>normies ask me how I am so disciplined

>normies ask me how I am so disciplined
>tell them it's because I am ugly and need to work 10x harder than anyone else to achieve the same
>"You aren't ugly anon"
Why do normies always lie?

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  1. 6 months ago

    You will always see yourself as uglier than how you really are with your shit ass confidence. Anyways here's my shizo explanation:
    >They know you're gonna lose motivation so they lie to you so your frustration with their lies motivates you to mog them harder
    Normie explanation:
    >They're not lying, just lift and look even better.

    • 6 months ago

      >You will always see yourself as uglier
      I am already 24 years old and no girl has ever been attracted to me ever. The people around me are just lying, I am objectively ugly and my social/dating life reflects that.

      • 6 months ago

        post your face stupid homosexual no one wants to talk to you

      • 6 months ago

        If you keep telling yourself that then yeah that's how it's gonna be.
        >tfw you have to believe you're frickable to get fricked
        Sucks doesn't it? Only pussies give up and admit that they're unfrickable. hopefully going to the gym will boost your confidence. So let me tell it to you straight-
        You have two choices
        >Go to the gym with the atittude that you're an ugly frick and even if you get a chad physique you'll still hate yourself and maybe get a pity handjob when you're drunk in your 30's
        >Go to the gym with the attitude that things could be worse, but you're gonna make the best of things and that shit will happen when it happens
        >Probably gonna get laid in a year with that mentality.
        Anyways, don't lift with the expectation of pussy because pussy smells that shit and it hates it. You just gotta learn to love your body and stop being such a pussy, pussy. Anyways, have fun getting roasted by people who don't have sympathy for incels, bc it might be a LONG ass time until a stranger like me tries to give you life advice. You're gonna make it ONLY if you commit my brudda.

        • 6 months ago

          Frick off with this voodoo magic shit. A positive attitude does not change your bone/facial structure. If you are ugly and positive then people will just perceive you as fake because you are deluding yourself that you are worthy of something in this world. Ugly people are meant to die.

          Because that is what you are supposed to say when you give a shit about conforming into social norms

          I told my mom that she is ugly, which is true, she and my dad gave me the face I have. She started crying and my dad looked at me sad. Ugly people need to learn the truth, facts don't care about your feelings.

          • 6 months ago

            I see you've chosen path 2, the easier path. Enjoy being miserable. Kek.

            • 6 months ago

              path 1 I meant. The easier path is being an incel b***h. Have fun being an incel b***h. kek.

          • 6 months ago

            >He made his mom cry

      • 6 months ago

        >no girl has ever been attracted to me ever.
        People say this shit like women just approach attractive guys all the time. Maybe if you're unironically 9/10 or better and they're drunk but if you're not deliberately going after women they're not just going to fall into your lap.

        • 6 months ago

          Girls approach men all the time but they do it indirectly by giving out signals like eye contact, smiling, hair waving, blushing, biting their lip, getting into your field of view, asking their friend to approach you instead etc.
          Ugly men however never get these signals because ALL women only want attractive men, in rare cases average ones.

          • 6 months ago

            they want someone with money, power, someone interesting, someone with passion
            average looks are fine, and women's attraction standards vary much more wildly than with men
            make sure your hygiene and clothes are at basic acceptable levels and go start shooting your shot. these days with everyone on apps and limited to apps you might even have an advantage cold-starting conversations
            just accept you'll get rejected a lot at first and get used to it, exposure therapy, but don't go in to each one thinking you will (you will be super obvious). if they do then just accept it, but believe in the best case until you do. you should get better and better at it and it should be easier. just don't ever sound desperate, you don't neeeeed this hole, there's plenty more.
            worst case is you get embarrassed, if you're in an area with enough people it won't matter and they won't see you again. don't do this shit in a small town though lmao.

        • 5 months ago

          Girls approach men all the time but they do it indirectly by giving out signals like eye contact, smiling, hair waving, blushing, biting their lip, getting into your field of view, asking their friend to approach you instead etc.
          Ugly men however never get these signals because ALL women only want attractive men, in rare cases average ones.

          Cope. I’m like maybe a 7 even at sub12% bodyfat and even then girls will literally just come up to you and start hitting on you if they think you’re cute.

          • 5 months ago

            I am a 2/10 and hated by people.

      • 5 months ago

        Trust me it's your mindset that's the problem. Have good hygiene and get regular haircuts, and dress like an adult not a teenager. If you do that you can get a gf if you want one, I know very ugly ppl who have done this.

        • 5 months ago

          Biggest normie "advice" itt
          You're assuming he's a fricking caveman lmao

  2. 6 months ago

    Post face

    • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            are u 40? wtf

  3. 6 months ago

    Because they are social animals not logical

  4. 6 months ago

    It's not okay to tell someone they're ugly, they've been conditioned to always lie about it because it's mean to tell the truth.
    Just like they won't tell someone they're fat or even that they smell most of the time. Some would call it being polite. I call it being a disingenuous coward.
    Women are especially bad with this. 'OMG no way gurl you are so beautiful you deserve the world it's their fault if they don't appreciate you you're perfect just the way you are here squeeze into this circus tent it's so cute!!!!!'

  5. 6 months ago

    Because normies are taught from a young age to never insult someone to their (ugly) face. Just keep working.

  6. 6 months ago

    As long as you aren’t a manlet you will be fine. If you are below 5’11, it’s over. You should just have a nice day now honestly. Life as a manlet just didn’t worth it.

  7. 6 months ago

    Because that is what you are supposed to say when you give a shit about conforming into social norms

  8. 6 months ago

    Frick I know this feel so hard. Why can't people just admit I'm ugly. My parents and siblings and wife always try to lie to me whenever I drop a black pill about my negative canthal tilt and subhuman physiognomy.

  9. 6 months ago

    Lifting will only improve your image by about 10% or so. You still need a good looking face, hair, money, social status, come from a good family, have a good personality and charisma.
    Lifting kind of becomes a drag once you realize it's sort of pointless. Most people do it because they have nothing else to do and also get socialize with others a little bit. The gym is full of incels, average people and wagies.

    • 6 months ago

      I still don't understand what argument this picture is trying to make? Am I supposed to NOT want to make money and get IST just because I'll be old? lol

  10. 6 months ago

    Guys dont judge looks rly unless u r rly ugly. Girls think everyone is ugly unless u r at least an 8. Like im invisible to girls or ugly to them, except occasionally iill cone across one that les me. But guys will tell stuff like ur not bad looking why dont u get a gf. But interacting with girls i know most think im ugly. But its a power level to not care if you are or not, the redpill pua stuff is partially right. Just power thru the humiliation ritual of trying to get girls that all hate u for that 1-2 that dont

  11. 5 months ago

    im disciplined because i think it's good lol idk. i like doing things that i dont want to do and not doing things that i want to do. thats why imma join da army fr.

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