"Ozempic will save us from obes-ACK!"

"Ozempic will save us from obes-ACK!"

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    How does vomiting make your teeth fall out?

    • 4 months ago

      Probably the stomach acid eroding the gum or something. idk I'm not a dentist.

    • 4 months ago

      Stomach acid is acidic, acidity fricks your gums and dissolves your teeth.

    • 4 months ago

      Sometimes you puke with such great force it shoots your teeth out of your mouth.

      • 4 months ago

        Only correct answer
        t. self proclaimed doctor

    • 4 months ago

      When you accidentally drunk vomit on the guy next to you at the bar so he slugs you

    • 4 months ago

      Well, vomit hit them

    • 4 months ago

      The tooth centurions will not abide and will resign. good luck chewing without the support of trained digestive frontliners.

  3. 4 months ago

    >wait for testing
    Say the vax deniers
    >meanwhile, shit like this is released even with testing
    Frick I hate government and businesses.

    • 4 months ago

      >can't read the label
      >won't hit the gym or do cardio
      >da gubmint and da pharma companies are out to get me
      Fatty mentality is ingrained in American culture. They deserve eternal death and diarrhea

      • 4 months ago

        Shut the frick up and go suck on more phiser wiener. homosexual.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          you're moronic and don't know how pharma actually works

          • 4 months ago

            How does pharma actually work?

            • 4 months ago

              Supply and demand you stupid Black person. They wouldn't manufacture drugs that take up manpower and resources if they didn't have a big demand. The average amount of time for a drug to be discovered and developed before it comes to market is 10 years. They wouldn't dedicate their scientists or their production capabilities if it wasn't worth selling. It's the reason why medicine isn't as easily accessible to Africa or Middle Eastern shitholes. It's also the reason why moronic countries filled with fat mutts like America pay out the ass for insulin and in this case a fat loss drug with multiple side effects with the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of the drug still relatively unknown. There's a large and fat market that has a near unlimited demand for your drug no matter how dangerous it is. Of course they'll sell it. A couple of fatties sharting themselves to death isn't that much of a problem to them in the long run because they're free test subjects
              Don't like the way it works? Go live in some communist shithole

              • 4 months ago

                >manufacturer demand
                It's literally that easy.
                Eat a dick you absolute fricking moron.

              • 4 months ago

                >populace can't stop stuffing their face
                >take advantage of opportunity
                >omg le heckin evil capitalist pharma is behind it all
                Learn some personal responsibility, you fat neetoid mutt

  4. 4 months ago

    She looks cute

    • 4 months ago

      Nah, she's got that "I'm a fatass so I'm going to expertly hide my body so nobody can tell I'm a fatass until we meet in person and by then it's too late because today's beta males are too thirsty" look. Fool me once, shame on me...

      • 4 months ago

        She has eternal diarrhea though.

        Imagine the smell

        So does everyone with IBS. It's not that bad. Better than being fat.

        That's hot.

    • 4 months ago

      She has eternal diarrhea though.

      • 4 months ago

        Kind of hard to stay fat when you are constantly shitting out the calories though so sounds like it worked as advertised

        • 4 months ago

          Diarrhea doesn't work like that. It's pure water weight. You don't shit out calories, just water and residues.

      • 4 months ago

        Imagine the smell

      • 4 months ago

        So does everyone with IBS. It's not that bad. Better than being fat.

      • 4 months ago

        Sounds like a special attack from anime.

  5. 4 months ago

    >Daily Mail Online

  6. 4 months ago

    >weight loss drug
    I thought it was diabetes medication?

    • 4 months ago

      It was until fat people found out it also supresses appetite. Diabetics sometimes can't get their medication because it's out of stock.

    • 4 months ago

      It's always been diabetes medication until they did research that found a correlation between medication use and appetite suppression (it shuts down your intestinal tract).

      doctors saw this and started prescribing it off-label for weight loss to soccer moms who wanted to drop 15 lbs for their anniversary vacation.

      so they sped it through the FDA to relabel it as a weight loss drug. now everyone and their mother thinks it will fix obesity, not thinking about the horrific side effects (or even thinking about the main mechanism of action- that it will essentially have food rotting in your gut because its not moving) or insane side effects like shitting your guts out the rest of your life.

      • 4 months ago

        Or horrific changes changes to the pleasure responses in one's brain as "see food -> want food -> happy I got food" is completely shut off.

    • 4 months ago

      Everyone I know who took ozempic got fat
      even Derek M.P.M.D. got fat from ozempic

      • 4 months ago

        Even if it didn't have side-effects it would still be a bad idea to take it. "Here is a magic pill that lets you eat as much as you want without guilt!" is what people hear when it's advertised not "Eat a slightly better diet all the time and this will take care of the the last few vanity pounds"

        • 4 months ago

          I used it the last half of last cut and allowed to cut longer and steeper than I normally would have.
          The screeching and shrieking from IST incels about muh cheating muh discpline etc was off the hook

  7. 4 months ago

    I must say, enduring hunger and eating very little each day is a weird experience

    I feel like under the effects of a chemical stimulant. I also can feel my skin kinda itching as I lose fat and it shrink.

    The hunger subsides after a peak, this we all know, and when it happens I can't help to feel the strong analogy this felling have to the addiction of ilegal substances. The cravings have the same mechanism.

  8. 4 months ago

    Genuine question to you frens of mine.
    Do you actually get joy out of reading articles like this and from hearing others are suffering? Why?

    It's fricking horrible stuff like this happens and the doctors and big pharma aka leaders of med schools pushing this shit need to be shot. People profiting off these drugs, shot.

    We should have compassion on these poor morons they used. Could have been any one of us ~~*they*~~ experimented on had we come to them in our time of need. Most people really don't know any better and who can blame them? Government schools dumbed people down and society has made depression and SSRI brain fog the norm. They literally can't help themselves. Laughing at the victims here is like laughing at a bird for smashing his head into our window and watching it twitch on the ground. It's pretty sick guys. Do better. You'll like having a refined hatred directed towards those who actually deserve it more anyways.

    • 4 months ago

      >Could have been any one of us ~~*they*~~ experimented on had we come to them in our time of need.
      Us? Who's us? I just stopped eating lmao

    • 4 months ago

      >will somebody think of the fat fricks!

  9. 4 months ago

    If you don’t realize she is just taking advantage of the overly litigious American legal system to get rich quick you are quite frankly a little but silly. This has been common practice for decades and has led to some legitimately helpful drugs getting pulled from market. But hey keep screaming about the big pharma but not the parasitic ~~*lawyers*~~

  10. 4 months ago

    > Women will suffer
    don't care

  11. 4 months ago

    There are no shortcuts in life

  12. 4 months ago

    But on the plus side it made her immortal

  13. 4 months ago

    My sister has been on ozempic and still tries to eat all of the food she used to eat, but then she immediately pukes it back out. She just told me this week that her teeth are decaying and she'll need veneers or some shit. She's in denial that vomiting nearly every day has had a bad effect on her teeth. People who do this shit are insane to me.

  14. 4 months ago

    reminds me of Lainey

  15. 4 months ago

    I'm on it. I'm 31, currently 200 pounds, and I'm 5'3. I'm still obese, but I'm not morbidly obese any more. The risks are shitty, but it's been working really fricking well for me, so it's hard to get scared enough to get off of it. I've not been able to speak about it candidly, because my friends are all fat and get weird when it comes up.

    >now read my big fat fatass fatty 3 part blogpost frick you
    It helped me lose 74 pounds and I'm my a1c is .1 away from being out of pre-diabetes. I got on it in March 2023. I like the side effects better than being diabetic so idk. I was at an a1c of 9.8 in February last year, and as of my last full panel blood test at my doctor's office visit last week, I'm now at 5.7. Still pre-diabetes, but a WAY better than I was!
    The nausea is bothersome, but I've just accepted that if I'm going to lose weight and get out of diabetic a1c range, something has to just fricking suck a lot for a while. I just had to decide what sucky thing was easiest for me to live with.
    I've never been able to stay on a diet, I suck at diets. I did okay on Keto, but one holiday season hit and I got massively depressed and fell off the wagon, gained back everything I'd lost plus 30 more pounds. I hate the gym. I am the stereotypical fat. I've had a binge eating problem as long as I can remember. Traditional diet & exercise wasn't working out for me at the size I started at.
    I didn't want to do the weight loss surgery route because frick that shit, and I don't have the luxury to take the amount of time I'd need to recover. I did consider it for a while though.
    Ozempic's sucky thing for me is just the nausea. I am at least a little bit nauseous like 4/7 days a week, and I vomit maybe 2 times a month. I manage it mostly with a vicks inhaler, sea bands, morning sickness lozenges, and weed. Sometimes it goes away with just one, sometimes I need to combo. My doctor also writes me a prescription for zofran, and it helps a lot, but I keep it as a last resort.

    • 4 months ago

      The combo of weed, zofran, and go lay down for 10 minutes ALWAYS works, but zofran makes me constipated, so I try not to take it too often. I've had to cut certain things completely out of my diet because they trigger really bad acid reflux or make the nausea WAY worse, but they just so happen to be fatty or sugary garbage food, so I shouldn't be eating them anyway. I'm sad about hot cheetos with lime, but they'd been giving me mild heartburn for the past couple years anyway. Simple non-fatty foods with short ingredient lists are generally safer foods.

      It makes the food thoughts in my head shut the frick up. Food doesn't hit the same 'happy buttons' in my brain any more, and that's okay because I needed to fricking stop jerking off with my mouth. This may as well be a physical intervention to my addiction. I was binge eating multiple times a week basically since I was 8 years old. I've gone through a weird new phase with depression because I had to find other ways to comfort myself because food just doesn't work for that any more. I've made more art in the past 10 months than I have in the past 6 years, and I've learned to cook a lot of tasty new foods that are better for me.
      I have plateaued though, and have been feeling some more boredom hunger again. I might be eating more, but i hadn't needed to really keep track of that. I've been yo-yoing the same 10 pounds for about a month now, but I've only on a .5 mg dose this whole time. Last week my doc said that I'm not even taking a full dose, and prescribed me 1mg to start as soon as i finish this current pen, so hopefully it continues. I had to go off of it suddenly for a few weeks due to some shitty insurance issues, and I survived. I didn't feel ravenous, but I definitely felt more tempted by food again.

      • 4 months ago

        For the cost of Ozempic you can buy diet foods and spread 1600 calories out all day and basically be eating every 2 hours. That plus diet soda and you should be good. My condolences about your height though bro. Your TDEE is naturally very low compared to most men in the west.

        • 4 months ago

          I get a 3 month supply for about $60 with my health insurance from my job, and I am comfortable financially, so the cost isn't really an issue. I don't doubt that though. I don't want to eat every 2 hours, and I'm honestly fine with my evil pharma israelite shots for the time being. I'm not 100% moronic and I know the only way to maintain this once I'm off is good food habits and regular physical activity.

        • 4 months ago

          Also forgot to say I've been off 100% sugar sodas & drinks since the 'beetus diagnosis.

        • 4 months ago

          There's never been an artificial sweetener that later wasn't linked to cancer which is why they're on their 5th one by now.
          Drinking corn syrup is reversible. Ass tumor not so much.

          • 4 months ago

            You're wrong:
            >inb4 trying to discredit the source

    • 4 months ago

      Before it got too cold, my SO and I were taking walks in the evening and will resume that when it's a little warmer again. SO is not fat at all, but has stopped drinking sugar sodas since my diabetes diagnosis. We definitely could've done more exercises indoors, but just didn't. I sat on my ass, but didn't eat a shitload of garbage over the holidays like I normally would.
      I'm still like 30 pounds from being out of the obese range, so I've still got some time to figure out the exact plan for when it's time to get off of it. I don't know exactly when that is, but I know what I need to do. If I get to my goal weight and can stay there for at least a year, I want to get skin removal surgery.

      now say mean things to me.

      • 4 months ago

        >5’3” mentally ill tub of shit has a skinny gf
        I should probably start trying

        • 4 months ago

          it's worse than that.

    • 4 months ago

      Rinse your mouth out with water after vomitting. Leaving it dissolved in your saliva isn't good for your teeth.

      • 4 months ago

        I do. I swish with water, wait a bit, and then brush my teeth & tongue. I read somewhere you shouldn't brush immediately after puking after because it can erode your teeth further. Idk if true, but seems logical. Google says true.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah that's right. The stomach acid partially dissovles the surface and the brush abraids away the weakened layer. Imperceptible induvidually but over time you'll thin the enamel and get more yellow, sensitve teeth. I don't know what THE SCIENCE says about how long you should leave it before brushing but I'd guess 30 mins, do it gently, and use a soft brush if you have one.

        • 4 months ago

          Chew some TUMS immediately afterwards to neutralize the acid.

  16. 4 months ago

    I bought a share of NVO anytime I get paid after Wegovy came to market. I would never take Ozempic myself but I predict that normies can't resist this stuff. It's my best performing asset other than my House and gun collection.

  17. 4 months ago

    Didn't read your post but I wanted to say that ur a moron lol

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