
Is it actually possible to overtrain?

Would it somehow hurt your gains to work out to failure, twice a day, every day?

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  1. 7 months ago

    You need to recover from your workouts.
    How long that takes depends on a multitude of factors.

    • 7 months ago

      Muscles get bigger and stronger during rest. Less rest = less gains.

      But could one set of muscles be recovering while you're working out another?

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, that's why programs like PPL and bro splits are a thing. You still need time to rest, and especially sleep.

      • 7 months ago

        You idiot. Rest is like 90% of gains. If you're not going into a hypobaric chamber (HBOT) for 36 hours right after a pump, you might as well not even hit the weights, chump

        No, ass! Your muscles are like a fruit. If you want a fruit plant to make more fruit, you prune the shit out of it so the plant can focus it's energy to growing the fruit, and not the branch or more leaves. How's your body going to recover when it's constantly has new muscles to build.

        Just STOP everything before you get hurt. Hit 4 opposing muscle groups hard, then when you get the size you like, move on to some others. So just vertical and horizontal pushs and pulls. Then move on to abs or legs. If you don't do this, you will never get prime Courtney Cox

      • 7 months ago

        Absolutely. You can easily train twice a day on a gentleman split. Legs in the morning, chest in the evening. Then one day like arms in the morning, calves/neck/abs in the evening etc. It's arguably even better than PPL but obviously it's not feasible simply because of how time inefficient it is and logistically impossible for non neets. But if you are neet and you can train in the morning, go home eat, take nap and rest, you can for sure train another muscle group in the evening.

  2. 7 months ago

    Muscles get bigger and stronger during rest. Less rest = less gains.

  3. 7 months ago

    yes the more you workout, the less you gain.

  4. 7 months ago

    Yes. Overtraining is not only possible, but quite common.

    • 7 months ago

      Wouldn't say quite

  5. 7 months ago

    The amount you train should be proportionate to your food intake and how often you can rest.

    A childless Neet on a bulk can train 6 days a week and probably be fine. Whereas A fulltime construction worker with 3 kids and gos to night school probably can only do 2-3 days max.

  6. 7 months ago

    Maybe you're a genetic freak and you can pull it off. There's only one way to find out.

    • 7 months ago

      >genetic freak
      Everyone is a genetic freak on enough drugs

  7. 7 months ago

    Not OP but im never sore after a workout, I do brosplit (split my body into 3 parts, and do that 2 times a week for 6 days)
    Will my gains be affected? My numbers go up weekly so im not stalling in strength but in the long run should i be doing something else for aesthetics?
    I also do about 2hrs minimum at the gym

    • 7 months ago

      No. Soreness is just your nervous system either responding to overtraining or being introduced to a new exercise.
      >I also do about 2hrs minimum at the gym
      >My numbers go up weekly so im not stalling in strength but in the long run should i be doing something else for aesthetics?
      Yes. You should be doing something else for aesthetics. One set per exercise with minimal rest between exercises. You should be spending no more than 30 minutes in the gym each day.

      • 7 months ago

        >one set per exercise
        I read somewhere that Low reps with High weights is best for aesthetics but i really dont think 1 set would be sufficient

        • 7 months ago

          >I read somewhere that Low reps with High weights is best for aesthetics
          What's good for aesthetics is selecting which muscles you want to grow most and providing stimulus for them to grow while not training the ones you don't want to grow. Want a V-taper? Then exercise your lats and shoulders while avoiding any direct oblique work to avoid making your waist wider. Want round shoulders? Then do lateral raises and rear delt flyes to maximize development of the medial and posterior heads of the deltoids or some other exercises that are mechanically similar.
          >Low reps with High weights
          Are how you train your central nervous system to increase your 1rm. Those are not the best weights are rep ranges for building muscle since there is a tendency to rely more on leverage and skill, and it becomes much more difficulty to control your form and cadence (absolutely necessary for developing muscle). The key to developing muscle is to take the exercise to muscular failure and then providing adequate rest periods. In that respect, a rep range with weight in which you can reach muscular failure with proper form, adequate control, and good cadence is sufficient for muscle growth.
          >i really dont think 1 set would be sufficient
          It is not only sufficient, it is optimal. When you do only one set to failure with proper form and cadence, then you have provided the stimulus needed for that muscle group to grow. Anything beyond that does not provide additional stimulus. It is by definition over-training since it does nothing but increase the amount of time you need to recover after the exercise.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, Mike's great and all for Competition Body Building, but his knowledge is incomplete. He died from being jacked before more science came out.

            Studies show
            >You get more hypertrophy from increasing your sets per week (i.e. week 1 - 8, week 2- 10, etc)
            >You get more hypertrophy from 3 min rest between sets of 3, or one minute rest between sets of 5

          • 7 months ago

            This summary alone would have saved me 5 years of inefficient training

    • 7 months ago

      something is wrong. It's either your load, frequency, sets, form, or rest time between sets.

      • 7 months ago

        My loads are fine, i take zinc, thank you for asking

        • 7 months ago

          What's it's consistency and flavor profile?

  8. 7 months ago

    Yes, because of a couple reasons.
    1 You accumulate too much fatigue, which hurts your performance, increases injury risk, and makes it so that your rest days work to prepare you for your next workout instead of growing your muscles.
    2 Although more volume = more gains, there comes a point in which each additional set gives you marginally less gains, but each set damages muscle tissue further, so instead of growing your muscles, you're just repairing them from workout to workout.
    In the long run, gains slow down exponentially no matter what, so it's better to find an amount of volume that lets you recover and allows you to progress. You can experiment with slowly increasing volume as you become more experienced, but of course this needs to be fueled by enough sleep and food.
    In short, the more you train, the more you gain, but remember that gains occur during rest, so you gotta balance those two things out.

  9. 7 months ago

    I forgot how good she looked before she got bogged.

  10. 7 months ago

    Gee, two friends posts in one night? Idc israeliteflix, I ain't watching it!

  11. 7 months ago

    I got it from exercising 3 times a day every day and pushing my limits every session. No amount of sleep or food can help you recover from that.

  12. 7 months ago

    IMO people worry about overtraining too much, and that holds back gains.
    Since I started going gym more often, increasing volume per workout and putting in more intensity I've made better progress.
    Twice a day would be too much though unless you're on gear or you can dedicate your full time to fitness with constant eating between workouts

  13. 7 months ago

    Bogged. Shame

  14. 7 months ago

    Yes it's possible to overtrain. Muscles aren't built by working out alone. Working out tears your muscles down, resting is what builds them back up. If you're constantly tearing your muscles down and not resting to build them back up, how can you expect to make any gains? Theoretically, you're actually worse off if you just lift and lift and lift and never rest than doing nothing.

  15. 7 months ago

    24-72 hours for beginner-pro. You can train daily as a newbie, if you're a pro you need twice a week.per muscle.

    That said, not all training is destructive. Overcoming isometrics and high volume training has way shorter recovery time because you don't tear muscles. Keep in mind that we know muscle growth is due to time under tension, NOT due to repairing damage - muscle damage is detrimental to growth, not necessary to growth.

    CNS on the other hand needs no recovery for <80% 1RM, and can be up to weeks for heavy loads. Just take a few days off a month and you're fine.

    Generally speaking I think training your work capacity and CNS recovery for newbies is more important than chasing newbie gains. Just focus on low intensity long workouts, eg 1hr under load, and you will be a lot better in a few years than someone who focuses on high intensity short workouts like SS.

    I also think it's more important than to keep hgh levels high than pushing high loads. SS at 60% 1RM for 3x12 done daily will give you more growth. But everyone knows that already.

  16. 7 months ago

    Crossfit was a meme because it left many with rhabdo

  17. 7 months ago

    I'm only lifting on Sat + Sunday due to work and all my lifts are going up every week or every 2nd week.

    Just hit 100kg bench for 5 sets of 8-10 today and I was only at 90kg a few weeks ago.

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