my starting weight was 240, current 184. last week i ate a total of 3,000 calories. lost about 6 pounds in a week.

my starting weight was 240, current 184. last week i ate a total of 3,000 calories. lost about 6 pounds in a week. can i sustain losing this much in a week this at my current weight? i would like to lose 20 ish pounds by november 29th

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  1. 7 months ago

    also i dont give a single frick if its not enough calories or whatever. i know c**ts but im trynna make moves

  2. 7 months ago

    How are you burning an extra 1700kcal a day?

    • 7 months ago

      HIIT and running on a treadmill I guess? I do HIIT twice a week and treadmill 3 times.

      Maybe. I started there and it really slowed down after 170. I'm 155 now, but that push from 165 took fricking ages compared to the other part.

      that’s what im worried about, Ill power through another month of restriction and not even lose what I want to lose.

  3. 7 months ago

    Maybe. I started there and it really slowed down after 170. I'm 155 now, but that push from 165 took fricking ages compared to the other part.

  4. 7 months ago

    >dumping pills down the toilet
    A moronic idea.

    • 7 months ago
  5. 7 months ago

    this is a path to loose flabby skin

    • 7 months ago

      so even if in young it wont eventually bounce back? i thought it was related to genetics?

      You will rebound like you can't imagine lol

      even if i keep the same calories forever and maybe eat maintenance once or twice a week?

      • 7 months ago

        If you are under 25, you shouldn't have much issue with loose skin going from 240 down to 165.
        Many factors influence this though, including genetics, height, speed of weight loss, muscle mass, etc.
        If you drop this much weight this quickly, you will likely have some loose skin, but it should go away with time.
        However that also means that regardless of your approach, it will take the same time to reach the ideal you are looking for.
        So it is better to throw this time frame goal away and focus on recouping while fixing your dietary habits which led to your initial fatness.
        Yes, you've shown that you can do fasting and debt yourself calories, but that will come back to bite you when you are forced to return to eating in a sustainable manner if you dont fix your diet habits first. You will go back to binging and become too lenient on what you allow yourself to eat and eventually you will find yourself fat again, and too old to fix it completely again.
        If this is your one shot to fix it without saggy skin, then do it right. Time will pass regardless. Either you will successfully change your lifestyle over that time and get the body you want, or you will get the body you want and then lose it all and have to start over.
        I am speaking from experience as a 28 year old currently recomping again after doing what you are currently doing in my early 20s.
        I got in shape and thin and down to 160lbs at 6' tall. 6 months ago I was back at 240lbs. I am now back to 200. I will definetly have some loose skin to deal with, but I am filling out with muscle and doing a sustainable cut to mitigate that as much as possible.

        • 7 months ago

          I mean you’re right, I have horrible binge eating disorder. well Ive never been over 240 pounds but how I got to 240 pounds was eating all the fricking time. idk how Im not 600 pounds because im one of those people who would eat a meal then be thinking of my next meal. But recently something inside of me has snapped. Im so fricking hungry, constant food noise but somehow… I just can restrain myself now. Im not sure what the frick it is. Im happy as frick because now I can really buckle down and make some changes, but Ive got some stuff coming up that it would be fricking breasts if i could get down to 160 for.
          but yeah you’re right. Im fricking myself over if I end up with loose skin. which is a fear of mine but i rather have loose skin than be a fat frick.

          • 7 months ago

            NTA but listen to your stomach. Eat when you're hungry, but make healthy decisions. This also means stopping when you're not hungry.

            A good point of advice is to wait a few minutes before getting seconds. Humans are hardwired to really want sugar and carbs because they used to be scarce.

            184 is an ok weight, just take it chill. Don't fall back but don't let old habits resurface

            • 7 months ago

              thanks bro, im tryin to get better at listening to my body and telling myself if i dont eat everything on my plate i wont die

              • 7 months ago

                The lower you get the harder it is. I found once you got around 15% cutting hard like that sucked.

                My weight loss rules were to wait 40 minutes or so after the hunger pang. 75% of the time it went away so I kept fasting, then when I did eat I ate as little as possible and slowly. More of a suicide cut. I would say once you get pretty lean start working on muscle gaining and a maintenance or slow cut.

                I only cut from 235 to 195 but had 0 saggy skin at 25,

  6. 7 months ago

    You will rebound like you can't imagine lol

  7. 7 months ago

    How long did it take?

    • 7 months ago

      I started dirty dieting in july, by that I mean i was still eating garbage but trying to cut back. in august i started seriously dieting and calorie counting. i dropped 30 pounds in august, it seriously just melted off. then the next month, september (probably eating around 1500 calories a day) i lost another 15 maybe even 20. since those huge drops ive been losing SOOOO slow. but i was also still eating 1500 a day. october 5th i got fed the frick up and started doing 1200, still not seeing a huge change so i restricted further. 15ish pounds lost in october? sorry the math is weird prolly but its been a shit show

  8. 7 months ago

    My biggest was 240, and I went down to 160. Currently 170 after some bulking. The weight flew off until I reached 170. Going from 170 to 160 was a huge push and was the most difficult period of weight loss for me.

    • 7 months ago

      how many calories were you eating to push into the 160s?

      • 7 months ago

        I think I was down to around 1700-1800 calories a day. I work a very physical job so I normally cut around 2000 calories a day

  9. 7 months ago

    Personally I'd still try to get as much protein in as possible. I think there's downsides to such a low deficit, like body slowing down your metabolism immensely, limiting energy to organs etc.
    Just quit being an impatient schizo and do it the normal way. Eat like 2000 calories a day.

    • 7 months ago

      i thought your metabolism slowing down was a myth. well unless you’re actually starving

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