Overtraining is a FUCKING JOKE

Unless you are a professional athlete who's training several hours a day you are not getting overtrained

>But muh recovery time hurr

Your mediocre ass workouts aren't going to overtrain you. You can hit the same muscle more than you think. Every day most of the times.

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  1. 7 months ago

    thanks for letting us know

  2. 7 months ago

    >tell gf to be careful of overtraining
    >she takes my concern into consideration
    >notice she isn't going to the gym as much now
    >still eating how she usually eats
    >notice that she is starting to get a bit plumper
    All according to my master plan, helps even more that Mike Mentzer has become mainstream for people to not train too hard. I even send her videos of him talking about overtraining and not getting enough rest.

    • 7 months ago

      have a nice day

  3. 7 months ago

    Over-training varies by person, and you would know that if you ever got out of your basement.

  4. 7 months ago

    Post body.

  5. 7 months ago

    I got overtrained. But that was because my ferritin was low from donating blood so many times.

    • 7 months ago

      I bet you wouldn't mind if I donated my cum to your butthole either, would you, gayel

  6. 7 months ago

    >Your mediocre ass workouts aren't going to overtrain you
    Love the projection here, keep those mediocre workouts up OP

  7. 7 months ago

    Overtraining refers to a specific condition that affects you systemically. It's very hard to reach this condition without being a pro athlete. That's correct. Training too much is easy. If you do arms for an hour every day you can easily get tendonitis.

    • 7 months ago

      You often get to tendonitis or crippling muscle sprains with weight training before overtraining. If you get either of those two you'll need rest anyway.

      • 7 months ago

        >You often get to tendonitis or crippling muscle sprains with weight training before overtraining.
        >If you get either of those two you'll need rest anyway
        Unless you don't lol
        But you're actually still right
        Unless you're getting rhabdo you're not overtraining your MUSCLES

        I remember when I was natty and going for the squat record I was squatting 6 times a week twice a day and my muscles were fine but my knees and eventually hips and lower back got fricked solely due to the intensity
        I'm sure if I trained in bodybuilding lbs and reps I would have been fine or at least fine for a lot longer

        Regardless, relevant vid:


    • 7 months ago

      >It's very hard to reach this condition without being a pro athlete.
      No it isn't. "Overtraining" isn't "over-" per se but it's relative to amount of recovery. I got myself into that condition by simply cycling to work for 20 kilometers there and the same back combined with lack of sleep and chronic stress.

      • 7 months ago

        are you one of them dutch gays? I heard you like to ride bicycles

        • 7 months ago


  8. 7 months ago

    all you are doing is telling IST that you train like a b***h.

  9. 7 months ago

    You are low IQ OP, as are all pajeets, nigs and other shitskins here.

    Overtraining isn't just your muscle soreness. It's your entire nervous system, you fricking moron. How I know you're a shitskin or a Black person? You never worked hard job in your entire life, so you don't know how it's like to be truly exhausted.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's your entire nervous system, you fricking moron
      Oh so you yourself have or know someone that trained so hard yet didn't get rhabdo yet could no longer move your arm/leg?
      Because that's what the nervous system does
      So if you can still move your body parts guess what
      Your nervous system is fine you're just a b***h

      • 7 months ago

        You are a low IQ moron. That's what you are. I hope you have a massive heart attack.

        • 7 months ago

          >I hope you have a massive heart attack.
          Working on it!

          >Your muscles will consume themselves for energy if you overwork them
          And that's rhabdo
          If you don't get it your muscles are fine and you're not overworking them

        • 7 months ago


          You are low IQ OP, as are all pajeets, nigs and other shitskins here.

          Overtraining isn't just your muscle soreness. It's your entire nervous system, you fricking moron. How I know you're a shitskin or a Black person? You never worked hard job in your entire life, so you don't know how it's like to be truly exhausted.

          Why are you so mad?

          • 7 months ago

            Quiet shitskin

            • 7 months ago

              stop projecting your insecurities

      • 7 months ago

        aare you really an indian? how did that other anon peg you as from the subcontinent so easily?

      • 7 months ago

        If your stress hormones are chronically high, if you lose your appetite, if your sleep quality is poor and your lifts are dropping instead of increasing, you're overtrained and it's time for a deload.

      • 7 months ago

        If you’re natural, your nervous system will affect the deadlift and squats as well, go a lesser degree

        • 7 months ago

          *to a lesser degree

  10. 7 months ago

    You clearly have no idea how muscles work. The human body is a endurance machine. Your muscles will consume themselves for energy if you overwork them. Stay skinnyfat and weak.

  11. 7 months ago

    I actually just opened up IST to ask about this except not in a cringe and gay way.
    I recently started wrestling (used to just powerlift) and am getting super tired, how should I be splitting my training up?
    Yesterday, I started taking a three hour break at lunch so I lift weights then and go wrestle in the evening but holy frick I wanted to go wrestle today but it feels impossible. any tips?

    • 7 months ago

      you probably need to test the waters until you figure out what works best for you. I would recommend not lifting and wrestling on the same day for the foreseeable future, if you also have work involved in that situation, you are asking a lot of your body. you aren't a professional athlete, and recovery is very important to staying fit. I would recommend doing 2 days of wrestling and 2 days of lifting, or maybe 3 days of one and 2 of the other, or maybe even 2 of each and throw a cardio day in there. if you're not on gear, you're in it for the long haul, so you might as well act like it and pick a plan that is sustainable over the long term. you're going to need rest days, even if you find lifting and wrestling really fun, or otherwise you're going to have to learn how to dial things back some workouts so your body can recover. just pay attention to how you feel each day, and plan accordingly.

      • 7 months ago

        I always forget that there are people on this website that actually know what they are talking about. Thank you!

  12. 7 months ago

    To be honest when I was a gymcel I could have just as well been a pro athlete with how obsessed I was with training and exercise. I have no doubt that I have overtrained at least once that I can remember. I was literally spending 5 hours daily doing various training routines. Gym in the morning, swimming, walking, gym back in the evening. My whole life was revolving around training.

  13. 7 months ago

    not to the degree OP is implying but yea you can lift alot more than you think. Your body will quite literally let you know when you need a rest day.

  14. 7 months ago

    There is no such thing as overtraining, just underrecovering.

  15. 7 months ago

    moron, pro athletes barely lift. Most of their training revolves around drills and practice to the sport they play. They also sleep 12+ hours a day and don’t have to worry about working a 9-5 and putting food on the table. They don’t even have to worry about their meals. Their life is on easy mode.

  16. 7 months ago

    I do train several hours a day and I have overtrained before quite a few times before. You start feeling sick and weak for no discernible reason and then it goes away if you rest a day or two

  17. 7 months ago

    its definitely real and is easy to do. Run PPL as a natty and see how many weeks you can make it without destroying your tendons and joints.

  18. 7 months ago

    Hitting "your CNS craps out and you get flu symptoms" levels of overtraining is hard. I guess this is the technical definition of the word.
    Having one or several overlapping lifts start to stagnate and then backslide in performance isn't very hard to achieve, you aren't overtrained but the recovery of local systems obviously can't keep up with what you are doing. Neural fatigue within the same session is also a thing.

  19. 7 months ago

    >stop projecting your insecurities

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not brown, relax

      • 7 months ago

        around gays nevar relags

  20. 7 months ago

    you spend long enough in this board you see people hit every point in lifting posted a billion times. No you aren't overtraining OP, you're just spinning your wheels and wasting your life. It's not even about destroying your body. You just can literally only grow so much so fast as a natty and it doesn't take as much as you think to trigger that growth. It's largely about eating right and sleeping right. You just like to do tons of long workouts because it makes you feel like it's working. Dave yourself half the time because you're gonna look the same in a year either way unless you completely half ass your workouts and program like shit, which is what 99% of these posters do and try to make it up by spamming 2 hours in the gym six days a week. It's like dirty bulking. It works but it's just brute forcing because you have no idea what you're doing

  21. 7 months ago

    But if I go 6-7 times a week I will burn out.

  22. 7 months ago

    yeah when people usually refer to "overtraining" they are really just talking about RED-S. and even that usually stems from doing too much too soon. we are really adaptable so if you get fatigued really fast cut up some volume or intensity for now and build back up and maybe go even beyond if you can afford the time.

  23. 7 months ago

    If you think overtraining is a myth you have never lifted heavy weight in your life

  24. 7 months ago

    No shit Sherlock. You really had to make a whole thread about this common knowledge

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