People that hurt you in the gym

Aight bros

>Go to gym
>for some reason I attract people and they talk to me
>after a while the very same people avoid me
>go into gym sauna
>""suddenly"" they go out and go like "UFF IT'S HOT ISNT IT"

Why are people bluffing and avoiding one despite they made the first contact and smalltalk? Did they try to test me if I am easygoing / a gymbro and don't fulfill what my looks expects me to be or what?

Did you have similiar experience? It's always a heart crush.

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  1. 1 year ago

    OP they got their own shit to do, they're not just gonna spend their entire time chatting with you. Smalltalk and friendliness builds a gym community slowly.

    • 1 year ago

      Everyone starts ignoring you inevitably? Well what’s wrong with you?

      It goes often like this. Recent 3 examples.

      >Do squats; sometimes I lean forwards, already working on ankle mobility
      >Some buffed guy talked to me inbetween, said what I could improve, we get along well with smalltalk
      >after a while we just nod to eachother but I sense that he doesn't like to be around me like talking while he does it with different people

      >Do 3pl8 deadlifts after 6 months, some girl asked me she could improve her form
      >laughs about a lot of stuff I say, help her around how I did it, she laughs about and touched my chest and squeezed and smiled
      >just stared at her
      >after that she ignores me hard

      >Go to sauna, some guy said that I caught his eye since I don't look ordinary
      >he says he is some influencer and philosophy student
      >that's great, I read a bit about Schoppenhauer, Karl Popper, Locke, Epicurus and the sorts
      >try to go in that area when we talk
      >I feel he doesn't wanna talk about that stuff
      >never talk again

      It really feels like I give out the aura of some interesting fun fella but the moment they see I am not so fun they dip. I mean it's alright since you need to get along / vibe with people but when people approach you and then dip you in that way it makes you think that something is wrong with your personality. But I am just me.

      • 1 year ago

        You should post a vocaroo of your voice reading part of that post. I think I know what the problem is.

        • 1 year ago

          What do you mean THO

      • 1 year ago

        >some guy said that I caught his eye since I don't look ordinary
        plot twist is that anon goes to some weird sex gym and doesn't realize they stop talking because he isn't dtf

      • 1 year ago

        >>he says he is some influencer and philosophy student
        >>that's great, I read a bit about Schoppenhauer, Karl Popper, Locke, Epicurus and the sorts
        >anon meets a pseud and is too 'tistic to tell

      • 1 year ago

        >>Go to sauna, some guy said that I caught his eye since I don't look ordinary
        >>he says he is some influencer and philosophy student
        >>that's great, I read a bit about Schoppenhauer, Karl Popper, Locke, Epicurus and the sorts
        >>try to go in that area when we talk
        >>I feel he doesn't wanna talk about that stuff
        talk again

        Maybe I am autistic but I've discovered this all the time, especially in group settings, asking specifics is bad. This guy was going "yeah I day trade stocks for aliving" so I just ask "What stocks are you looking at?" and he just goes "oh I just use Technical Analysis and stuff... yo did you see that new movie"

        People hate being called out on their lies, and people lies alot. If someone boasts about something, just hype them up, be like "Woah that's awesome dude I wish I could do that!" and they like you more for stroking their ego.

        Yes humans are this moronic but that's the game nibbah

        • 1 year ago

          nah I like your original approach better. Any chance you get to filter someone as completely and utterly full of shit, it just opens so many doors and closes others in terms of the conversation set. After verifying they are completely full of shit, THEN you can do your second approach where you egg them on, sliding in little details of your own sort of subliminally throughout the conversation which pushes them further and further toward the edge of absurdity, until finally they have to press YOU on it because they start to feel the amount of shit hoisted upon their ego is even beyond what they can tolerate - to which you simply LARP as being full of shit yourself and pretend that you aren't just playing a game with their ego for internal lulz.

          • 1 year ago

            btw I've done this and it usually ends up annoying that person and they wind up thinking you are weird, while anyone else in the group who knows that person is full of shit, and sees what the hell is going on under the surface, realizing you are playing a meta-level joke so far above shitboy's head that they will (or should, if they catch it) be crying from laughter. Works especially well on smartasses and know-it-alls who everybody kind of wants to see get shit on.

      • 1 year ago

        These three are pretty easy OP.

        >this is a normal interaction. Y’all had a brief chat, maybe dude was feeling particularly talkative that day. Ya’ll became acquainted. Dude give you the sup nod, but doesn’t feel obligated to stop and chat everytime he sees you at the gym. He’s not looking for a new friend, sorry OP.

        >”I stared” Well there you go OP. You were awkward. It’s sort of on you now to prove you’re not some autist, you can try to spark a conversation, but back off for good if she again seemed uninterested.

        >This ones not on you. Seems like a grifter dude that was afraid to talk to deeply about what he does. Wouldn’t want to be cool with this guy anyway.

        You may just be a little awkward OP.

      • 1 year ago

        1) didn't offer anything enticing that he wanted to learn more about, didn't ask enough about his life and reason for lifting to want to continue to explain to you

        2) did not flirt back

        3) talked about shit that revolves, and has its basis in, core beliefs with a complete stranger who is already on the fence about you, also an influencer, meaning he is a narcissistic Black person

        But you also didn't explain jack shit so there is no real truth in my post.

      • 1 year ago

        >she laughs about and touched my chest and squeezed and smiled
        >just stared at her

  2. 1 year ago

    Everyone starts ignoring you inevitably? Well what’s wrong with you?

    • 1 year ago

      I’ve had this sort of thing happen. If OP is like me, he comes off as shy or awkward or both. If it’s dudes, they think you’re gay. If it’s women they think you’re a creep. For me it all depends on my physique. It’s either I’m chill cool guy with men, and with girls they’re into the shyness and not creeped out.

      But what’s more OP you need to learn to see the wins in life. They left the sauna? That’s damn right they were sexually intimidated by your dominating presence you cucked them all. You’re the shit. And now you get the sauna to yourself? Why are you upset? I’d rather have the sauna to myself than share it with others

      • 1 year ago

        >But what’s more OP you need to learn to see the wins in life. They left the sauna? That’s damn right they were sexually intimidated by your dominating presence you cucked them all. You’re the shit. And now you get the sauna to yourself? Why are you upset? I’d rather have the sauna to myself than share it with others

        I like that mindset. It really comes down how we see things doesn't it. Should apply that more since in the end, those things shouldn't affect me.

        A friend once said that pointed that out was like "He tried to introduce you to their circle but seemed like you are not ready yet".

        But yeah, I will try to align the proper angle and see the wins. You can't get along with everyone

  3. 1 year ago

    In the gym
    >gym is long
    >see someone I know from far away

    What the frick do I do? Do I make eye contact from a distance? Usually what I do is pretend I don't see them until I'm up close to interract and say Hi. Otherwise what, do I wave or some shit?

    Also this is true not just in the gym, in general how the frick do I deal with see people from large distances and walking towards them

    • 1 year ago

      >stare straight 5 seconds
      >stare at someone working out for a few seconds
      >stare ahead again until you make contact

      I get unbelievably nervous when I go out, that's the reason I dont like to go out, but I try to play off my autism like that

    • 1 year ago

      I literally can't see anything but vague splotches of color beyond 5 feet so I simply just keep walking until someone enters within my threshold of target recognition. btw all target locks are assumed to be threats.

    • 1 year ago

      >Usually what I do is pretend I don't see them until I'm up close to interract and say Hi
      That's normal

  4. 1 year ago

    I work in an office with someone who actively avoids me for the past 2 years. Like I literally see him peering around the corner to see if I'm there before walking.

    I just ignore him but it's super pathetic lol

  5. 1 year ago

    I always yawn or check my phone when I walk past the gym admin desk so they don't strike up conversation with me

  6. 1 year ago

    > people who hurt you in the gym
    The guy in the mirror. He’s always talking shit and telling me my body isn’t and will never look good enough. It’s not just in the gym, he follows me home, I notice his grin in car windows, gas station bathrooms, some fat dudes oakleys. I see him everywhere, seems like he never leaves. I guess he hurts me a good bit but I also never would’ve gotten this far without him. He'll always be the fat kid and it’s impossible to unsee that, sometimes I dream of going back in time and teaching him a lesson before it’s too late. Although I do wonder, without those lessons I’ve learned on mine own if I’d still be here today where I am. I’m in pure bliss of what I’ve achieved and am finally returning to IST after a who-knows how long hiatus and wish to take another. If every job gave the same salary I’d like to be the pickle guy at the Renne Faire, but I guess if you shit in one hand and wished in the other… right?

  7. 1 year ago

    Stop attracting people.

  8. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      MissSizeDoesntMatter on Instagram I guess

  9. 1 year ago

    Maybe you just smell bad, opie

  10. 1 year ago

    They tried to see if you were normal and realized you're an aspie.

  11. 1 year ago

    >for some reason I attract people and they talk to me
    We do that because we spend a lot of time there and you generally see the same people, might as well be friendly. With some you end up being friends.
    Same as with, surprise, any hobby.
    I don't know what's up with that sauna, probably you interacted some gay blowjobs or something.
    Gymrats are usually autsists, same as with, surprise, any hobby.
    You obviously lack status in that social setting too, being a beginner at the gym can feel daunting. Alas, don't give a frick. Let friendships and gains come to you organically. Force yourself to keep going. You don't have to care so much.

  12. 1 year ago

    Reading this thread caused me actual physical pain. I just pray to God my son doesn't turn up like this.

  13. 1 year ago

    We live in a society

  14. 1 year ago

    Man I'd be happy if people gtfo'd out of sauna whenever I came in. Empty saunas are peak comfy

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