>notice coworker has lost a lot of weight in the past couple months

>notice coworker has lost a lot of weight in the past couple months
>congratulate him and ask if he's on keto or something
>he actually has leukemia and is dying
>doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day
Anyone else have dumb comments like this backfire?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Why is he still working if he is dying?

    • 11 months ago

      How else is he going to pay for his medications and treatment? It's not going to be 100% free

    • 11 months ago

      I didn't ask but I assume it's because the health insurance.

      • 11 months ago

        How else is he going to pay for his medications and treatment? It's not going to be 100% free

        In America the company will let you die if you lose your job from sickness? The frick? Here you just get your treatment. What the frick. If you're sick you die????? JUST DIE? YOU JUST LAY DOWN AND DIE? WHAT? HOW? WHY? WHAT THE FRICK

        • 11 months ago

          Americans are bad with money. If I got a "you're going to die" sickness I could cover my own insurance and deductible and all bills for 5 years and just quit and spend time with my family instead.

        • 11 months ago

          The US has the best cancer survival rates in the world. If you can afford the treatment, you pay for it. If you can’t you go into debt. Either way, you have a better shot than anywhere else.

        • 11 months ago

          You don't need a job to have insurance, but generally insurance you have through your work will cover more of your medical expenses for cheaper.

  2. 11 months ago

    I have three times made frick your mother jokes to young people with dead mothers, and once went on a thirty minute drunken joke rant about prison rape to a guy whose dad was in prison. I don’t tell many jokes these days.

  3. 11 months ago

    It was a nice coment homosexual, just your cowerker can not deal with himselve dying most likely he is a gay too

  4. 11 months ago

    one of my bros died of leukemia when we were ~23. knew that dude since we were in preschool. he didn't tell anybody he was sick or anything, kept it close to his chest because he didn't want people to feel bad and wanted people to remember the good times. RIP Tony we miss you homie.

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry for your bro, I've also lost someone close to me due to cancer, and the pain of them simply fading away is not something you want to remember them for. Your friend was strong.

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry for your bro, I've also lost someone close to me due to cancer, and the pain of them simply fading away is not something you want to remember them for. Your friend was strong.

      People also don't tell others because of the fear cancer brings out in people. When someone says they have cancer other people avoid them and stop calling. It's like they're completely abandoned. It's a real thing. Look it up.

      • 11 months ago

        it's why I don't tell people I'm suicidally lonely in real life. Because all that leads to is people freaking out and abandoning what little connection I have with them.

        • 11 months ago

          >Mental health acceptance!
          >Tell people I'm incredibly mentally ill
          >They start gossiping, treating me badly, calling me crazy, just being awful

          • 11 months ago

            it's why I don't tell people I'm suicidally lonely in real life. Because all that leads to is people freaking out and abandoning what little connection I have with them.

            That's just selfishly trauma dumping on people. You can't expect a random coworker to help you through your fricking suicidal ideation. Nobody wants to hear that shit. All it does is create an awkward situation.

          • 11 months ago

            Are you a woman or socially acceptable “minority?” If not, then shut up and work until you die.

          • 11 months ago

            Is it mental illness to have a completely normal response to my environment?
            I'm not lonely if I have people in my life. I'm lonely if I have nobody in my life.
            Have no people in my life for a very long time and no social interaction with anybody, be very very lonely.
            The longer it goes on and the more isolated it is, the more severe the response.
            It's not me that is wrong, it's the environment. I don't know why somebody would classify it as mental illness.

            That's just selfishly trauma dumping on people. You can't expect a random coworker to help you through your fricking suicidal ideation. Nobody wants to hear that shit. All it does is create an awkward situation.

            >Nobody wants to hear that shit. All it does is create an awkward situation.
            lol imagine reading my post and then repeating what I said.
            My point was that the issue is loneliness, not having people in your life. But if you tell that to anybody, their reaction will always to get away form you as far away as possible.
            It's like two people are sitting by a water cooler and sipping water.
            One person says he really gets very thristy sometimes because he is so dehydrated and hasn't had water in a long time.
            And the response of the other person is to quickly slap the water cup out of his hand and then proceed to deny any further water from the water cooler to the guy that is thirsty.
            Complete illogical behavior in the grand scheme of things.

            • 11 months ago

              Sounds like entitlement to me. Maybe there's a reason people don't want to interact with you. Gotta learn to be your best self for yourself by yourself first. Begging for a connection is gross.

              • 11 months ago

                >Sounds like entitlement to me
                You could at least try to hide your malice.

      • 11 months ago

        genuinely most likely this is what we think happened to him. from what we gathered after the fact the only people who knew when it was happening were his gf(whom he'd been with about 3 years) and his close family. naturally, his gf left him immediately. stupid b***h.

    • 11 months ago

      it's not FAIR, it was supposed to be MEEEEE

  5. 11 months ago

    yeah one of my mothers friends had this happen and my mum told me not to make any comments about her weight because she was sensitive about it. Tough luck OP, nothing you could have done honestly.

  6. 11 months ago

    >notice coworker has gained a lot of weight and is getting these really juicy breasts in the past couple months
    >"damn, amanda. winter bulk going year round, huh?"
    >she's actually 7 month pregnant
    >didn't remember that I went to her gender reveal party

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