually wide calves, you're in denial

      • 3 months ago

        natural selection yes
        in other words, genetics

        look at famous Black person boxers who jump rope and run all day every day, yet they have tiny calves, thats just their genetics.
        meanwhile sedentary starving SEA have big usually wide calves, you're in denial


        these copers just refuse to accept reality

  14. 3 months ago

    Go hit a bmx track, skaters are frail and must resort to wit in physical altercations whereas the bmx chad shrugs off the puny cigarette smoking gatorade bong cretin's relentless scratches and swipes.

  15. 3 months ago

    >they think fat people "walk all day"
    the cope literally makes people blind
    i don't understand why you even care about calves, unless you get ugly disproportional quads or are a lanky longlegged Black person it doesn't matter much.

  16. 3 months ago


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