No progress

I think I've failed guys. I'm novice here mid twenties. Never worked out consistently before. I thought I was trying hard for the last 2.5 months at lifting. For me this was fricking trying hard. Going consistently at least 3x a week. protein shakes. better diet. I have made 0 progress. ZERO. Minimal strength gains on bench press and pullups, thats about it. It's fricking demoralizing.
>5'10 155ish lb
I look bigger in the before photo. left to right is timeline. Might be because of lighting.

Do I need to be stuffing my face to the point of nausea 3 times a day? idk what to do.

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  1. 6 months ago

    You just need to gain weight, from the looks of it your bf is fine just keep sticking to high protin low fat diet and you will be good, do not burn yourself out

    • 6 months ago

      You actually look slightly lower bf in the after photo. You absolutely shouldn’t be cutting at your size, you need to add at least 500 calories into your daily intake.

      No, he needs to fricking lift. I'm so sick and tired of this "EAT BIG TO GET BIG, BULK BRO". No. You fricking need to LIFT. This guy is 5'9 so the stats are comparable.. I'm not saying that OP needs to go on a 500-1000kcal deficit, but he needs to just fricking eat protein and LIFT. His bodyfat shouldnt really get any higher, it needs to stay pretty much the same or well naturally when you build muscle your bodyfat% will go down because its a relative number even though the amount of fat would stay the same but your overall body mass is greater so the % is down. So for the bf% to stay the same, he is allowed to gain a little bit of fat because he will also gain muscle.

      You actually look slightly lower bf in the after photo. You absolutely shouldn’t be cutting at your size, you need to add at least 500 calories into your daily intake.

      "at least" 500kcal surplus is INSANE. That is at minimum 2kg per month so 24kg a year. That is over 50lbs, that would make OP 205-210lbs. And like you can see in the picture, 150lbs is a weight he should aim for, especially since he is a novice. The guy in the pic has lifted for 3 years, so he obviously has way more muscles.

      Like there is absolutely nothing wrong with OP's "lack of progress". He has fricking "tried hard" for 2,5 months. 2,5 MONTHS IS FRICKING NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT THE FRICK UP gay AND JUST EAT PROTEIN AND LIFT FOR 3 YEARS AND THEN TELL ME ABOUT THE LACK OF PROGRESS. YOU ARE NOT ON SARMS OR STEROIDS. YOU WILL NOT LOOK LIKE TIKTOK INFLUENCERS

      • 6 months ago

        if he's 5'9" he's lying about his weight, if his weight is accurate he's lying about his height. I'm 5'7, 140 lbs and really low bf. would look half the size of this dude, this is intended to be demoralizing, or he's 5'5"

        • 6 months ago

          post body

      • 6 months ago

        bloody b***h mother

  2. 6 months ago

    >Minimal strength gains on bench press and pullups
    >I have made 0 progress
    and you still wonder?

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        you need to get stronger. your body will not build more muscle if it is not challenged. start implementing progressions instead of lifting the same weight every time

  3. 6 months ago

    You actually look slightly lower bf in the after photo. You absolutely shouldn’t be cutting at your size, you need to add at least 500 calories into your daily intake.

  4. 6 months ago

    >protein shakes
    Its a scam.

  5. 6 months ago

    You must be doing squats, I can tell because your torso got smaller

  6. 6 months ago

    Listen, anon, I goto the gym at least 5 times per week. And I see how most people workout. Most people are not really going hard.

    And don't get me wrong, Im ~40 and I went to the gym in my 20s too and did frick all. Like, i never even tried squatting more than 1 pl... sad.

    Push yourself.. hit the mainstays, squats, deadlifts, bench, curls, pulldowns and such. And eat more consistently.

  7. 6 months ago

    Get a 16kg kettlebell and do swings 3 times a day

  8. 6 months ago

    you look bit leaner.
    you can't expect much appearance improvement after less than 3 months
    but the lack of gains on bench and pullups is worrying. Do you train hard enough?
    why don't you post your training plan?

  9. 6 months ago

    push legs pull rest on repeat, forever
    compound lifts 4x10, 3 min rest, isolations 3x10, 1.5 min rest
    2600 calories minimum.
    180g protein

    report back in 1 month
    thank me later

  10. 6 months ago

    >Going consistently at least 3x a week
    Train 6-7x a week. 3x is nothing.

    • 6 months ago

      4 times and go fricking hard

  11. 6 months ago

    My max deadlift is 135 lbs after 6+ years of lifting and roids. All my lifts are novice or lower as well.

  12. 6 months ago

    I've been lifting for 2 and a half months and I can still only bench 30kg

  13. 6 months ago

    3x a week is fricking nothing. after nooby gains are done you cant make any progress with that little effort. you are not trying hard at all you are lazy. i know because I used to do the same thing and plateau'd for a while. if you go every day and actually push yourself you will make gains. dont fall for that rest and recovery bs sleep is your recovery anything else is fricking pussy shit.

  14. 6 months ago

    Track your calories. eat more. Keep adding weight every week.

  15. 6 months ago

    just lift

    • 6 months ago

      (more each week)

  16. 6 months ago

    i'd tell you the secret but id have to charge

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