>muh weed will make you lose your motivation. >thought I was out of weed but got motivated

>muh weed will make you lose your motivation
>thought I was out of weed but got motivated
>just spent two hours finding this I knew I still had one unfinished somewhere

Who's laughing now fit?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Yes I would smoke it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why?? You can get weed from any corner store in any non-shit hole state right now.

      • 4 weeks ago

        but its free or already paid for

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >weed isn't addictive

  3. 4 weeks ago

    if weed is bad for memory then why i never forget to smoke? checkmate weed hating chuds.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >be fat alcoholic
    >simply traded my alcoholism for a cannabis addiction and gymbro mindset for a while
    >”no smoke in calories amirite” (still got smashed with the boys on the weekends though)
    >in a mix of crash diet, genuinely good diet, and just pumping fuarkin weights get well back into shape considering i was 110kg at 5”11 with ZERO muscle
    >80kg at around 16% body fat now down from easily 25%+
    >”you must be so healthy, anon” while some chink-bath-tub-made THC gummy sold as Authentic(tm) Cali Burthday Girlscout Cake Gelato OG edibles desolves in my guts for the second time that day
    long story short my work-life balance was a little fricked for a while, i dunno what my intestines look like, but your mam said i look frickin good in tighty whities so yeah

    • 4 weeks ago

      Alcoholic is the low of the low, same level as heroin, crack and meth addicts. So yeah it’s better to be a dumb pothead than a smelly alcoholic but you should aim for total revovery.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I want to use weed to quit alcohol but my neighbour is a fricking c**t who calls the police on me, multiple times this year when she's "smelled it" and is convinced I have a grow. I haven't smoked weed in 3 years.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah. i was never “DUDE WEED LMAO” about it, i hate that shit. i know people who are completely ‘potheads’ but are like the natty lanklet versions of roidrage. it’s fricking weird. i thought thc chils you out but not every one. and getting towards my 30s, im starting to look at all of that as a bit sad. i see people in life and on tv acting like teenagers after they drink/use stuff and i’m like man did you never learn how to handle your stuff? or am i exposing myself for the addict i am because i can hide it or some shit. either way i think getting more than tipsy on a few beers past your late 20s is honestly sad as frick and sobriety is the way. i dont mean abstinence though, but full on party mode is for kids.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Weed in moderation chill you out but once you’re a complete addict smoking very potent stuff you become a short-fused butthole who cry at minor inconveniences, a man-child

          • 4 weeks ago

            i still find that crazy because i have done normal weed edibles, smoked coffee-shop curated shit, backstreet shit weed, cheap hash, delta8, HHC, THCp from good quality and all those other gas station vapes, and have been doing this quite frequently now since 2017 and i have never been short fused due to weed or otherwise. in the past have also fricked around with codeine, morphine, LSA seeds, tramadol, and oxycontin, and cocaine very briefly so it’s not just THC addicts. it’s so alien to me. if i’m high i’m either everyones friend or rolled up in a blanket worried about some literally who background character in a movie/game. i work a stressfull 9-5 like a lot of other people and i still dont get it.
            >tl;dr i think these kind of people would be frickin psychos on or off drugs.
            idk if im biased in describing this,because i have this one skinny psycho on my mind because i used to smoke with him but still

          • 4 weeks ago

            I find that I'm better off without it, because no matter how much I take, when I come off I'm a complete b***h for some reason.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Weed is a lot easier to abuse than alcohol. I rarely meet people who have drinking problems but know a lot of people that smoke pot daily. It might make you more "productive" or whatever bs but you potheads cant deny that smoking weed everyday makes you dumber

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I rarely meet people who have drinking problems but know a lot of people that smoke pot daily
          This doesn’t say much. I know more people who drink too often than smoke too often

      • 4 weeks ago

        alcohol is the white man's drug

        • 4 weeks ago

          its opiates moron

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I'm not exactly sure why but for me weed makes me more motivated.

    I think it's because I have a tendency to always have too little time too many tasks and so it forces me to slow down and experience each task individually without jumping from task to task.

    With that said I only smoke it in moderation unlike these people.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Theres two main types indica or sativa and mixes of both, first mongs you out other is mentally energising/stimulating etc. So some strains will knock you out and others will make you go manic .

      • 4 weeks ago

        Can confirm. Did a couple sativa gummies once to see what was up. It was way too much and I ended up doing situps for three hours to cope with the freakout. I think I'm going to make it my normal routine

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I'm not exactly sure why but for me weed makes me more motivated.

      Lol, strange how this gets posted everytime. Sure buddy.

      Weed is the perfect pacifier for losers, it makes you content with watching flies fly around shit, what ends up happening is that they end up missing their life before their eyes, if they're lucky they wake up from the haze of the greenisraelite in a year or so, if they're unlucky they can have years and years of their life pass them by before they realize "Oh shit, I've done nothing with my life".
      The way weed is portrayed by society also makes it hard for them to admit it's the drugs fault and that they're addicts, they'll be hit by depression and do self diagnosis of mental illnesses before they admit they're drug addicts, they'll also have burned thousands and thousands to sustain their escapism

      • 4 weeks ago

        this is true unfortunately. if decide to use cannabis, once you get over the honeymoon phase (ideally, by the time you’re fricking 21 and need to be a man) you need to realise it cannot be used all the time. a lot of people don’t get this. i also never got the different strain shit, THC is just THC after a while.

        • 4 weeks ago

          bruh im 22, quit using when i was 21 and now I'm back

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yep. They go get diagnozised for ADHD or whatever and end up taking literal amphetamine to do mundane tasks like doing groceries.
        Then after a while it actually get worse cause long term amphetamine consumption, believe it or not, isn’t good for you, and go back to get diagnozised with yet another bullshit cope, and put on yet another psych med they don’t need.
        Didn’t even stopped to think it could actually be the insane amount of weed they smoke everyday that’s the root of the problem.

      • 4 weeks ago

        But for me it literally makes me want to do things rather than sit around doing nothing.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    watching this right now
    not gonna lie, still tempted to go have another smoke - but i'm at the end of my bag and it's got me thinking about change.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Every year for Christmas, I fly back to my home state and stay at my family's place for 7 days. I still have an 1/8 of weed stash that's about 3 years old there.

    It's really nostalgic walking through the hallways of my family home at 12 a.m. while high again. It's a really magical yet somber experience reliving my youth.

    Smoking there is the only time weed feels special again. Enjoy it bros, but the magic will fade.

    • 4 weeks ago

      weed’s magic is something else. there’s tolerance, and there’s being high at a time when it just werks, but it definitely fades quick

  8. 4 weeks ago

    you can do nothing while on weed

    ppl look at you and see it so you need to hide

    then you end up smoking a blunt the size of my dick everyday for a whole week and start becoming a weirdo brain damaged forever

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