Using nicotine to reprogram to body

im gonna cut to the chase, ima lazy frick and i wanna try a method to make my body work hard
im gonna try to give my body a little nicotine after I do some hard work (go for a run or move shit for example) and then my body will think that work = good
Will this work or am I moronic?

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  1. 2 years ago

    you're moronic

    you don't want to get addicted to nicotine. this is how you get a addicted

    dont do this

    • 2 years ago

      ok. Just suck it up and work?

      • 2 years ago

        yes, you don't need nicotine, this is just another excuse your brain made up to delay actually getting started

        i know cause i do the same

        • 2 years ago

          if you're keen on recreational comfy then do DMT through evape, either emesh or in a sub ohm tank.

          nicotine will create a permanent 'dripping tap' within your body. you'll always be less stressed, have a reduced ability to concentrate and be more bored because you're desensitising all your dopamine receptors

          fortunately quitting is easy,
          read Allen Carr's EasyWay :o)

  2. 2 years ago

    >Will this work or am I moronic?
    a little of both, honestly
    try it out with a juul or something before actual cigarettes pls

  3. 2 years ago

    This will not work. You will crave nicotine at all times, you'll just crave it slightly more after doing hard work. During your work you will be destracted thinking about the cigarette, you might even become so addicted to the smoke that you'll just smoke and not do any work since the reward is pushing the button not doing the work.

    It's an interesting idea but doesn't work.

  4. 2 years ago

    Get a professional massage after working.

  5. 2 years ago

    What about those nicotine free vapes/pods?

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't work like that, you can't elicit a pavlovian reaction in yourself on purpose.
      It'll just make you want to smoke regularly.
      Are you just looking for an excuse to start smoking because you think it looks cool? I certainly hope not.
      t. smoker

      They don't do anything, without nicotine they're not satisfying, they're little more than flavored oral fixation toys which are not as bad as tobacco but are still worse than not inhaling anything other than air.

  6. 2 years ago

    Dont go for cigarettes. Get in to vaping. Its very clean. It wont make you stink, wont absorb in to your skin, wont turn your teeth black, wont clog your lungs and it just takes good. if you go advanced you can get high levels of nicotine than you get from the gas station, I use 18mg, feels just like a cigarette doing down.

    • 2 years ago

      >f you go advanced you can get high levels of nicotine than you get from the gas station
      what did he mean by this

      • 2 years ago

        Gas station e-cigarettes typically have 5mg of nicotine. If you by your own juice and your own reusable mods, you can get up over 20. I think I saw 36 once. But thats just to much for me.

  7. 2 years ago

    Its also cheap. Cigarettes are ridiculously expensive.

  8. 2 years ago

    - 100mg of Modafinil at 7/8am
    - Cup of Coffee
    - Nicotine (Cig/Vape/Gum)
    - Focus music for whatever task you're trying to achieve

    Modafinil has been a life-saver for me. Some people really over glamourise it - it doesn't make you smarter. It is however, a wakefulness drug, and is far better at keeping you awake than caffeine on it's own (no jitters). It also suppresses dopamine, which is the chemical that is fricking the entire world up (tiktok, IST, youtube, instagram etc. all give small, constant hits of dopamine that cause procrastination and laziness).

    The coffee is for the instant caffeine buzz whilst you wait for moda to kick in (about an hour) and wards off any sleep inertia. The nicotine enhances the effects of both caffeine and moda. Focus music is for a flow-state; no lyrics, they'll distract you.

    • 2 years ago

      >It also suppresses dopamine, which is the chemical that is fricking the entire world up (tiktok, IST, youtube, instagram etc. all give small, constant hits of dopamine that cause procrastination and laziness).
      that's not true at all moron. it actually produces more dopamine. dopamine deficiency causes lack of attention

  9. 2 years ago

    it can work but it could also make you hate nicotine so be careful

  10. 2 years ago

    Nicotine is a calming factor though and not hype at all
    Have you considered clubbing? Gay clubs are where it's at tbtbh and if you're a light weight you'll only have to pay admissions and one drink to be surrounded by loud music, bright + flashing lights, smoke machines, half naked dancers performing on stage, and whoever else you meet and dance with. You basically get drunk off the atmosphere and makes for a good weekend treat

  11. 2 years ago

    it wont. no drugs really work aside from ampehtamines or ritalin in some cases

  12. 2 years ago

    Your body will just think cigarettes equal good.

  13. 2 years ago

    Smoking reduces stress. It's also highly addictive. Vaping or cigarettes, it's your choice.

  14. 2 years ago

    Trying a reward mechanism shouldn't be a bad idea, but I think you didn't think this through.
    Besides, why nicotine?

  15. 2 years ago

    You're dumb. It probably won't work and nicotine in any form is 100% bad for you. Force yourself to work out regularly until it becomes a habit, should take about 2 weeks. By that time you'll feel good after you finish your exercise routine and you'll feel like crap when you skip it for too long. That's right, exercise itself is addictive. No nicotine required.

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