>No, I refuse to eat that, it will spike the insulin

>No, I refuse to eat that, it will spike the insulin
Why are they like this? and why are they still fat

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    >SUGAR IS.. LE BAD!!
    >EGGS ARE.. LE BAD!!
    >FISH IS.. LE BAD!!
    >DAIRY IS.. LE BAD!!
    >FRUIT IS.. LE BAD!!
    >WATER IS.. LE BAD!!

    God made all this tasty food for me to eat, therefore I'm going to eat it. Simple as

    • 1 year ago

      I want to see what you look like, you must look like the biggest weirdo freakazoid to post such a reply to my thread

      Really, what do you look like? I want to see what kind of absolute freak posts such a non-sense reply to a thread

      • 1 year ago

        >you must look like the biggest weirdo freakazoid to post such a reply to my thread
        Nice try but I'm OP and this is my thread pimp
        but yes the dude spamming that is getting old

      • 1 year ago

        Why would you assume a person who eats an abundance of different healthy foods looks bad

    • 1 year ago

      vegan christian larper who was wished cancer to meat eaters in previous threads

      • 1 year ago

        What part of
        >>RED MEAT IS.. LE BAD!!
        do you not understand?
        >who was wished cancer to meat eaters in previous threads
        Never made any such post, you're likely mistaking me for some other anon

    • 1 year ago

      Where are sneed oils in that list?

      • 1 year ago

        They are not

    • 1 year ago

      God isn’t real

      • 1 year ago

        Imagine solving a captcha to post this 16 year old drivel

      • 1 year ago

        Jesus Christ, Son of God, is King of Heaven and Earth

        God is love, only the hateful and unloved do not know God

        And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

        1 John 4:16

        • 1 year ago

          To dwell in love is to dwell in God

          It is God that dwells within you

          Faith opens the gate to unlimited love

          His love is all around us and within the soul

          It heals and transforms, it gives perfect peace within

    • 1 year ago

      Half of those foods are manmade.

    • 1 year ago

      Starch blunts nutrient absorption.

  2. 1 year ago

    I want to see what you look like, you must look like the biggest weirdo freakazoid to post such a reply to my thread

    Really, what do you look like? I want to see what kind of absolute freak posts such a non-sense reply to a thread

  3. 1 year ago

    Are you surprised fat people are concerned with insuline spike after years of bombarding their body with it and developing insuline resistance ? Better late than never.

    • 1 year ago

      carbs and >le insulin spike don't cause insulin resistance

      • 1 year ago

        carbs on their own do not, but massive excess of it does. Stop playing dumb, it's not even funny

        • 1 year ago

          So your reaction to a diet almost entirely of carbs curing diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance is that excess carbs cause the problems they solved. Ok mate

        • 1 year ago

          Eating whole foods will literally never cause those issues.

          • 1 year ago

            I didn't say anything to the contrary

          • 1 year ago

            >muh whole foods
            That's fricking stupid. Of course it would if you ate in excess.

            • 1 year ago

              Not him but
              >too much of X is bad
              No shit, if you drink too much water you will literally die, but does that mean that water is bad? Of course not lmao

      • 1 year ago

        >ate less
        >got smaller
        >moxyte from reddit thinks that's impressive

        • 1 year ago

          carbs on their own do not, but massive excess of it does. Stop playing dumb, it's not even funny


          carbs and >le insulin spike don't cause insulin resistance

          >diet so bad that he had to whip people to force them to adhere to it
          up next, eating sand makes you lose weight, you are held at gunpoint to eat the sand

          • 1 year ago


            carbs and >le insulin spike don't cause insulin resistance

            >Sharon Ryan alleged that between 1970 and 1987 the doctor whipped her bare buttocks with a riding crop when she violated Kempner's strict rules by gaining weight. Kempner said in a deposition he thought the risk to his patients' lives was so great if they deviated from his regimen that it warranted harshness.

  4. 1 year ago

    >thought I was grouped with keto because I've been loosely following what I think its recommendations are
    >yesterday I realized what the CICO acronym means after not looking it up due to not caring about an uninteresting shitpost war
    >been eating whole foods with occasional 1-3 days of berries every few weeks, couldn't stop eating bread for over a month, and during the past 3 weeks I've been having 21g of organic honey in daily yogurt blend
    >been exercising every day for several months even if it's only a multi-hour walk some days
    >change in diet can be associated with keto
    >increased physical activity can be associated with CICO
    >down 2 shirt sizes
    Can there be a 3rd faction for Whole Foods w/ Exercise?

    • 1 year ago

      how is your diet keto at all
      keto means no carbs

  5. 1 year ago

    Vegans can't eat honey because they are not intelligent.

  6. 1 year ago

    This is the only selfie that the guy who hates on ketogenic diets ever posts

  7. 1 year ago

    I know a guy like this, who frequently talks about how carbs are le unhealthy and make you fat. The funny thing is that the guy himself is fat and in a pretty bad shape in general. Maybe if he actually did some exercise he would be in a better shape.

  8. 1 year ago

    keto is the only diet that makes sense. Have you people ever even put any thought into it? You know grains and shit, like, have you ever pictured ancient humans just walking around in a field of wheat grass chewing it? You really think that is how we eat motherfrickers? Like cows and shit?

    • 1 year ago

      cows eat grass, and that grass is broken down by bacteria in their gut, that produces fatty products, cows, live on fat if it wasn't intuitive for people to grasp.

    • 1 year ago

      our ancestors would read the nutrition label on the fruit trees and the honeycomb and decide against it, too many carbs

      • 1 year ago

        ah yes, the fruits and the honey available all year round form varieties of plants specially bread to be more sugary than even 100 years ago of course of course

      • 1 year ago

        You moronic vegans really just can't think logically. We had no access to modern frankenfruit in our evolutionary past. The sweetest thing we could get was honey. You think honey was a regular part of our diet? That we could get it regularly? You know what an ancestral, wild apple looks like? Wild tubers? Wild grains? I guarantee you wouldn't want to eat any of them. morons like you seem to think ancient humans somehow had access to fruit trees yielding modern, optimized varieties of fruit year round. pic related, its about the sweetest thing other than honey that we probably had access to up until a couple hundred years ago. Do you even know what the season for those is? It's one to two months, in the autumn. That's it. The notion that we evolved around large quantities of carbs in our diet year round is preposterous. What's that? Tubers you say? Sure, after we learned to cook the shit out of them so they don't kill us outright, and then bred them over millenia to contain somewhat less deadly alkaloids.

        No other big land mammal relies on carbs, none. They're all either carnivores, or herbivores who ferment plant matter into short chain fatty acids- because no mammal can digest cellulose, you moron. All large mammals eat mainly fat for energy, via one digestive pathway or another, with fruit and the like a supplement at best, when and if they can get them. We are not herbivores. We have almost zero fermentative capacity. Therefore we have to be carnivores. There is no other possibility, and everything about us from our biology to our archeological record says it is so.

        And I know none of this will reach you. I'm really talking to any other anon who might stumble across this thread, who might still have some sense left. Kys, dialate, ywnbaw, and finally post body, you dysgienic, malevolent, utterly evil, batshit crazy little hobgoblin.

        • 1 year ago

          thanks, you covered the points nicely. saved, because vegan shit pops up often here.

        • 1 year ago

          >No other big land mammal relies on carbs, none.
          Simply not true. The rest of it, however, is pretty on point

          • 1 year ago

            I really think its mostly this one guy, moxyte. Oh sure, there might be a couple more, but its mostly him. He's been at it for years at this point, its incredibly sad really.

            Ok, you got me, there's orangutans. One example of a large mammalian predominantly-frugivore who gets most of its energy from fruit. A highly specialised species that spends over 6 hours a day foraging for durian fruit and nuts in the tropical forests.

            • 1 year ago

              >He's been at it for years at this point, its incredibly sad really.
              The fact that the jannies and mods don't do anything about him or the dickheads who post culture war/political threads, demoralization threads, threads with softcore porn OP pics, etc. shows pretty clearly that they hate this site (or they're obligated to make sure this site is shit by higher powers). This board could be squeaky clean if they actually did their jobs but they don't and it's truly sad.

              • 1 year ago

                >they hate this site
                don't you?

              • 1 year ago

                Of course, but only because they don't want to take proper care of it. If the clean-up crew actually clamped down on the now universal problem of low quality posts, spam, covert political discourse, demoralization, etc., it would be a decent site. I've been here for long enough to know that it wasn't always as calamitously shitty as it is now.

              • 1 year ago

                Of course, but only because they don't want to take proper care of it. If the clean-up crew actually clamped down on the now universal problem of low quality posts, spam, covert political discourse, demoralization, etc., it would be a decent site. I've been here for long enough to know that it wasn't always as calamitously shitty as it is now.

                Here is my rule that is super based and will never get implemented.
                OP image HAS to be about the topic of the thread.
                You have to user MS paint, stock images, whatever handdrawings if you will about your topic.
                If the topic of the thread and the OP image don't match, ban.

              • 1 year ago

                That improves nothing

              • 1 year ago

                >can't post porn
                >cant post tiktoks

        • 1 year ago

          Fruit is designed to be eaten.

          With the cultivating hands granted to us by the Gods we make them even more bountiful.

          Eat fruit.

          • 1 year ago

            You're moronic.

            Fruit evolved to be eaten by certain species of animals. But it did not do so out of any benevolence. It's so that the animals can shit out the seeds, fertilizing the ground. In nature, the plants don't expend more resources on the fruit than they absolutely have to. they're essentially seeds covered with a thin layer of fructose, just enough to entice some dumb deer to eat it. Did you know that if you ate a couple peach seeds, chewing them thoroughly you could die from cyanide poisoning? Designed to be eaten indeed.

            Eating fruit is for fruitbats and some monkeys. Not humans.

            • 1 year ago

              I said fruit was designed to be eaten, not seeds.

              It is okay for you to silently leave this argument now, because I have obviously won it. Don't reply.

              • 1 year ago

                No, frick you.

                Humans evolved to eat almost everything, our brains are power hungry

                Humans are capable of eating almost anything in a pinch. And yes, our brains are power hungry, that's why we evolved on fat, the most energy dense biological substance on Earth.

                >It's so that the animals
                And humans are animals. And we didnt always have toilets. We would have crapped directly onto the ground and there would have grown an apple tree. Try another argument


                How come humans had to invent tools to hunt and kill animals? We aren't born with axes and spears, what did we naturally eat in our environment before we made those things?

                Yes, before we were humans, we were plant eaters, you moron, millions of years ago. We became scavengers first, our brains grew and we developed sentience commensurate with the amount of animal tissue we ate. The more animal food we ate, the smarter we became, the easier it became to find and then hunt more meat. As to how it all started, it is likely we started out as scavengers right after getting off trees, somewhere on a savannah somewhere. We could do something most predators couldn't, smash bones with rocks to get at the marrow and brain. That started us on the road to sentience, essentially. Our natural stomach acidity seems to support this theory, as it is higher than that of most carnivores, up to 1.5 ph, it can even go down to 1, which is pretty mental when you consider that scale is not linear. Our stomachs are more acidic than those of hyenas.

                Well, I say WE became smarter eating meat. You, as a plant chomper, clearly got left behind. There was a genus of hominid that only ate plants, Paranthropus robustus. They went extinct, clearly. Fun fact, they also got cavities like modern plant chompers do.

              • 1 year ago

                >No frick you

                I accept your defeat.

              • 1 year ago

                I tagged you in the other response for a reason, you dha deficient grass chewing moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >Yes, before we were humans, we were plant eaters
                Yes when we "became human" we suddenly stooped eating bananas and went full carnivore. Carnivores dont get atherosclerosis. Period. No matter what you feed them. Humans do. Therefore we aren't "evolved" to sustain on meat. Also carnivores get cavities idk what your argument is there dogs need teeth pulled all the time. I didnt read the rest of of your post because the premise is flawed and I don't have time to waste

              • 1 year ago

                My premise is fine, your information, or rather delusions are to blame for your baffled lack of understanding.

                Carnivores don't get atherosclerosis, true. Humans don't get it either if they eat their ancestrally appropriate diet, as evidenced by the Maasai tribesmen, and the Inuit before we came along and gave them our bullshit food. There's a distinct lack of any sort of record for atherosclerosis in primitive cultures, for obvious reasons, but we do see a far higher incidence in cavities and various bone disorders in agrarian societies when compared to nomads that ate predominantly meat and dairy, who get very few cavities, as evidenced by the archeological record. And there is also the N15 isotope data that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that all our ancestors older than some 20k years ate almost exclusively meat. Literally all they ate, you dumb fricking plant chomping Black person.

                Btw, the Egyptians died of heart disease at 35-40. They were known as Artophagoi, the eaters of bread, by the Greeks. They ate a very reasonable diet, by modern standards. Whole grain bread from Millet wheat was their main source of energy, some fish, lots of vegetables and fibrous plants, some fruit. All mummies examined have atherosclerosis, rich and poor.

                Also, moxyte, time to waste? You've wasted years of your life on this already. And you've failed to convince even one anon of your insanity, because you constantly get btfod.

              • 1 year ago

                >My premise is fine
                No it isn't didnt read further sorry

              • 1 year ago

                I accept your surrender.

              • 1 year ago

                >Maasai tribesmen
                The massai die at 45 and autopsies show MASSIVE atherosclerosis. Try again.

              • 1 year ago

                You're a filthy fricking lying sack of shit


              • 1 year ago

                I can google too
                Imagine dying at 45 and having the arteries of an elderly man

              • 1 year ago


                Other studies disagree with the one you constantly bring up. I'd be interested to see the conflict of interest statement on that Hopkins study.

                >You really are a disgusting piece of shit, moxyte.
                I'm not the one who spends his free time trying to convince people bread is the source of all evil. KYS you pretentious moron.

                No, you're the one who spent years trying to convince people fat is evil. KYS you evil fricking starvation cultist.

              • 1 year ago

                >Other studies disagree with the one you constantly bring up
                Okay so theres no consensus then. I'm not going to argue with you about nonsense.

              • 1 year ago

                LMAO! I just did some digging, that study is total bunk, you dumb fricker. Those 50 "tribesmen" were a completely different population, they were living in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, eating a westernised diet, holy shit. Do you have any idea how much seed oils is used in the cooking in those shithole cities? Not all Maasai are living a neolithic lifestyle. The ones who are, get exactly 0 heart disease.

              • 1 year ago

                no, I am not against fat (nor dairy), I'm against eating 250g a day like a complete moron, rekting your heart in the process
                what's funny is that you spergs always bring up "muh ancestors", yeah I'm sure grug was eating 3 sticks of butter as a side dish for his wagyu
                just fricking have a nice day in silence instead of trying to convince others to follow you

              • 1 year ago

                Who eats 3 sticks of butter? I add a bit here and there, mostly I eat just meat and some eggs.

                And no, I won't stay quiet, because this fricking diet saved my goddamned life, and I will talk about it to others.

              • 1 year ago

                Post arterial function

              • 1 year ago

                BP 110/70 or thereabouts, CRP just above the detectability threshold, all other inflammatory markers either very low or low, trigs well within norm, hdl within norm, remnant cholesterol at 21 (below 17 is ideal, above 25 correlates with increased cvd risk, so eh). In short, most of my known, actual stats for the risk of developing cad are pretty good, thanks for asking.

              • 1 year ago

                Post LDL

              • 1 year ago

                Sigh, LDL shows no correlation with heart disease. All the actual risk factors are covered in what I've already posted. In fact, total cholesterol between 200 and 250 correlates strongly with the lowest all cause mortality. LDL levels are meaningless. Completely irrelevant. They do not correlate with increased mortality from CVD. They really don't. You moron. I didn't mention them on purpose, I just knew you'd latch onto that, like the predictable midwit you are. Thanks for playing along.


              • 1 year ago

                >LDL shows no correlation with heart disease

                That's a pretty good one. In short, you people don't have a leg to stand on. Soon literally, because diabetes will eat it.

              • 1 year ago

                > Sigh, LDL shows no correlation with heart disease

              • 1 year ago

                You always post that one pic. I looked into that study, its trash. Why is it trash, you ask? Because its a meta-analysis of hand-picked studies. 99% of the studies about this subject are epidemiological garbage, its all a scam. In fact, there are no really good studies about this stuff. Meta analyses are moronic, the only good studies are randomized, double blinded clinical studies.

                New and emerging CLINICAL evidence, as opposed to epidemiological, statistical manipulation nonsense, shows unequivocally that LDL does not cause heart disease. Seethe, cope and dialate. But you know what, ok! Here's the same kind of study you just posted, and never bothered to look into yourself. It says the exact opposite of your study. What now?

                >Our search for falsifications of the cholesterol hypothesis confirms that it is unable to satisfy any of the Bradford Hill criteria for causality and that the conclusions of the authors of the three reviews are based on misleading statistics, exclusion of unsuccessful trials and by ignoring numerous contradictory observations.


                Imagine my shock.

              • 1 year ago

                > I looked into that study
                That pic isn’t of one study

              • 1 year ago

                lets try again without cherry picking to suit the whims of our funders
                >White symbols: trials included in the analysis by Ference et al.; black symbols: excluded or ignored trials; squares: primary-preventive trials; round symbols: secondary-preventive trials; stippled line: regression line for the included trials; full line: regression line for all trials.
                and the relationship between LDL and CVD disappears what a strange coincidence

              • 1 year ago

                There is still a correlation in your graph lol

              • 1 year ago

                Are you so moronic that you think the diagonal line so correlation?

              • 1 year ago

                >> full line: regression line for all trials.
                there isnt one its a straight line you knob

              • 1 year ago

                >and the Inuit before we came along and gave them our bullshit food
                Source: dude trust me

              • 1 year ago


                First you need to get some b***hes lmao
                >we knew how to handle milk from the get go because it has fat
                quite possibly the most moronic thing I've read so far this week

                You really are a disgusting piece of shit, moxyte.

                >And there is also the N15 isotope data that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that all our ancestors older than some 20k years ate almost exclusively meat.
                Source: it was revealed to me in a dream


                I know I'm talking to only moxyte here, so it really is an idle waste of time, but whatevere. Moxy, post body. You despicable, demented, evil fricking wienerroach.

              • 1 year ago

                >You really are a disgusting piece of shit, moxyte.
                I'm not the one who spends his free time trying to convince people bread is the source of all evil. KYS you pretentious moron.

              • 1 year ago


                My premise is fine, your information, or rather delusions are to blame for your baffled lack of understanding.

                Carnivores don't get atherosclerosis, true. Humans don't get it either if they eat their ancestrally appropriate diet, as evidenced by the Maasai tribesmen, and the Inuit before we came along and gave them our bullshit food. There's a distinct lack of any sort of record for atherosclerosis in primitive cultures, for obvious reasons, but we do see a far higher incidence in cavities and various bone disorders in agrarian societies when compared to nomads that ate predominantly meat and dairy, who get very few cavities, as evidenced by the archeological record. And there is also the N15 isotope data that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that all our ancestors older than some 20k years ate almost exclusively meat. Literally all they ate, you dumb fricking plant chomping Black person.

                Btw, the Egyptians died of heart disease at 35-40. They were known as Artophagoi, the eaters of bread, by the Greeks. They ate a very reasonable diet, by modern standards. Whole grain bread from Millet wheat was their main source of energy, some fish, lots of vegetables and fibrous plants, some fruit. All mummies examined have atherosclerosis, rich and poor.

                Also, moxyte, time to waste? You've wasted years of your life on this already. And you've failed to convince even one anon of your insanity, because you constantly get btfod.


              • 1 year ago

                >And there is also the N15 isotope data that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that all our ancestors older than some 20k years ate almost exclusively meat.
                Source: it was revealed to me in a dream

            • 1 year ago

              Humans evolved to eat almost everything, our brains are power hungry

            • 1 year ago

              >Peach seeds
              You mean the peach pit? The huge rock like thing nobody would ever even try to eat?

            • 1 year ago

              >It's so that the animals
              And humans are animals. And we didnt always have toilets. We would have crapped directly onto the ground and there would have grown an apple tree. Try another argument

            • 1 year ago

              How come humans had to invent tools to hunt and kill animals? We aren't born with axes and spears, what did we naturally eat in our environment before we made those things?

        • 1 year ago

          And animals were lean and few. Tty again.

      • 1 year ago

        >Eat honeycomb that four men died to secure
        >Exact thing as HFCS in a can of Coke

    • 1 year ago

      >muh ancestors
      Yeah I bet your ancestors also sat on IST.organisation all day and went to the gym in the evening

  9. 1 year ago

    Post body, moxyte

  10. 1 year ago

    >what foods do to your hormones doesn’t matter
    >it’s just calories, who cares if your “food” is basically a sweetened seed oil based foam made at a chemical plant
    Lol, morons. People were thin in the 50s and 70s, but going to the gym was basically unheard of. That was only for strongmen and gays. And we know people weren’t running every morning because they all smoked. They all smoked a shitload. And they didn’t have laborious jobs. America has been heavily industrialized for more than 100 years now, these people weren’t doing labor all day and office jobs existed back then too, you dumbshits. The only thing that changed is the food. People eat a bunch of processed seed oil laden shit now instead of foods they cook for themselves. That’s it. That’s the fricking thing that changed and made us all fat, you fricking morons.

  11. 1 year ago

    Best meme of all time

  12. 1 year ago

    Friendly reminder that there's a schizo ITT

  13. 1 year ago

    I did keto for awhile and I can no longer get an erection

    • 1 year ago

      >giving yourself so much arterial plaque that it prevents blood flow to the penis
      Oh man

  14. 1 year ago

    >dairy is good, my super duper aryan ancestors learned to tolerate it through generations of eating
    >grains? yeah, they may have been part of human diet for thousands of year by now but we just can't handle them, mmkay?

    • 1 year ago

      Stop being logical and develop an eating disorder

    • 1 year ago

      >cheese is mostly fat, which we've been adapted to eating for a million years or more, likely around 3.5m in fact
      >in any way at all comparable to grain, which we've been eating for less than 8k years in any sort of quantities

      Eight thousand years is an evolutionary eyeblink. Come back to me in half a million years. You won't be able to say much, having reverted back to being a lower order primate with a huge fermentative gut and tiny smooth brain, but get back to me anyway, I'm sure I'll appreciate the laugh.

      • 1 year ago

        First you need to get some b***hes lmao
        >we knew how to handle milk from the get go because it has fat
        quite possibly the most moronic thing I've read so far this week

  15. 1 year ago

    >Left: before I discovered keto and had been lifelong fatty trying every diet and cico technique
    >right: 1.5 years of 3 months on keto 1 month off

    Idk man I sort of like keto and Im even willing to post my face because I know keto made me better looking than you, sick meme tho

  16. 1 year ago

    Hmmmm.... who are historically the biggest and most hardy (able to survive in harsh environments) people?
    >looks north
    Hmmmm.... I wonder what people in north Europe and north Asia ate when it was too cold for anything to grow for most of the year... hmmm.... couldn't be meat that gave them the reputation of being FRICKING GIANTS noooo that couldn't be it... they were all ketoschizos actually!!!

  17. 1 year ago

    >>No, I refuse to eat that, it will spike the insulin
    >Why are they like this? and why are they still fat

  18. 1 year ago

    Not only are insulin spikes completely irrelevant to weight gain, but meat spikes insulin more than pure sugar so they are categorically plain double-moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      >meat spikes insulin more than pure sugar
      Please provide sauce on this so I can mog my fricktard morbidly obese type 2 cousin who won't stfu about this kind of shit for years.

      • 1 year ago


        >but meat spikes insulin more than pure sugar


        • 1 year ago

          >make outrageous claim
          >be asked politely to back it up
          >sperg out like a moron instead

          • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >but meat spikes insulin more than pure sugar

    • 1 year ago

      You can't just make a completely illogical nonsense statement like that without backing it up. By what fricking mechanic or reason would fat spike insulin more than sugar? You are not really making a good argument against keto when you are being so absurdly moronic with such claims.

      • 1 year ago

        He’s probably referring to how Whey Spikes insulin more than say white rice. I don’t know about chicken or steak, though as those have fat in them

        • 1 year ago

          where is the sugar on that chart? All I see is whey, casein and control

    • 1 year ago

      I bet this is the "you don't need fat" guy.

  19. 1 year ago

    >ketotards 'microdose' carbs for better mental and physical performance

    • 1 year ago

      >I need carbs to talk to someone on zoom because its so demanding

  20. 1 year ago

    >no bodies posted
    Nobody's opinion in this thread means anything until they post body. I will continue to eat both animal foods and plant foods.

    • 1 year ago

      Eh, just don't eat processed junk and you should be fine, ig. Carnivore is best, but cutting out sneed oils and eating clean is the second best thing.

      • 1 year ago

        My opinion is that as long as you
        >have a good macronutrient balance
        >get all of your micronutrients
        >eat whole foods
        >avoid PUFA
        you're doing fine. I don't think carbs/sugar are bad since training without them is awful. Obviously excess calories from carbs/sugar isn't good since you'll become obese, but that can happen from the other macronutrients too. Easily fixed by logging your weight every day so that you can manipulate your caloric intake to get your weight where you want it to be. For me personally I usually spam red meat/eggs/dairy/fruit, with vegetables and grains making up a smaller segment of my diet.

        • 1 year ago

          Well, you're both right and wrong. I train without carbs, and its fricking great. Just gotta eat enough meat. I even check my blood glucose sometimes, its rock steady most times, but increases a bit after training. So I don't buy the you need carbs to lift heavy argument, it just doesn't bear out in my experience. It might be a question of adaptation, I wouldn't be surprised if someone who just decided to go low carb last month would have a harder time training.

          You're probably right that the vast majority of people will do just fine doing what you described. Carnivore isn't for everyone, it is restrictive and can get boring. And it kinda fricks your social life. It's a choice I made for many a reason, and it works fricking great. I don't think everyone should do it, but I do think people should be aware of the option, because it works wonders for healing all sorts of shit, like anxiety, depression, autoimmune issues, etc.

          The part about getting fat while not eating carbs is technically true, but I challenge anyone to eat enough fat for that to happen when you don't also eat carbs. Your ghrelin/leptin response is gonna make you wanna die if you try to pig out like that.

          As to grain, I would argue it has no place in a human diet. It causes leaky gut, simple as, same as lectins from beans. It does damage, whether you feel it or not.

          • 1 year ago

            >Well, you're both right and wrong. I train without carbs, and its fricking great. Just gotta eat enough meat. I even check my blood glucose sometimes, its rock steady most times, but increases a bit after training. So I don't buy the you need carbs to lift heavy argument, it just doesn't bear out in my experience. It might be a question of adaptation, I wouldn't be surprised if someone who just decided to go low carb last month would have a harder time training.
            I mean it depends, if you're doing a ton of training with lots of volume and intensity then carbs become extremely important. Like I could probably get away without eating carbs if I went with a minimalist approach to leg training for example, but I want huge frickin legs, so in that case, I doubt I would get away with doing that. Training with depleted glycogen just sucks tbh
            >I don't think everyone should do it, but I do think people should be aware of the option, because it works wonders for healing all sorts of shit, like anxiety, depression, autoimmune issues, etc.
            If it works for you, then stick with it, simple as. Some people get gigafricked from eating literally anything besides meat so I do agree that it has some use cases
            >The part about getting fat while not eating carbs is technically true, but I challenge anyone to eat enough fat for that to happen when you don't also eat carbs. Your ghrelin/leptin response is gonna make you wanna die if you try to pig out like that.
            This goes both ways: how the frick am I supposed to bulk without eating carbs? It's just easier to keep protein and fat somewhat static while manipulating carbs to cut/bulk IMO
            >As to grain, I would argue it has no place in a human diet. It causes leaky gut, simple as, same as lectins from beans. It does damage, whether you feel it or not.
            I personally stick to rice for the most part, but I do agree that grains aren't the best for overall health. Maybe I should just swap it out for even more fruit at some point lol

            • 1 year ago

              >I do agree that grains aren't the best for overall health.
              To elaborate more on this it does depend on which kind you're eating IMO. I think that rice isn't a big deal, but other shit like oats/breads could be potentially worse for various reasons. That being said, I really don't think it's a major issue. If you're trying to min-max your health then sure, but generally *not* doing certain things will do infinitely more for improving your health (by that I mean stuff like not drinking/doing drugs/smoking, not staying up late and fricking up your sleep, not being stressed out all the time, etc etc) than omitting grains. There's pros and cons to all foods, and you can't avoid every toxin, it's just not possible. But your body can tolerate some amount of these things, so I think min-maxxing everything isn't necessary, at least until you've done all the prior stuff. Micronutrient deficiencies on their own are much worse than eating grains since those make it much harder for your body to deal with those toxins in the first place

          • 1 year ago

            >avoid PUFA
            all medical science disagrees with this. Only ray pete and his merry band of dick suckers think this, and they ignore all relevant meta studies that have been done for decades. PUFAs are not dangerous in the slightest.
            The rest of your advice is sound.

            Also beans absolutely destroy my guts so I avoid those lol

            • 1 year ago

              Meant to reply to

              >Well, you're both right and wrong. I train without carbs, and its fricking great. Just gotta eat enough meat. I even check my blood glucose sometimes, its rock steady most times, but increases a bit after training. So I don't buy the you need carbs to lift heavy argument, it just doesn't bear out in my experience. It might be a question of adaptation, I wouldn't be surprised if someone who just decided to go low carb last month would have a harder time training.
              I mean it depends, if you're doing a ton of training with lots of volume and intensity then carbs become extremely important. Like I could probably get away without eating carbs if I went with a minimalist approach to leg training for example, but I want huge frickin legs, so in that case, I doubt I would get away with doing that. Training with depleted glycogen just sucks tbh
              >I don't think everyone should do it, but I do think people should be aware of the option, because it works wonders for healing all sorts of shit, like anxiety, depression, autoimmune issues, etc.
              If it works for you, then stick with it, simple as. Some people get gigafricked from eating literally anything besides meat so I do agree that it has some use cases
              >The part about getting fat while not eating carbs is technically true, but I challenge anyone to eat enough fat for that to happen when you don't also eat carbs. Your ghrelin/leptin response is gonna make you wanna die if you try to pig out like that.
              This goes both ways: how the frick am I supposed to bulk without eating carbs? It's just easier to keep protein and fat somewhat static while manipulating carbs to cut/bulk IMO
              >As to grain, I would argue it has no place in a human diet. It causes leaky gut, simple as, same as lectins from beans. It does damage, whether you feel it or not.
              I personally stick to rice for the most part, but I do agree that grains aren't the best for overall health. Maybe I should just swap it out for even more fruit at some point lol


              >avoid PUFA
              all medical science disagrees with this. Only ray pete and his merry band of dick suckers think this, and they ignore all relevant meta studies that have been done for decades. PUFAs are not dangerous in the slightest.
              The rest of your advice is sound.

              I dunno, I just stopped eating sneed oils and moved away from nuts, and I feel great. Would rather get my fats from eggs/dairy etc

              • 1 year ago

                s'all good, whole foods trumps everything, just don't shy away from PUFAs like those in fish. Its just crazy to me how easily IST was grifted by ray pete. PUFAs have one of the clearest and most unambiguous effects in all of nutritional science literature, and then a "buy my book" shill comes along and everyone just decides his useless shit is gospel.
                >There is clinical trial evidence that replacing SFAs with PUFAs decreases CVD events (5, 16–18). In a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies and RCTs, Skeaff and Miller (19) concluded that there is considerable evidence that replacement of SFAs by PUFAs was associated with a significant reduction in CAD events. Likewise, many RCTs have provided supportive evidence of the benefits of substituting PUFAs for SFAs. In a review of RCTs by Mozaffarian et al. (5), replacing SFAs with PUFAs significantly decreased risk of CAD or associated mortality rates. Specifically, there was a 10% reduction in CAD risk for every 5% energy substitution of mainly n–6 PUFAs.
                Interestingly, an analysis published in 2012 of early RCT studies reported that a combination of both n–6 and plant and marine sources of n–3 PUFAs substituted for SFAs reduced CAD events by 22%, whereas just n–6 PUFA replacement had no beneficial effect (20).... A meta-analysis of observational studies by Jakobsen et al. (21) demonstrated that replacing SFAs with PUFAs reduced the risk of coronary events by 13% and the risk of coronary deaths by 26%. In contrast, replacing SFAs with either MUFAs or carbohydrate marginally increased the risk of coronary events (perhaps due to the food sources of MUFAs, i.e., from animal sources high in SFAs, and the type of carbohydrate substituted, mainly refined carbohydrate) but not coronary deaths. On the basis of the body of evidence, it is clear that replacing SFAs with PUFAs lowers the risk of CAD....

              • 1 year ago

                >just don't shy away from PUFAs like those in fish.
                I mean this is the main issue, people consume WAYYY too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3, so even under the PUFA = good model people are still fricking their shit up because their ratio is between 10:1 and 20:1 instead of the appropriate 2:1-1:1 omega 6:3 ratio. And if your only source of PUFA is from fish you won't be consuming ridiculous amounts of it anyway, and you'll have a good omega 6:3 ratio, so even if we assume that PUFA=bad you're still better off than 99% of people since you aren't consuming absurd amounts of omega 6s from sneed oils and such.

              • 1 year ago

                Definitely a fair point about the ratios- the literature suggests that decreasing omega6 isn't helpful in these cases (neutral if anything), its actually increasing the omega3s which is needed for health benefits (aka people are underconsuming omega3 as much as they are overconsuming omega6).

              • 1 year ago

                Pretty much. To me, there's two camps
                >PUFA = bad and unnecessary (peatgays)
                >PUFA = ok/good if we don't overconsume it (like gen pop) and eat more omega 3s so that we have the correct ratio of omega 6 to omega 3
                I've seen good arguments from both so I'm kind of torn, but I don't think it's a huge issue since the main thing is just getting away from the ridiculous 20:1 ratio that most people are at, which is pretty easy to do by just eating whole foods and avoiding sneed oils.

        • 1 year ago

          >avoid PUFA
          all medical science disagrees with this. Only ray pete and his merry band of dick suckers think this, and they ignore all relevant meta studies that have been done for decades. PUFAs are not dangerous in the slightest.
          The rest of your advice is sound.

  21. 1 year ago

    I given up trying to help people on that site. They clearly just want to complain.

  22. 1 year ago

    I find it fricking HILARIOUS all of the people saying things about my diet when I actually live it in reality and know the truth. "they are all fat" lol I am shredded more than I even want to be at the moment. "you can't build muscle" lol I am stronger than ever. "you will die of x y z" lol I am so much more resistant to getting sick than with high carbs. I just wonder how many of you have even tried to eat low carbs / keto / etc and not be moronic about it. It will become blantantly obvious that everything you have read / heard, every study by bergberg about how you will die of clogged arteries, etc, how carbs are so healthy... is all bullshit propaganda.

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