My gf is 5 months preggers, what weight lifting programs are optimal for fetuses ?

I need lifting advice for my fetus son to ensure he grows up into a gigachad

Is there any way to influence his development in utero to make sure he grows up big and strong ?

My wife is only 5 ft 6 , but I want my son to be like me or taller 6’3. If I get him into lifting now will it stimulate HGH production in the womb and give him a head start ??

Thanks in advance guys

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Wasting a 5'6" woman when you are 6'3"
    Come on man I thought we were bros. You couldn't find a tall b***h to frick?
    Your thread is wack anyway. Go look at fireworks or something.

    • 5 months ago

      The tall b***hes are crazy

      No lifting for the pregnant wife. Focus on good diet (plenty of calories and variety), good environment, and low stress/good sleep. This nine months is very important for fetal development and you guys don't want her body focused on anything else. good luck to you!

      Thanks anon. But how do I ensure the mother supplies enough T to the babby?

      • 5 months ago

        I need lifting advice for my fetus son to ensure he grows up into a gigachad

        Is there any way to influence his development in utero to make sure he grows up big and strong ?

        My wife is only 5 ft 6 , but I want my son to be like me or taller 6’3. If I get him into lifting now will it stimulate HGH production in the womb and give him a head start ??

        Thanks in advance guys

        Why do you want your kid blasting gear already? Give the fricker a chance. What your kid really needs is for your wife to get plenty of red meat. Iron is extremely important for brain development, especially the heme iron that comes from red meat. In terms of total height, idk if there's anything that can be done now because that shit is written into genetic code. Nurture over nature, make sure he's never lacking quality nutrients and exclusively breastfeed the baby for the first 6 months, and gradually introduce solids at that point. Keep up the breastfeeding as a supplement until 2 years old. There's and app, SolidStarts that's amazing with how to introduce what foods safely. From 6 months onward, your baby should eat what you eat, just in a safe choke hazard reduced way. No purees and shit.

        Man, I can go on. My second is 3 months now and my first is almost 2 years old. So much gets learned.

        But yeah, just focus on mom getting good food now. She can keep taking prenatal vitamins too, they got a good balance of things a woman needs before and during childbearing. Don't need to stop those.

        • 5 months ago

          Thanks anon

          my wife was telling me about the app the other day

          She be getting lots of red meat tho

          Any other novel tips ?

          • 5 months ago

            Off the top of my head, reusable diapers are pretty cool. The phthalates added to disposable diapers are endocrine disruptors and leech crap into your kid's junk. I grew up just fine and I was raised on only disposable, but for our kids we use as much reusable as possible. For the first few months just to ease we had disposables, when our oldest was a wee wee baby we didn't know how to fit them properly. But now we got the hang of it. There's a higher upfront cost and cleaning shit just sucks, but we use elbow length rubber gloves and rinse shit covered ones in the toilet. There are paper liner things you can get that get most of the crap off. If you go the reusable route, you'll need a special kind of rash cream because traditional zinc cream will ruin their absorbance.

            Zipper pajamas are all you need. Buttons and push buttons are cute, but you don't need that shit in your life. Zippers are godly and the one solution.

            Bed sharing is blessed if done right. There are many risk factors, like if Dad is in the bed too, alcohol, prescription drugs, obesity of a parent, of the mom is breastfeeding or not. But, if your wife is like mine, doesn't drink, no pills, thin, and breastfeeds, it's legit the best sleep a new mom can get. They did studies, and in terms of quality AND quantity of sleep for the mom, breastfed and co-sleeping is the meta. But for safety I sleep in a different bed. Now I share with our oldest, and my wife has a bed with our second.

            Also, don't feel bad when they throw everything on the floor when they hit toddlerhood. A one year old eats way more than a toddler, way way more. It's shocking how little our oldest eats but still grows anyway.

            • 5 months ago

              That’s really interesting about the bed sharing improving the quality of sleep for the mom. Is it reciprocated for the babby too?

              My wife is thin and doesn’t drink or pills , but she often changes positions in bed a lot . Sometimes curls up into a swastika like position which doesn’t even make sense . Where is the infant usually placed during bed sharing ?

              • 5 months ago

                It's definitely better for the baby too. They feel the warmth of Mama and even smell her. The kids wake up less (still a lot, since they feed every hour at first). The first few weeks are hell no matter what option is taken, but as they get used to it the sleep quality drastically improves. Because a new mom doesn't sleep deeply anymore, like the baby will fart loud enough and wake her up. And just feeling the baby breathe reassures the mom and she sleeps much better.

                My wife sleeps on her side and like, cradles the baby. Like a big spoon, beat position to readily access the boob for feeding.

                Also, stuff like no pillows (or a very small pillow) and no thick blankets to reduce the risk of suffocating the little baby. It's winter not and my wife has a decently thick blanket up her and the baby's hips, and she's wearing a sweater that's not too loose, so again it doesn't smother the baby.

                Like anything there's a risk, we can only mitigate it as much as possible. The way we see it, everything that is nurturing is just returning to monke. israelites will tell you your kid needs their own room so to sell you cribs and baby monitors and shit. Baby just wants love and warmth, and that doesn't sell as well.

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks anon.
                I think that’s the way it was always done in my family but I didn’t know the effects on sleep quality are so profound so that’s reassuring

                Happy New year fren

          • 5 months ago

            And when it comes to allergies, introduce one at a time and track if there are any reactions. And if a reaction isn't severe, it's probably fine. Our oldest had a rash from peanuts, but that's because it was his first time eating them. Doc told us to keep exposing them to him and he grew resistant. Many parents fear their kids having allergies so they don't expose them to anything, and THAT is what makes them allergic.

  2. 5 months ago

    squatting on bbc

  3. 5 months ago

    No lifting for the pregnant wife. Focus on good diet (plenty of calories and variety), good environment, and low stress/good sleep. This nine months is very important for fetal development and you guys don't want her body focused on anything else. Good luck to you!

  4. 5 months ago

    man up and marry her homosexual, broken households ruin society

    • 5 months ago

      Having a child with a woman is a union for life.
      Signing a paper in front of the mayor has no value whatsoever. You have a slave mentality.

      I've been with my wife for 14 years, we're married to one another and never had to ask the state for permission to do so.

      • 5 months ago

        States were a mistake

        • 5 months ago

          Well I shouldn't say that. They'd be a lot better if I was one of the elite working for them sucking back gigantic salaries at the expense of ordinary people

      • 5 months ago

        When did I say anything about a mayor? Marriage is between God, men and women.

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    frick you

  7. 5 months ago

    >workouts for a fetus
    Unironically; when the baby starts kicking alot around 6 months, cup your hands around your mouth and talk to the baby in her belly. My boy was doing somersaults, kicking and reaching for my face. I do this nightly. He is growing big and strong.

  8. 5 months ago

    >will be a father in 4 months
    >still saying >preggers
    It never began

  9. 5 months ago


  10. 5 months ago

    If you love her then just feed her constantly and eat her minge thrice a week, the rest will come naturally

  11. 5 months ago

    Fetus origin of genius
    One book, I never read but tell us and give summary

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