One moment of clarity.

>be me in 2013
>emasculated emo boy
>super into self-harm
>blade and arm, you know how it goes
>do a good job hiding it
>one day local gymbro calls me out to the gym
>probably saw the wounds on my arm
>visit him at the gym out of fear him telling my parents
>nonchalantly tells me to do a 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats
>do it cause scared
>muscles sore af
>"Hurts, does it, Anon?"
>"Men seek out pain in any form as it's their natural urge. However, one must make sure that the pain amounts to something. If pain is sought after just for the sake of it, it's no better than hedonism. The pain you feel now, will help you grow. And I do not mean it metaphorically. In order for muscles to grow, it tears. Similar to that."
>get sudden epiphany
>went to gym almost everyday from that point on, didn't self-harm, grew a nice beard (working out increased my testosterone?)
>9 years later
>saw my 16 year old cousin who's exactly like I was at that age

I think I know what to do.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Pay it forward, anon.

    I was a weak, nerdy kid until an uncle I didn’t know I had started living with us. He introduced me to working out and help give me good social gains.

    Everybody needs someone

  2. 12 months ago

    I wish I got into exercise as a cope instead of just becoming extremely mentally ill and developing an eating disorder

  3. 12 months ago

    Yep, it's the only form of self mutilation that makes you better. Muscles are better than tattoos and have the same endorphin release from the pain.

  4. 12 months ago

    you could handle 100 pushups/100situps/100 squats a untrained emasculated emo boy.
    great larp.

    • 12 months ago

      >100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats
      untrained troony doing all this ,nice larp but Igot the motivation ,cheers

      Unless you're a landwhale, you would absolutely be able to do that, you mongs. Not in one set of course

      • 12 months ago

        no you wouldn't. not in a whole day when you're untrained, you would injure yourself. I'm pretty sure the cuts would make it hard to hold proper form a push up

        • 12 months ago

          Post body, theres no way you can’t do this. Fricking elementary schoolers could crank this out in an hour

      • 12 months ago

        Only if you are the thinnest lightest twink with terrible form.

        • 12 months ago

          no you wouldn't. not in a whole day when you're untrained, you would injure yourself. I'm pretty sure the cuts would make it hard to hold proper form a push up

          Do you morons seriously believe an untrained person couldn't grind out 10 sets of 10 of pushups?

          • 12 months ago

            They don't have the brain capacity or critical thinking skills to see multiple sets as a possibility.

          • 12 months ago

            Like I said, with perfect form? Lol no.

            • 12 months ago

              What makes you think an untrained twink would have perfect form? It was probably sloppy, slow, broken up, and cheated out. But he clearly gave it everything

          • 12 months ago

            its not just 100 push ups. its 100 sits up and squats.
            No I don't think a untrained person who's never attempted fitness could do that in 1 day. Maybe they could with awful fricking form which is so bad most of the reps don't count.

            Its a nice story but pure larp

      • 12 months ago

        I was pretty skinny and in gym class when I was 13 and there was absolutely no way I could do 100 of any of those, let alone all at once. I don't think even the fittest kid in my school could have done it.

    • 12 months ago

      hello boogie

    • 12 months ago

      'merican 'potted

  5. 12 months ago

    Based mentor

    I got into spirituality after finding that a heavy set of squats or deadlifts to the right music sends me into a natural "high" state of consciousness. Now I'm known as the spiritual guy to everyone but really I just like to meditate because it makes me feel like im lifting heavy. Good to remember my roots

    • 12 months ago

      >squat rack shaman hogging all the plates again

    • 12 months ago

      I feel closer to the universe when I have 3pl8+ on my back and doing reps.
      I love the feeling you get when your just past halfway to failure and feel like your gonna die if you do one more rep but you can just keep going for another 6 or 7 reps out of sheer will.
      It feels like I put my whole being into those sets. Like my soul, mind, body and spirit are all carrying some of the weight.
      It's really the only thing that feels this way. It's sad because I just feel so empty the rest of the time, like I've used up all my energy both physically and spiritually.

  6. 12 months ago

    I do both

  7. 12 months ago

    I don't think this happened.
    But it is a nice story.

  8. 12 months ago

    >100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats
    untrained troony doing all this ,nice larp but Igot the motivation ,cheers

  9. 12 months ago

    do it OP.
    as someone who went through similar, the only joy left for me in this world is weight lifting to good metal

  10. 12 months ago

    socializing at the gym. couldnt be me

  11. 12 months ago

    >le quirky gay femboy
    have a nice day.

  12. 12 months ago

    You're just rationalizing your self harm dumb frick. Youre not supposed to go to the gym to physically hurt yourself and revel in your schizo pain, you go there to lift. You can lift for dozens of reasons from wanting to be healthy, big, strong, sexy, whatever--and you choose to connect it to masochism. Figure out why your cousin hates himself and fix that. Don't make him drag lifting into his psychopathology. I'm not saying lifting isn't good. I think lifting will cure 90% of "mental illnesses". But it's to give you a sense if worth and purpose and healthy metabolism and endocrine function, not some muh alpha make muh struggle to survive shit.

    • 12 months ago

      If that is what motivates him to go to the gym and prevents him from cutting himself then there is no point in trying to bring him down and stop him. Frick demoralization gays.

      >le quirky gay femboy
      have a nice day.

      Frick demoralization gays.

      >be me in 2013
      >emasculated emo boy
      >super into self-harm
      >blade and arm, you know how it goes
      >do a good job hiding it
      >one day local gymbro calls me out to the gym
      >probably saw the wounds on my arm
      >visit him at the gym out of fear him telling my parents
      >nonchalantly tells me to do a 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats
      >do it cause scared
      >muscles sore af
      >"Hurts, does it, Anon?"
      >"Men seek out pain in any form as it's their natural urge. However, one must make sure that the pain amounts to something. If pain is sought after just for the sake of it, it's no better than hedonism. The pain you feel now, will help you grow. And I do not mean it metaphorically. In order for muscles to grow, it tears. Similar to that."
      >get sudden epiphany
      >went to gym almost everyday from that point on, didn't self-harm, grew a nice beard (working out increased my testosterone?)
      >9 years later
      >saw my 16 year old cousin who's exactly like I was at that age

      I think I know what to do.

      Pay it forward op; be the role model your cousin needs.
      Anyone ever feel like straying off their righteous path or giving up, remember that WAGMI. Always ignore the bitter folk who seethe at the sight of you making it.

      • 12 months ago

        Nah, have a nice day homosexual.

  13. 12 months ago

    Sounds gay , but whatever works

  14. 12 months ago

    >saw my 16 year old cousin who's exactly like I was at that age
    Why does your bloodline produce twink emo boys?

    • 12 months ago

      And where can I move to find my multiple generations of emo twink bfs

  15. 12 months ago

    >i know what to do
    bring him to me so I can spill my seed inside his tight boibussy and metaphysically destoy any manhood he still had and make him my b***h roman style? (no homo)

    bring me the twink

  16. 12 months ago

    >one day local gymbro calls me out to the gym
    How do you get people to call you up to do things

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