my whole life i laughed at people who claimed they couldnt lose weight because it was "genetic" or out of their control.

my whole life i laughed at people who claimed they couldnt lose weight because it was "genetic" or out of their control.

I started taking this and its convinced me that there is absolute truth to that.

Can they lose weight via "hard word and dedication"? yes i have done it before.

But this drug has convinced me that some people are naturally just going to eat like morons because if they dont they have physical hunger pains

Obesity is going to disappear when a generic version of this drug comes out

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    stop shilling this garbage you homosexual Black person

    • 12 months ago

      if you want an ad pay for it

      • 12 months ago

        Do you honestly think the company shills on the fourth channel? Get over yourself

    • 12 months ago

      if you want an ad pay for it


      • 12 months ago

        Erm big pharma is an ally, so I'm reporting you to your superior

        • 12 months ago

          Do you honestly think the company shills on the fourth channel? Get over yourself

          OP here

          I literally said in the OP i cant wait for the generic to come out and rape these companies in the ass with lower prices

          weird shill strat imo

          • 12 months ago

            keep it up, your doing great 🙂

    • 12 months ago

      This. Frick of with your israelite shit Dr.homosexual frick this drug frick the other drugs frick all your dope

  2. 12 months ago

    b***h please no hamplanet gets hunger pangs from going 3 hours without inhaling a minipizza

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        they get hangery in the same way a toddler does. they crave pizza but will refuse eating a green apple or any other bland shit. it's a craving, it's not hunger.

    • 12 months ago

      moron, if losing weight was as easy as "hurr durr eat less" you don't think most people would have done it? I have eaten healthy my whole life, no fastfood, no added sugar, no sweets, and I have stayed at 240lbs @ 6'1 my whole life.

      • 12 months ago

        >I have eaten healthy my whole life, no fastfood, no added sugar, no sweets, and I have stayed at 240lbs @ 6'1 my whole life.

        You're a liar. Every circus freak on My 600 lbs Life says it "eats healthy".

      • 12 months ago

        240 lbs at 35 % bodyfat fatty

      • 12 months ago

        >if losing weight was as easy as "hurr durr eat less" you don't think most people would have done it?
        You really underestimate how lazy and undisciplined the average American is.

      • 12 months ago

        240 lbs @ 6'2 is fat but not hamplanet fat. It's not that hard to get there eating 'clean' if you binge and/or are a sedentary frick. You're probably dining enough prime steak to feed a Vietnamese family for a week, slathering your veggies with "healthy" olive oil, inhaling cashews like crack rocks, etc. Get a food scale and be honest with yourself.

  3. 12 months ago

    No there really isn't any truth to it OP, just because someone is moronic and can't follow a routine long enough for it to do what they want doesn't make it genetically out of their control, unless they're genetically moronic and not just internet moronic, then I can give a pass.
    There are people in the world that cut off body parts because they feel they don't belong on them, if that were the norm instead of obesity would we really go full moron and condone it like we have with overeating?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >What are you talking about, I ate breakfast today.
        Rub some braincells together for a few minutes, there is no genetic reasoning that stands against the law of thermodynamics, if you're too moronic to stop eating so much it's because you're actually moronic and not just stupid like the internet and fatasses posting these threads on IST.

  4. 12 months ago

    looking forward to seeing ads that go something like:
    This is a consumer alert!
    Did a you or a loved one take Wegovy in 2023?
    You may be entitled to significant compensation!
    Wegovy users experienced brain death, face blindness, extreme flatulence, strokes, hearing loss, etc
    The drug company that pushed Wegovy knew the risks and still went forward.

  5. 12 months ago

    >physical hunger pains
    Just deal with it pussy it's not that bad

    • 12 months ago

      It really is this fricking easy, you SHOULD expect to be hungry on a diet, literally just be at peace with it. You stop caring after like a week but I guess most fatties never made it that far into a diet without cheating.

  6. 12 months ago

    People who can't lose weight are fat because they eat shitty processed foods that are are designed to frick with your satiety levels. Also those processed foods are full of shit that your body doesn't know how to properly handle. The result from both those things is that your body doesn't send the right signals. All these weight loss drugs do is artificially recreate that signal so your body stops saying you're hungry. If people just ate normal fricking food instead of mountain dew flavored twinkies or whatever the frick then they wouldn't have a problem.

    • 12 months ago


      If you eat solely unprocessed foods, and don't add any sauces or dressings or drink any calories, you cannot get fat. It's genuinely impossible to eat plain potatoes and spinach and chicken until you're obese. And you don't get the sugar cravings which are usually what people think their 'hunger' is.

  7. 12 months ago

    The hunger pains go away within weeks.
    Ice water can be used to mitigate this by drinking enough you need to lay down for a few minutes. Or if one truly struggles, they can simply drop 200 calories per week until they’re eating 2,000 calories, avoid the side effects of cutting calories by too much at once, spend the next 3 weeks drinking ice water if a hunger pain arises, and then never truly suffer aside from the occasional hunger pang that’s then easily ignored.

    • 12 months ago

      >Ice water can be used to mitigate this by drinking enough you need to lay down for a few minutes.
      I've done time in a level 5 state prison. When you're in the hole (and you will be in the hole sometimes unless you refuse to stab the Black folk who WILL try to rob whitey), slamming water is what everyone did to manage hunger. It was difficult to get any food smuggled back there and you're slowly starving.

  8. 12 months ago

    Obvious shill thread. People are using pharmaceutical drugs to treat an eating disorder. Food addiction is like any other addiction, it can't be beat by external means. You're only masking the problem with fat loss drugs and appetite suppressants. You have to break the addiction and replace it with a healthier mindset and habits. I used to drink soda with every single meal. I made the decision to stop and I took it one day at a time. I don't see food as a reward or a source of a quick dopamine hit anymore. It's easy as shit to eat foods that are not covered in sugar, salt, seed oils, and butter now. You will always be a fat piece of shit until you fix your mind

  9. 12 months ago

    another fat cope thread, eat less, you will be hungry for a bit then your stomach shrinks and you are not as hungry as before nearly as often, its really that simple

  10. 12 months ago

    If I understand your rambling post you saying this drug causes fatties to feel pain when they eat and that pain will cause them to stop eating.
    That's sort of interesting, but you underestimate fatties dedication to eating and are pushing some pharmaisraelite bullshit that almost certainly has a million other harmful side effects.

    • 12 months ago

      This. Legit just saw a chick I knew who got lapband. She managed to gain all the weight back in is over 300lbs again.

  11. 12 months ago

    Lettuce does the same thing and costs much less.

  12. 12 months ago

    It's all about the amount of dopamine you having in your brain, the higher about of dopamine you have in your the less you crave for food.

    I noticed that I crave for less food while on a combination of saffron and caffeine plus l theanine tablets

  13. 12 months ago

    The "hunger pains" are actually just sugar crashes.
    We eat like shit & consume nothing but empty carbs.
    Sugar spikes and we're starving for more when the insulin does it's job.
    Eat balanced foods with plenty of fiber & protein, you don't get those crashes/spikes under 60g of carbs.

  14. 12 months ago

    Completelty agree. I'm pretty sure estrogen up regulates ghrelin, so fat people who are aromatizing more would naturally have higher ghrelin. The fatter you get, the higher your estrogen, the hungrier you are, and the better your body becomes at storing fat.
    Genetics seem to play a big role in how much aromatase you produce and your hormone levels.

    Anyway, semaglutide is amazing. So glad my UGLs have it. I'd never be able to convince my doc for a scrip.

  15. 12 months ago

    Why exactly should I condemn an obesity busting drug just because it equalizes the playing field between high-value humans and weak-willed homosexuals? In the end, the results speak for themselves: the decline of obesity. The return of beauty to our streets.

    Yeah, it might suck on some philosophical or eugenical level, but this is nothing new. In past centuries, due to sexual dynamics, you were virtually guaranteed to procreate if you were an insufferable autistic Chris Chan frick. Now, the same is happening with would-be fatasses. Again, what is the issue?

    • 12 months ago

      >you were virtually guaranteed to procreate if you were an insufferable autistic Chris Chan frick
      I like how you presented your unhinged opinion so confidently as infallible fact

  16. 12 months ago

    those people eat because they're bored and have nothing better to do simple as.
    some eat to live, others live to eat.

  17. 12 months ago

    >But this drug has convinced me that some people are naturally just going to eat like morons because if they dont they have physical hunger pains
    No they don't, they just have ZERO self discipline and can't fathom being in an uncomfortable spot or suffering to achieve something. Anything worthwhile requires suffering, but suffering requires discipline.

  18. 12 months ago

    I couldn’t lose weight for the longest because I was addicted to snacks and had no other copes to deal with boredom
    Vyvanese showed me the light

  19. 12 months ago

    Stop eating plants, eat as much fatty red meat as you can. That's the real cure to obesity.
    Following the opposite advice is called the standard American diet and people pretend that hunger (malnutrition) is something we're supposed to put up with, which is ridiculous. Imagine telling someone drowning to "breathe less" to stop from chugging water, lmfao

  20. 12 months ago

    this shit causes massive muscle loss

    keep your protein up, you still need it to maintain your muscle.

    • 12 months ago

      OP here. The first time i lost weight "the right way" i suffered massive muscle loss because i did not eat enough protien. Its not a function of the drug its literally just a off button for hunger.

      Oh? You've done it before? How do you not know then that hunger pains subsist as you progress further in a reduced calorie diet? Fat homosexual israelite shill choke to death on twinkies
      Vegans and ketogays are grifters and suck my fricking nuts until I cum

      >durrr hunger pains subsist
      Re-read what i posted in the OP. They never go away. Which is why fat people relapse

  21. 12 months ago

    Oh? You've done it before? How do you not know then that hunger pains subsist as you progress further in a reduced calorie diet? Fat homosexual israelite shill choke to death on twinkies
    Vegans and ketogays are grifters and suck my fricking nuts until I cum

    • 12 months ago

      Lost 84lbs btw

      • 12 months ago

        Carnivoregays are grifters too and also suck me til i bust

    • 12 months ago

      Carnivoregays are grifters too and also suck me til i bust

      I've heard what calorie counters do when they lose 84 lbs or more, you always slingshot back to your true weight. You will never stay thin, you will always ignore real food. You will die young. (You will be happy)

      • 12 months ago

        Specifically 84 pounds huh? That's crazy man but I just weighed myself ...
        85!!! Hahahhaha I'm raping your face and I'm going to bust in your eyes Black person Black person Black person hhahahhahahah

        • 12 months ago

          Yup, you're in the "84 or more lbs" range. Guess those nutrient deficiencies are sapping your eyesight or reading comprehension. Oh well, you don't need those faculties for much longer.

  22. 12 months ago

    what a bunch of c**ts you all are, pussyhomosexualBlack folk can't even control themselves, literal drones, fricking npcs on my storyline

  23. 12 months ago

    >I became enlightened because of drugs
    You are no netter than those annoying people who say they talk to God and understand the universe after taking mushrooms

  24. 12 months ago

    Don't worry we will always be able to filter and identify the fatties based on their loose skin and skin removal surgery scars.

  25. 12 months ago

    >physical hunger pains
    Who the frick cares about hunger pains, everyobe gets those. Just fill your stomach with water or start doing literally anything. Fricking baby.

  26. 12 months ago

    yeah it sucks, i have very poor impulse control and control over eating in general. the only stretch of time in my life that i did well was during 2020 when i was unemployed during lockdown, every other part of my life it's been too easy to binge on junk food and be a fatty because it's accessible.

    i'm sitting at 285lbs rn and just feel awful about myself every day, can't/won't get meds due to them being so expensive and not wanting to rely on a lifelong 'cheat' to eat less when i really need a way to control my impulse instead. my stomach feels like a black hole that can consume infinite calories if i let it, i've literally had days where i've eaten multiple tubs of ice cream, bags of chips, candy, etc and still felt hungry after ;_;

    i've had some success by trying to keep myself at home only when i don't have access to a store to get junk food (working night shift) but that only works for the weekdays, i just end up binging on my days off instead.

  27. 12 months ago

    reddit-spacing shitb***h go away

  28. 12 months ago

    you can just get rid of hunger pains with fasting

  29. 12 months ago

    I think the problem with obesity is that there's so much food available that our mindset never hits on the idea of "rationing".

    • 12 months ago

      OP here.
      No. I used to think it was because of the lack of phsyical movement because of american car culture. However after using this drug. Its hunger related.

      Something has to be in the water or something happened to americans genetically to make us this way.

      its only been 4 weeks and i physically cannot eat like i was 4 weeks ago. a 32oz smoothie wipes me out and makes me feel like my stomach will burst. This of course is impossible because my stomach didnt shrink in 4 weeks.

      something is going on in the american brain that is different from mainland euros

  30. 12 months ago

    Just admit you have no discipline or self-control

  31. 12 months ago

    >if they dont they have physical hunger pains
    That's not genetics, that's insulin, you fricking moron. Low carb and fasting solves this no matter your body, but israelites promote shitty diets only so consumers stay fat.

  32. 12 months ago

    I lost weight without it, my hunger pains are brutal and my hands shake like crazy a few hours into a fast, within 12 hours of fasting I start to puke. my blood sugars and insulin levels are not just in the heathy range but in the ideal values and i get bloodwork often. the trick is to just eat small meals frequently and not eat like shit, its not really hard. plus most people on this drug lose most of the weight in muscle because they end up eating very little food and the only food they end up eating is processed carbs

    • 12 months ago

      >its not really hard
      >i shake violently and throw up

      no actually that is really hard for most people to go through that and i would argue not everyone has these reactions to eating a deficit.

      You proved my point in the OP

      • 12 months ago

        i dont let it get to that point, im saying its possible to lose weight even with difficulty dealing with hunger pains, just dont eat like a moron and eat frequently enough so I dont get hungry

        • 12 months ago

          >i dont let it get to that point

          no my point is that naturally skinny people dont start throwing up and getting violently ill if they have a 200+ calorie deficit

          My theory in this thread is that not everyone has trouble cutting calories because they dont have these reactions

  33. 12 months ago

    My gf wants to take this stuff. She looks good already but wants to lose 15-20lb which I’m all for. Any reasons she shouldn’t?

    • 12 months ago

      you gain the weight back once you stop it because your body stops making GLP-1 since its used to getting it artificially, and you dont actually learn how to manage your weight with proper diet so you revert back to old eating habits. unless she is okay with potentially being on it for life and paying for treatment to keep her results, a calorie deficit is way easier

  34. 12 months ago

    Correct. Good on you for taking the truthpill.

  35. 12 months ago

    Anyone else getting really concerned by the shameless shilling of products on this board? I see it daily now

    • 12 months ago

      >fitness board
      >have multiple permathreads about steroids
      >a drug comes out that makes you lose weight and its legal

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