No more Addy. What now?

I've been taking adderall since I was 14 via a script. Supply has gotten fricked up and after a decade of use on days when I don't have it I'm like a zombie. Because of that I decided to quit. As of last Monday I've has none. My appetite has already shot up like crazy. I've heard Adderall is a nootropic. Am I going to get stupider now on top of this?
>inb4 just try this other drug
I'm trying to avoid being dependent on this shit anymore.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Drugs suck. I'm quitting coffee. Together, we will make it.

    • 1 year ago

      They do anon. Increased appetite I can counter with willpower and veggies. Increased exhaustion can also be powered through. I can also just self control myself into not (visibly) being an ADHD sperg. What worries me is a potential loss of intelligence. I'm already pretty dumb. I don't want to get worse.
      That being said, thanks for the encouragement.

      • 1 year ago

        >Increased appetite I can counter with willpower and veggies
        I want to bulk while maintaining cardio (wrestling in heavyweight class) so quitting stims is a no brainer

      • 1 year ago

        it’s not going to make you dumber, it just might be hard to focus for extended periods of time. I imagine it will get easier with time as you regain homeostasis.

      • 1 year ago

        From my (STEM) experience, nootropics/stimulants keep you awake and losen the tongue, they don't help you to count anything, that's why 90% of physicists/mathematicians don't use substances.

        • 1 year ago

          This is exactly right. People think stimulants are sattvic but they're rajasic

        • 1 year ago

          Nah, ADHD is real and stims making you enjoy the work is legit. I thought I couldn't do math because I'm just moronic. But after amphetamines, I was burning through 6+ hours study sessions and acing my classes. Can't speak for math majors, but medicine, chemistry, and CS are filled with pill junkies

          • 1 year ago

            This is very much true. Just like caffeine paved the way for a revolution in the way of productivity in history and allowed average minds to focus to the point of getting above average results and to work far into the night, amphetamines are a similar revolution at an even more advanced level. The ever larger corpus of knowledge that students and professionals have to study and learn in today's hard science and applied science world is ridiculous compared to what the average mind is capable of. Either you're a certified genius drinking only coffee to get your boost or you're on every stimulant you can get your hands on just to stay afloat, and let me tell you that there aren't that many geniuses.

            • 1 year ago

              >you need to be a genius to graduate STEM
              All it takes is a cursory look at doctors the last 3 years to understand that our perception of academics might have been partially over-tuned. I'm assuming you come from a small town and were the first in your family to attain a degree? Your hubristic pride in having a degree usually comes from such positions.

              That aside, attention is an independent variable, and ADHD exists across all locations on the intelligence spectrum. You can be moronic with focus issues and you can be brilliant with focus issues. You're conflating the two very hard. I graduated in ChemENG and had all flavors of the IQ rainbow around me, and can say with 100% confidence that attaining good grades and solid stature in academia is a function of focus, attention, and consistency above all else. Intelligence is the lubricant that just makes the process easier.

              • 1 year ago

                >attaining good grades and solid stature in academia is a function of focus, attention, and consistency above all else

                This. Don't forget that professors love assisting students and all kinda have small savior complexes. Nothing gets a prof sniffing his own farts harder than the struggling student visiting his office

          • 1 year ago

            You just got some defect with dophamine, in this case it's really something different.
            I only know stimulants losen the tongue so most writers, artists etc. at least know about their existance.
            I think most physicists/mathematicians wouldn't think a minute if a PED for calculating things would exist.

      • 1 year ago

        focus is different from motivation, and crystal intelligence is different from fluid intelligence.

        Cholinergics help you remember things, not dopaminergics.

  2. 1 year ago

    Your brain is forever altered. You’re moronic as frick now and that’s just the reality you have to accept. They say dumb people are happier, so pay attention to that.

  3. 1 year ago

    I drank coffee today to give me the energy adderall usually does. I tried to maximize caffine content. I got one of those dark roasts. I got 4 shots of mocha as a compromise. I figured the 100 calories were worth if it it made this shit palatable. It didn't. Holy shit this is bitter. I'm sure there are tastier coffees than Starbucks but are they any less soul crushingly bitter without throwing in enough milk and sugar to make it a dessert?

    • 1 year ago

      You get used to the bitter taste. Start with a lighter roast, use only as much cream / sugar as necessary to cut the bitterness, and try to enjoy the actual coffee flavor
      Soon you will be craving more and chugging the darkest roast you can find

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks anon.

  4. 1 year ago

    Your brain chemistry is permanently fricked because your moronic parents turned you into a pill head at age 14

    • 1 year ago

      Nothing wrong with being a moron these days. It’s widely accepted. OP will fit right in

    • 1 year ago

      Eh. I don't blame them. It was fricking rough as a kid. My thoughts would go by in my head so fast that I couldn't even process them (I know that makes no sense but that's the best way I can explain it). When their kid came to them crying over over again that "My thoughts are moving too fast for me to think" I don't blame them for taking me to a doctor and following his advice. After all a pipefitter and a sewer aren't exactly biologists. If anyone should be blamed it's the doc.

      • 1 year ago

        Seamstress. Unless your mom is literally a prostitute then “sewer” might be accurate.

  5. 1 year ago

    You're going to find that most of the habits you've created for yourself aren't going to be viable anymore, they were only possible because the drug was dampening some negative effects or giving you an extra motivation boost while normally there would be none. While you recover from the use of Adderall (this will take months to years) you will probably have to completely reorient your life in a way that your motivation, concentration and ability to focus come from how your daily life is setup instead of the drug that you used to get them from.
    You'll now be responsible for your own output of these mental capacities instead of getting them from the pill, which will be a challenge if you've been on them since you were 14. You were living a sort of fake life and now you'll be living a real one where certain things suddenly have consequences.
    Not trying to scare you with this, just trying to explain what the challenges are going to be like since no doc or psych will do it. Things like studying or reading are not supposed to be easy (or even possible) if you've just played video games for 2 hours, they're comparatively too boring for you to focus on in that context. With stimulants you might not even notice the difference since your tonic dopamine levels have a sort of cap on how low they can go. In this way its easy to create false habits (maybe even all your habits) and a sort of fake lifestyle which wouldn't work for anyone who wasn't chemically altered.
    You'll have to learn from the ground up how you can get yourself to do boring productive but necessary stuff and how your life around these things will have to be oriented. This is where you will likely end up having to make sacrifices like following a rigid schedule, having less peak experiences in general to not deplete your available pool of dopamine and then be left recovering for hours etc.

    • 1 year ago

      Wow anon. This is a really comprehensive answer. I'm going to screencap this to reference this in the future. You seem to know a lot. Do you speak from experience or are you educated about this kind of stuff?

      • 1 year ago

        Sort of both, not professionally educated but forced to learn out of necessity. I'm familiar with the dopamine system and especially its practical consequences because of dealing with addiction, which happens to be a very similar experience to having ADHD and medicating it (it's not coincidence ADHD predisposes you to addictions). I also happen to intimately know someone who started and stopped taking stimulants multiple times and how that went so the real day to day struggles are very familiar to me.

        • 1 year ago

          please respond

          how do i stop being a neet without meth

        • 1 year ago

          Would you say that stopping taking this is overall a good choice? I'm sure the supply will return soon and I could go back to steadily getting ahold of it. Will this actually improve my life if I no longer take it?

          • 1 year ago

            That's totally up to you and what you find important in life, and of course what kind of a life situation you are in. If you have family with kids and a stressful job, don't stop taking them, you'll ruin both and be in a way bigger mess. If you aren't in a tight spot, it's possible to grow a life where you don't need them and find that very fulfilling and rewarding on top of not being at the whims of drug shortages. As you have learned the hard way, these things build a dependency and have lasting effects from long-term use so if that bothers you then stopping makes sense.

            I'm very biased against them because of how many people are on them unnecessarily to treat bad life situations/lifestyles or other conditions than ADHD and how they impact the user's life overall like allowing someone to live otherwise degenerate lives where they simply end up paying the cost in other ways way later and usually way worse, while without the meds they would have been forced to confront their problems way sooner. Still, because of how difficult it is to stop taking them, I'm more against taking them in the first place than against continuing use when you're already on them.

            For some people the struggle might just be too much, they could be made to function without the medication just fine but it would take a decade of care under a professional, obviously in those situations it makes total sense to take them. The drugs are pretty effective but I think the consequences, side effects and implications are often downplayed.

            The only meds I have first hand experience of is Wellbutrin, but I'm glad I stopped and built a life where I didn't need the medication. Wellbutrin has a similar effect as adderall, even though I wasn't using it for that effect. Getting off it I found many things change in life that were difficult to link to use of the medication, but afterwards I definitely had a more rich and varied mental life.

            • 1 year ago

              >afterwards I definitely had a more rich and varied mental life.
              based, I see stimulants the same way. It's hard when you're really hooked because you can ONLY think on them. But like dipping a toe into a pool, then a foot, then a leg, you get used to sobriety as you wean off.

              A different metaphor: you move your mental processes over to the sober state like you would boxes or furniture. In time you fully move into the sober mind. Right now I'm not fully out of the coffeehouse but I've moved most of my stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      how do i stop being a neet without meth

      • 1 year ago

        Stop doing things that give you pleasure especially with little effort like jerking off, playing video games, watching shows etc. You will be very bored for a long time and that's what saves you. This boredom is therapeutic, it will restore your readily available pool of dopamine (in the immediate time frame) and slowly increase the amount of dopamine in circulation at baseline (in the longer time frame). Baseline dopamine levels are your motivation to do anything, your ability to concentrate, to move your body etc. It has many functions but the main thing is about getting things done and feeling happy while doing so. Dopamine levels rising quickly feels like pleasure, but that is not what dopamine is used for, it's simply motivation and ability to concentrate, it's like mental energy. It's two systems in one but you're living only using it for the pleasure function.

        Why do you have to do this? Because every peak in dopamine is followed by a trough or a valley. The more peaks the more valleys, and the valleys feel like shit, it's literally mental pain, it's anguish. But that's not sinister enough, with time the peaks get weaker but the troughs stay the same. This is why addicts don't even feel good anymore from the things they do, they just do them to feel normal again.

        Basically start treating yourself like the addict you are, do a sort of rehab on your own and you'll get better. To get a gf, have a job, have friends, you need motivation to get these, you have to want these things. If you sit inside playing video games you don't have the real hunger needed to make you go get these things since you're getting the reward already from surrogate activities, forums make you feel like you have friends, lives streams, videos etc. give you companionship. The real thing would be nice but you lack the motivation to get them since you're partially sated, this is why you have to disengage and luckily this is all mainly governed by the same system, dopamine.

      • 1 year ago

        Stop doing things that give you pleasure especially with little effort like jerking off, playing video games, watching shows etc. You will be very bored for a long time and that's what saves you. This boredom is therapeutic, it will restore your readily available pool of dopamine (in the immediate time frame) and slowly increase the amount of dopamine in circulation at baseline (in the longer time frame). Baseline dopamine levels are your motivation to do anything, your ability to concentrate, to move your body etc. It has many functions but the main thing is about getting things done and feeling happy while doing so. Dopamine levels rising quickly feels like pleasure, but that is not what dopamine is used for, it's simply motivation and ability to concentrate, it's like mental energy. It's two systems in one but you're living only using it for the pleasure function.

        Why do you have to do this? Because every peak in dopamine is followed by a trough or a valley. The more peaks the more valleys, and the valleys feel like shit, it's literally mental pain, it's anguish. But that's not sinister enough, with time the peaks get weaker but the troughs stay the same. This is why addicts don't even feel good anymore from the things they do, they just do them to feel normal again.

        Basically start treating yourself like the addict you are, do a sort of rehab on your own and you'll get better. To get a gf, have a job, have friends, you need motivation to get these, you have to want these things. If you sit inside playing video games you don't have the real hunger needed to make you go get these things since you're getting the reward already from surrogate activities, forums make you feel like you have friends, lives streams, videos etc. give you companionship. The real thing would be nice but you lack the motivation to get them since you're partially sated, this is why you have to disengage and luckily this is all mainly governed by the same system, dopamine.

        Also, you can and should get professional help for situations like this. Maybe even getting the ball rolling with stimulants etc. It's not easy and if you're too far gone, it might be way too hard to do on your own.

    • 1 year ago

      This is a totally and completely incorrect post, and gets the risk/reward dopaminergic system of the brain entirely wrong. I hate how you make it sound like OP is 2 different people, quitting adderall won't make him a different person. He might temporarily get very moody, cloudy, and depressed as his body adjusts to low baseline, but the positive habits he had in his life won't disappear like a puff of smoke in the wind because he stops taking the drug. If he habituated himself with lifting, studying, reading, etc... despite more than a decade of adderall, you don't just magically lose the capacity to do these things, and your assertion that you do is very bizarre.

      Your misunderstanding comes from a blunder many people make - which is confusing the risk/reward sector of the brain with the hedonism pathways (pleasure). Not everything we're HABITUATED to doing is pleasure or motivational in nature. I wake up and brush my teeth in zombie mode and sometimes brush twice because I forgot I originally had. Is brushing of the teeth pleasurable or dopaminergic? No. Will OP stop brushing his teeth if he quits adderall? No. Stop feeding people limiting beliefs. You have no idea how difficult it will be for him to quit and not everyone is the same. He could require rehab or he could walk away without noticing much, there's so much missing information we don't have. What is his dose? What type of adderall (name brand or the garbage salts with alevoamphetamines)?

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah I used the word habit a bit incorrectly, you'll still have your habits ingrained, but your motivation, concentration etc. level will have a new variance and ability to go below what you thought was a normal baseline (because the drug kept it from going lower). What you thought was normal behavior was actually drug assisted behavior. Maybe some of your habits can't be accessed in the same way anymore since the small amounts of motivation your habit required isn't always there anymore.
        When I say reorienting your life completely, I mean when it comes to higher order stuff like studying or work depending on what you do that requires engagement, excitement and a tolerance for a sort of boredom. This is how normal adults live, their life is sort of stereotypically boring, they don't over-stimulate themselves with video games, sugar and other peak experiences. Why? Because they have to protect and maintain their nice dopamine baseline to have motivation, focus and drive to do the boring things that adult life requires. They probably don't know that they're doing it but they do it anyway
        If you're on adderall you probably never learned to do that because you didn't need to. You can be fine for most things since your baseline dopamine levels are sort of guaranteed to be there no matter what you do and the day they aren't is a rough awakening. If you're a person who struggles, this baseline is the difference between if you manage to brush your teeth or not, if you can feed yourself or not, if you can socialize enough not to socially alienate yourself or not.

        >I hate how you make it sound like OP is 2 different people

        That's exactly how it can feel like and it's cool you picked that up. Your way of life might not work anymore, you feel tired after doing things you thought you loved, you don't have the motivation to talk to all your friends as much. It can easily be a sort of identity crisis when you get off the drug and see how different you are.

  6. 1 year ago

    People really take speed in low doses for 10+ years and not get addicted as frick?

  7. 1 year ago

    >Will i get stupider
    No. Adderall doesn't make you smarter. It actually impairs higher-order thinking and makes repetitive low-stimulation tasks easier/more rewarding, such as computation.

    The only research I'm familiar with shows no cognitive improvement (some show decline), and only an increased sense of well-being.

    Give yourself a few weeks and you'll forget it ever happened. Adjust to feeling hungrier and eating more.

  8. 1 year ago

    Are they refusing to give people addys at the pharmacy now?? God I hope so cause I know if my b***h gf doesn’t get hers she will blow up like a fricking balloon kek. She’s a waitress in her mid 20s so she should be cut off before others

  9. 1 year ago

    Addy gang rise up

  10. 1 year ago

    >I've heard Adderall is a nootropic

    that's a funny way to spell neurotoxic

  11. 1 year ago

    >If the coffee tastes bitter, either the coffee is bad, the roast is too dark, or you're over extracting the coffee.

    • 1 year ago

      would that fricking gun still work?

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