Ozempic is habit forming, but it works.

I missed an Ozempic shot after using it for over three months. I immediately noticed how much hungrier I was the next day. I was starving before lunch. I didn't eat breakfast since I do 16-8 fasting every day. I'm kind of surprised how much I could feel missing just one dose after three months of consistent dosing. Since it works like this, I am going to stay on Ozempic until I meet my goal weight not when I get a "normal" BMI. I've lost just over 10 kg so far.

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  1. 9 months ago


    I heard it reduces weight, but a lot of the weight is NOT FAT. It reduces muscles and other shit (bone density, idk)

    • 9 months ago

      Eli Lily SURMONT-1 trial for Tirzepatide, looked at visceral fat loss vs. lean mass loss (don't want to lose LBM, lean body mass):
      >SUMMARY: Fat-to-lean mass ratio improved more with tirzepatide than placebo
      >“… 160 patients had their body composition assessed at baseline and at 72 weeks… those on placebo lost 8.2% of their body fat mass, compared with 33.9% among those on tirzepatide…).
      >Visceral fat mass percent change was 7.3% versus 40.1%, respectively.
      >Lean mass loss was 2.6% versus 10.9%
      >Tirzepatide showed a threefold greater reduction in fat mass than lean mass, resulting in an overall improvement in body composition.
      >Fat mass as a proportion of overall body mass decreased from 46.8% to 44.7% with placebo, compared with 46.2% to 38.5% with tirzepatide.
      >Similarly, lean mass as a proportion of body mass increased from 50.7% to 52.4% with placebo, compared with 51.0% to 58.1% with tirzepatide. https://www.practiceupdate.com/content/easd-2022-substantial-weight-reduction-with-tirzepatide-produces-multiple-beneficial-metabolic-effects/142614
      Demoralizing homosexual.

      • 9 months ago

        >not shilling for big pharma is demoralizing
        have a nice day.

      • 9 months ago

        cherry picking metrics from one single cherry picked study
        26/82 vs 109/339
        You unironically posted data in support of anons claims, that you tried to refute.

    • 9 months ago

      I lost 30lbs, 330 to 300. It's not a fricking diet pill, you still have to eat less and exercise and shit. It changes your system enough so you don't crave sugar but mostly it's that you feel fricking car sick 24/7.


      COPE fatty

      oh and ROCK fricking hard constipation. I don't know how you'd shit the bed, I ate literally NOTHING but salad after my first 4 hour round of trying to pass a redwood log.

      what happens when you come off and your ravenous hunger cannot be tamed because you never developed the willpower and/or the ability to do the hard work necessary to lose weight in modern western society, with all of its temptations and unhealthy foods?

      I stopped cold turkey and planned to do 16/8 and gradually slide to 20/4s if. Then I got fricking hit with the withdrawls, I was fricked up for 10 days so bad I decided to never fricking touch the stuff again. Being on it was fine, coming off, god damn. It wasn't that it was habit forming, I was over feeling ill, but I was ill, hungry and my diet and metabolism were all fricked up. No issue eating healthy, I was glad to drop the nothing-but-salad, but god damn I felt like utter ass.

      Went on vacation, gained back 7 lbs (not because the ozempic becuase it was eating out and fricking everying was dipped in oil) and dropped it again in a week with if. Once I was off the withdrawls I fell into doing OMAD instead of the if window.

      >I am going to stay on Ozempic until
      You die, or else you will get fatter than before.
      Sorry you're not a vigilant citizen, otherwise you would've known about the metabolic side effects and never would have taken it. It's a diabolical drug to meant to create a department customer for life.

      man for me it was a kickstart, dropping 30lbs allowed me to be active and that and intermittent fasting are working. Again it's like anything else, if you're a fricking pig without self control you're going to go right back to the junk and shit and your previous weight or higher, but that isn't ozempics fault. Have some fricking accountability.

      I don't know why you fricking moron who have never tried it and don't understand it think you have any reason to have an opinion or give advice on it. It works as advertised, but it's not a silver bullet you still have to put in the effort and eat less.

  2. 9 months ago

    Blatant copy/paste.
    GLP-1's are god-tier, nice fearmongering, though. Negative side-effects are 99% the fault of a pre-existing condition or acute weight loss, by the way. 'Ozempic Face' is literally just fatties losing cheek fat, please shit up the thread with the following:
    >le muscle loss
    GLP-1's are in line with muscle loss using traditional diets.
    >le gastroparesis
    GLP-1's are a diabetes treatment, gastroparesis is a condition caused by diabetes. Woman who filed the lawsuit hasn't even been diagnosed with it.
    >le surgery aspiration
    GLP-1's can be paused, or your pre-surgery fast needs to be extended.
    >le expensive
    <$70 for 5mg reconstituted. ($1800 a year at the highest possible dose, even cheaper from China)
    >le unproven
    GLP-1's have been used and studied for decades.
    >le side effects
    Easily treatable and not significant if you follow dosing guidelines.
    >le stealing from diabetics
    Name brand medication is easily available and cheap for diabetics, production is increasing.
    >b-but you have to be on it for life
    $2000 is cheaper than being obese, plus maintenance doses are halved.
    >b-but you will still eat like shit
    Users report feeling disgusted by goyslop and eat healthier, alcoholics no longer drink, smokers stop smoking.
    Please have a nice day already.

    • 9 months ago

      COPE fatty

      • 9 months ago

        Daily mail click bait with r*ddit as their primary source, shut the frick up moron.

      • 9 months ago

        Funny thing I actually did Research in that using various user sources like drugs.com, they shit themselves because they’re Rating high carb and sugar still. Diet change fixes it.

        • 9 months ago

          Amerisharts are always shitting themselves look at the fasting forums they don't eat for days and shit their jeans. Remember that moronic Americans don't know how to take meds and cooked themselves with DNP. At least Oz won't kill you if you overdose.

          • 9 months ago

            And these, Americans, are they in the room with you right now, Anon?

        • 9 months ago

          Imagine if they changed their diet and lifestyle completely.

        • 9 months ago

          You know thats the whole point of ozempig. These fat fricks dont want to change their diet they will be on it for life

      • 9 months ago

        that's standard amerishit behaviour tbf

      • 9 months ago

        R**diters shitting their beds is a nice mental image.

    • 9 months ago

      Incredibly based. I'm so happy that all the fatsoes I know got on these drugs. Obesity is a solved problem.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >GLP-1's have been used and studied for decades.
      Not that anon, but can you elaborate on that? I thought semaglutide was from like 2021.

      • 9 months ago

        You're talking to a pharma shill

      • 9 months ago

        First glp1 receptor agonist was approved in 2005 for T2D. So yeah they have been in use for 18 years now. It was noticed people were losing weight on them so it started to get prescribed off label for obesity.
        The weight loss studies were done 2020something and it's now officially an obesity medication.

    • 9 months ago

      >smokers stop smoking
      And also, elaborate on that? It's a fat loss drug, how can it possibly help with smoking?

      • 9 months ago

        It's also messing with your reward system, alcohol makes you feel like shit and fills you up quickly while also having less of an effect due to delayed processing in your liver and stomach. As for cigarettes, it starts feeling dirty and you no longer need nicotine for appetite suppression. There's been some interest in using it as an anti-addiction drug, trials are going on right now. I would suggest reading through accounts on r/Ozempic and r/Mounjaro, alcohol and nicotine consumption either ceased or they reduced intake. Same with carb/fat heavy foods too, just remember that not every body behaves the same though.

      • 9 months ago

        Ozempic works primarily be impacting the reward system, which is involved in addiction. Obesity is food addiction at its heart.

        A better approach to all this would be to label ultra processed foods as addictive substances and tax them as such. The externality of obesity is out of control. Imagine what we could do if we didn’t have to pay for fatties healthcare

    • 9 months ago

      Shut the frick up nerd.

      I had to struggle for years to lose fat and you lazy Black folk cheat with drugs. Your worse than roid troonys and trust fund kids. Stop cheating and do it properly.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok but they won’t. And what are we going to do about that?

        Imagine someone insisting we toilet train the dog. That would be great, but it ain’t gonna happen. And in the mean time, I’m tired of shit piling up in my house. So I’m gonna do the thing that works for now and put him outside.

      • 9 months ago

        Sour grapes, you should be happy that your brothers got the easy way out. You could have done the same, why not just be happy with your own accomplishments? Pride and envy will corrupt your heart, brother.

      • 9 months ago

        You are a crab in the bucket butthole. A good man would be happy for his brothers having an opportunity to improve their life.

  3. 9 months ago

    what happens when you come off and your ravenous hunger cannot be tamed because you never developed the willpower and/or the ability to do the hard work necessary to lose weight in modern western society, with all of its temptations and unhealthy foods?

    • 9 months ago

      You can just take it forever if you need to, users generally quit goyslop and go on regular diets anyways. Remember that 95% of dieting attempts end in failure, so regular CICO 'willpower' is much less effective than simply taking a shot every 1-2 weeks.

      • 9 months ago

        >just take this medical treatment forever!

        What's it like being a paid shill?

        • 9 months ago


          I will be consuming high fructose corn syrup, not going to the gym or outside, seeing your 'doctors' for SSRI's and benzodiazepines, and in 10 years you can have my house and inheritance for my kids because of obesity related heart surgery thanks Rabbi. I will not simply take one shot a week to counteract your programming and damage you have done.

          • 9 months ago

            You know there's an option where you just don't eat goyslop or take meds long term, right?

            • 9 months ago

              Since when do the drugs force you to eat like shit moron

              • 9 months ago

                Tell me what you think this means so I can laugh at you.

              • 9 months ago

                how about you use some intuition and answer the question chimp

              • 9 months ago


                Since when do the drugs force you to eat like shit moron

                Is a nonsequitor, nobody's claiming ozempic makes people eat like shit. The problem is that people think they need ozempic to not eat like shit, when in reality they could actually put in the effort to get gud without taking a drug for life.

              • 9 months ago

                ozempic should be a kickstarter not a lifestyle, but with the markup most doctors make for a fricking needle a week ozempic for weight loss is never going away.

              • 9 months ago

                >pharma controlled supply with massive profit incentive
                >entirely rooted in peoples' inability to control themselves
                It's almost like that's a reason to not use ozempic in the first place

            • 9 months ago

              You have to understand, a fat sack's will power is about as strong as the fart of a fruit fly and they see nothing wring with it. Imagine a guy cutting his legs of so he doesn't have to walk anymore, that's the mindset of a hamplanet.

    • 9 months ago

      it's a problem because they never figured out for themselves why being hungry and not eating is ok.

      • 9 months ago

        well, it’s not a fix for emotional/stress eating, one of the common reasons why people gain weight in the first
        place. gotta develop healthier ways to cope with that first

  4. 9 months ago

    Have you tried eating less with your own willpower?

    • 9 months ago

      Have you tried going back 2 reddit? IST is not natty.

      • 9 months ago

        Go to the roidtroony containament thread

      • 9 months ago

        Taking roids doesnt mean you dont have to work hard to reach your goals.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah because telling fatties "just stop eating" has worked so well so far

      • 9 months ago

        the stupidity and lack of will of other people is not my problem, you can mix glass into your cake for all I care.

        • 9 months ago

          then frick off moron

          • 9 months ago

            You're the one that acts like his fat gut is society's problem to solve, not me.

            • 9 months ago

              and you're the one sharting your unwanted moron opinions everywhere like it's no-one's businesss

              • 9 months ago

                >ozempigs make thread on IST
                >assblasted that IST rejects a lifetime med that "makes weight loss easier" and masks the actual problems
                Nta btw.

              • 9 months ago

                Since when do the drugs force you to eat like shit moron

              • 9 months ago

                >fat manbaby throws a tantrum
                yep, expected

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Im not him but your fatass is bad at comebacks lol.

              • 9 months ago

                Zip him up when your done sucking him off gay

              • 9 months ago

                fats have less willpower than a starving dog and I think that makes them subhuman

      • 9 months ago

        There used to be a little something back in the day called shame. Look at western movies and animation in the first three quarters of the 20th century. There was an expectation that women should stay trim, and men should be strong. Deviating from that would invite ridicule and scorn, and guess what, it worked. Hell, in Japan is it considered a serious, shameful character flaw if you are a gluttonous fatass, and that's one of the major reasons why their obesity rate sits at 3% rather than the 30-40% America has.
        It's not sneed oils, high fructose corn syrup, or even the increased availability of fast food that has been most responsible for causing people to turn into fricking pigs, even if they are factors. It's the fact that there is no social pressure to have any fricking self control anymore. Anyone who does here in the West is accused of trying to cause anorexia in girls or being a racist who can't handle "POC body types".
        The moment we stop doing shit like picrel, and start actively and relentlessly shaming people who get this fricking fat, then we won't need to focus precious money and man-hours in medical research trying to get people to put down the fricking for.

    • 9 months ago

      There is no hope for fatties.

    • 9 months ago


      There used to be a little something back in the day called shame. Look at western movies and animation in the first three quarters of the 20th century. There was an expectation that women should stay trim, and men should be strong. Deviating from that would invite ridicule and scorn, and guess what, it worked. Hell, in Japan is it considered a serious, shameful character flaw if you are a gluttonous fatass, and that's one of the major reasons why their obesity rate sits at 3% rather than the 30-40% America has.
      It's not sneed oils, high fructose corn syrup, or even the increased availability of fast food that has been most responsible for causing people to turn into fricking pigs, even if they are factors. It's the fact that there is no social pressure to have any fricking self control anymore. Anyone who does here in the West is accused of trying to cause anorexia in girls or being a racist who can't handle "POC body types".
      The moment we stop doing shit like picrel, and start actively and relentlessly shaming people who get this fricking fat, then we won't need to focus precious money and man-hours in medical research trying to get people to put down the fricking for.

      the vast majority of diets fail ranging from a failure rate of 65%-95% (not because they don't work, but because the individual does not adhere)
      I have known several fatties, and not one has simultaneously lost the weight, kept it off, and did so without drastic methods like surgery or steroids (the steroid user is now a bloatlord, unfortunately)
      there comes a point in time where saying that "you should just do it" becomes wildly ignorant of the actual data
      also, do not assume its just as easy/hard for you as it is for others. There is a lot of evidence showing that people respond to food/hunger/satiation signals at vastly different rates
      t. was fat, now I'm just constantly hungry, but hey, girls look at me now

  5. 9 months ago

    The scientist don't know how Ozempic works. It's not wise to take them.
    But we are lazy and just having some discipline won't do nowadays.
    t. on the OMAD grind

    • 9 months ago

      They know exactly how it works, GLP-1 agonists have been studied since 1995. It increases insulin response in the pancreas, decreases glucose processing in the liver, suppresses hunger signals sent to the brain, and delays the emptying of the stomach. All from mimicking what is a naturally produced peptide.

      • 9 months ago

        what would happen if you took it with MK-677 or some newer generation GH secreting hormone/secretagogue?

        • 9 months ago

          People have had great success combining it with CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin without the increased hunger effects. A good combination to retain muscle and improve recovery while on a cut. You can also combine it with BPC-157 and GHK-Cu for better healing and skin regeneration. By the way, Tirzepatide mogs Semaglutide in every way but cost.

          • 9 months ago

            im just curious, im actually a skeleton whos been using MK-677 to gain weight for the first time in my life. its going stellar and ive even lost some fat but i had to finally give up on the delusion i could gain muscle mass and not gain any fat at all. still have visible abs when i flex, but the crazy part is my stomach has distended quite a bit to adapt to the intake of food. im not even eating *that* much compared to what some people do but to me its like force feeding myself to an astronomical degree, my digestive tract has been used to processing like 1500 calories E/D for 25+ years. so im wondering if ive had some fricked up GH deficiency, or if my body didnt create enough ghrelin receptors when i was developing. i dunno. once i reach an acceptable weight and size i will probably try to cut some body fat and water, although i dont think i will really need much considering ive lost fat on my stomach and gained a lot of fricking weight.

            more of a lab rat honestly, pharmacology is always fascinating and i cant stop trying to learn more about drugs and how they affect people. if i can make my bodybuilding journey more efficient along the way, frick yeah ill try anything.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm guessing that the MK-677 is leading to excess water retention and making you look bloated. CJC-1295 combined with Ipamorelin will release more HGH and has less water retention. Only other option is anabolics, but please do your research on those before labratting. In the end, gonna have to embrace the cut/gain cycle to achieve your desired aesthetic.

              • 9 months ago

                yeah it goes away after sleeping, the bloating that is. ive dipped my toes into anabolics and after my last little foray with trestolone acetate turning my testicles into the size of marbles, ive settled with just taking clomiphene citrate and a tiny amount of letrozole to keep things at maximum production without inducing that negative feedback loop. the MK for all the aforementioned benefits too. i might try the CJC-1295 w/ drug affinity complex + Ipamorelin and semaglutide when i decide ive gained enough and can safely cut without losing everything.

              • 9 months ago

                I would avoid the DAC, more side effects and not really worth the headache. Don't buy a blend, just get two vials and dose in the same syringe too. 100 CJC 200 Ipa every morning and mid-afternoon. There's some reason to believe that pinning before bed could inhibit your natural growth hormone releases during sleep.

              • 9 months ago

                oh? i always thought the DAC would just give me more bang for the buck, but i guess if it doesnt cause a "HGH bleed" secretion effect like MK then the DAC wont really matter. just causes natty pulses to be stronger for longer, and also uncontrollable.

                i tend to dose the MK and have in the past dosed GHRP-6 and -2 in the morning while fasted, then doing some light cardio. i figure thats the most optimal time to force a pulse since your natural levels are peaked during sleep like you said. the mid afternoon thing im guessing probably could be a postworkout administration? i have heard from some people that its really great to pin these peptides right at the end of a workout to amplify the natural pulse you get from working out

              • 9 months ago

                Definitely post workout, sounds like you've got a way forward mate. gl but I'm sleepy

    • 9 months ago

      Ive done OMAD, it's great for weight loss, but holy shit I was utterly miserable every single day.

      • 9 months ago

        OMAD is such a half measure, leaves you constantly hungry imo and only worked for me when eating around 7-8pm to stop night snacking.

        • 9 months ago

          Nonsense. OMAD doesn't leave you hungry, because hunger is a result of frequent eating. If you felt hungry, you just didn't do it long enough to give your body a chance to adapt. The fact that you even think about "night snacking" is evidence that you have an addiction to food.

          • 9 months ago

            Bro I've gone over three consecutive days without food this week. It might work on your body, cool, but for me OMAD just makes me hungrier because it's right on the cusp of entering ketosis. I haven't tried it zero carb though.

            • 9 months ago

              >Bro I've gone over three consecutive days without food this week
              Wow, 3 whole days?

              >It might work on your body, cool
              I'm just a human, there's nothing magical about my body

              >but for me OMAD just makes me hungrier because it's right on the cusp of entering ketosis
              That's not how hunger works

              >I haven't tried it zero carb though
              Most of my macros are carb and I never feel hunger.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                please have a nice day, moron

  6. 9 months ago

    I wonder who could possibly be against fatties curing themselves of endless goyslop, pharma, and weight loss grifting...
    Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly are run by whites, by the way.

    • 9 months ago

      How is being dependant on ozempic for life (that surely wont be good) against big pharma?

      Kys israelite

      • 9 months ago

        You can either support two white male operated pharmaceutical companies or you can support a billion israelite owned ones with your lifelong obesity complications and diabetes. We know CICO doesn't work on fatties because 95% of them fail. The israelites also know this (they caused it) and have built entire industries around it, everything from fat acceptance to hfcs they wanted you to be weak and fat. Americans used to be strong, now we're nothing but cattle and you're just sitting here spiting those who are supposed to be your brothers.

        • 9 months ago

          >Don't go after the root of the problem, goy! Don't go after the companies peddling "food" that was literally developed with tens of millions of dollars in food science research to be as horribly addictive as possible!
          >No, just give all your money to this bloated pharma company to get on an anti-obesity drug that you have to take for life! Don't forget, they have twelve more similar drugs in development! Medical care isn't cheap, goy!

          • 9 months ago

            You realize the israeli cabal controls the food and the healthcare, right? They will squeeze every drop from making you fat, and that's a lot more than a paltry amount of cash on a medication you don't even have to get from big pharma. This cash cow can only last so long as prices and availability decrease, you'd have to be the lowest IQ Black person monkey to actually believe that they'd trade hundreds of billions of dollars from creating an obesity epidemic for a couple billion for two pharma companies. There's nothing preventing you from developing good habits after getting to a healthy BMI either, so it doesn't have to be a lifelong medication. It's basically putting weight loss on training wheels so anyone can do it, and if they rebound, they have an easy way to get healthy and try again.

          • 9 months ago

            A man should be able to swim on his own, but it's better to give him floaties than have him drown. People shouldn't get fat in the first place but it's better to lose the fat quickly and hopefully keep it off when you know the alternative for most of these land whales is to simply stay fat forever.

            • 9 months ago

              If a man drowns because he thinks moving his arms is too much effort then he's a burden on society and his death a reason to celebrate. Fatties aren't sick, they just have worthless personalities.

            • 9 months ago

              that pic is missing hot pockets. i swear the amount of times i incinerated the inside of my mouth by biting one of those frickers rivals my masturbation count. i miss them so much, theyre too fricking expensive to buy anymore.

              fricking hate people who can afford to eat literal hundreds of pounds of food, b***h give me some im starving here

        • 9 months ago

          >You can either
          There's a third choice. Go on a diet.

          • 9 months ago

            >Fatties take ozempic
            >fatties don’t need/want israelite products (drugs, fast food etc)
            >fatties lose weight
            >companies making those products go out of business or shift supply chains significantly
            >fatties have babies that are thin (because mom wasn’t obese during pregnancy)
            >babies born into world without all the fast food junk etc
            >babies grow up thin, not needing ozempic
            >ozempic no longer needed. Obesity problem solved.
            Think of it like using crutches. Sometimes crutches are actually necessary

            • 9 months ago

              take ozempic
              don’t need/want israelite products
              Do you know what mutual exclusivity means, anon?
              >ozempic no longer needed

              Tinfoil time.

              We know ozempic users must take it for life to maintain the results. We also have already seen ozempic shortages followed by users binge eating. Consider conglomerates who own shares in pharma and food creating artificial scarcity waves to drive up profits:
              >create ozempic shortage, junk food consumption and share prices surge
              >fatties get depressed and ozempic demand hits fever pitch
              >fix ozempic shortage, fatties buy it all out, pharma share prices surge
              >repeat forever

              • 9 months ago

                Just read it. So basically they will get everyone addicted to ozempic. Then time the market somehow around ozempic shortages. Dump money into nestle and Coca Cola when they are down. Pause ozempic. Stocks go up. Sell. Bring back ozempic. Repeat. Did not think of this. And now I see that it is clearly what will happen.

              • 9 months ago

                Agreed. This is why I cannot fathom why anyone would willingly silo themselves on ozempic, because it places the success of the fitness venture completely out of individual control. Novody here can reliably manufacture the compounds.

              • 9 months ago

                Frick this is definitely the plan.

                take ozempic
                don’t need/want israelite products
                Do you know what mutual exclusivity means, anon?
                >ozempic no longer needed
                Consider [...]

                You guys realize that this is the tip of the iceberg and that even more GLP-1 agonists are going to hit the market, right? Medication patents expire and you can already get infinite amounts of this shit 99.98% pure from China. Cutting edge Eli Lilly products that are in trials (retatrutide) are being synthed and sold right now. The cat is out of the bag and GLP-1's are on everyone's radar so they can get a piece of the pie, a shortage won't work because they can't risk getting outcompeted. Novo Nordisk is getting ass rammed because Lilly is making better drugs, the same will happen if Lilly tries the shortage trick.

              • 9 months ago

                This is great but ultimately not that meaningful in a world where corporate independence stifled or suppressed by asset managers for publicly traded companies. Who cares that the patent expires at some point when Blackrock can covertly push a profit agenda by cycling demand across multiple companies?
                >conspiracy theories
                Consider light bulb consortiums that unanimously agreed to bake in planned obsolescence into their bulbs. Also consider OPEC, the largest artificial scarcity org on the planet.

              • 9 months ago

                >And now I see that it is clearly what will happen.
                Why are you such a schizo moron?

              • 9 months ago

                they did that troony shit with Bud Light and stocks went down then the Bill Gates foundation bought $95 million shares in the parent company lol

      • 9 months ago

        Ozempic is scaring investors who hold stock in companies that produce ultra processed food (and fast food), medical devices used to deal with obesity (orthopedic products), blood pressure drugs, cholesterol drugs, diabetes drugs. What’s worse: taking multiple drugs to sustain life while obese or taking one drug that eliminates the need for all of the other drugs? Even anti depressants may reduce in frequency.

        Of course, a non drug solution is ideal. But that’s apparently never going to happen.

  7. 9 months ago

    Lost over 20 kilos in less than three months, shit works and no sides except a little less regular in the washroom.

    • 9 months ago

      Any loose skin or nah?

      • 9 months ago

        Not yet, but I expect some at this pace. The biggest stressor at the moment is the possibility of gallstones, which comes from extreme weight loss.

  8. 9 months ago

    im on ozempic and it works dont care about what schizo's say.

    had sex again last week with a cute girl. Thank you weight loss.

    • 9 months ago

      >I cant just eat less without drugs
      Opinion discarted

  9. 9 months ago

    >Willingly becoming dependent on big pharma instead of just eating less

    • 9 months ago

      Damn, bro. Groundbreaking advice there. Do you tell people with Type 1 to "just make more insulin?" How about the classic "don't be sad" for those that are suicidal?

      • 9 months ago

        Diabetic people CANNOT just make more insulin, however you CAN just eat less.


      • 9 months ago

        Frick off, you can't control insulin production or your emotions, but you can control food intake. I can lock you in a basement chained to the wall and you will lose weight regardless of what "condition" you suffer from. Of I could solve my life probkem by being chained to the wall in a basement for a month I'd do it in a hearbeat, if it could cure type 1 diabetes I bet a lot of people woukd do it. Just goes to show fatfricks do not give a shit, all there is to it.

        • 9 months ago

          Hey lil' buddy, you seem a bit angry.

  10. 9 months ago

    >I am going to stay on Ozempic until
    You die, or else you will get fatter than before.
    Sorry you're not a vigilant citizen, otherwise you would've known about the metabolic side effects and never would have taken it. It's a diabolical drug to meant to create a department customer for life.

  11. 9 months ago

    >I was starving
    no you weren't you fat sow.

  12. 9 months ago

    >Ozempiggies think they won't need their drug after getting thin, despite the whole point of ozempig being that you don't need to pick up long term virtues and skills like discipline, cooking or exercising
    el fricking mao

  13. 9 months ago

    Family Physician here. Just some thoughts.

    I've prescribed Ozempic and similar GLP-1's for various patients all with good effect, although I had one patient who could not tolerate GI side effects and dropped it all together. I've had patients lose great amount of weight getting them off hypertension drugs, cholesterol medication and no longer needed knee injections for chronic knee pain.

    This very well might be the future we have. Patients chronically take blood pressure or cholesterol medication daily, some with no end point and for "the rest of their life."

    I anticipate that patients will need to continue taking these drugs for life UNLESS they can truly change their relationship with food/eating habits. This class of medication literally makes you think you're full while also slowing gastric emptying (leading to side effects similar to gastroparesis) which makes food stay in your GI tract longer.

    I do wonder about vitamin deficiencies that might manifest once patients are on these drugs for years. The good thing about the American diet is we typically get a decent amount of vitamins with all the slop we eat.

    • 9 months ago

      >but then they find out it causes pancreatic cancer 20 years down the road
      >oops well no refunds and don't forget to take your booster on the way out
      and all of this because fatties lack the willpower to just not stuff their mouths with shit all the time kek

  14. 9 months ago

    you're pathetic

  15. 9 months ago

    >No, eating the broccoli is NOT an option
    >t. every fat person in the last 70 years
    whenever I see a fat person I just think of them as increadibly heavy toddlers

  16. 9 months ago

    Ozempic users should have to wear badges or.arm-bands

    Need to be able to identify weak willed gluttons once they've lost the weight

    • 9 months ago

      >should have to wear badges or.arm-bands
      You can see them from a mile away already! Get your eyes checked

  17. 9 months ago

    i hope fatties who take this get their gut blown up or something fricking mentally weak subhumans

  18. 9 months ago

    I suppress my appetite by looking at fat people and listening to fat people struggle to breathe on youtube

  19. 9 months ago

    My mom is on this, she's lost a good bit of weight. I want to get her innagym so she can develop muscle tone tho.

    Im on OMAD and 18 hr fasts, it's super easy and maintainable especially if you allow yourself lil treats during your feeding window. I don't have as many cravings for goyslop.

    • 9 months ago

      on OMAD I can't even face a sugar soda, and I mainlined that shit before. I fricked up and didn't eat for 48 hours tho and my eating and shitting got all fricked up, I'm still trying to get back to OMAD. also beware the treats bro, sounds likes some "one little thing isn't going to hurt" cope. Pot calling the kettle black here but be vigilant.

      • 9 months ago

        preciate the (You) bro; I had 4 slices of pizza, 8 chicken wings, a garlic knot, 2 pieces of cake, and 8oz sprite today. It was a celebration meal for something very good happening in my life brought to me by my office. I was so full and im still stuffed (ate at 12) -- that will be it for the day. I like the OMAD because my stomach has shrunk so much I just cant eat like I used to without feeling uncomfortably full. I have gone from 218lbs like 7 weeks ago to 195 as of yesterday and I plan on keeping it up for another 10 pounds or so/until i see some abs. WAGMI

  20. 9 months ago

    My dad is crazy about this atm. I said it was goypharma bullshit and he was like "what?"

  21. 9 months ago

    i love this stuff but im scared

    >take around 8 doses before the shortage hits
    >its fricking amazing literal god damn magic
    >fitness Black folk lied , some people literally have fricked up hormones that make them eat like morons , this proves it.
    >shortage happens
    >go off
    >hunger comes back
    >my stomach shrank and i cant eat my old size meals without feeling like im going to die
    >slllloooowwwly reach back to my old weight (it was only like 10lbs before i ran out)
    >realize that while its a miracle drug , you would need to try a little hard to stay on track eating normal for it to work once you get off it.

    fast forward to this week

    >finally get some new stock
    >brutal headaches
    >vomitted like crazy last night and had stomach pain before hand that was so bad it felt like i was getting stabbed
    >dont know if its the flu or the drug
    >look it up and there are weird complications that end up "turning off your stomach" causing foot to pile up there which causes it to go bad and you get sick

    Crossing my fingers it was just the flu or some one off and i can continue using it otherwise im permablackpilled.

    • 9 months ago

      >I have no self-control, it must be the hormones' fault
      No you just never grew up, you are a dumb child in the shell of an ugly old moron.

      • 9 months ago


        >some people literally have fricked up hormones that make them eat like morons


        the science is settled

        • 9 months ago

          Cope what? I've kept my weight at 150lbs all my life despite my love of goyslop. I dont need drugs because I'm not a moron.

    • 9 months ago

      >some people literally have fricked up hormones that make them eat like morons

    • 9 months ago

      If you went back to your previous dose instead of titrating up, then that's probably the issue. If you started at the lowest dose, then give it a week or two for your body to acclimatize. I personally recommend tirzepatide as the side effects are not nearly as common, it is more muscle protective, and is more effective at suppressing appetite. Take your dose in the mid-afternoon and experiment with injection sites as users report less gastrointestinal stress when injecting into the thigh or arm fat. Good luck, anon, hope you make it.

    • 9 months ago

      Stuff like this is why im so afraid to take any drugs of any kind. I have bad reactions to nightquil. Taking this will probably turn my stomach off.

  22. 9 months ago

    Fatties are subhuman.

  23. 9 months ago

    If it works for you, it works. But just know you'll eventually wanna bulk back in muscle when your reach a healthy bmi. So still try to learn healthy eating habits

  24. 9 months ago

    ozempig seems unnecessary when you could just get an adderal prescription instead. it decreases appetite the exact same way without the gastric sides

  25. 9 months ago

    Nobody with an IQ over 100 is fat. it's like a drug they give to mongoloids to look less stupid, doesn't affect me.

  26. 9 months ago

    Ozempic is generally used by homosexual weakling who self-admit to having no willpower and see nothing wrong with being a voluntsry slave to a drug for life rather than fixing their shit.
    >you don't understand anon, I just can't stop eating by myself
    Boohoo. Willpowwr is a muscle, learn to improve it. Stop being a moronic man child who can't control his inhibitions.

  27. 9 months ago

    I like how every single ozempig thread proves that only stupid people let themselves get fat.

  28. 9 months ago

    Can’t you obtain the same result by just eating homemade oatmeal for breakfast?
    It suppresses hunger until like 6-7 PM.

  29. 9 months ago

    Tinfoil time.

    We know ozempic users must take it for life to maintain the results. We also have already seen ozempic shortages followed by users binge eating. Consider conglomerates who own shares in pharma and food creating artificial scarcity waves to drive up profits:
    >create ozempic shortage, junk food consumption and share prices surge
    >fatties get depressed and ozempic demand hits fever pitch
    >fix ozempic shortage, fatties buy it all out, pharma share prices surge
    >repeat forever

    • 9 months ago

      Frick this is definitely the plan.

    • 9 months ago

      Take your meds, schizo.

      • 9 months ago

        Imagine thinking corporate cronyism is even a fringe conspiracy

        • 9 months ago

          That's why this scenario happened with aspirin, metformin, and other common drugs, right? Conspiracy morons like you never learn from the past.

          • 9 months ago

            >a basic pain reliever for muscle aches and headaches
            Maybe you should consider the profit margins for oxy and narcotics in the 2010s.

  30. 9 months ago

    I'm trying to imagine to be a fatass on this shit. Whenever I'd get one of those shots I would think to myself "man I just spent like 100 bucks to... just eat less? why can't I just do this for free?"
    Like with roiders I get it, they can rip 500 pounds off the floor and I can't and they think that's cool and worth it but this ozemshit just enables you to do something incredibly unimpressive, something that most teenage girls do without even thinking about it, eating less to lose weight.

    • 9 months ago

      You spend a hunnid to change your thoughts, though. A fatty could eat less and think about food 247, or they could take this drug and not have that problem. It's like a time saver and makes your day-to-day easier.

  31. 9 months ago

    If you are interested in trying Ozempic (Semaglutide) or Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) but the cost and prescription process is daunting, then consider purchasing compounded or reconstituted GLP-1's.
    >What is compounded GLP-1?
    Compounded GLP-1's are prescribed by telehealth services like Mochi or Push. They are not covered by insurance and you should expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $300 a month. Compound medicine comes fully hydrated and mixed with Vitamin B12 or BPC-157, it contains the same peptides in brand name GLP-1's and is distributed by FDA licensed pharmacies. These vials usually come with needles, alcohol swabs, and must be refrigerated.
    >What is reconstituted GLP-1?
    This is the most cost-effective option and gives you autonomy to control your dose on your own. It comes as a freeze dried (lypholized) powder inside of a vial that you must hydrate with bacteriostatic water. After hydration the peptide should be refrigerated and administered the same as compounded GLP-1's. Reputable providers can be found on Meso Rx, the most popular being Qingdao Sigma. Another reputable vendor for research peptides is Arctic. Use 4mm/8mm U-100 28-30 Guage insulin needles, they can be found on Amazon. Your provider should also offer bacteriostatic water.
    >Should I use Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?
    Tirzepatide is more effective than Semaglutide at retaining muscle mass and reducing visceral fat. It anecdotally has far less severe side effects. Tirzepatide seems like the obvious answer, but has some downsides. The half-life of Tirzepatide is only 5 days compared to the 7 day half-life of Semaglutide, which means that you will be dosing more often to have a consistent effect. Tirzepatide is also much more expensive, we're talking 2-4x more expensive for an equivalent dose.
    >What are some resources I can read more about this?
    Reddit is unironically the best forum for this discussion, check out r/Semaglutide and r/Tirzepatide.

    I hope some of you anons will benefit. wagmi.

    • 9 months ago

      >Tirzepatide is more effective than Semaglutide at retaining muscle mass and reducing visceral fat.
      Didn't know that, thanks.

  32. 9 months ago

    With the attitude that shines through in OP you'll experience one of the following two:
    You'll put it back on.
    You'll never put down your drugs.
    You have a weak mind and you are wasting ressources, twofold, only to be able to stay in your comfort zone.

  33. 9 months ago

    If you're willing to take this why not take steroids to get lean. Probably safer too

    • 9 months ago

      Steroids are far more dangerous, what? GLP-1's don't frick with your hormones and don't do anything once they've processed through the body, test and tren will frick up your hormones permanently and can make you infertile and grow breasts. They also don't provide any appetite suppression so you're still going to be obese, just with more lean mass.

      • 9 months ago

        GLP-1 is a massively important hormone released after eating meals and affects the entire body. You should read more about all the side effects of drugs like Ozempic too.

      • 9 months ago

        Steroids havr drcades of good research
        Recent sudies on ozembic are making it appeat that it might be vastly more dangerous than a simple test cycle
        Bro science chud

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, steroids have decades of dead body builders, infertility, balding, and growing breasts.

          >le recent studies
          Post em', chud. Oh wait, it's gonna be some bullshit about gastroparesis when the moron that filed the lawsuit never got diagnosed with it. Oh, how about the aspirations when morons ate before surgery (no shit this literally happens to anyone who eats before surgery)? have a nice day, homosexual.

  34. 9 months ago

    What would happen if a fairly lean (ie 12 % BF@ 200 lbs) natty started taking this alongside regular training sessions (mix of powerlifting and bodybuilding)?

    • 9 months ago

      It's only gonna help you not feel hungry, so unless that's your current issue shedding body fat it won't really do anything. Other weight loss drugs like DNP and Clenbuterol work by increasing BMR, GLP-1's cut hunger signals and make you feel full.. I guess you could do a suicide <1200kcal whey only cut on it without issue though. Tirzepatide is superior for muscle retention so don't do Semaglutide, possibly start CJC-1295/Ipamorelin stack a month before the cut to retain even more lean body mass and minimize water retention.

    • 9 months ago

      You will NEVER drop below 9% natty without losing significant muscle
      10 or 11% is the natty limit

  35. 9 months ago

    Ozempic has really changed hollywood. It's pretty disgusting to see how all these actresses and actors were fat, but all of a sudden skinny now. You just know they're all overdosing on this.

  36. 9 months ago

    Retatrutide is gonna mog everything once its more available from chinese manufacturers

    • 9 months ago

      Shit is gonna literally holocaust fatties and turn America anorexic overnight. I would try it, but it's insanely expensive right now. Like $1000 a vial, Tracy said they're waiting on Stage 2 trial results from Eli Lilly before ramping it up IIRC.

  37. 9 months ago

    >fells hungry
    >can’t control himself like a toddler
    >gets fat
    >takes wonder drug to not feel hunger
    >lose weight until goal bodyweight
    >gets fat again because still have toddler mentality
    seems right

    • 9 months ago

      just start taking it again before you get fat

      • 9 months ago

        They don't understand that you can just... keep taking it.

        • 9 months ago

          >being a slave to a fricking drug instead of having some basic self control
          subhuman scum, all of you

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