My arms are still dyel after a year of lifting full body 3x a week.

My arms are still dyel after a year of lifting full body 3x a week.

What exercises and sets and reps should I do to get big arms?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Fwiw I saved this from here, I neither do these workouts nor have big arms because I am a recovering fatty.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah this is actually really good. I got to 18 inch pythons doing something similar to this 3x a week. Just add skull crushers and close grip bench, and if you are an advanced or elite lifter, replace with 5x10 instead of 3x10 on all of them.

  2. 2 years ago

    Just switch to a PPL. What were you doing, 5x5 Stronglifts or SS?
    If you want big arms you're gonna need to sacrifice on powerlifting progress for a bit.

  3. 2 years ago

    I heard you can train arms more frequently.

    Also if you're doing compound lifts only, you're wrong. Training like a powerlifter when you're not one is a waste of time. So like, still do your compound lifts, but then train arms in isolation. For example, a horizontal/vertical split would be something like

    A (Horizontal)
    >bent-over row
    >bench press
    >face pulls
    >concentration curl
    >skull crushers or french press
    >lateral raises
    >forearm or calves, if you care to

    B (vertical)
    >pullup/or lat pulldown
    >shoulder press or OHP
    >squat or diddlies (one set of diddlies only)
    >standing bicep curl or hammer curl
    >tricep extension
    >lateral raises
    >core or neck if you care to

  4. 2 years ago

    Gymnastics rings and straight-arm work. My arms always used to be my weakest bodypart; now they're starting to become overdeveloped. Just google gymnast bodies and you'll see what I mean.

    • 2 years ago

      >straight-arm work
      could you please elaborate on this? does this mean isometric holds with gymnastic equipment?

      • 2 years ago

        >could you please elaborate on this? does this mean isometric holds with gymnastic equipment?
        Precisely. Do dips and push ups on rings, and in the top position (when your arms are straight), externally rotate your shoulders such that your bicep and elbow pit is facing directly forwards. Also doing the progressions for back/front lever, planche etc. works really well, but be sure to build up a considerable amount of strength and muscle through weighted pull ups, dips and push-ups first so you don't snap your shit my guy

  5. 2 years ago

    >full body 3x a week.
    guess what Black person, to grow you need volume, a frickload of it. blast your arms, 80 reps a weeks for bics, 80 for tris. don't listen to these redd!t subhuman dorks telling you to focus on "deadlifting" only like you need to earn training arms. they all look like shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Dubs of truth. Deadlifts are the most overrated, useless lift of all time. Take a while to set up and gets you gassed way before muscles get to exhaustion. Good techniques on bench + squat get you more visible gains hands down, deadlift is nothing but egomaxxing

    • 2 years ago

      Dubs of truth. Deadlifts are the most overrated, useless lift of all time. Take a while to set up and gets you gassed way before muscles get to exhaustion. Good techniques on bench + squat get you more visible gains hands down, deadlift is nothing but egomaxxing

      Agreed, RDL however are great and you should be doing them.

      • 2 years ago

        Do a split like upper lower or something where you can throw in an extra arm (or arm/shoulder day) day. Then you can train them 3 maybe even 4 times a week and give them more attention than trying to fit them in with full body.

        Based, absolutely correct opinion

      • 2 years ago

        Do a split like upper lower or something where you can throw in an extra arm (or arm/shoulder day) day. Then you can train them 3 maybe even 4 times a week and give them more attention than trying to fit them in with full body.

        Based, absolutely correct opinion

        How do RDL compare to rack pulls? I love the back pump I get from rack pulls and it’s way less pressure on my lower back to the point it feels really good to do

        • 2 years ago

          You shouldn't be hurting your lower back doing RDLs. Lower the weight, bump up the reps, and do slow 4 second eccentrics. RDLs are a really great TuT lift, and you'll feel it in your hammies so much more when you do it properly. Wearing a belt will help you keep your back straight if necessary, as the pressure should be on your hips.

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry I didn’t mean I hurt my lower back on RDLs, I mean I’ve noticed a lot of pressure on my lower back doing standard deadlifts which is why I had switched to rack pulls

            • 2 years ago

              Oh, okay. Well it's a different movement, since it's legs and back straight, hinging on the hip and targeting mostly hamstrings. It's not a replacement for standard deadlifts, but deadlifts are wholly unnecessary if your programming is on point.

              If you insist on deadlifting, for the love of god don't ego lift. Do high reps with lower weight.

        • 2 years ago

          Rack pulls are sorta dog shit imo. Do them if you want but it'd be mostly upper traps for me. Rdls are just glute and hams for me and some lower back. I don't deadlift so squats and back extensions on top of the rdls are all the lower back work needed

    • 2 years ago

      >80 reps a week

  6. 2 years ago

    Weighted chins and weighted dips.

    • 2 years ago

      I honestly believe you could escape DYEL tier by doing nothing but progressive overload on weighted chins and weighted dips. Stick your legs out while you do weighted chins and you’d probably have a solid core by the end of it too

      • 2 years ago

        Post body

        • 2 years ago

          I didn’t say I escaped dyel tier it’s just a theory. I do a 4 day upper lower split and look like trash lol

  7. 2 years ago

    >doing SS for a year
    Should've read the book

  8. 2 years ago

    10x10 to 10x20 per muscle each week works. But it has to be quite hard and generally pull up a bit of blood pumping and heat and maybe sweat and grunting to get the final reps, especially in later sets you do on the same day.

    Even if you end up semi-dyel you could still be making the best of a shitty hand. If you didn't lift, you could be looking like a chronically emaciated weakling.

  9. 2 years ago

    im 40 and i never even usually washed my face with soap in my life and i look way better than this guy in terms of skin/face/wrinkles etc

  10. 2 years ago

    do dips and take a fricking 10lb plate and curl it until failure 3 times in a row. i'm not even memeing it's kind of that easy

  11. 2 years ago

    >full body
    who is gonna tell him?

  12. 2 years ago

    > he fell for the full body 3x week

    ask the methead in your gym how many days a week he exercises. most people in here don't even go to the gym.

    • 2 years ago

      Meatheads are taking huge stacks and have nothing in life besides the gym.
      If a natty tried to train like a roidhead, they would die within a month

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