People who don't eat bread and carbs are built different.

People who don't eat bread and carbs are built different. I'm on day 24 no bread and I'm ready to kill myself. I want a fricking pizza bros....

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  1. 4 months ago

    Bread is tasty.
    But you can do it anon.
    You could do as long as you want.
    You're built too.

  2. 4 months ago

    The first time I went keto, it was for over two years. I didn't really miss any carbs/bread at the time. But when I went off, it definitely became something you appreciate more(especially the good stuff, not fast food). I think it's the body itself going crazy for the glucose after so long being on/off it.

  3. 4 months ago

    Just eat some fricking bread lol, just stop overindulging in carbs. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

    • 4 months ago

      This lo.
      /fitizens can only think in absolutes like ''muh giga binge eating of goyslop or nothing''

  4. 4 months ago

    Youre supposed to eat carbs you fricking moron

    • 4 months ago

      This, complex carbs good, simple carbs bad.

  5. 4 months ago

    >brain is literally screaming at you to give it glucose and glycogen
    >"WHAT DO I DO?"

    • 4 months ago

      pizza is a high fat and high carb just like all processed foods that people find addictive. the brain in fact will preferentially use ketones if you provide it some. blood brain barrier keeps most glucose OUT which is why brain sugar is much lower than the rest of the body. by your logic this doesnt make sense

      • 4 months ago

        >Glucose is the primary metabolic fuel for the mammalian brain and a continuous supply is required to maintain normal CNS function. The transport of glucose across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) into the brain is mediated by the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT-1.
        just correcting your science i personally believe keto is like pro bodybuilding - works for some people, other people will waste their life away trying to make it work,some people will shorten their lifespans significantly while thinking it works.
        Largely depends on your genetics

        • 4 months ago

          nothing I said was wrong. The brain is flexible but if you give glucose and ketones it will preferentially use ketones. CNS glucose concentration is much lower than in serum

          • 4 months ago

            >The brain is flexible but if you give glucose and ketones it will preferentially use ketones
            get it right ketones SUPPRESS glucose the brain doesn't preferentially use ketones.
            ketosis occurs in starvation - people who starve don't just die immediately, they go into ketosis since you are evolved to survive as long as possible even with reduced brain functionality.
            this means saving glucose for muscles and getting out of the situation that is starving you.
            whether you have any problems from this is upto genetics like i said. some people thrive in starvation mode, some people don't.

    • 4 months ago

      my brain doesn’t do that. I’m completely content just eating meat, fish, eggs, and occasionally a little milk, but no more than a cup a day. been this way for a few years.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah sure bud you're able to keep that diet down without chronic bowel issues coz you're an alpha male.
        do you also shout "pain is weakness leaving the body" every time you walk out of the toilet?

        • 4 months ago

          what bowel issues should I have?

          • 4 months ago

            maybe you somehow magically grease your intestines with lard and it squirts all your waste right out in contravention of human biology.
            maybe you're the next evolution of humans - a regular xman.
            or maybe you really just don't poop and hope it isn't indicative of any issues.

  6. 4 months ago

    i guess im lucky i didnt have much cravings if at all. coming up on 5 years

  7. 4 months ago

    carbs = instantly fall asleep

    do people who eat carbs not have jobs?

    • 4 months ago

      >carbs = instantly fall asleep
      you are carrying too much fat on your body or you're plain slamming too many carbs at once.
      a normal amount of carbs per meal is like 50grams, most dishes contain like 100-200grams.
      for eg an average pasta serving from olive garden is 100 grams

  8. 4 months ago

    i have celiac disease and haven't had a sandwich in decades

    • 4 months ago

      I had peanut butter and jelly on a gluten free waffle earlier. I made the waffles. It sparked joy.

      • 4 months ago

        This. If you’re going to cut carbs cold Turkey give have some Guten free items but make them yourself. That way you can learn to cook while also not becoming a totally obnoxious person for never eating carbs when at a birthday party or out to dinner with friends.

    • 4 months ago

      I feel sad for the goat.

      • 4 months ago

        It tasted delicious

  9. 4 months ago

    >carbs bad, bread bad
    stop getting bad advice

  10. 4 months ago

    Your mitochondria are thanking you, OP
    Just keep going, another month and you won't even like sugar anymore.

  11. 4 months ago

    I haven’t eaten bread or pasta or rice in about 5-6 years except for I think two or three occasions when out on a date and trying to not be a drag

  12. 4 months ago


    >It is notable that the brain actually shifts to a more heavy use of ketone bodies in patients with TBI, as well as there being significant improvement in TBI patients on ketodiets.
    most people aren't tbi patients or similar when they do keto.
    you can't just starve your brain of glucose without consequences "coz it can run on alternative sources".
    your body can survive without protein too but then it starts consuming your muscles.
    there is always a consequence for an imbalance.

    • 4 months ago

      Explain how increased neuroprotection is somehow detrimental.
      >bruv you need sugar or you will die bruv
      >don't you know sugar is our primary source of fuel, bruv?
      >diabetes? metabolic syndrome, nah bruv, bad genes bruv
      >just take this ozempic and these statins bruv
      Have you ever questioned whether or not we were meant to have a steady flow of *sugar*, literally all the time? Has it ever occured to you that this might be a problem, that just maybe sugar was rare in nature?
      Just read it.

  13. 4 months ago

    When I did keto for the first time, about three days in I went into a grocery store with a big bakery. Suddenly, I had some weird feeling in my head, not from hunger (I was hungry, that's why I was there, to buy food) but from seeing the bread and cakes and I am not a sweets person really. Some instant neurochemical feedback thing was happening and I realized in that moment how powerful the psychological and subconscious reinforcement to carb gorge is. As human we do not recognize how unique our metabolism is in that it can convert carbs to fat and we can run dual fuel. That would kill many other primates. And when carbs were available in the wild it was maybe best to eat as much as you could before some other animal or insect beat you to it. They generally do not keep well and are seasonal (berries, tubors, fruits, flowers) Keto and fasting have their place but you put the weight back on and the diet is limiting, better to limit the carbs and cut the sugar and alcohol out full stop and train. do that all week and then have a slice on the weekend.

    • 4 months ago

      >I was hungry, that's why I was there, to buy food
      >we can run dual fuel -that would kill many other primates

      • 4 months ago

        Why do you think monkeys do not survive where fruits are not available all the time? If you were White, you'd recognize how North European metabolic adaptation made it possible to survive long winters without any carbs at all. You must be a brown person. Condolences, darkie.

        • 4 months ago

          >le ebin racists think that even their digestive tracks are different now

        • 4 months ago

          >Sherpas and Inuits totally don't exist it's all aryans all the way down in cold areas
          >they didn't eat tubers or buried grasses or seaweeds they totally only ate raw meat
          >blubber also has glycogen stores
          >these people have been tested in native environment and none were in ketosis

  14. 4 months ago

    How do u go to the gym? Wouldn’t u be tired asf all the time and not be able to really lift?

  15. 4 months ago

    >he fell for the keto meme
    Your body needs carbs to function optimally. Eat bread, you gay.

    • 4 months ago

      You deserve your muscles to wither and die for choosing dog shit low DIAAS bread over beans, potatoes and milk
      pfueh pfueh pfueh, shame, die die die

      • 4 months ago

        I drink milk with every meal and only eat sprouted wheat bread and quinoa as main carb sources. I'm fit as frick and you're a moron. The only one whose muscles will wither is the gay who isn't getting enough glucose.

        • 4 months ago

          Black person, your muscles are just bloated because of water retention
          I guarantee you, you will not lose strength when you go keto

          • 4 months ago

            Omg dumb ass ahahahaha

          • 4 months ago

            what an absolute moron you are

  16. 4 months ago

    Bread ia simply a part of the human experience. People who refuse breads are friendless, have a poor relationship with their family, and don't have souls at all.

  17. 4 months ago

    I eat so much God damn carbs, it's insane. I'm talking 500 grams of pasta at a time. That's 500 grams dry. It's the whole frying pan when it's done. That's like 2000 calories not even counting the gratuitous amount of beef in it. And it's not even enough. I still have visible abs. I still weigh less than 150lbs. I still get called dyel on fit. I can't even imagine how small you anons talking about cutting and not eating carbs must be.

    • 4 months ago
      Christ Is Lord

      same anon, many of my meals are big portions of pasta, i dont get anons who say its easy to overeat pasta.
      also i doubt youre eating an entire 500g pack of pasta regularly

      • 4 months ago

        You're right. I'm not strictly counting calories or anything. It's something like 4 days a week though. Most internet people simply can not understand how hungry actually lifting makes you.

  18. 4 months ago

    I’ve found it pretty easy by just cooking steak all the time. But meh I eat pasta and im getting a one off in n out. Just eat in moderation bro lmao

  19. 4 months ago

    You now recognize the most addictive substance on the planet: gluten

    • 4 months ago

      You mean sex? It's far more readily available than gluten and its free

  20. 4 months ago

    Op here, I'm not necessarily doing keto, it's more like a "no processed foods" diet. So I can make something like ketchup myself but dont use store bought. Obviously I can't eat bread because I'm not going to process grain into flour.

    My only exceptions are stuff like cheese and some spices. I eat feta cheese and goat cheese. And I still drink olipop soda.

    Mainly the diet consists of meat, butter, evoo, spices, veggie, various potato, raw nuts, feta cheese, eggs, fruit. If I want something like ketchup I have to make it myself. I do still use Tabasco.

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