Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>You still have to read the sticky

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  1. 5 months ago

    >eat banana
    >go cycling for 1.5hr
    >eat salad consisting of
    >85g spinach
    >30g olive
    >140g cucumber
    >114g avocado
    >have 6 diarrhea subsequently
    i mean i have ibs but hooly frick is this abnormal for ibs even? i have not eaten raw spinach in probably like a year, but creamed spinach yeah.

    • 5 months ago

      >i have IBS
      fat from the olives, eggs, avocado might have fricked you

      • 5 months ago

        thats what i was thinking but i eat olives by the jar nearly, and eating 4 eggs with avocado and cottage cheese never did either. i forgot to mention i had three cups of tea this morning too,normally i only have 2

    • 5 months ago

      Cucumber kills me. I can not eat it I get spewing shit and rashes a.l over me. It is truly a garbage "food" that tastes like boring gay old lady rubbish. Try cutting that waste out of your diet.

    • 5 months ago

      Might be because of effort, or because you haven't eaten the day before, or other factors such as that.
      >eat some food after not eating barely anything the 2 days before
      >get liquid diarrhea, shit everything out like an hour later
      >eat the same food taken from the same pot the next day
      >everything is fine, zero problems
      Human bodies are funny like that

    • 5 months ago

      >pointless low protein to calorie ratio carbohydrates (excluding the egg)
      >what is my digestive system angry?!

      • 5 months ago

        i am sorry that your tdee is so low that you cant eat a fricking salad without worrying if you are going to hit your protein macro

    • 5 months ago

      Your meal is fricking horrendous you moron

  2. 5 months ago

    Suppose I'm doing dynamic double progression, 3 sets of 8-12
    >first set hit 12
    >second set same weight hit 7
    >third set lower weight, hight 12

    I should increase the weight on the first set but I'm sure I won't be able to hit the minimum of weight. As for the second set I'm clearly not being able to push the minimum so I should lower the weight but then it will be too low. For the third set I can hit 12 but if increase the weight I'm fricked.

    Ideas on how do I fix/progress this? OHP btw.

    • 5 months ago

      why in the frick are you doing 12 reps of compounds? Why is this the new trend? What moron is starting newbies on this?

      Do a max of 8 reps for compounds if you're new. Preferably stick to 5 so you can rapidly increase strength.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm just following the program, and in it's defense twelve reps on this fricking exercise burns like hell

        • 5 months ago

          What program? It sounds way too much for a beginner.

          Whats the difference between spidercurls, preacher curls and using the biceps curls machine?
          Are they all the same thing with different names?

          different emphasis on the bicep heads and stabilizers. Do what you like, all will help grow your bis

    • 5 months ago

      wait longer between sets. also do fewer reps like other anon said. hammer out high reps after you lift heavier for 3-4 sets.

  3. 5 months ago

    Whats the difference between spidercurls, preacher curls and using the biceps curls machine?
    Are they all the same thing with different names?

    • 5 months ago

      I find curls machine takes the forearms out of the equation, whereas preacher curls hit them. I like the machine more. Dont know what a spidercurl is.

  4. 5 months ago

    Massaging quads right after a set of squats? Good, bad or negligible? It's not that they hurt a lot but I just get the urge to do so.

    • 5 months ago

      like, directly after doing them or after finishing your session? After session is fine, don't ever do static stretches or massages in the middle of a session.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >don't ever
        There's growing evidence that stretching between sets is better for gains

  5. 5 months ago

    ok ill keep it short, taking a new medicene, it kills appetite, struggling to eat more than 1200 cals but im getting like 150g of protein in, im around 15%bf atm. my question is will this frick me over if i go from my usual 1900-2000 a day to this amount? i just benched 2plates for 3 guys i dont wanna lose my gains, also lets say i struggle eating like this for 2-3 weeks, if i manage to go back to 2k a day will i balloon up in weight? thanks godbless

    • 5 months ago

      Has similar issues on meds that I've since stopped taking. I did notice that I became weaker since I was struggling to eat on a schedule due to the reduced appetite. If the issue resolves itself in a month or so, you should be able to reclaim your gains pretty quickly.

    • 5 months ago

      If you're only going to be on this medicine for a month, just stick it out and work back up to weight. It's surprisingly easy to regain strength. Plus, if you're already counting your calories, you can force yourself to eat even if you're not hungry. I'd recommend stuff like smoothies you can choke down easy, or even dirty bulk with junk food.

  6. 5 months ago

    tl;dr What should a beginner such as me look for in a dumbbell set?

    I have been going on and off to the gym for a few years but I struggle with anxiety whenever it is busy. I live in a pretty small town as well so there's no other gym options and the one gym that exists is too busy and doesn't have nearly enough equipment. I'm looking to get a bench and a dumbbell set to minimize how often I go while still keeping up with 2-3 workouts a week, I already started doing some basic calisthenics at home such as easier pushup variations (holds, incline, only negatives, etc.), bodyweight squats, core workout, lunges, you know basic stuff. However I am trying to do more. I had a quick look online and found these three options from varying price points and I was wondering if any of these stand out compared to the others or if there's other things that I should look out for. I would likely be getting 4x 7.5/10lbs plates in addition to the set for the heavier exercises like dumbbell bench press or just general progression.

    • 5 months ago

      >tl;dr What should a beginner such as me look for in a dumbbell set?
      Depends on how "beginner" you are and how long you're gonna stay that way. A light weight set like those are great to start out with, but you'll quickly find yourself maxing them out. Plus those are expensive. There are much better deals for these things, just need to pick up a spare dumbbell for single-packs like this. Or you can get the 100lb double pack for 120bux.
      >I have been going on and off to the gym for a few years but I struggle with anxiety whenever it is busy
      Get used to either going at 4-5am, or 10pm or later. I never go earlier than 10pm due to how busy it always is. I hate having to wait for equipment

      • 5 months ago

        >Depends on how "beginner" you are and how long you're gonna stay that way.
        Some numbers, 15-20lbs bicep curls, 60lbs bench(bar, so single), 10lbs lat raises, 10-15lbs tricep extensions, 20lbs calf raises.
        So for everyone here I think I am very much a beginner. As for how long I'm going to stay there, I imagine I won't be pressing double those numbers for an extremely long time. I'm not trying to become very strong, I'm just trying to get in better shape and one way I see to achieve that is by working out a bit here and there as I diet. (Since it's likely relevant, I'm also a woman, so it'll take me much longer to push real numbers)
        >There are much better deals for these things, just need to pick up a spare dumbbell for single-packs like this. Or you can get the 100lb double pack for 120bux.
        Sadly in canada I can't find something like this, the one you linked didn't have the single option.

        The 60lbs pair set is 200$, which is maybe comparable to a 40lbs set & 4 5lbs plates bought separately, but that set seems to be less suited for small step ups as the smallest plates are 5lbs.
        >Get used to either going at 4-5am, or 10pm or later. I never go earlier than 10pm due to how busy it always is. I hate having to wait for equipment
        It's 6-9, again there are no other options and I leave for work at 630, so I can't really get in a workout unless I show up to work all sweaty.
        I've tried taking half days off to go at noon but due to the new years resolution, even at noon it's packed now.

  7. 5 months ago

    Is there any real difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup?

    • 5 months ago

      The amount of fructose and glucose they have is different

  8. 5 months ago

    Is it safe to do squats and hip thrusts with a bruised ass?

    im fairly new to both exercises, my squat is only like 37.5 kg 3x7

    • 5 months ago

      What cheap low carb protein bars does IST like? I love these but they're kinda pricey and I can't find them in bulk anywhere. Do I have to eat the gorilla biscuits?

      You can work out with a bruise. If it hurts too much just take it easy.

      Lets say you just picked up a pretty physically demanding job, your legs, back, and forearms are in a constant state of DOMS. With the three days one has off, should you just be an upper body bro? Something like Pull, Push, X, arms/upper body?

      I would probably try to keep some more hyptertrophy focused volume because your job will probably train your legs to be stronger and have more endurance but I don't think it's going to make them huge. Depends on your goals tho and I don't actually know what your job is so idk

      • 5 months ago

        >What cheap low carb protein bars does IST like
        I like these ones. like 900 kj to 20-30 grams of protein.

        >You can work out with a bruise. If it hurts too much just take it easy.
        thank you for your reply.

        Another question: is it really true you should never work out two days in a row? sometimes im just very excited to go to the gym again, and i wanna go as much as possible, but i also dont want to slow my progress by overtraining

        • 5 months ago

          thanks, I'll look for these

          >is it really true you should never work out two days in a row?
          Frequency is going to depend on a lot of factors like your goals, level of experience, diet, how well you're recovering and how hard you're going. That said you can definitely go to the gym 2 or more days in a row, especially if you're focusing on different muscles on consecutive days. For example, I do a two day split (full body gets worked over two workouts) so I'll go two days in a row, but if I go three I usually am not fully recovered from the first day and would be better off jogging or playing sports instead. If you hit the same muscles on consecutive days and they're not sore then you're good, but then I'd say you probably could have hit them harder in the first place (again, depending on your goals)

        • 5 months ago

          >is it really true you should never work out two days in a row?
          36-48 hours between lifts that target the same muscle groups. It's fine to go multiple days in a row if you're not working out the same muscles. At best you'll see diminishing returns after the 2nd workout (and getting worse with each subsequent day), at worst you'll start injuring yourself due to muscles not having enough time to rest/recuperate.

  9. 5 months ago

    Can I do PPL 3 times a week instead 6?

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah i dont see why not

      >See self in mirror after workout
      >Lookin good
      >Take selfie
      >Immediately delete in disgust because I look like dogshit
      Any tips on taking a flattering selfie? Or is my problem just that the camera doesn't lie?

      taking a photo that looks good is a skill, i think people forget that sometimes, take lots of pictures, find out what works well for you, lighting, pose etc, and colour grade the picture too most phones do that shit for you now days

    • 5 months ago

      Maintain 10 to 20 sets of exercises per muscle group and workout at a high intensity. As long as you do that, you should be fine. After half a year of consistent weight lifting, you should be able to tell what areas of your body need extra focus and you can throw extra sets on some days for them.

  10. 5 months ago

    Is there an easy way to have an anchor for resistance bands without using a door or drilling into a stud? landlord is a c**t and I don't have any space on the back side of my doors where the frame is holding them in.

    • 5 months ago

      >way to have an anchor for resistance bands
      belt looped over top of door frame
      loop a ratchet strap around ur mum

      • 5 months ago

        >over top of door frame
        What does this mean? Not through the drywall right?

  11. 5 months ago

    >See self in mirror after workout
    >Lookin good
    >Take selfie
    >Immediately delete in disgust because I look like dogshit
    Any tips on taking a flattering selfie? Or is my problem just that the camera doesn't lie?

  12. 5 months ago

    Lets say you just picked up a pretty physically demanding job, your legs, back, and forearms are in a constant state of DOMS. With the three days one has off, should you just be an upper body bro? Something like Pull, Push, X, arms/upper body?

  13. 5 months ago

    Are deadbugs the best equipmentless exercise to work multiple muscle groups? I'm looking for something efficient to do at home.

  14. 5 months ago

    Is my routine shit?
    >seated row 3x8
    >lateral pull-down 3x8
    >bicep curls 3x8
    >dependent curls 3x8
    >chest press 3x8
    >shoulder press 3x8
    >tricep press 3x8
    >tricep extension 3x8
    >ab machine 3x8
    >back extension 3x8
    >torso rotation 3x8
    >leg press 3x8
    >15 minute row

  15. 5 months ago

    are you supposed to fully retract the shoulder blades when doing chinups (underhand grip) like the way you do pull ups (overhand grip)? I feel like I should pull em back more but at the same time it's much harder and I don't mind the bicep pump

  16. 5 months ago

    >had stressful day at work
    >go to gym
    >get home and lie down on couch to watch tv
    >breathing gets shallow and get sense of anxiety like I am having an asthma attack (don’t have asthma)
    >site down and breathe and it goes away
    Wtf just happened? Did I have an anxiety attack or something? Not fat and not on any meds.

  17. 5 months ago

    I’m going on 42 and I’m DYEL but I’m starting to lift now. I know I’ll never be big like if I had started when I was young and had biology on my side. What should I realistically expect in terms of gains at my age?

    • 5 months ago

      >What should I realistically expect in terms of gains at my age?
      You'll look better than 99+% of people your age that don't lift. Just don't compare yourself to """influencers""" on social media, they're all on gear using top of the line cameras/lighting/etc to look as good as possible

  18. 5 months ago

    What calisthenics do you recommend for the back?

    • 5 months ago

      Rice protein with added pea protein to complete the amino profile or fava bean protean?

      Chin ups/wide pull ups, front lever lifts, inverted rows.

      Is my routine shit?
      >seated row 3x8
      >lateral pull-down 3x8
      >bicep curls 3x8
      >dependent curls 3x8
      >chest press 3x8
      >shoulder press 3x8
      >tricep press 3x8
      >tricep extension 3x8
      >ab machine 3x8
      >back extension 3x8
      >torso rotation 3x8
      >leg press 3x8
      >15 minute row

      Servicable. Add forearms and neck. Use a double progression at the very least.

      • 5 months ago

        >Rice protein with added pea protein to complete the amino profile or fava bean protean?

        It's winter, I'm american lole. But no, I generally eat about an hour or two before bed. generally I sleep better in the winter due to how obscenely hot it gets here.

        Frick, that's a warm winter. You could check your resting heart rate and your blood pressure to make sure things are normal.
        When I get below 12% bf, lack of sleep is gauranteed. Are you very lean?
        I can't think of any other factors.

        if i only do front squat (better for my ankle) sumo dl (feet slightly wider than shoulder) and hip thrusts can i make myself extremely bottom heavy without developing back/forearms too much
        i want to be a shortstack huge assed goblin

        Use infinity straps. The rest sounds about right.

        • 5 months ago

          >check your resting heart rate and your blood pressure
          it's around 60-70bpm, but idk what my blood pressure is. My bodyfat is probably pretty high, mayeb around 18-20% as well. I dunno, maybe it'll get better. I could likely just be dehydrated from lack of salt or something.

  19. 5 months ago

    Since I became muscular and visited /fit, I have the fantasy of being very, Very, VERY rough with a girly looking gay.

    Why is that bros?

    Ps: no homo.

    • 5 months ago

      the gay gay is a projection of your id. it represents the weakness in urself that you want to conquer through discipline. In my opinion it's fine to have those thoughts but take it from me it's probably not worth the hassle

  20. 5 months ago

    How do I make lifting not be fricking miserable?
    This shit sucks dick and I just want to get it over with every single time

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      why do you lift? meditate on that and maybe read Sun and Steel.
      If you're just getting bored of routine, try something different. Get a sandbag and work up to doing a routine with your body weight or more. Do calisthenics if you usually bodybuild. Use heavy resistance bands instead of weights for some sets. Dumbbells instead of barbell or vice versa, machines, cables, etc. Do HIT or high volume, or switch up your program in some other way. Set some goal that switches things up totally like doing boxing, running a 5k, hiking a tall mountain, etc.

      • 5 months ago

        I know why I lift, that's why I keep doing it. That doesn't make the actual act enjoyable. I don't care about arbitrary goals, I'm doing this because I have to.
        Also Mishima is wildly overrated and a rabid pervert.

        • 5 months ago

          boo hoo Black person kys then

    • 5 months ago

      Be weak and stop b***hing.

  21. 5 months ago

    How moronic is Mentzer's Heavy Duty? I just started working out recently, 5'11" and 150lb, doing about 5 sets per muscle group 3x a week. Pretty high intensity, going to failure or 1RIR. Full ROM, some lengthened partials, LISS 2x week. This is just based on 5-10 papers and meta analyses I've read on hypertrophy.
    I'm seeing solid noob gains ofc, but I've read some people talking about crazy gains doing the low volume stuff, like 5-10lbs lean muscle a month.
    I'm really curious but I'm hesitant to give up my current 'reliable' program and maybe stunt my growth on the chance that HIT really does work as well as they say.

    • 5 months ago

      I could really use some advice on this

      • 5 months ago

        I have no experience on what Mentzer's Heavy Duty is, but if I knew I'd help. Sorry Anon, also just do SS :3

    • 5 months ago

      if you're a beginner stick to what you're doing after a year or two if you're fed up with your program you can switch to mentzer's garbage
      > I've read some people talking about crazy gains
      they went to HD which would've been a deload for them so yes they saw some gains

      personally I will never listen to mentzer since he unironically referenced the colorado experiment in his books and speeches which means either
      he knew it was bullshit and kept talking about HIT because it made money from normies or he was moronic and thought it was proof of HIT working

  22. 5 months ago

    Yall homies got any tips for these shits? Or general forearm workouts/tips.

    Did them for the first time today, and while my forewarms did get pumped the movement seemed awkward. Especially the reverse wrist curl on my left arm specifically.

    • 5 months ago

      The movement is real awkward and I hate it, and it starts to get real painful as you go up in weight. Watch this and check out the standing/ladder version. That's what I started doing and it felt WAY better. Instead of seconds though I'll do reps. 1 rep each wrist, 1 curl, then going up

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks my homie, not a fan of PoopLeanX but I'll give some of that advice a shot

  23. 5 months ago

    I have a 3day/week workout.

    I should in theory work out today but I don’t really have time to squeeze it in anywhere because I’m busy. I thought about going tomorrow morning. Next one I have planned for Sunday.

    Will this kill my gains?

  24. 5 months ago

    What are some good lifting shoes? My old oasics seem to lose their grip with the floor, I slide when doing heavy facepulls...

    Converse usually are to narrow for my feet.

    • 5 months ago

      You want something with a wide toe box, so your toes can fully splay out naturally as you brace.
      crocs work fine and are cheap
      "barefoot" style shoes also work. I prefer them because the soles/heels are flat and it's almost like you're not wearing shoes. This is supposed to help your arch develop naturally. Xero or Grand Attack seems to be the cheapest brands, though grand attack seem to not wear as well long term/cheaper materials. If you have more money to spend, Vivo look better made/materials

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks, I'll look into barefoot shoes.

  25. 5 months ago
    Christ Is Lord

    anons my recovery has been getting really shitty, i cant do pplrppr anymore, i cant recover in time anymore.
    its probably because my sleep's been getting worse, but it hasnt gotten that much worse.
    any tips for recovery anons or should i finally embrace a brosplit?

    • 5 months ago
      Christ Is Lord

      also anons this probably belongs in the homegym thread, but how do i find cheap heavy dumbbells (80kg or 90kg set) ?
      people dont sell them 2nd hand, cant bench with bar (fricked labrum)

      • 5 months ago

        >homegym thread
        there's a home gym thread?

    • 5 months ago

      What about deloading?

    • 5 months ago

      If you can't figure out how to improve your sleep, you could lower the number of sets you do to help with recovery. I dropped some big exercises to 2 sets and I'm recovering a lot better now. Increase protein intake always helps.

      also anons this probably belongs in the homegym thread, but how do i find cheap heavy dumbbells (80kg or 90kg set) ?
      people dont sell them 2nd hand, cant bench with bar (fricked labrum)

      >(80kg or 90kg set)
      No chance. Tip recycling places is your best bet for old weight plates and adjustable dumbbells.

      >start cutting and being more active
      >immediately start sleeping like shit/not long enough
      i remember not sleeping super great going on super intense cuts before, but i'm eating 1200-1500cal per day while consuming enough protein. I'm about 5'1 so this is a pretty easy cut, no idea what the deal is.


      • 5 months ago

        not particularly tbh, i have felt better than normal lately.

        • 5 months ago

          Did you ease into the cutting and being more active or did you jump into your old level? If it's the latter, your body could be stressed/panicking.
          Bandaid fix but, try sleeping with less clothing. Being a bit cold makes sleeping easier.

          • 5 months ago

            My diet has been pretty all over the place as well as my overall activity level, the only thing that has changed over the past month or so is just consistency, but I would say I eased into it mostly. I will try sleeping with less clothing, or nude I guess. I had my window open last night so it was at least in the 70s, although pretty humid, and I just slept like shit.

            • 5 months ago

              Are you going to sleep hungry?
              Yeah, it's summer here as well. Generally I would have the AC on really low just before bed.

              • 5 months ago

                It's winter, I'm american lole. But no, I generally eat about an hour or two before bed. generally I sleep better in the winter due to how obscenely hot it gets here.

  26. 5 months ago

    Can it happen that pain after training appears at a large stage....???

    >diddling LMAO2PL8
    >feel comfortable
    >set finished flawlessly
    >rest of the day no problem (live in a house with stairs, do some fixes and gardening in the afternoon)
    >wake up the day after with lower back pain when doing some mild movements
    WTF??.....tomorrow I need to train. By the way, I've changed the mattress last month.

  27. 5 months ago

    >start cutting and being more active
    >immediately start sleeping like shit/not long enough
    i remember not sleeping super great going on super intense cuts before, but i'm eating 1200-1500cal per day while consuming enough protein. I'm about 5'1 so this is a pretty easy cut, no idea what the deal is.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm about 5'1

  28. 5 months ago

    Do you consider eggs as meat?
    I don't, even if they are on the same level of yummy

  29. 5 months ago

    if i only do front squat (better for my ankle) sumo dl (feet slightly wider than shoulder) and hip thrusts can i make myself extremely bottom heavy without developing back/forearms too much
    i want to be a shortstack huge assed goblin

  30. 5 months ago


    so many mixed reviews, from useless to great warm up for lifting. What is it? I have a 40 lb kettlebell I use for tons of lifts and I like it a lot.

  31. 5 months ago

    Straight leg raises or hanging knee raises?

  32. 5 months ago

    Why is so difficult for me to do push ups? I can barely do 20. I should be able to do more.

  33. 5 months ago

    best exercises for these motherfrickers? my gym aint got no reverse pec deck

    • 5 months ago

      face pulls
      rear delt flys
      standing rear delt flys - dumbbels behind you and push arms outward focus on mind muscle connection

  34. 5 months ago

    Non-woman and non-gay here, how do I go about forcing fat distribution into specific areas? I'm looking to androgyny max and trying to fill out my hips/thighs/ass without a gut.

    Doing primarily squats at the moment, but if anything I'm just losing body fat around the area and my ass is just shrinking. I get that targeted fat burning doesn't do shit though that's why I'm aiming to target fat build up instead.

    • 5 months ago

      that's not a thing, you can only target muscle growth

      When I start my cut, could I do a diet of only Redcon1's MRE and eggs for the extra fat and protein?

      I say this because it's made from meat instead of whey or plants so more bioavailability, plus it's pretty cheap in comparison to meals anymore, and eggs are also cheap and the fats can be used as a source of energy.

      if you wanna shit yourself everyday then yeah

      • 5 months ago

        I already shit myself every day. On purpose.

      • 5 months ago

        >that's not a thing
        That's too bad.

        Is it normal to be sexually aroused when I look at my body in the mirror and touch my muscles?

        Sounds pretty normal, I've known some women to jerk off to themselves in the mirror or their own nudes so I don't see why it would be abnormal.

    • 5 months ago

      estrogen bica raloxifene fin
      u cant escape it

    • 5 months ago


  35. 5 months ago

    When I start my cut, could I do a diet of only Redcon1's MRE and eggs for the extra fat and protein?

    I say this because it's made from meat instead of whey or plants so more bioavailability, plus it's pretty cheap in comparison to meals anymore, and eggs are also cheap and the fats can be used as a source of energy.

  36. 5 months ago

    Is it normal to be sexually aroused when I look at my body in the mirror and touch my muscles?

    • 5 months ago

      sounds homosexual

      I already shit myself every day. On purpose.


  37. 5 months ago

    Are weights alone good for burning calories?

    Trying to not be obese anymore but after a week of gym im sick of cardio

    I do both but id like to just lift and cut

    • 5 months ago

      Do both. The big difference with weights comes when you add a bunch of muscle mass and your body burns more calories just by existing.

    • 5 months ago

      Do both. The big difference with weights comes when you add a bunch of muscle mass and your body burns more calories just by existing.

      diet is what loses you fat not exercise or cardio, those can be accesories but diet is the main thing

      Are there any downsides for doing triceps extensions with horizontal grip? My crappy dumbbells have shitty clamps and the weights keeps falling off otherwise.

      as long as they feel fine on your joints and you're getting proper muscle activation then no

      • 5 months ago

        I'm trying to do a fast cut because of how long I've been reading muscle takes to grow.

        Hoping to build some basic strength on 1k cal a day and rather than 3 months of diet maybe 1 or 2 if I hit the treadmill so I can get onto building

        I stress eat

        • 5 months ago

          that doesn't sound like the best plan
          >I stress eat
          then stop

      • 5 months ago

        yea no fricking shit. having more LBM also increases your BMR, which increases calories out.

    • 5 months ago

      lifting is just another form of exercise
      amount of calories burned depends on intensity & amount

  38. 5 months ago

    Are there any downsides for doing triceps extensions with horizontal grip? My crappy dumbbells have shitty clamps and the weights keeps falling off otherwise.

  39. 5 months ago

    What happened to the fasting general? Is fasting just a meme that doesn't work?

    • 5 months ago

      no clue what happened
      fasting works

    • 5 months ago

      That thread was shitposted a lot by some anons for w/e reason and I guess the main baker just got tired of baking it for it to be shitposted so it fell into ruin.

    • 5 months ago

      All the posters are fasting rn

  40. 5 months ago

    this 'meme' is only popular with redditors and trannies

    • 5 months ago

      The irony is that it started on IST and was one of the memes that they latched onto.

  41. 5 months ago

    Can hypertrophy boost bone and height grow?

    • 5 months ago

      read your post again and word it properly, so we can know what you're talking about

      • 5 months ago

        He wants to know that if gaining muscle alone will also spur bone density and height growth... Are you ESL?

        • 5 months ago

          that is not what he said
          also gaining muscle alone will not spur bone density and height growth

          • 5 months ago

            >that is not what he said
            How would you know? Did it come to you in a dream?

            • 5 months ago

              no, I can see with my eyes that he wrote some ESL shit and I'm not gonna bother trying to decipher it

              • 5 months ago

                >Can't abstract easily
                A very ESL trait, ironically.

              • 5 months ago

                >>Can't abstract easily
                where did you get THAT from? did it come to you in a dream?

              • 5 months ago

                The reason why EOPs have such a good reputation world wide is that they are able to easily abstract what ESLs are saying. While the lesser races cannot abstract or don't abstract when you make errors talking in their language so they ask you to speak english or just say "I don't know.".

              • 5 months ago

                >are able to easily abstract what ESLs are saying
                I am too but I can't be bothered to

                It's called traveling or living abroad, Anon. Native English speaking Countries are generally viewed in a very positive light because of their tolerance for people who don't speak English well. The only people who get shit on a lot are the Americans and its always political and never really because of how American's act outside of stereotypes.

                no it's because americans are moronic

              • 5 months ago

                >no it's because americans are moronic
                Give an example.

              • 5 months ago

                It's called traveling or living abroad, Anon.
                If you interacted with them you'd know

              • 5 months ago

                You fail to understand why I asked you in the first place, proving my point. If you are a European its just sour grapes because if it were true that Americans were morons who have ulimtately dominated your continent Militarily and Economically, what does that make you?

              • 5 months ago

                >my argument gets used against me therefore you're the dumb one
                > dominated your continent Militarily and Economically
                huh? also think about who dominates americans
                >what does that make you?
                better and white

              • 5 months ago

                >huh? also think about who dominates americans
                That's my point, if they are as dumb as you say they could have never been able to do what you stereotype them as. But yes, they do have a political blindside on Isreal that more and more Americans are picking up on now. I've seen Zoomers say that they aren't going to join the armed forces explicitly because they don't want to die to enrich a US-based company for for a forgien nation like Israle, Iraq, or Ukraine.
                >better and white
                Considering that most of Europe is copying America both at the EU and the national government level I say I doubt you are white. Considering that the UK will be brown before the US will be.

              • 5 months ago

                >Considering that the UK will be brown before the US will be.
                Its worse than that, 50% of the UK population will be of non-UK birth or origin by 2050. Its not that they aren't ethnically white, its that they won't even be of UK origin or culture.

              • 5 months ago

                >Considering that most of Europe is copying America both at the EU and the national government level I say I doubt you are white
                considering this sentence I doubt you're smart
                >Considering that the UK will be brown before the US will be.
                considering I'm not a brit this is not a problem for me
                learn to type ESL/dumb ameritard

              • 5 months ago

                >considering this sentence I doubt you're smart
                >ad-hom reply
                Gotcha, kek.
                >considering I'm not a brit this is not a problem for me
                More evidence of not being white
                >One typo makes you an ESL
                Again, failure to abstract, another non-white trait.

              • 5 months ago

                >Gotcha, kek.
                unironically posting this
                >More evidence of not being white
                >considering the anglo israelite white
                shiggy diggy
                >Again, failure to abstract, another non-white trait.

                post hand

              • 5 months ago

                >unironically posting this
                The response of someone who was caught, lmfao.

                >shiggy diggy
                coping because its true
                Yes, yes you are.

              • 5 months ago

                >The response of someone who was caught, lmfao.
                reddit is down the hall and to the left

                >coping because its true

                >Yes, yes you are.
                you got gtfo'd and now you're trying to play it off and it's not working
                post hand nonwhite

              • 5 months ago

                >reddit is down the hall and to the left
                A reddit user would know that
                >you got gtfo'd and now you're trying to play it off and it's not working
                post hand nonwhite
                Mental gymnastics cope I didn't bother reading, kek.

              • 5 months ago

                >I didn't bother reading
                you clearly did reditard

              • 5 months ago

                lmfao, the seethe is real. YNBW

              • 5 months ago

                but you are the seething nonwhite
                post hand then talk

              • 5 months ago

                Its obvious that you're seething since you told me to kys, I have nothing to prove to a jeet.

              • 5 months ago

                deflecting and moving the goalpost?
                I accept your concession nonwhite

              • 5 months ago

                Only non-whites wish to prove they have won, like you. Real whites know what reality is and don't have to prove they are winners. You played yourself.

              • 5 months ago

                and only nonwhites larp as whites because of their inferiority
                post hand then talk troony

              • 5 months ago

                >deflecting and moving the goalpost?
                I don't think you know what that is Anon, since the original goalpost was moved by you by a request of a hand picture...

              • 5 months ago

                >another seething nonwhite

              • 5 months ago

                If I had to pick a side it wouldn't be yours...


                He's ESL so I doubt he fully knows what he is even saying half the time.
                I know, which is why you are lapring as one.
                >Now I'm a troony
                LMFAO the seethe and projection is unreal, stop its hurting my sides.

                >He's ESL
                Many such cases.

              • 5 months ago

                nonwhites tend to stick together, so I understand

              • 5 months ago

                He's ESL so I doubt he fully knows what he is even saying half the time.

                and only nonwhites larp as whites because of their inferiority
                post hand then talk troony

                I know, which is why you are lapring as one.
                >Now I'm a troony
                LMFAO the seethe and projection is unreal, stop its hurting my sides.

              • 5 months ago

                you still haven't posted your hand which only tells me that you're nonwhite

              • 5 months ago

                Even if I did, it won't fix your inability to abstract. I have no compulsion to prove myself to my inferiors. You on the other hand...

              • 5 months ago

                >Even if I did
                but you won't since you're brown
                > inability to abstract
                I do have that ability thougheverbeit
                >You on the other hand...
                I am better than you

                Who gives a shit what color your skin is? It doesn't fix the fact that your moronic.

                >Who gives a shit what color your skin is?
                I do

              • 5 months ago

                >but you won't since you're brown
                I see you are very familliar with this line of logic because you use it yourself.
                >> inability to abstract
                A phoneposter on top of that, I knew you were a jeet.
                >I am better than you
                Yet like most Jeets you fly off the handle the moment that is questions and go out of your way to try to prove it. You don't even know what reality is.

              • 5 months ago

                >A phoneposter
                you are genuinely moronic aren't you? a space before the funny arrow proves nothing you utter brainlet
                > Jeets
                you've got a real obession with them almost like you are one
                > the moment that is questions
                learn to spell
                >of your way to try to prove it
                then prove you're white so you can win and feel better about yourself

              • 5 months ago

                >you are genuinely moronic aren't you? a space before the funny arrow proves nothing you utter brainlet
                Phoneposter cope, as fun as this was you are boring me now, so I'll just claim my victory and leave.

              • 5 months ago

                >kept seething forever
                >didn't prove shit besides being moronic
                >claims "victory" due to moronation
                I'll accept your consession

              • 5 months ago

                Who gives a shit what color your skin is? It doesn't fix the fact that your moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                It's called traveling or living abroad, Anon. Native English speaking Countries are generally viewed in a very positive light because of their tolerance for people who don't speak English well. The only people who get shit on a lot are the Americans and its always political and never really because of how American's act outside of stereotypes.

    • 5 months ago

      Free-weight barbell training does as the stress you put on your body promotes and demands stronger bones, as for height growth it only will if you have poor posture that is corrected as you strengthen muscles.

  42. 5 months ago

    I'm exercising 10 hours a week. Is it too much?

    • 5 months ago

      are you sore during your workouts?
      if no then no

      are suitcase carries and kroc rows/one armed db rows enough to grow obliques?

      no idea do weighted side planks as well
      >one armed db rows
      those grow the obliques?

      • 5 months ago

        >those grow the obliques?
        yea isometrically, at least it does for me but im also a dyel and only moving 40kg for those so maybe thats nowhere near heavy enough for them to grow

        >weighted side planks
        sounds awkward but ill give it a shot next time im at the gym

        • 5 months ago

          >im also a dyel
          why do you wanna grow your obliques then?
          >ill give it a shot next time im at the gym
          I only threw 'em out there because I've heard they do it
          good luck oblique anon

          • 5 months ago

            >why do you wanna grow your obliques then?
            i have very wide hips due to being obese my whole life, i donbt really have any aesthetic goals in lifting except for growing my obliques to make me look less goofy. im aware i need to grow muscle everyhwere still however thats one thing im trying to put at least some specified effort into

            • 5 months ago

              >i have very wide hips due to being obese my whole life
              correlation doesnt equal causation so lose weoght and focus on your shoulders and good luck

              Will having one or two large drinks of scotch in the evening ruin gains from training earlier that day?

              maybe not ruin but it will make them smaller
              I don't drink on the days I lift just to not throw away any progress

              Alcohol interrupts deep sleep, so yeah.

              and it slows/worsens protein synthesis

              • 5 months ago

                I drink almost every day.

                If you have to have one, just take 1 large one and cut it in half, but you are better off not having one at all. Espeically if you are drinking alone.

                I need a pretty big one at this point. It has cine to getting buzzed and having six hours of uneasy sleep, or laying awake several hours and maybe getting three to four hours of fatigued sleep.

              • 5 months ago

                stop being an alcoholic

                Why is this board so dumb?

                because you're here
                because it turned into LULZ lite and a social media board like the rest of 4chud unfortunately

                How to last longer and or keeping going after nutting?

                cardio, supplements, not jacking off

              • 5 months ago

                Thank you anon, what kind of supplements?

              • 5 months ago

                look up IST cum stack or something, but it comes down to stuff that'll help with testosterone as well i.e. zinc magnesium vitamins
                (there's a good post on "becoming a sex god" on looksmax org but dont tell anyone I went there to read it)

              • 5 months ago

                >or laying awake several hours and maybe getting three to four hours of fatigued sleep.
                Its always better to pay the taxman upfront because that means tomorrow night will be easy sleep or you're up all night, which means the night after that will be easy sleep. You can always wait till the weekend to do it if you want.

      • 5 months ago

        >are you sore during your workouts?
        Kind of. I still feel from time to time the stiff tricep or lats/traps or pecs, but nothing like the full body doms I've been getting the first several months during lifting.
        Forgot to mention, it's Calisthenics + Running, 6 days a week.

        • 5 months ago

          you'll be fine just watch out for injuries
          as in if your triceps are still quite sore your elbow might be at risk
          but if it's just a bit I think you'll be okay and remember about proper recovery

    • 5 months ago

      Depends almost entirely on intensity. If you're not maxing out your hr/going to failure constantly and You're rotating muscle groups and exercise types (e.g. not just pumping upper body for 10 hours a week), you should be fine. If you've been doing it for a while and you feel good (not fatigued from overtraining), you're probably ok.

  43. 5 months ago

    are suitcase carries and kroc rows/one armed db rows enough to grow obliques?

  44. 5 months ago

    i fricked up

    • 5 months ago

      >"dr" israelite israel video
      >i fricked up
      everything he said in the video you should've already known, unless you're a newbie

      • 5 months ago

        stfu mike is based

        • 5 months ago

          no you're not mike

  45. 5 months ago

    I haven't worked out ever yet. I'm 5'5'' and weight 110lbs, I read the pinned guide but would rather start resistance training first to build up muscle first. Is this a better idea?

    • 5 months ago

      >would rather start resistance training first to build up muscle first
      the sticky tells you to do this though?
      yes, it's a good idea, now go to the gym and lift

  46. 5 months ago

    Should I lift with a fever?

    • 5 months ago

      There are hardcore people that would say yes, there are others that say no. I'd say there is no point in lifting if you aren't healthy in the first place. Rest up until you are no longer sick then lift, but ultimately you are going to have to answer that question yourself. If you take some medicine and feel "okay" enough while on the medicine then I'd go lift. If you haven't taken any medicine yet, I wouldn't bother and rest.

    • 5 months ago

      probably not since it's gonna make you weaker mentally and physically

  47. 5 months ago

    Anyone ITT doing nsuns 4day lp? Got some questions

  48. 5 months ago

    Could you recommend some squatting shoes with slight heel elevation that don't go full olympic like the romaleos? Something not in the two hundreds would be a plus.

  49. 5 months ago

    What's better for running long distances, front squats or back squats? And what rep ranges?

    • 5 months ago

      What's better for running long distances
      running mostly
      > front squats or back squats
      makes very little difference
      >And what rep ranges?
      higher ones and focus on explosivity with lower weight you might usually do

      • 5 months ago

        >What's better for running long distances
        >running mostly
        I do a lot of that as well, but what's better for cross training or strength training?
        >higher ones and focus on explosivity with lower weight you might usually do
        I heard once that because running is basically high-rep/low-weight already, it's better to train pure strength for legs. Does that make sense or are higher reps still better?

        • 5 months ago

          >Does that make sense or are higher reps still better?
          this steps outside of my knowledge range unfortunately
          >it's better to train pure strength for legs
          anything but hypertrphy because it would give you more muscles which weigh you down and make running harder

  50. 5 months ago

    thoughts on pyramid style lifting

  51. 5 months ago

    On a bulk what routine will give the most gains?

    Surely training until failure ?

  52. 5 months ago

    I ejaculated last night and my balls hurt for about an hour afterwards. When I woke up this morning, they didn’t hurt, but now one of my balls is WAY bigger than the other one and stretches the scrotum a bit. Do I have epididymis or a varicocele or something?

    • 5 months ago

      stop gooning so you don't get blue balls
      as to the rest of your post wait a few days and go to a doctor if it gets worse

  53. 5 months ago

    i don’t have a squat rack at my house or a bar, just weights. i want to use the Starting strength routine and do squats at my house 3x a week but i only have a bench and a backpack. i want to squat and also progressively add 5lbs every session. can i just load my backpack with weight and do squats like that? or single leg step up on bench? i don’t have space or money for a bar or a squat rack and i need to strengthen my legs without having to do 1000 bodyweight squats...

    • 5 months ago

      do bulgarian split squats and pistol squats since you don't have easy acces to overloading with weight and understandably don't want to do normal bw squats
      ss won't work with these approaches though

      • 5 months ago

        will i get stronger though? if i do these exercises at home with a weighted backpack will it transfer over to a bar is i decide to get a gym membership or buy better gym equipment ?

        • 5 months ago

          >will using the leg press machine make my legs during squats?
          yes, training your muscles will make you stronger

          • 5 months ago

            * make my legs stronger
            is what I meant of course

    • 5 months ago

      if you have space for two plyo boxes, you can do a ukranian deadlift style squat like in
      it's got insane ROM

  54. 5 months ago

    I need a pair of flat non-running shoes for the gym for whenever I do leg day stuff. Can anyone recommend me a good pair? I would spend some money but I’m not sure if there’s better options that aren’t the $150 ones
    (also am not an intensive strength lifter/powerlifter, I just really need more appropriate shoes for the minor hypertrophy-inducing things that I do for legs)

    • 5 months ago

      I bought the cheapest flat shoes I could find at a local supermarket and they work fine
      price and brand are irrelevant what matters is if they are comfortable

  55. 5 months ago

    whats a good cardio bike for a homegym?

  56. 5 months ago

    Can I change my body type from an ectomorph to endomorph?

    • 5 months ago

      no you can't which is besides the point since bodytypes aren't real

      • 5 months ago

        So there is no skeletal reconstruction surgery? damn.

        • 5 months ago

          there's leg lengthening surgery if you wanna frick your shit up

  57. 5 months ago

    Will having one or two large drinks of scotch in the evening ruin gains from training earlier that day?

    • 5 months ago

      Alcohol interrupts deep sleep, so yeah.

      • 5 months ago

        Damn. Thanks.

    • 5 months ago

      If you have to have one, just take 1 large one and cut it in half, but you are better off not having one at all. Espeically if you are drinking alone.

  58. 5 months ago

    i did this hip scour test thing and it turns out i can get way past 90° on this, so this should mean i squat high bar with a narrower stance, right? yet when i tried it, wider stance felt a bit more comfortable in my hips. what do i do now?

    • 5 months ago

      do what feels comfortable and works your muscles well

  59. 5 months ago

    Why is this board so dumb?

  60. 5 months ago

    How to last longer and or keeping going after nutting?

  61. 5 months ago

    Is there a generally accepted number of sets/reps per week that each muscle group needs for optimal growth? Like chest needs X, quads needs Y, back needs Z, etc?

    • 5 months ago

      bigger muscles need less i.e. chest 12-16 per week biceps can do 20 and up per week; that said everyone is different and needs different amounts of work

      • 5 months ago

        That's completely the opposite what I was expecting. I figured bigger muscles need more sets, but smaller needs more reps with lighter weight

  62. 5 months ago

    If I was interrupted for a few hours partway into my workout (4th out of 5 sets of squats) should I go back to the gym? How long should I wait for ideal amount of gains? Do I gotta do warm up sets again? Like how does this interruption affect my gains

    • 5 months ago

      >should I go back to the gym?
      you don't need to I guess but I would go back if I had time
      >Do I gotta do warm up sets again
      if you sat on your ass since then, then yeah but not as many
      > Like how does this interruption affect my gains
      I can't imagine it's doing you any favours

      That's completely the opposite what I was expecting. I figured bigger muscles need more sets, but smaller needs more reps with lighter weight

      work your chest everyday for 3 heavy sets and report back then
      > but smaller needs more reps with lighter weight
      nothing needs light weight unless you wanna be a dyel or are recovering
      big muscles need more time to recover so they can't be worked that often
      >lighter weight
      you should aim to progressively overload all your lifts over time

  63. 5 months ago

    Are voice gains possible? I have gotten some gains and girls approach me and start to talk to me, but I have a very light, girly voice and I sound like a huge homosexual when I'm talking

    • 5 months ago

      smokin, drinking, yelling (with the specific intent to scratch and hurt your throat), and deep humming work as well as conciously trying (but not too hard) to make your voice deeper

    • 5 months ago

      I have the same problem, I think it's cause I emulated all the aristocratic sounding characters on TV as a kid and ended up having nerd voice as a result. I try to play the strong silent type by now but the moment I talk you can see the girls' attitudes change. I've been watching FTM training videos and they say to try to speak from a lower part of your throat idk how to do that tho

      • 5 months ago

        humm, engage your lats, pull shoulders down then talk and then try to emulate that feel without fricking around with your muscles

    • 5 months ago

      I have the same problem, I think it's cause I emulated all the aristocratic sounding characters on TV as a kid and ended up having nerd voice as a result. I try to play the strong silent type by now but the moment I talk you can see the girls' attitudes change. I've been watching FTM training videos and they say to try to speak from a lower part of your throat idk how to do that tho

      Also the hardest part is having coworkers or friends who ask why you're trying to sound deeper, and when you're in that inbetween zone where you sound like a kid trying to make his voice deeper on purpose it's arguably more embarassing than just having a high pitched voice. So the solution is to either do it really gradually or yellmaxx/drinkmaxx so you can say your voice is hoarse from the wild party last night

      • 5 months ago

        >who ask why you're trying to sound deeper
        because I want to ffs, coworkers I get but if your friends are giving you shit then that's not nice

  64. 5 months ago

    New to gym. How does this routine look like?
    >5 min cardio on treadmill
    >Leg extension 5x5
    >Leg curling 5x5
    >Dumbbell curls 5x5
    >Dumbbell lunges 5x5
    >Squats 5x5
    >Bench presses 5x5
    >Deadlifts 5x5
    Maybe I can skip treadmill since I'm running every day anyway?

    • 5 months ago

      If you're new, just focus on the big lifts first, add on isolation stuff once you're comfortable with the compounds and know where your deficits are or do them last if you really want to. Treadmill can be a nice warmup

      • 5 months ago

        >>5 min cardio on treadmill
        for what?
        change around the rep and set ranges and you're good also do the bench and diddly first since they are tiring and ideally on different days also I would do the leg extnesions and curls after squats to push myself more on the squats
        >Treadmill can be a nice warmup
        dyel or silly?

        Thank you for tips.

    • 5 months ago

      >>5 min cardio on treadmill
      for what?
      change around the rep and set ranges and you're good also do the bench and diddly first since they are tiring and ideally on different days also I would do the leg extnesions and curls after squats to push myself more on the squats

      If you're new, just focus on the big lifts first, add on isolation stuff once you're comfortable with the compounds and know where your deficits are or do them last if you really want to. Treadmill can be a nice warmup

      >Treadmill can be a nice warmup
      dyel or silly?

      • 5 months ago

        A warmup is supposed to raise your heart rate and get your muscles ready to do work, some light running is enough for a beginner. Obviously not enough for an advanced lifter, but he says 'new to gym'. Know your audience

        • 5 months ago

          >A warmup is supposed to raise your heart rate and get your muscles ready to do work
          yeah so you do the exercise you're gonn be doing with lighter weights
          > some light running is enough for a beginner
          no it's useless no matter the advancment level

          • 5 months ago

            >yeah so you do the exercise you're gonn be doing with lighter weights
            NTA but it amazes me how people don't understand this. You're gonna bench? Okay so why're you spending 5 min on a treadmill?? Dynamic stretches and then go bench the bar or something for 10 reps and then you're good to go

            • 5 months ago

              >Dynamic stretches
              even this is too much
              but otherwise very correct post

              running on the treadmill is cardio that wastes energy you should be using for lifitng it is that simple

        • 5 months ago

          I run around 60-70K a week during summer and 40-50K week during winter.
          I was just thinking since I already run so much maybe I should not waste my time with it in gym.
          My ultimate goal is to run ultamarathon this year and most people I've talked to and listened on YouTube say weight lifting helps. Something about strengthening the core muscles.

          I've already had some progress. Day 1 had problems squatting with empty barbell, yesterday I did barbell + 30KG.
          Day 1 I could barely bench barbell, now I I can do it +5KG on each tide.
          It's pretty cool.

          • 5 months ago

            >I should not waste my time with it in gym.
            because you shouldn't
            >Something about strengthening the core muscles.
            squats, deadlifts, cable crunches hanging leg raises, although I don't know how well the cire helps for running

            >It's pretty cool.
            it very much is, good luck

    • 5 months ago

      That Will burn you out quickly.

  65. 5 months ago

    Anons who got in shape, what changed to make you actually work out?

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Alright, I guess I should've said
        What made you want to work enough that you actually did? What was your motivation before you got good enough at it to enjoy it for its own sake?

        • 5 months ago

          wanting to be jacked then after a while I found out lifing is fun so just that I guess

        • 5 months ago

          At first I was punishing myself with intense doms for being fat and lazy. Now I live for the dopamine hit I get around 1 hour into my workout, feels like my brain lights on fire and my body could go on forever.

        • 5 months ago

          My nieces grew older and I wanted to be able to still pick them up & carry them easily

  66. 5 months ago

    What is with the antiketo schizo? why does it shit up multiple threads?
    why does it hate ketone generations?

    • 5 months ago

      *why does it hate ketogenic diets?

    • 5 months ago

      you know the situation very well moxyte

  67. 5 months ago

    So those video of that girl failing leg press and having her knees literally bend backwards... is such an injury recoverable or will she be in a wheelchair for life?

    • 5 months ago

      torn tendons and shit I imagine, might walk with difficulty

      just don't leg press like a moron and you'll be fine

  68. 5 months ago

    I've been using the official Starting Strength app on my Android phone to track my progress but it has become increasingly shit for some reason. What app do you use to track your progress?

  69. 5 months ago

    Am I killing leg gainz by biking the day after leg day?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes. You're not letting your muscles recover properly

      • 5 months ago

        What's the best way to get cardio after leg day? Stomach and HIIT type stuff?

        • 5 months ago

          >What's the best way to get cardio after leg day?
          That's the neat part, you don't.

          • 5 months ago

            Not even rooning?

            • 5 months ago

              Muscles need 36-48 hours to recover. You're not letting them recover properly/fully. Simple as.

            • 5 months ago

              walk instead

  70. 5 months ago

    Should i use creatine while doing carnivore?

  71. 5 months ago

    How to fix biceps imbalances?
    Been lifting for a few months and I recently switched from a full body program to PPL, just because I want to go to the gym more often.
    My previous program didn't include curls, so I discovered recently that my left arm is much weaker than my right. I can barely do 5kgs for reps with a dumbbell.

    What's the best way to fix this? Should I decrease the weight I lift with both arms, or should I train each arm with a different weight?

    • 5 months ago

      >Should I decrease the weight I lift with both arms
      Yes, always. Let the weaker arm catch up. You never want to lift unequal/unbalanced weights, you'll only ever make the problem worse

    • 5 months ago

      To fix an imbalance you should use the weaker side to set the maximum for the stronger side. Stick to unilateral work.
      >My previous program didn't include curls
      Another victim claimed.
      >I can barely do 5kgs for reps with a dumbbell
      Are you an adult? Even woman can do that.

  72. 5 months ago

    Any recommended tools for foreskin stretching?

    Since it requires two hands I can only do it before bed or while watching a movie. I want to stretch even while working or doing other things

  73. 5 months ago

    I don't get planking. My legs, shoulders, and arms all start burning too much to keep going before my abs even start feeling it. wtf am I doing wrong.

    • 5 months ago

      Either your core is strong as frick or your form is off

    • 5 months ago

      You might be keeping your ass too high in the air. Record yourself or use a mirror to review your form and look for references online

      • 5 months ago

        Ah it was definitely that. Wild how lowering my ass by a few centimeter completely changed how it felt.

  74. 5 months ago

    Dumbbell front squats work my back, abs, and arms way more than they do my legs. Now I'm looking at forcing progression, which would mean to simply add 2,5 kg to an upper body movement's 1RM or 5 kg to a lower body movement's ditto. Should I tread dumbbell front squats as an upper or lower body movement for the sake of forced progression? Many thanks in advance.

  75. 5 months ago

    I exercise Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Is it advisable to do a particular exercise like bench press every time I go to the gym or should I space it out more like only doing it on Mondays and Fridays?

    • 5 months ago

      are you a beginner or not? do you do other stuff for bench?

      • 5 months ago

        I think I'm technically intermediate? I spend about 30-60 min in the gym, I do d different stuff every day but my brother joins me and always wants to do bench. I notice we perform worse on Fridays but I don't know if that's just in our heads or bad food or whatever

        • 5 months ago

          benching three times a week should be fine unless you aren't getting fully rested. are your pecs sore on fridays?

          • 5 months ago

            No I'm not sore, I just can't bring the weight up on later reps. Like I run out of gas sooner

            • 5 months ago

              then try resting a day longer and see how it changes things, if it's better then problem fixed if not then you should look at your program

        • 5 months ago

          You sound like you need to follow a pre-made program. And what are you benching right now and how much progress is that from where you started?

  76. 5 months ago

    How long does it take to get used to parallettes? (for pushups specifically)

    Been doing pushups many years but recently had some cubital tunnel discomfort on one side. I think it's probably an injury rather than a chronic thing but I bought a pair of parallettes anyway just in case to take some pressure off the wrist in the mean time.

    Using them feels quite uncomfortable with all the pressure going through the palm of the hand. Also I feel like I don't get a good pump. I presume these things are just because I'm not used to them. How long does it take to adjust?

    • 5 months ago

      20 years at least

      ffs just do the exercise and stop being a b***h

    • 5 months ago

      Try changing the grip(get them closes to the wrist), maybe. And position of paralletes.

  77. 5 months ago

    i do not have a gym membership or a squat rack or olympic barbell at home. i want to do a routine similar to SS where i can linearly progress and add weight to my squats for stronger legs as a newbie/novice. i only have a backpack, weights, and a bench. what kind of program or routine can i do at home with my available equipment where i can do squats and accessories to supplement my legs? and that i’m able to add weight to my exercises every session?

    • 5 months ago

      Just do your thing and add weight when you feel like it's becoming easy.

    • 5 months ago

      I already told you to do harder squat variations for more reps than normal squats silly

      • 5 months ago

        how many sets and reps should i do for squats and other variations? should i do a 5x5 or 4x8-12

        • 5 months ago

          4x8-12 will do you good; 5x5 is for heavy weights

  78. 5 months ago

    At what bf% should someone consider to start a cut? I was thinking 18-20% and then end on 11-13%. I'm 15% from what I can tell.

    • 5 months ago

      >At what bf% should someone consider to start a cut?
      when you're fat or after a bulk

      • 5 months ago

        >when you're fat
        And what's fat?

        • 5 months ago


  79. 5 months ago

    Trying to get my girl into fitness. She won't go to the gym with me but we have some dumbbells, resistance bands and a exercise step at home. She has really inactive glutes and wants to grow her ass. She's been spamming squats but can't really do RDLs without pulling her back and struggles with Bulgarians, any progressions you would suggest or alternatives? Also general architect tips. She's fallen for the weight loss trend when really she could do with putting on some muscle at least first.

    • 5 months ago

      if you want her to gym then you make her gym she's your b***h afterall so you should be able to do it, unless you are a b***h yourself?

      • 5 months ago

        I had to re-read this 3 times to make sense of it. not what I was asking but thanks for the advice

    • 5 months ago

      Activation exercises before RDL and squats or neither will work the glutes.

      • 5 months ago

        >Activation exercises
        not a thing
        you activate muscles in the exercise or you're not doing it properly

      • 5 months ago

        thanks, that's what I've been doing - abductors with the resistance bands, hip thrusts etc. any advice on working up to RDLs? right now even with the activations she feels RDL in lower back more than anything else. doesn't seem like a form issue

        >Activation exercises
        not a thing
        you activate muscles in the exercise or you're not doing it properly

        her squats are more quad dominant currently, her quads and other muscles are overcompensating and causing lower back pain. very common for most day sitters

        • 5 months ago

          >her squats are more quad dominant
          maybe because squats are for quads

        • 5 months ago

          Use the bands to perform donkey kicks. Play with the heel placement and knee bend until you feel the glute actually firing.

          >Activation exercises
          not a thing
          you activate muscles in the exercise or you're not doing it properly

          >her squats are more quad dominant
          maybe because squats are for quads

          Light isolations to bring blood into the intended area that is dormant. Squat are hip dominant if your femur to torso ratio is high. You're such a homosexual.

          • 5 months ago

            you are a homosexual
            squats are for quads
            warm up by doing squats with a lighter weight if you want bloodflow
            >hip dominant
            show me what muscles you have in your hips moron

    • 5 months ago

      Goodmornings, with bodyweight.
      Bodyweight hip thrusts / hip bridges also. Tell her to focus on squeezing her glutes.
      After that one leg Hip bridges and one leg Romanian Deadlifts, bodyweight.

      Use the bands to perform donkey kicks. Play with the heel placement and knee bend until you feel the glute actually firing.

      Light isolations to bring blood into the intended area that is dormant. Squat are hip dominant if your femur to torso ratio is high. You're such a homosexual.

      That kinda doesn't makes sense. Maybe if you add the barbell on top of your torso and do lowbar, then it turn into hip dominant, but that's irrelevant in the current context.

  80. 5 months ago

    Here's one. Cardio. Is doing 3 X 20 Mins on an Elliptical as good as doing 1 X 60 Mins?

    • 5 months ago

      depends for what I imagine

  81. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >still is a quad dominant exercise
      >not ass to grass

      • 5 months ago

        >quad dominant
        Fricking moron.

        • 5 months ago

          >his only retort
          If you don't understand how leverages work, maybe you shouln't be giving advice on the internet.

  82. 5 months ago

    For hypertrophy, do certain muscle groups respond better to heavy weight and some better to high volume, and if so, which muscle groups? My arms and chest have visibly grown from high volume but I'm not sure it's working for back or legs.

  83. 5 months ago

    How do I take supplements? I have about five of them that I want to take but I don't want to take them all at once every day.

    • 5 months ago

      then don't?

      Do I train hard enough? I never leave the gym exhausted.

      I train each muscle group with 2 exercises. Eg bench press and flys for chest. 4x6 + dropset, 2 times per week (LB, UP, FB). However, I never really feel exhausted. Should I just dont care?

      >I never leave the gym exhausted.
      yes you are a sissy

  84. 5 months ago

    is 60mg elemental zinc a day too much?

  85. 5 months ago

    Do I train hard enough? I never leave the gym exhausted.

    I train each muscle group with 2 exercises. Eg bench press and flys for chest. 4x6 + dropset, 2 times per week (LB, UP, FB). However, I never really feel exhausted. Should I just dont care?

  86. 5 months ago

    What is everyone's top 3 favorite accessories for each compound lift? OHP/Bench/Squat/Deads

    • 5 months ago

      lat raises chest flys leg extensions good mornings

  87. 5 months ago

    Is L-Tyrosine worthwhile as a preworkout?

    • 5 months ago

      no, only caffeine is

      • 5 months ago

        What about L-Citrulline?

        • 5 months ago

          what part about only caffeine being worthwhile did you not understand anon?

          • 5 months ago

            Nice try gains goblin, your reverse psychology won't work on me

  88. 5 months ago

    Is 24 too late to start lifting and getting fit

    • 5 months ago

      it never is

    • 5 months ago

      You'll never have more time than you do right now

  89. 5 months ago

    Do you guys ever get cravings for fast food or junk food but you aren't craving anything specific and you aren't really in the mood to eat anything that you see and if you do buy on impulse it isn't as good as you remember or you are dissappointed in it and lose your appitite? I've been dealing with this for a while and I hoped ignoring it would go away, but it doesn't.

    • 5 months ago

      All the fricking time.

    • 5 months ago

      I used to get cravings for potato chips then I did 36 hours fasts for 3 weeks. I don't crave anything anymore and I attribute it to that

  90. 5 months ago

    What's an extra exercise I can do on my chest/tricep/shoulder day? Already doing

    >flat bench
    >incline bench
    >lateral raises
    >tricep pushdowns

    • 5 months ago

      >chest flies
      >rear delt flies
      - depends on your back day

  91. 5 months ago

    im struggling a lot on my squats to the point where my bennch has surpassed it despite me squatting 2x a week. im 99% sure that i try to squat too deep, butt wink ensures and i lose tightness in my upper back so i "fall over" or do a squat morning. i squat high bar
    should i try low bar squatting? i make sure to brace properly before every rep but out of the hole i notice how everything becomes fricky, even dangerous despite squatting baby weights.
    i make sure to brace, look straight ahead to keep my back angle the same, break at the hip and knee at the same time, making sure i push my knees out and "chest up" when i come out of the hole but after 3-4 reps it turns into a squat morning. i squat barefoot, is the added stabvility from lifting shoes gonna help with this kind of problem or will it be a waste of time?

    • 5 months ago

      Try different foot stances

    • 5 months ago

      >too deep
      Below parallel?
      Do you do your deadlifts?

      • 5 months ago

        >Below parallel?
        >Do you do your deadlifts?

        Try different foot stances

        >Try different foot stances
        right, problem is that i have to "try" when the weight feels heavy cuz i can do whatever i want and it feels alright as long as its not close to what feels heavy but im too scared im gonna frick my shit up if it goes bad when its "heavy"

        • 5 months ago

          Try not squatting below parallel for now and work more on your core(deadlifts, hyperextensions, leg raises, sit-ups). Big chance that you have strong core already, but you're using it wrong. You should be constantly tense in the abdomen area, but still being able to breathe.

          Also lifting shoes will help, but you should learn to squat without them first.

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