My gf is almost 50 and weights 90 kgs at 163 cm. I never see her eat that much so it's weird how she is this fat

My gf is almost 50 and weights 90 kgs at 163 cm

I never see her eat that much so it's weird how she is this fat

Realistically how unhealthy is this for her?

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  1. 5 months ago

    That weight at that height classifies her as morbidly obese, so it’s really fricking bad for her

    • 5 months ago

      What can i realistically do to help her lose weight

      Almost 50, almost 50y?

      She is almost 50 years old

      • 5 months ago

        Say it's very bad for her and you don't want to see her dying in an hospital

        • 5 months ago

          I have..

          nothing. she’s entering menopause and she will only get fatter and more disgusting. props to you for dating a granny but it’s time to upgrade to a newer model

          Im into older chubby/fat women but obviously i want her to live as long as possible

          • 5 months ago

            how old are you?

            • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                is she at least rich?

              • 5 months ago

                Decently yes

                Pics? I love thick older woman.

                >I never see her eat that much so it's weird how she is this fat

                She is probably eating junk food when you aren’t around. Lots of obese people do this to hide it, out of shame. Could be at work, could be when she’s driving to or from somewhere she’s stopping to get fast food or candy.

                >She is probably eating junk food when you aren’t around.
                Even when we spend days together i never see her eat that much and she mainly drinks tea


                Hello, fellow grey muff masher. I’m 26, wife is 72. I realized what I ate she would as we both gained a lot of weight over our time together. Recently we’ve gotten much better by not eating fast food, drinking, or smoking. It’s hard to do this with two because it has to be a group effort; it’s why the meme of women being gains goblins is half true.

                You have to be the man and set the standard. Otherwise you have to leave her or she’ll ruin you.

                Wtf how old were you when you mean? Thats crazy

              • 5 months ago

                Please say sike

              • 5 months ago


                My gf is almost 50 and weights 90 kgs at 163 cm

                I never see her eat that much so it's weird how she is this fat

                Realistically how unhealthy is this for her?

                >My gf is almost 50
                >weights 90 kgs at 163 cm
                if this isn't a LARP that's some high level psychosis

              • 5 months ago

                Not him but I have an /ss/ fetish and women over 40 fulfill this fetish.

      • 5 months ago

        nothing. she’s entering menopause and she will only get fatter and more disgusting. props to you for dating a granny but it’s time to upgrade to a newer model

        • 5 months ago

          >it’s time to upgrade to a newer model
          are you telling me if you find that fantasy qt3.14 from the flower fields to marry, you're going to leave her later just because she got old?
          why are /misc/tards so hypocrite?

      • 5 months ago

        My gf is almost 50 and weights 90 kgs at 163 cm

        I never see her eat that much so it's weird how she is this fat

        Realistically how unhealthy is this for her?


        Based granny basher
        >Captcha very related

    • 5 months ago

      I have the same BMI as her and I'm only 23.

  2. 5 months ago

    Almost 50, almost 50y?

  3. 5 months ago

    >My gf is almost 50 and weights 90 kgs at 163 cm
    jump ship

  4. 5 months ago

    That person has literally no hips and no ass. It's almost as disgusting as homosexuals making out.

  5. 5 months ago

    she is obese, thats disgusting. I bet she consumes a frickton of sugary drinks and lattes and juice and shit idiots consider healthy because? vitamins? but in reality its heavily marketed sugar. 90kg means she either drinks her sugar or snacks on it daily. In any case I'd rather be single than with someone like that, not so much because fat and gross but because it shows no impulse control, no ability to think rationaly and will only ever devolve into something worse down the line. Sugar is extremely addictive and should be treated as such.Sadly women are over protected and any comment that might go against their lifestyle will be met with aggression and tears and you will be the bad guy so either tell her straight or gtfo.

  6. 5 months ago

    >My gf is almost 50
    It's unhealthy for you to be in a relationship with her

  7. 5 months ago

    Pics? I love thick older woman.

    >I never see her eat that much so it's weird how she is this fat

    She is probably eating junk food when you aren’t around. Lots of obese people do this to hide it, out of shame. Could be at work, could be when she’s driving to or from somewhere she’s stopping to get fast food or candy.

  8. 5 months ago

    southeast asians seriously are one of the ugliest beings in existance

  9. 5 months ago

    Hello, fellow grey muff masher. I’m 26, wife is 72. I realized what I ate she would as we both gained a lot of weight over our time together. Recently we’ve gotten much better by not eating fast food, drinking, or smoking. It’s hard to do this with two because it has to be a group effort; it’s why the meme of women being gains goblins is half true.

    You have to be the man and set the standard. Otherwise you have to leave her or she’ll ruin you.

    • 5 months ago

      Is this a LARP? Be honest. If not what the frick compels you to do this? Even if youre attracted to her shes almost definitely going to die decades before you do. Do you plan on being alone in your old age? Are you in it for the inheritance money?

      • 5 months ago

        Not him but I have an /ss/ fetish and women over 40 fulfill this fetish.

  10. 5 months ago

    Pls post a pic of hers

  11. 5 months ago

    >I never see her eat that much
    Do you have constant surveilance?
    She probably eats high-cal snacks, like any other fatty.

  12. 5 months ago

    granny sexxx

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