
Is nofap a meme for people with low T? I don’t get how this shit got popular, I work a manual job, my anxiety goes to the roof if I don’t jerk off at least once every two days and I feel fine after, not tired nor unmotivated or depressed. I do notice an increase in mental sharpness and boldness if I skip a few days but is it worth the extra stress and irritability? Nofap bros how does this work for you?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I jerk off at least once a day everyday.
    It's more for people like me

    • 1 year ago

      If youre gonna do it, dont use porn. Don't do it every day. I dont watch porn but sometimes jack off when I'm overwhelmed with horniness and don't have a recepticle (female woman((female)) I do that maybe once a month. Even when I bust with a chick multiple times every single load is fricking enourmous. Morning wood and randoms throughout the day. I'm 25, nofap since 2019, noporn. Jacked off maybe 10 times since 2019.

      >the extra stress and irritability
      >people with low T

      If you're a real man like you claim you are then deal with stress and irritability. That's what a real man does right? suffer and deal with it? Do you think "real high t men" need to watch some guy on a screen frick a girl while he jacks off with his dick in his hand alone in a room? Is that a high T manly male? Overtime not using porn to relieve your stress will simply allow you to handle your stress better.

      Think of it this way
      >Man I am so stressed
      >I need to drink/smoke/do drugs/eat junk/jerk off to FEEL better from my bad FEELINGS of stress
      It's become so engrained in our society that we NEED some easy dopamine to relieve stress. Because you're not fricking man enough to just handle the stress. Cold showers.

      To answer your question - Not everyone who does drinks a beer here and there gets addicted. But there ARE others who can't end their night without a 12 pack. Really depends on how you assess your situation

      >Not jerking off = perma anxious

      I think this association here shows you have some level of dependence, which will lead to addiction.
      Jacking off, what does it do? It releases a bunch of hormones and dopamine, which in turn relaxes and sedates you. So you lose the anxiety feeling for a while.

      Learning to deal with your anxiety and stress will overtime allow you to handle stressful situations better. That is the entire idea behind cold showers. They aren't fun. They aren't comfortable. But you force yourself to do it. Over time your body adapts to stress and can handle larger loads of stress easier.
      Think of it like, raising your "baseline" of stress tolerance.

      Compare that to "using" an "external source" of hormones/dopamine to feel better quickly. You're training yourself to basically need this everytime you are stressed. over time it will get worse and worse.

      Let's use smoking a cig as an example right? When you are stressed, and you think "a cig calms me down" and now you automatically resort to smoking a cig everytime you need a stress reliver. You lose your ability to handle stress on your own and become reliant on needing this cig to decrease stress. As you use it more and more you develop tolerance and will need more cigs for the same amount of stress relief. Now switch cigs with porn.

      I would recommend just learning to handle your stress or finding healthier ways to do it. It will be better for you long term. IF you don't think you will ever have a problem then by all means continue. But from personal experience I think you are setting yourself up for a very bad dependence

      dumb shit pushed by bible thumping polcels

      There are porn-addicted compulsive masturbators out there who benefit from not whacking off all the damn time and getting porn off their brain.

      Do you guys really believe that your grand father or even his fathes before was cooming all day, even if they had wife. They had things to do in th REAL world so they were too tired and busy to think about cooming

      Verification not required

      • 1 year ago
        Hans Lebensraum

        Our forefathers came from the goon cave. We are returning to tradition.

      • 1 year ago

        People in their twenties had more sex. Meanwhile people in our generation spend money for e-thots, trying to quench their thirst for intimacy with fake replicas like porn. That is why people can go about jerking off everyday, multiple times a day. They are forever alone.

  2. 1 year ago

    If youre gonna do it, dont use porn. Don't do it every day. I dont watch porn but sometimes jack off when I'm overwhelmed with horniness and don't have a recepticle (female woman((female)) I do that maybe once a month. Even when I bust with a chick multiple times every single load is fricking enourmous. Morning wood and randoms throughout the day. I'm 25, nofap since 2019, noporn. Jacked off maybe 10 times since 2019.

  3. 1 year ago

    >the extra stress and irritability
    >people with low T

    If you're a real man like you claim you are then deal with stress and irritability. That's what a real man does right? suffer and deal with it? Do you think "real high t men" need to watch some guy on a screen frick a girl while he jacks off with his dick in his hand alone in a room? Is that a high T manly male? Overtime not using porn to relieve your stress will simply allow you to handle your stress better.

    Think of it this way
    >Man I am so stressed
    >I need to drink/smoke/do drugs/eat junk/jerk off to FEEL better from my bad FEELINGS of stress
    It's become so engrained in our society that we NEED some easy dopamine to relieve stress. Because you're not fricking man enough to just handle the stress. Cold showers.

    To answer your question - Not everyone who does drinks a beer here and there gets addicted. But there ARE others who can't end their night without a 12 pack. Really depends on how you assess your situation

    • 1 year ago

      I never claimed to be a real mans man, just trying to get a better understanding of this. I was under the impression that nofap folk see jerking off as a soul sucking thing, whereas I personally feel it to be a get back to your normal baseline thing, you know like a basic human need like eating or washing yourself.
      Not jerking off = perma anxious
      Why would I choose to be stressed all the time? Does it actually get better after a while? Being on the edge all the time will let you be prepared for when you actually have to be ofc but I’m not sure if thats worth it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Not jerking off = perma anxious

        I think this association here shows you have some level of dependence, which will lead to addiction.
        Jacking off, what does it do? It releases a bunch of hormones and dopamine, which in turn relaxes and sedates you. So you lose the anxiety feeling for a while.

        Learning to deal with your anxiety and stress will overtime allow you to handle stressful situations better. That is the entire idea behind cold showers. They aren't fun. They aren't comfortable. But you force yourself to do it. Over time your body adapts to stress and can handle larger loads of stress easier.
        Think of it like, raising your "baseline" of stress tolerance.

        Compare that to "using" an "external source" of hormones/dopamine to feel better quickly. You're training yourself to basically need this everytime you are stressed. over time it will get worse and worse.

        Let's use smoking a cig as an example right? When you are stressed, and you think "a cig calms me down" and now you automatically resort to smoking a cig everytime you need a stress reliver. You lose your ability to handle stress on your own and become reliant on needing this cig to decrease stress. As you use it more and more you develop tolerance and will need more cigs for the same amount of stress relief. Now switch cigs with porn.

        I would recommend just learning to handle your stress or finding healthier ways to do it. It will be better for you long term. IF you don't think you will ever have a problem then by all means continue. But from personal experience I think you are setting yourself up for a very bad dependence

        • 1 year ago

          I never claimed to be a real mans man, just trying to get a better understanding of this. I was under the impression that nofap folk see jerking off as a soul sucking thing, whereas I personally feel it to be a get back to your normal baseline thing, you know like a basic human need like eating or washing yourself.
          Not jerking off = perma anxious
          Why would I choose to be stressed all the time? Does it actually get better after a while? Being on the edge all the time will let you be prepared for when you actually have to be ofc but I’m not sure if thats worth it.

          Over time what might happen, is that even just not jacking off will cause your body to crave that free dopamine hit. Soon the tool to relieve stress will be the very thing that will cause you stress

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I can see your point there, I’ve been a smoker for five years, then quit for about a year and a half, then started smoking again after some difficult times. It is deceiving escape mechanism for sure, it tricks your brain into thinking you get relief, but I was way more levelheaded when I quit. How long did you have to do cold showers to start noticing change?

          • 1 year ago

            I been doing it for about 6 years, not daily.

            But Your first week of cold showers you will feel amazing after. Even your first one. Like you conquered something big (you did).
            You're facing your stress and fears HEAD ON. The cold shower is scary, it sucks, it hurts. But you're going to do it anyways

            When you get in there, accept the pain. accept the stress. deep breathes through it. Few minutes is enough. Get the water on your face and especially on your balls, cold water is good for balls and test supposedly.
            What you will find after is that you are no long afraid of discomfort. Your baseline of discomfort is raised. You are used to discomfort. You are used to pain. Pain is part of life. Discomfort is on the journey to success.

            Even to this day I fear that cold shower and ice bath, but at least now I know there is reward on the other side, and it motivates me to face that fear.

            Benefits I have gotten are - significantly better stress tolerance throughout the day. I used to get bad panic attacks at any slight challenge. Now I do a quick workout followed by cold shower in the morning. and it sets my day up amazingly.

            Imagine how people are when they wake up, they are weak, tired, they want coffee, they want warmth. they want basic comforts.

            You on the other hand, you are a fricking beast. You wake up and the first thing you do in the morning is face the fricking pain head on. Now, what else in your day can cause you discomfort? That guy who cut you off in lane, the client yelling at you. Nothing compares to the suffering you already took in the morning.
            You raised your baseline stress tolerance.

            • 1 year ago


              You are just taking cold showers wtf come down lmao.

              you must be one of these zoomer cucks „battling his inner demons“ in the gym lmaooo.
              Also here is why nofap is attracting all these looser types:
              It’s a way to for these people to act as if they are dealing with their problems with an easy solution ,like just stopping to jerk off. Instead off dealing with the real cause of their problems and why they are total failures they act as if the simple act of jerking off is why they are virgins, spergs, unmuscular or generally looser types.

              • 1 year ago

                ngmi with that mindset bro sorry. Keep sitting in your creature comforts. You fit right into society. Make sure you

                >Eat the goyslop
                >Jack off all day
                >Smoke some cigs
                >Drink some alch
                >never step out of your comfort zone

                You won't get it. I won't even waste time on you. enjoy your CONSOOOOOOMING. It's what they want for your type.

              • 1 year ago

                yea no, im a based sigma masculine man facing hardship and struggles in the gym, You wouldnt get it because you're an npc. YOu dont understand discipline and stoicism like I do .NPCs like you will seek pleasure and instant gratification thats how they control you and Im not one of you. I take cold showers, practice no fap, meditation, journaling, reading books and actually lift. All of these habits make me into top 1% of men. It also makes me a gigachad because it improves my personality and physique which women desire. Shitposters and trolls like you have no Idea what pain means. But there is still hope. Conquer your mind first and then you can conquer anything. For Aristotle said "Through discipline comes freedom." You can start your transformation into a better man as well. I would suggest you start from hamza's videos. They will guide you.

              • 1 year ago

                Based main character sufferer understands
                Wgmi bros

              • 1 year ago

                We've all been this guy before unless you're a homosexual

                this mindset is like a right of passage to making it

      • 1 year ago

        >not consooming skooma = anxious
        >why would I choose to not take the skooma?
        this is how this reads
        There are larger and important themes intertwined here, but for now lets just say that I tried for around a week and it made a pretty big difference. I'm not telling you to not nut in your gf, but that is an ancient thing as well.

        • 1 year ago

          But without skooma you get withdrawals, and then you get back to normal. The question is does nofap after a while get you back to normal? Does it reset after you eventually cum in your sleep?

      • 1 year ago

        I used to say this exact argument about video games
        >If I don't play I get nervous and anxious
        >it's harmless anyways I'm not hurting anyone

        Look up AVRT. We literally have demonic addiction voices convincing us to do shit, consequences be damned. Look up AVRT

        • 1 year ago

          Be more specific anon.

          • 1 year ago

            Apologies. Type in "AVRT Jack Trimpey" and find a link to his book. It's saved thousands of lives and is a step away from the AA cultist shit in concern to addictions, with tangible real strategies you fan deploy right now.

            The key points are the fact that you don't identify as a victim with a "disease" and it gives you tools to identified the addictions monster voice in your head. You also don't need "12 stages" like other recovery groups tell you. You can quit anything today

  4. 1 year ago

    dumb shit pushed by bible thumping polcels

    • 1 year ago

      I push it and I am an atheist

    • 1 year ago

      It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with fricking up your brain's reward systems. Not some gay
      >Jesus is watching

    • 1 year ago

      I don't get why atheists want to be associated with chronic masturbation. Does all atheism just turn into meaningless hedonism in the end?

      • 1 year ago

        >Does all atheism just turn into meaningless hedonism in the end?

        unironically yes

  5. 1 year ago

    i got fired because I relapsed and fapped and had to call in sick for work because i believed my work performance would be gone

  6. 1 year ago

    If you have trouble normally functioning without regular masturbation then you need to go on nofap. Once you get over that, and pornography, then you don't need to be counting your days like an autist or avoiding masturbation like a monk.

    Personally I have noticed many short term to long term benefits. Especially of a subtler psychological nature.

  7. 1 year ago

    Spent about 6 months on nofap last year, let myself fap this year, got consistent pussy all throughout both trials. Here is my experience and opinion
    >sex was more fun / better in some ways i.e felt better, was hornier and more sexually aggressive, didn't lose boners mid sex from not enough friction and have to have girls blow me to get me going again or something, which I don't personally like to have to do
    >motivated in gym more, recall having more energy in gym or at least more drive
    >more drive towards women and getting laid, boners came easier when it was time to use it
    >no sense of shame from jacking off however a little sense of shame if I'm on a dry spell with pussy

    >lasted a little less time in bed
    >horny all the fricking time, highly distracting and easily swayed toward poor decision making in pursuit of pussy
    >it kind of just feels bad physically to be horny all the time
    >questionable mate choices at times

    make of that what you will. I recently stopped jerking off again, I personally feel the pros outweighed here

    • 1 year ago

      oh also worth mentioning I have a disgusting cuck fetish as far as porn which really adds to the shame. I don't desire to be one, especially since trying it with an ex years ago and not enjoying it, but perhaps if you have less depraved sexual fantasies and porn habits jerking off isn't as much of an issue. I was no addict but it was still a disgusting habit because of the porn.

  8. 1 year ago

    In my personal opinion - nofap is good for those who jack off multiple times a day or nearly every day. In my own personal experience it helps with motivation, drive, energy levels, "pep", and sleep surprisingly.

  9. 1 year ago

    >Is nocrack a meme for people with low T? I don’t get how this shit got popular, I work a manual job, my anxiety goes to the roof if I don’t smoke crack at least once every two days and I feel fine after, not tired nor unmotivated or depressed. I do notice an increase in mental sharpness and boldness if I skip a few days but is it worth the extra stress and irritability? nocrack bros how does this work for you?

  10. 1 year ago

    There are porn-addicted compulsive masturbators out there who benefit from not whacking off all the damn time and getting porn off their brain.

  11. 1 year ago

    i know i need to stop fapping because my left hand is in constant pain for the continuous posing

  12. 1 year ago

    See, I have no idea why folks resort to such drastic changes without trying all the obvious shit first. Do you really think titans of industry like bezos, trump, musk etc sit around all down trying not to fap in order to run their empires?

    Assuming your goal is to become some rich gigachad wiener that fricks beautiful women or otherwise live a quiet enjoyable life, then try maybe gyming, being employed in a job that teaches you a skill, learning a skill, meeting new people, travelling, donating your time to others around you, getting 8.5 hours sleep per night, eating a range of healthy food, cardio, not ingesting toxic content online, not indulging in categorically unhelpful behaviours like excessive drinking.

    If you finish this list and still think there is further room to grow then sure give it a shot. Otherwise, yes: it is a meme.

    • 1 year ago


      You are just taking cold showers wtf come down lmao.

      you must be one of these zoomer cucks „battling his inner demons“ in the gym lmaooo.
      Also here is why nofap is attracting all these looser types:
      It’s a way to for these people to act as if they are dealing with their problems with an easy solution ,like just stopping to jerk off. Instead off dealing with the real cause of their problems and why they are total failures they act as if the simple act of jerking off is why they are virgins, spergs, unmuscular or generally looser types.

      nofap isn't the ONLY thing you do guys... cmon.. it's one of the many things you do... just like if you only ate healthy but never gymmed it won't work... use your brains.... or is the blood all in your dick?

      >these people to act as if they are dealing with their problems with an easy solution ,like just stopping to jerk off.
      No one said only stopping masturbation will fix it all. It's merely removing one vice. A very addicting vice. What do you think you do when you save 2 hours a day watching porn? hopefully something more productive.

      > bezos, trump, musk etc sit around all down trying not to fap in order to run their empires?

      Do you think they sit around jacking off 3x a day to troony porn?

      • 1 year ago

        You don’t have to choose between wanking 3x times a day to the most degrading porn imaginable or not jerk off at all. You can also jerk off once a day, once every other day or every now and then.

        I’d argue that fapping 3x a day is symptomatic of a a deeper issue that could be addressed through other lifestyle changes. For instance, I work fulltime, gym and play guitar every day. As such, there are few ‘wanking’ windows for me where I can sit down and go at it (usually once every couple days). If you have nothing going on in your life of course you’re gonna spend it wanking 24/7 - what else is there to do? Address your life and wanking so much will sort itself out.

        • 1 year ago

          Agreed with what are saying. But I am moreso talking about those who cannot handle the once a day. For some they need to quit cold turkey.

          like the example with alcoholics and drinking. For you, you can have one beer every few days and relax. But for others that one beer will cause them to relapse into 2 or 3 or 12.
          For this person it is better to just abstain and not listen to the "once a day is fine anon!"

          Context matters a lot

  13. 1 year ago

    at that point you are definitely in the category of guys who would benefit from not jacking off for a bit. I really hope you don't watch porn either. remember that all emotions are temporary, this stress and irritability will subside eventually.

  14. 1 year ago

    you probably coom after like 5 min
    It takes me at least 30 min. most of the time more than an hour. I'm frying my dopamine recetptors for am hour while you fry them for 5 min

    • 1 year ago

      I used to do this same thing bro.

      >10 tabs
      >10 women
      >find the perfect video
      >cum at the perfect moment
      >hit that fetish

      None of this stuff is natural or normal. Uncomparing to real sex, where you share an experience, share ocytocin, share the pleasure. Love someone.

      edging on porn for hours to videos will unironically give you erectile dysfunction when you try to have a real girl and she cannot compete in your brain against 20 women in 30 mins doing 50 positionings, all races, all body types, all at once. You are overwealming your brain and
      >frying my dopamine receptors
      exactly like you said

      It's good you can be self-aware enough to see this. Your brain feels fricking FRIED after a porn sesh. the first step is acknowledgement. GOodluck anon

    • 1 year ago

      I used to do this same thing bro.

      >10 tabs
      >10 women
      >find the perfect video
      >cum at the perfect moment
      >hit that fetish

      None of this stuff is natural or normal. Uncomparing to real sex, where you share an experience, share ocytocin, share the pleasure. Love someone.

      edging on porn for hours to videos will unironically give you erectile dysfunction when you try to have a real girl and she cannot compete in your brain against 20 women in 30 mins doing 50 positionings, all races, all body types, all at once. You are overwealming your brain and
      >frying my dopamine receptors
      exactly like you said

      It's good you can be self-aware enough to see this. Your brain feels fricking FRIED after a porn sesh. the first step is acknowledgement. GOodluck anon

      same bros. everytime i relapse its atleast 30 minutes - 1 hour edging and making sure the meh-tier nut i have is to the most brain-scratching vid i can find on /gif/ or set of pictures on a booru.

  15. 1 year ago

    I kind of got into nofap unwillingly because I met this really cute girl and I can't whack off without imagining myself with a relationship with her and then I start feeling guilty about whacking off so I stop

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      awh <3 happy for you anon

  16. 1 year ago

    day 42 and going strong. 42 days ago i met with my bpd ex, nothing happened and i fapped that night although she still wants me. it was a wake up call, the hardship and pain are starting to pay off or at least i cope now

    do it bros

  17. 1 year ago

    you don't see normal healthy people doing nofap, it's ALWAYS incels who think it's a magic cure that will solve all their problems
    they would rather become sexually frustrated weirdos because it's a simpler solution than introspecting and figuring out what their real problems are
    basically they replace jerking off with constantly thinking about jerking off

  18. 1 year ago

    What is wrong with you people

  19. 1 year ago

    >my anxiety goes to the roof if I don’t jerk off at least once every two days and I feel fine after, not tired nor unmotivated or depressed. I do notice an increase in mental sharpness and boldness if I skip a few days but is it worth the extra stress and irritability?
    Don't you realize you are addicted? Quitting porn at least is a must.

  20. 1 year ago

    Day 4. 96 more days to go.

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