Opinions on Wim Hof? My co-worker told me about him and said his method makes him sleep better.

Opinions on Wim Hof?
My co-worker told me about him and said his method makes him sleep better. I watched two of his videos and he comes of as a shizo/snake oil salesman. Then again, considering his records and the fact he can swim under ice I got a bit more convinced and tried his 10-minute training. Made me feel all tingly which was kinda fun. Can't decide if I should do it more often or quit before I frick up my lungs or something.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Schizo vibes but his advice legitimately works. Genuine old master sitting on the mountain top with esoteric secret knowledge but now he's spreading the info online instead

    • 6 months ago


      He's a huge hippie but he has legit achievements, he is a greatman and he is willing to help others.
      You don't need to buy anything, the App is just a fancy Timer and his Books are more Biographic.

      Just use the YT video to help you breath and get in the cold, it feels great once you're used to it

      also he's antivax so he's based

      • 6 months ago

        I already took cold showers and it feels good when you get used to it
        also old hippies are much better than current generation of leftists

        He's a new age hippy that learned from Guru's in Tibet. His breathing techniques are ancient pranayama. He didn't create them but he did popularize them. His wife committed suicide so take that how you will. He's pretty cool I guess.

        >His wife committed suicide so take that how you will
        I had mixed feelings about the guy but now I'm even more tempted to try him out
        usually it's the other way around so if he made his prostitute commit bukkake he sure is a guy to follow

        >damage body so much with ice baths
        >body needs to recover more
        >perceive this as sleeping better

        my co-worker didn't try ice baths he only did his breathing exercises or so he siad

    • 6 months ago

      basically this, his breathing actually helps


      Opinions on Wim Hof?
      My co-worker told me about him and said his method makes him sleep better. I watched two of his videos and he comes of as a shizo/snake oil salesman. Then again, considering his records and the fact he can swim under ice I got a bit more convinced and tried his 10-minute training. Made me feel all tingly which was kinda fun. Can't decide if I should do it more often or quit before I frick up my lungs or something.

      >Can't decide if I should do it more often or quit before I frick up my lungs or something.
      keep doing it, it will help in the long term, health wise, there is no downside to it, you cannot get injuries or die (unless you do it in a pool or any place you could die if you fainted)

  2. 6 months ago

    Scam artist, but you can try any breathing exercise for free so do what you will.

  3. 6 months ago

    it works. my dick grew by 2 inches

  4. 6 months ago

    The breathing video of his makes me feel great
    Guy seems a little weird but whatever

  5. 6 months ago

    He's a new age hippy that learned from Guru's in Tibet. His breathing techniques are ancient pranayama. He didn't create them but he did popularize them. His wife committed suicide so take that how you will. He's pretty cool I guess.

  6. 6 months ago

    He has high Wisdom stat but low Intelligence because he stuck a high pressure public water fountain up his ass and needed surgery to fix his severed intestines

  7. 6 months ago

    He just wants to get laid, his wife khs.

  8. 6 months ago

    >damage body so much with ice baths
    >body needs to recover more
    >perceive this as sleeping better

  9. 6 months ago

    Opinions on Vim?
    My co-worker told me about him and said his method makes him work better. I watched two of his videos and he comes of as a shizo/snake oil salesman.

    • 6 months ago

      Trust your gut feeling; Vim users are slimy snakes trying to get you to use an inferior editor
      True power and results come from emacs, specifically Evil mode. Just go with Doom Emacs and never look back.

    • 6 months ago

      your intuition is right, just use VS Code like normal people

  10. 6 months ago

    I did the same. Did the ten minute breathing thing, felt tingly. Calmer after? Think I'd feel calm if I sat and did nothing for 10 mins though so

  11. 6 months ago

    its cult shit for idiots.

  12. 6 months ago

    It seems fake but it has been proven to work, just don't take him as an idol, he's an interesting but weird dude. But has legitimately found a way to spike adrenaline willingly which previously was thought of to be impossible. His method changed my relationship with cold (I was weak to it before, now I love it) and has helped me develop my discipline. I'd say is worth a try.

  13. 6 months ago

    extreme cold resistance has always been one of those things I wish I could do
    just running shirtless in 40-degree weather or some shit just cus I can

  14. 6 months ago

    Killed people with his 'method'
    Forgets to mention that he is a certified genetic freak to his clients.

    • 6 months ago

      big nosed fellas are gonna keep mentioning things like that because they cant make money when people are healthy

  15. 6 months ago

    Cold exposure increases stress not good

    • 6 months ago

      >t. pussy
      Stress is a growth hormone

  16. 6 months ago

    I don't think it's practical at all. I could understand practicing it if you're a mountain climber, diver, rescue worker, or mariner that works in cold water. It's some impressive stuff having resilience to the elements and potential immune response. But there is other methods that don't really require study or some kind of bumbling philosophy to understand.
    ie: the "physiological sigh" and hyperventilating for 2 minutes to have minor acute stress spike to increase immune response.
    They're not things you need to do daily or practice though.

  17. 6 months ago

    Cold swim

    Is the best you can feel naturally imo. Having said that i heard some people got Tinnitus from his breathing method so don't overdo it.

  18. 6 months ago

    I read his book. I like Wim. Book is a little woo woo though

  19. 6 months ago

    he is a schizo and oxygen advantage/buteyko breathing is way more efficacious.

    whatever you do, do not research how wim hof perforated his colon.

  20. 6 months ago

    >he comes of as a shizo/snake oil salesman
    he explains the method for free on his youtube
    >his method makes him sleep better
    thats funny because its mostly recommended to do it in the morning

  21. 6 months ago

    >before I frick up my lungs or something
    my lung capacity actually increased massively doing his method. when I started I could maybe hold it 1.5 minutes, now I usually do 3+ minute rounds and my PB is 4.5 minutes. this increased while doing zero cardio next to it

  22. 6 months ago

    For me, it's the fact that he was able to take this dweeb from VICE under his wing and within weeks he had him marching up a frozen mountain in Poland with shorts on. You cannot convince me that this limp-wristed, dick-sucking journo homosexual was faking it or sucking it up for the camera while hiking nearly naked through snow. This is 100% real.

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