ostarine mk-2866

anyone tried ostarine mk-2866 how do you like it and did you have any side effects?

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  1. 9 months ago

    go check Ryan Russo and tony huge they what messed around on it. mk is pretty safe if you have a gda and blood sugar monitor always pct

  2. 9 months ago



  3. 9 months ago

    why don't you just start pinning test, rather than messing around with sarms?
    they are half measures, and they sure seem riskier than taking much older compounds, whose effects are very well understood

    • 9 months ago

      too hardcore for zoomers

    • 9 months ago

      Pretty sure ostarine is like one of the two decently Safe and Effective™ SARM.

      • 9 months ago

        >Safe and Effective™ SARM

      • 9 months ago


        >Safe and Effective™ SARM

        AC-262 is safe

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, and the people who want to sell you the stuff are very clear on that point.

    • 9 months ago

      I see this post on every SARMs thread. I'm confident the people who are buying SARMs are doing so because they can order it online and have it shipped to their house. It's easy, unlike obtaining test which can be more difficult for people who are socially inept (half of everybody on IST, including myself).

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah pretty much why I am looking into sarms aswell also less side effects I have to manage

  4. 9 months ago

    SARMs are literally just useless stepping stones for people who want to use steroids but aren't ready yet. They are not worth it, and let me lay out why. They are not strong enough to produce meaningful results in mass, strength, recovery, or body composition, but they are strong enough to shut you down partially or fully. You will have an ok 2-3 weeks where you might notice a little more vascularity, but then your endogenous test begins noticeably shutting down and you will feel flattened, unmotivated, depressed, lethargic and absolutely awful. So much so that it will be very difficult to stay the full course of your cycle.

    In AAS terms, SARMs are anabolic but not meaningfully androgenic, and if you were doing gear you would probably not want to structure a cycle with ONLY anabolic/non-androgenic steroids because you need the androgenicity to feel ok as your endogenous test shuts down. An anabolic-only cycle would be 6-8 weeks of misery. In a SARMs-only cycle, you are getting pathetic, almost ineffectual anabolic effect once your endogenous testosterone levels have left the chat, but there is no androgenicity and frankly as your endogenous test shuts down a few weeks in, the anabolic effect the SARMs does have is probably less than your baseline test from before the cycle. In short, you are just fricking with your body's HPTA axis and sex hormones in a way where there is almost no perceivable benefit, and then you have to run a mini PCT to get your test levels back. Stronger SARMs like ligandrol are useful on top of real AAS, to supplement their anabolic side, but running them solo is a huge waste of time and money

    • 9 months ago

      FYI I say this because I ran individual cycles of ostarine, then ligandrol, then rad-140 all solo and it is not fun or beneficial. I eventually moved on to AAS

      • 9 months ago

        SARMs are literally just useless stepping stones for people who want to use steroids but aren't ready yet. They are not worth it, and let me lay out why. They are not strong enough to produce meaningful results in mass, strength, recovery, or body composition, but they are strong enough to shut you down partially or fully. You will have an ok 2-3 weeks where you might notice a little more vascularity, but then your endogenous test begins noticeably shutting down and you will feel flattened, unmotivated, depressed, lethargic and absolutely awful. So much so that it will be very difficult to stay the full course of your cycle.

        In AAS terms, SARMs are anabolic but not meaningfully androgenic, and if you were doing gear you would probably not want to structure a cycle with ONLY anabolic/non-androgenic steroids because you need the androgenicity to feel ok as your endogenous test shuts down. An anabolic-only cycle would be 6-8 weeks of misery. In a SARMs-only cycle, you are getting pathetic, almost ineffectual anabolic effect once your endogenous testosterone levels have left the chat, but there is no androgenicity and frankly as your endogenous test shuts down a few weeks in, the anabolic effect the SARMs does have is probably less than your baseline test from before the cycle. In short, you are just fricking with your body's HPTA axis and sex hormones in a way where there is almost no perceivable benefit, and then you have to run a mini PCT to get your test levels back. Stronger SARMs like ligandrol are useful on top of real AAS, to supplement their anabolic side, but running them solo is a huge waste of time and money

        You sound like you know what you're talking about. What advice would you give to someone who wanted to get stronger, but strongly wanted to avoid long term dependence on steroids? Is there a limited number of cycles you can do before your natural test stops recovering? And if so, does that mean you should delay cycles until near the natty limit? A final question-- what sort of cycle would you recommend to somone who wanted to make the most of their limited steroids use window, but wanted to balance greater gains against the toxic effects of stronger compounds? Lipid effects are OK with me because I already crush my lipids extremely low with statins for heart gains, but liver, kidney, and brain damage are all very concerning to me. I also want to avoid Any dht derivatives because the dutasteride I take won't protect against exogenous dht.

        Ty for input 🙂

  5. 9 months ago

    ive ran rad 140 ost stack,honestly the only thing thats supposed to give side effects is rad when it comes to test shutdown,didnt rly experience much if any at all
    ostarine by itself would be pretty safe but dont expect huge results,imo if u wanna try it do it when ur doing for a short cut,itll help u do cardio for hours while preventing muscle breakdown,if u want lean muscle mass its honestly not worth it imo because long term effects arent fully known yet,so u wont know risk reward for sure

    • 9 months ago

      SARMs are literally just useless stepping stones for people who want to use steroids but aren't ready yet. They are not worth it, and let me lay out why. They are not strong enough to produce meaningful results in mass, strength, recovery, or body composition, but they are strong enough to shut you down partially or fully. You will have an ok 2-3 weeks where you might notice a little more vascularity, but then your endogenous test begins noticeably shutting down and you will feel flattened, unmotivated, depressed, lethargic and absolutely awful. So much so that it will be very difficult to stay the full course of your cycle.

      In AAS terms, SARMs are anabolic but not meaningfully androgenic, and if you were doing gear you would probably not want to structure a cycle with ONLY anabolic/non-androgenic steroids because you need the androgenicity to feel ok as your endogenous test shuts down. An anabolic-only cycle would be 6-8 weeks of misery. In a SARMs-only cycle, you are getting pathetic, almost ineffectual anabolic effect once your endogenous testosterone levels have left the chat, but there is no androgenicity and frankly as your endogenous test shuts down a few weeks in, the anabolic effect the SARMs does have is probably less than your baseline test from before the cycle. In short, you are just fricking with your body's HPTA axis and sex hormones in a way where there is almost no perceivable benefit, and then you have to run a mini PCT to get your test levels back. Stronger SARMs like ligandrol are useful on top of real AAS, to supplement their anabolic side, but running them solo is a huge waste of time and money

      why don't you just start pinning test, rather than messing around with sarms?
      they are half measures, and they sure seem riskier than taking much older compounds, whose effects are very well understood

      go check Ryan Russo and tony huge they what messed around on it. mk is pretty safe if you have a gda and blood sugar monitor always pct



      thanks boys for the input, iv kinda hit a plateau with my lifts and wanted a little help without pinning. my buddy rec it to me because of the little to no side effects and told me to run 15mg for 6 weeks to help me break my plateau.

      • 9 months ago

        Nah just eat more

      • 9 months ago

        dont do it anon,really strength gains from it are mediocre,best thing is endurance and protecting muscle structure during a cut
        if u really really wanna try sarms id say go for LGD,chances are theres gonna be a bit of suppresion but its not as strong as rad and from what ive read LGD > Ostarine for strength gains
        https://sarms.io/lgd-4033-vs-ostarine/ read this article but dont expect roid like gains from any sarm

      • 9 months ago

        try 3 ad and Black Ox Natural Testosterone also very good or gear cream from ironmaglabs

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