My main reason for working out is physical and mental health.

My main reason for working out is physical and mental health. I personally, deep inside, don’t care what I look like at all I will love myself anyway.

Then, is it acceptable if, while I’m at it strength training and everything, I want to change my body a bit in order to attract a certain kind of partner?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Nobody asked. have a nice day.

    Frick you for making me read this shit.

    • 10 months ago

      >Nobody asked
      What do you mean? I did. That's why I made this thread

  2. 10 months ago

    Black person.
    that is all

  3. 10 months ago

    Yeah why not? nothing wrong with that.
    Seems fair.

  4. 10 months ago

    What the frick are you doing right now? Are you asking for permission to want to look good? “Is it acceptable”? Acceptable to fricking who? What the frick is your problem op?

  5. 10 months ago

    Dead internet theory

  6. 10 months ago

    My main reason for working out is to reject women on the basis of their non-physical traits and watch them squirm in horror.

  7. 10 months ago

    I'm lifting to be able to kill other men (I also do mma)

  8. 10 months ago

    All that shit just to say you lift for women

  9. 10 months ago

    lifters saying they dont lift for women is absolute 100% cope. If that was the case you would pursue an actual sport. Climbing, swimming, running, etc, something that gives you all the cardio health benefits and actually improves your total fitness. Or if it was about being able to protect yourself then you would take martial arts, boxing, etc. Instead its about not being DYEL and aesthetics, which at the end of the day is about women. Yea that confidence boost you got? It's because of your ability to impress women. So end of day it's still about women.

    I lift too but jesus at least be honest with yourself.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Self actualization. And this comes from someone who you know, actually competes in other sports, unlike the gymcels that make up 90% of fit

        • 10 months ago

          P O S T

          • 10 months ago

            Post your mile time

    • 10 months ago

      Bodybuilding is supremely healthy, it is a combination of the strong loads of pure strengths training which dramatically increases bone density with the endurance of higher rep ranges, with result being muscle which is anabolically healthy and functions as cushion. Muscle mass is highly correlated with longevity (as long as it is natural), even moreso than HO2 max. By all means do cardio, but for optimal health everyone should also lift. Bodybuilding is simply one discipline of physical culture among others. Some prefer it, others prefer climbing or swimming, as you mention. I don't see why bodybuilding would have to be somehow less valid than any of those other sports. And yes, it's based on aesthetics, but unless you literally tailor your physique to attract women like some of the incel posters in here, it's not really about attracting the other sex. It helps sure, but it's rather far down on the totem pole of what women really care about. Plenty of dumpy-looking fellas have no issues picking up chicks. It's the "I lift for women"-posters who really cope. No you don't. If you truly cared about women, there are many other things you would do before ever picking up a barbell. You lift because you like it.

    • 10 months ago

      >do judo
      >constant falls wreck the body even with breakfalls, probably accumulated more damage than from any other activity (torn ligaments, sprained shoulders, elbows)

      >do boxing
      >basically cardio, 0 hormonal response, very little actual effort, contact lenses constantly punched out, headaches after hard sparring

      >do hobby ameriball
      >boring as shit waste of 3 hours

      Lifting is objectively the best. Strenghtens bones, intense as frick, HGH through the roof keeping body healthy, functional strength, mental self-improvement from high rep squats to failure, look good, feel good, 0 injuries, strength and mass gained let me wreck using judo/boxing skills, overtake road bikes on short distances when rollerblading, dominate on a bicycle unless incline (incline kills me), valsalva even tears off clots before they grow protecting the heart, etc etc etc

      Idk if bait just wanted to share my experience

  10. 10 months ago

    no that's gay

  11. 10 months ago


  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    Wanting to look more physically fit for others is for women and homosexuals.

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