>need to talk to a girl at the gym for X reason

>need to talk to a girl at the gym for X reason
>they all look at me likes this (if they even awkwardly answer my question at all and not just give me the cold shoulder)
How do I stop this? What does it mean?

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  1. 1 year ago

    >gymthot is using machine
    >ask her if she's done
    >>we can share anon
    >stare at her ass between reps
    >finish sets
    >>wow anon, thank for spotting me
    Just be confident

  2. 1 year ago

    Describe exactly HOW you interact with them.
    I want every single detail

    • 1 year ago

      Almost no one is that rude irl. You're either making shit up or a massive butthole.

      • 1 year ago

        idk young phonebabies definitely can be as a projection of their own insecurities. If you're mean first nobody can hurt you mindset. But yes other than them your average person is not immediately a cold bitter butthole.

    • 1 year ago


      reveals any autism on your part (like you approaching them in the middle of their set or from behind) then you're just hella ugly. Unfortunately no amount of confidence can change that. Whenever you get near a woman, she'll first think you're particularly ugly, then she'll imagine you trying to kiss her (because women are self-destructive like that), she'll be disgusted and make that face/avoid you.
      Or you just really really stink/dress like a mongoloid

    • 1 year ago

      >hay excuse me
      >uhh... I was wondering if you where going to use this machine.
      >... uh no....

      >hay excuse me I'm trying to max out, any chance you could spot me.
      >*walks back to the bench and awkwardly takes off plates*

      • 1 year ago

        You sound like a creep.

        >uhh... I was wondering if you where going to use this machine.
        You're asking this when the chick obviousy isn't going to use the machine, so it looks like a cringe/10 pickup line.

        >spot me
        Why would you have a chick spot you? Again, cringe pick up line.

        Also you tried to make this sound normal,, and even then it's cringe. Be honest, how do you actually talk to them?

        • 1 year ago

          >you tried to make this sound normal,, and even then it's cringe. Be honest, how do you actually talk to them?

        • 1 year ago

          you're just ugly OP


          • 1 year ago

            Ugliness doesn't elicit such an response, especially not all the time. OP is creeping hard, I guarantee it.

      • 1 year ago

        Ok what were the ladies doing when you asked those questions?
        Did you ask those questions to women at the other end of the gym when you could have asked someone closer?
        > excuse me I'm trying to max out, any chance you could spot me
        Could she have truly spotted you? homie are you moronic?

        I think it's not because of your looks but because of your moronic brain

      • 1 year ago

        >Are you using this machine?
        >I'm trying to max out, spot me

      • 1 year ago

        We live in a S O C I E T Y where politeness on the part of men is mistaken for weakness. That's no reason to be rude, but be minimalistic in your courtesy. Speak loudly and clearly.
        >Hey, are you using this machine?
        >Hey, can you spot me?... I was asking you something, did you hear me?

        Finally, women are garbage and should be treated as such. No more
        >Uhm, ekskjuush me! Mayhap the milady might permit me to partake in the use of this device?
        I hate women so much I could run for president of Kazakhstan.

      • 1 year ago

        You don't need a spot you fricking loser. If you fail just let it down lightly and roll it off. If I was a chick and you started talking to me in the gym I'd kick you in your sack and mace your moronic ass.

        • 1 year ago

          Bad faith poster. Probably a israelite or a troony

    • 1 year ago

      >Approach from the rear so they can't reject me before I get to them
      >A firm hand on their shoulder
      >As they flinch and turn to see who it is I scream as loud as possible
      >They scream also in horror
      >Grab the other shoulder as they pull away and begin laughing manically in their face
      >"Don't worry lass, I just wanted to ask how many sets you have left"
      What am I doing wrong?

      • 1 year ago

        That's how I met my wife.

    • 1 year ago

      Not OP but I weigh 90kgs, look like a fricking werewolf and almost never smile because I'm too autistic.
      Thots run away from me like a Black person from fatherhood. You can sense the fear.

      • 1 year ago

        Nah they aren't u jus schizo.

    • 1 year ago

      >can i grab a few?

  3. 1 year ago

    You're schizophrenic

  4. 1 year ago

    The only time I ever spoke to a female at the gym was when I asked a raven haired qt if she was using the machine next to her, she blushed and smiled and giggled at me.

    You're probably just extremely ugly or weird looking bro.

  5. 1 year ago

    Ok riddle me this cuz idk

    >By dumbbell rack, gym is kinda empty
    >Im on far right side of the rack
    >Theres some girl lifting on left side
    >I want to place my db's on their correct spot
    >The girl placed the small dumbbels on my spot
    >I put obe down and reach out to fix the small db position
    >She gets up from bench behind me quickly and reaches out for it too
    >Touch her hand by accident
    >We both smile to eachother
    >Actually up close she has insanely pretty face holy shit
    >She then later walks around gym, dances, glances at me bunch of times
    >Later im heading home, shes by lockers too
    >I ask her something
    >She explains shes only here briefly visiting family for holidays otherwise shes studying in city far away
    >Im leaving to my car, she walks behind me outside
    >Then she turns around and goes back to gym as if she forgot something

    What rhe frick was that
    She also was lifting close to me later on another occassion and wanted to talk seemingly

    Yesterday i saw her at gym again and as she went past me she gave me an ugly fake smile.


    • 1 year ago

      Take your chance, dumb frick, she clearly want it

      • 1 year ago

        She probably thinks you’re gay because you didn’t act on her signals. This is how women think.

        Shes out of my league
        And secondly she lifts with some chadlite who is infinitely more handsome than me

    • 1 year ago

      She probably thinks you’re gay because you didn’t act on her signals. This is how women think.

    • 1 year ago

      If she's dancing in your line of sight, she's doing everything in her power to get you to notice her and talk to her. Just motion to the poor girl to take her earphones out and ask her what she's dancing to, you idiot.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe but now shes chatting and lifting constantly with a guy who is infinitely better looking than me

        Lets be real she maybe just wanted some attention at that moment. I look like fricking quasimodo no way a girl with 10/10 looks would be attracted to me

        Unless she has FAT UGLY BASTARD fetish

    • 1 year ago

      This is an easy one, see she was trying to talk to you and was willing to go along with any advances you made, and you being an autist and most likely a gay were oblivious to them. How can you be so oblivious, do you like men? do you have no drive to pursue women because you are a coomer? Both?

      • 1 year ago

        >trying to talk to you and was willing to go along with any advances you made
        that day, yeah, but 24 hours later you find yourself summoned to a court defending yourself in a "rape" case.

  6. 1 year ago

    The key to interacting with women is to show that you are uninterested with them, like they are npcs or children

    • 1 year ago

      I think it's better if you are direct with women. Pretending you aren't interested seems gay. Be openly interested in them but don't make them the center of attention for no reason. Laser focus on your workout or whaever else you are doing most of the time, but when you bring your attention to them be focused and direct with them too. Nothing worse than sneaking peaks over and over but being too pussy to actually talk to her or actually approaching her but then pretending you don't care about her (if you didn't care, why did you initiate conversation. makes you look like a creep)

  7. 1 year ago

    >What does it mean?
    You're autistic.

  8. 1 year ago

    >girl using power tower for like a half our
    >Dips are the only thing I have left to do before I leave
    >Walk over to her and politely ask if I can work in a few sets if she doesn't mind
    >She instantly grabs all her stuff without a word and high tails it for the opposite corner of the gym

    I didn't even find her attractive, I had zero ulterior motives, literally just wanted to do my dips and get the frick out of there
    Maybe she's autistic
    Maybe I am

    • 1 year ago

      should have said "hey b***h, its my turn"

  9. 1 year ago

    Have you tried being yourself

  10. 1 year ago

    sad to break it to you, but you ugly as frick homie

  11. 1 year ago

    >Doing some random machine
    >Two girls come up and use other machine in front of me.
    >In 2 minutes, the other girls kinda comes up close to me and intentionally stares(and tries to focus) at weights with kind of smirk or smth like that.

    >Comes back to her friend
    >I am confused af, but regardless keep doing exercise.

  12. 1 year ago

    I was at a party, dancing, having a great time. I look up, start to walk to the other side of the room and theres 3 4s like in the op picture make that face at me. White women really are a treasure lol. A small libyan girl kissed me that night. But damn that face of disgust from a 5'9 170lb 22 year old was infuriating

    • 1 year ago

      t. sandBlack person

      • 1 year ago

        R-l21 haplogroup, german and irish mother

  13. 1 year ago

    i was sliding to a cute girl on the dance floor pointing my finger to her and she gave me that look. first time it ever happened to me. it was exactly the look i knew from the memes. it pierced right through my soul.

  14. 1 year ago

    Sucks for you. Women constantly mire me and I'm not even good looking.

  15. 1 year ago

    No one is asking the question that is needed which is: why do u care theyre making that face in the first place? Theyre just women. Its like caring that a toddler is staring at you weird.

  16. 1 year ago

    Women are all extremely mentally ill and believe that people only interact with each other for transactions or for sex. They cannot fathom any other reason.

    • 1 year ago

      honestly this

      You could return a girls purse if she dropped it and shed yell at you about how she has a bf.

  17. 1 year ago

    You're probably a left brain guy and all your words and actions are coming directly from your conscious mind, rather than subconscious instinct – for example compare how much steadier your driving is on your daily commute (subconscious) compared to when you're visiting somewhere new and unfamiliar (conscious). There's nothing really wrong with that, for example, you can say and do exactly the right thing, but unfortunately conscious speech and body language comes across as less fluid and slightly more hesitant than subconscious, instinctive behaviour, and girls are hardwired to misinterpret this as insecurity. This is what they mean when they say a guy comes off as creepy and they pull the face in your photo. It's also the reason why clinically moronic guys get more pussy than high IQ individuals because while moronic, their behavior is still instinctive.

    • 1 year ago

      >You're probably a left brain guy and all your words and actions are coming directly from your conscious mind, rather than subconscious instinct – for example compare how much steadier your driving is on your daily commute (subconscious) compared to when you're visiting somewhere new and unfamiliar (conscious).
      not OP but this is a really cool thing you brought up. I don't really have anything else to say though

      • 1 year ago

        You're probably a left brain guy and all your words and actions are coming directly from your conscious mind, rather than subconscious instinct – for example compare how much steadier your driving is on your daily commute (subconscious) compared to when you're visiting somewhere new and unfamiliar (conscious). There's nothing really wrong with that, for example, you can say and do exactly the right thing, but unfortunately conscious speech and body language comes across as less fluid and slightly more hesitant than subconscious, instinctive behaviour, and girls are hardwired to misinterpret this as insecurity. This is what they mean when they say a guy comes off as creepy and they pull the face in your photo. It's also the reason why clinically moronic guys get more pussy than high IQ individuals because while moronic, their behavior is still instinctive.

        >be me
        >left brain right brain
        >think about shit constantly
        >never act
        >cute girl says hey
        >black guy says damn I love yt girls
        >give him a dirty look

  18. 1 year ago

    you'll get a lot of cope answers but in reality it's just because of looks
    get leaner, get a better haircut, pay more attention to hygiene, etc, you probably heard all of this before
    if that doesn't work it's over, unlucky

  19. 1 year ago

    >"excuse me" to get her attention to see if shes done with machine
    >for a moment there is a look of primal fear in her eyes
    What did she mean by this?

    • 1 year ago

      >>for a moment there is a look of primal fear in her eyes
      You say this like it's a bad thing. There should be a look of primal fear in her eyes if she's being approached by an alpha male. If she doesn't find you at least a little bit threatening, she's not going to be attracted to you.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          wtf bros I thought women like androgynous pretty boy twinks

          • 1 year ago

            the people who make those post are trannies and twinks.

        • 1 year ago

          I look like a fricking ogre

        • 1 year ago

          source for this? I'm a babyface, makes sense why women despise me

        • 1 year ago

          Enemy and Sex are correlated. Damn. Patrice was right when he said hate and love are the same thing with women

          • 1 year ago

            Patrice was right when he said every single mother fricking thing he ever said, son.

          • 1 year ago

            its just some meme made by a IST virgin

          • 1 year ago

            Patrice never uttered a lie. Listening to Black Phillip tonight whike working out now.

  20. 1 year ago

    >walk into gym
    >use the machine next to a girl
    >she immediately leaves for the locker room

    • 1 year ago

      She needs to jerk off

    • 1 year ago

      >Walk into the studio area to do calisthenics
      >One girl doing pilates or whatever the frick
      >Set a mat down and face the opposite mirror on the opposite side of the studio
      >She leaves after I do one set
      >Putting my stuff up after finishing like 10 minutes later
      >Notice her on the ground
      >Shes doing the same exercises but in the empty space in front of the treadmills
      >She walked around the corner to do pilates in front of fricking treadmills to avoid my presence EVEN THOUGH I WASNT EVEN LOOKING IN HER DIRECTION

      Frick that c**t. A friend of mine tried to talk to her just to be friendly and again thought he was going to try and frick her in the middle of the gym or something. Only person I've met like that in the gym. Most just ignore your existence instead of acting like you're ruining their day.

    • 1 year ago


  21. 1 year ago

    >ask some bimbo if she's almost finished with the only leg press machine
    >uhhh....how many more sets to you have?
    >she pulls out her earbuds
    >uhhh....how many more sets to you have?
    >"A FEW MORE"
    >I look around then sit on a nearby bench and awkwardly look at my phone
    >she does one more set then walks away

  22. 1 year ago

    even out of the gym i hate dealing with women, i'd rather shop at a supermarket and use the self service checkout to get my shit and get the frick out rather than have to deal with some passive aggressive b***h/homosexual on the register, obviously i will if there is no other option but still at least a machine is easier to deal with, dont care if its enabling my autism

  23. 1 year ago

    >browsing /misc/ between sets
    >girl walks by
    >gotta act fast
    >lock phone and look at my reflection in the screen
    >she glances and obviously notices
    >saved by the bell

    one time some guy actually seen my on IST between sets and told me he uses it to.

    • 1 year ago

      How would any normie know what IST looks like, let alone know from looking at a sliver of your screen. Also if you're using browser on phone you're and idiot, and if you're using clover the nobody would know what it is.

  24. 1 year ago

    What are peoples experiences with shy chicks at the gym? This girl there constantly tries to dodge eye contact and interactions to a much higher than normal level, but we're always in at the same time.

    • 1 year ago

      If she's anything like me she just wants to get on with her lifts in peace.

    • 1 year ago

      If she's anything like me she just wants to get on with her lifts in peace.

      This sounds a step above the normal awkwardness anon

      I agree with that other dude you do your own thing and mind your business unless they give you frick me eyes. Otherwise just let them do their thing

  25. 1 year ago

    The obvious answer is that zoomers have zero social skills, so most interactions between random strangers become awkward and cringe.

    • 1 year ago

      That or she's just a c**t who watches too many Tiktok videos and they've started to influence her moronic behavior.

  26. 1 year ago

    Dont. Talk. To. Women.

  27. 1 year ago

    What are you asking?

    • 1 year ago

      >uh h-hey can I have a sip of your water?

  28. 1 year ago

    In the last 2yrs I’ve had to approach someone in the gym all of two times, how often do you feel the need to ask women questions while they work out anon? Stop being weird and lonely at the gym anon.

  29. 1 year ago

    > How do I stop this? What does it mean?
    You move to a place where rusty metallic iron filings have not been added to the food supply.
    Iron Maiden and Iron Man (the only narcissistic suoerhero!) are Money Power mockery directed at you.

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    Operation Daniel 2:43-44 – Rusty Iron Filings in Cereal Video, Thomas Levy MD JD

    Iron Overload, Magnesium, Copper, and Retinol Depletion

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    Studies on the Role of Ceruloplasmin (Bio-Copper) in Schizophrenia

    Download the *FREE* blue blood optimizing handbook

  30. 1 year ago

    Serious question, I don't go to public gyms but I would consider the occasional visit just to for the gymthots so I was wondering how ripped do you have to be at minimum to start approaching them?

    • 1 year ago

      If you have to ask, you don't have enough confidence in the first place

  31. 1 year ago

    >become regular at specific gym
    >even by my own body dysmorphia eyes can tell I look thick,solid,tight
    >start slowly trying to talk to some of the regular girls in the gym
    >nothing super crazy but trying to make small talk
    >start noticing the regular girls I've talked to seem to be avoiding me and in a pretty obvious way
    >usually get to the gym early when it's dead and take a bench since no one is using them
    >the girls I've talked to always show up and always need to use a bench to do hip thrusts
    >noticed they show up and make it a point to not even ask me at all if I'm using the bench
    >they're rather wait for a different bench or do something completely different
    Like holy shit I wasn't even going to try to flirt with them, but use them to get social gains. It's fine though because I make it a point to use the benches now and since no one asks for them I just use it to relax between sets.

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