My hair at the front has decreased in density and volume, the hairline also started receding.

My hair at the front has decreased in density and volume, the hairline also started receding. I’m still a Norwood I but not sure for how long. I’m too pussy for finasteride though, is Minoxidil + Dermarolling enough or is it fin or nothing

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  1. 1 year ago

    >My hair at the front has decrea-ACK!

  2. 1 year ago

    Too pussy for fin? What do you mean?

    • 1 year ago

      Scared of the side effects, fricking up my dick, energy, libido, focus etc
      Everyone says that it’s good to start early but it just feels like pharmabro advice

      • 1 year ago

        dunno bout others but i didn't get any side effects at all. been using fin for 5years. but i always hade very strong libido. so if you have low, it might frick you up

      • 1 year ago

        Remember that all drastic changes in life come with great sacrifice.
        There is no such thing as a free lunch.

        You can do what you want, but fin blatantly changes your body. Some people tolerate it, more often than not they don't.

      • 1 year ago

        Ive been on and off fin and never had side effects other than shedding when i stop. i also roid but my dick literally never stops except if i let my estrogen get too high even when my test levels are tanked

        • 1 year ago

          So I should check my Test levels before starting it, and if my T is high enough I’m probably okay?

      • 1 year ago

        >Scared of the side effects
        If you read literally any medical study on fin then you know that the percentage of men that get sexual side effects from fin is within the margin of error. It's just psychosomatic. If you think you're going to break your dick then you're dick will break. Otherwise you'll be like everyone else and have zero problems.

      • 1 year ago

        Is there a drug that doesn't have side effects? I bet you took any pill your mother gave without a second thought but now you can't because of fear mongering grow some fricking balls

      • 1 year ago

        Just get a prescription and try it. If you get side effects, quit, it's not like it will frick you up for life.

      • 1 year ago

        Ok this is the first time I have posted about this on here but I have been on fin for over two months at this point and I was EXACTLY like you and was terrified about the horror stories. Eventually after watching some Haircafe videos on youtube I decided to bite the bullet and try fin. Two months in and I have had ZERO side effects. The only thing was a short stint of testicular discomfort that occurred after I took the first pill after reading a YouTube comment that said he had some testicular pain. I quickly realized I was nocebo-ing myself and the pain went away overnight. Fin is not a dangerous drug and I think the side effects are a bit of a meme. PFS is also complete bs. I would say GET ON FIN but I have only been on it 2 months I cant make definitive statements on it yet but the side effects thing is bs.

  3. 1 year ago

    OP in a couple of years

    • 1 year ago

      Hope not

  4. 1 year ago

    Norwood II
    I want to kill myself

  5. 1 year ago

    start taking 500mg aspirin, vitamin K, and vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), daily. lower your PUFA intake to almost nothing, lower your cortisol, increase your sugar and decrease your starch intake. there, you have gained 10+ years of hair on your head.

    • 1 year ago

      My hair at the front has decreased in density and volume, the hairline also started receding. I’m still a Norwood I but not sure for how long. I’m too pussy for finasteride though, is Minoxidil + Dermarolling enough or is it fin or nothing

      Also take a zinc supplement. (15mg)

    • 1 year ago

      >increase sugar intake
      Almost had me there bro

      • 1 year ago

        concurrently with a decrease in starch. you can lower your cortisol by eating sugar.

  6. 1 year ago

    I was with a group of older friends and one of them is a 40 year old single woman. She was on tinder for fun with one of the sassy gay friends and she was disliking every bald dude because they're bald.

    That's a 40 year old single woman. Bottom of the barrel. Balding is a fricking death sentence and everyone knows it. Your dating pool gets slammed down to only select few daddy issues girls or girls that will like you if you cover your body and head in tattoos (who are also inherently trash). You can say goodbye to attractive young women.

    I'm on a NW2 at the moment and trying to figure out how I'm gonna keep this shit as long as possible. Finasteride gives me side effects, my morning wood disappears and I don't get random boners anymore when I'm on it orally AND topically. I'm reducing my topical dose to play around with it though.

    • 1 year ago

      noticed any regrowth or is it not possible to reverse ? i'm considering fin right now same stage as u also what else you tried that worked ?

      • 1 year ago

        I've seen plenty of reddit threads with regrowth. For me I've been too inconsistent. Was on oral for a few months then ditched and detoxed due to sides. Been on fin/min topical mix since August which is too soon to really say, and I'm still figuring the application parameters out. I've noticed my hair is thinning on the sides as well so need to apply there. I'm on 0.05% concentration daily, but took the last few days off. Gonna try lower dose.

        The problem also is judging whether my lack of morning wood and libido and shit is fin related, or depression, stress, and shit sleep related, or likely a combo of both.

  7. 1 year ago

    do everything u can from right now and preserve your norwood 1 i'm norwood 2.5 i wish i done something earlier

  8. 1 year ago

    >be an alcoholic for the past 1.5 years
    >can finally see bits of my scalp with hat hair going
    >certain spots are itchy and are coincidentally the spots that show the most skin
    I'm loading up on carrots, spinach, Vitamin C, Iron, and doing fricking egg shampoo treatments after the new year. I should have never let it get this bad. Frick me. I pray that by June and staying clean/on this hair diet things will be back to normal.

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