>PFS isn't real, every sufferer is also heavily medicated on SSRIs and they claim basically impossible symptoms like them becoming borderline ...

>PFS isn't real, every sufferer is also heavily medicated on SSRIs and they claim basically impossible symptoms like them becoming borderline mentally moronic and seeing their skull physically collapse, they're literally insane and the only reason anyone even knows about PFS is because of a few high profile proprecia settlements that now require doctors to ask if you're suicidal or excessively unhinged before prescribing finasteride.
Is he correct?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Just take it moron

  2. 7 months ago

    I'd rather suffer from post finasteride syndrome than post hairloss syndrome

    • 7 months ago

      Being a slaphead will cause much more depression than finasteride ever will

  3. 7 months ago

    >Is he correct?
    Yes, it's just fibromyalgia for men.

  4. 7 months ago

    I'm balding and my life is over.

  5. 7 months ago

    Imagine being a baldgay and not maximizing based DHT. DHT was a gift from god and obviously god hates you or else he wouldn't have made you lose hair from it.

    Just kys

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not balding but all dht did for me was give me copious amounts of body hair and made me so horny I started fricking trannies.
      Inb4 it's tren - never used tren or any 19nors. Only used test and a few orals.

  6. 7 months ago
  7. 7 months ago
  8. 7 months ago

    Finasteride has, quite unfiguratively, nuked my hairline.

    I was at a NW1.5/2 left to right uneven hairline, decided to get on finasteride. I then got hit with a shedding phase that just never stopped. Four months I've been losing 100 hairs a day. My hairline has gone back to essentially a NW3 on both sides and the middle, no widow's peak. I can see because I have two little hairs still from my original hairline a good centimeter lower, and the temple have gone back over an inch of ground.

    There is no end to this shedding in sight. It just keep going with no slowing and no signs of regrowth. I've also noticed my bear lightening in shade too so it's fricking my facial hair.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Losing 100 hairs a day is literally standard. Imagine being such a weak homosexual that you can't ride out the shedding phase.

        It wasn't finn moron you suffer from underlying comorbidities that you should address first. Check your scalp, thyroid, sleep, eating habits, overall health, blood test.

        How can you be so sure that this anon's problems weren't caused by fin?

        • 7 months ago

          Either it's just a shed (which is a good sign) or it's something else causing it. It's like blaming your weight gain on that you started to eat less.

          • 7 months ago

            >(which is a good sign)
            How so?

            • 7 months ago

              Because all your weak ass minaturized hairs are getting dropped for stronger hair

    • 7 months ago

      Interesting. I wonder how that's possible. Maybe it reduced DHT but increased test?

    • 7 months ago

      Losing 100 hairs a day is literally standard. Imagine being such a weak homosexual that you can't ride out the shedding phase.

    • 7 months ago

      It wasn't finn moron you suffer from underlying comorbidities that you should address first. Check your scalp, thyroid, sleep, eating habits, overall health, blood test.

    • 7 months ago

      Take a look at Telogen Effluvium, it's the chronic shedding of hair and can affect body hair.


    • 7 months ago

      DHT stimulates hair growth. That's why men are hairier than women. When you lowered your DHT you start to lose head hair.

      • 7 months ago

        How fricking stupid are you?

    • 7 months ago

      >I've also noticed my bear lightening in shade too
      Probably you got a polar bear hybrid. For me, it’s pure grizzly.
      In all seriousness I’ve been on finasteride for seven years and it stopped me balding. This autism you post is autism plain and simple.

  9. 7 months ago

    You better be hoarding this stuff and rogaine, one supply chain disruption, poof

  10. 7 months ago

    Fin bros on testosterone, are you taking more than 1mg if you’re blasting test? I blast and cruise and I’ve been taking 2mg for almost a year now and is helping me keep my hairline but I have been thinning. I blame the thinning on the accutane I was taking.

    • 7 months ago

      Fin isn't very dose dependent. There's literally a less than 1% difference of DHT suppression between 1mg and 5mg.

  11. 7 months ago

    >just take the endocrine disrupter pill for the next 50 years bro

  12. 7 months ago

    taking drugs for your hair is no different than being a roid troony
    it's all fraudulent and fighting natural occurrences

    • 7 months ago

      shitposting for the sake of getting easy dopamine hits is no different from being a troony.
      it’s all fraudulent and fighting your future suicide

      • 7 months ago

        it's not shitposting
        I'm literally bald and I accepted it because it's the hand I was dealt
        I've even gotten more female attention since I started shaving my head because it reminds women of their dads

        • 7 months ago

          >I've even gotten more female attention since I started shaving my head because it reminds women of their dads
          No one cares about 30 year old hags anon.

        • 7 months ago

          more like you were too stupid to do proper research, still repeating some braindead bullshit, and went bald, which was 100% preventable, even without finasteride (but you should be taking it anyway at a certain age for prostate health) and are now on military-grade copium that decreasing your attractivness by at least a half gave you more female attention. I'm also like norwood 3 or 4 at 35, but at least can admit that I just didn't do the research and didn't even know about fin when I should've

          • 7 months ago

            Holy heck you’re pathetic.

            >you're on copium!!!
            they say, responding to a 16 hour old post to defend their troonyism

            • 7 months ago

              >16 hour old post
              are you clinically moronic? do you even realize that something like thread catalog exists?
              lmao where did you read it, your troony sites? finasteride actually increases testosterone, you 55IQ mongoloid

              • 7 months ago

                >Blocks hormone that's 40x more potent that regular test by like 70%
                >"GUHHHH MORE TEST"
                Yeah and that extra gets turned into Estrogenic hormones instead and you end up with gyno.

              • 7 months ago

                potent at what, attaching to androgen receptors in hair follicles? it's pretty much useless at building muscle and, without testosterone, it can't even maintain libido
                extra testosterone is just extra testosterone. I guess feminized homosexual, who couldn't stand the test levels higher than 200 without gyno, would consider it a real issue

              • 7 months ago

                Enjoy having bigger breasts than any of the women you won't frick then homie while you'd still be balding. I'm sure human males produce a hormone for totally no reason and DHT based PEDs aren't totally banned from competitions. Just fricking...wear a wig man. Like seriously why fricking go for transitioning just for this?

              • 7 months ago

                >Enjoy having bigger breasts than any of the women you won't frick then homie while you'd still be balding
                so you're actually telling that men should to everything in their power to never increase their testosterone, maybe even lower it? what level of gender dysmorphia are you on? just hop on testosterone blockers, if you aren't already, you already have a wig. literally kys, you fricking troon who unironically claims that having higher test levels is bad.
                >I'm sure human males produce a hormone for totally no reason and DHT based PEDs aren't totally banned from competitions.
                DHT derivatives aren't the same thing as DHT and in cases with identical twins, one, having a genetic defect and not able produce DHT, has a significantly higher muscle mass

              • 7 months ago

                Says the guy blasting literal hormone blockers while I'm sitting here shining and chrome eating a flapjack. I don't even think about my hair anymore, while you're turning your biology into a fricking chemistry set trying to reverse a natural biological process that is certifiable, undeniable a mark of being a human MALE. To any anons reading this, just take a razor to it just once, make up a excuse about donating hair to charity or something as a excuse, at the very least you'll know if the skull shape is rockable, which 99% of the times it is.

              • 7 months ago

                enzyme isn't a hormone, you mongoloid and you literally said you're afraid of having too much testosterone, you are a literal troon wearing a wig like that nato troony lmao, you're probably on testosterone blockers outright

              • 7 months ago

                I've dealt with my hand fine and I'm happier for it...you're fighting a losing battle and sacrificing everything else. You'll probably have to hide this from any prospective partners forever while I will not hide it, you really wanna play the game of secretly taking this shit forever, God fricking forbid you have a son and your example is blocking natural hormones. I am at peace, bald fits me, who knows my man, it might fit you too.

              • 7 months ago

                >you're fighting a losing battle and sacrificing everything else
                the mere fact that you don't realize something as well known as that balding is 100% preventable if you're early enough (unless you're some 0.001% outlier) perfectly highlights the cope. you don't even have to "block hormones", there are solutions with no noticable effect of the serum levels that work just as well

              • 7 months ago

                You mean shit like RU and such? I know my shit about this, I simply deem it kind of a waste of time to frick up my natural hormones, introduce antagonists into DHT receptors and have heart attacks because turns out the heart has some of those as well and constantly have this hanging over my head when bald works fine and it's a done deal.
                Plus this shit sets a bad example to those that come after us, if my son/sons inherit this, I would hate to have them be consumed by insecurity and fear because I did all of that instead of embracing the genetics they now carry.

              • 7 months ago

                >You mean shit like RU and such? I know my shit about this, I simply deem it kind of a waste of time to frick up my natural hormones, introduce antagonists into DHT receptors and have heart attacks because turns out the heart has some of those as well
                what hormones? I'm talking about topicals that don't have noticable effect on the serum levels
                and we're cycling back to oral DHT blockers, even though we're talking about topical antiandrogens, and you're still unable provide anything indicating that DHT isn't useless after puberty. you're gonna take 5ar inhibitors anyway when pissing will turn into a painful dribble in a few years
                >and constantly have this hanging over my head when bald works fine and it's a done deal.
                have what hanging over your head, being bald?
                >better to get fat as fast as possible, because if you eat healthy, you will have a possiblity of being fat hanging over your head
                this is military grade cope and you know it. be bald if you want, no one gives a frick, but don't pretend it is something inevitable

        • 7 months ago

          Holy heck you’re pathetic.

    • 7 months ago

      >fighting natural occurrences
      So is having clean water and using deodorant. I don't care and I don't believe in the naturalistic fallacy.

  13. 7 months ago

    im balding haha

    • 7 months ago

      I'd literally puke if I saw myself like this. This is beyond the time to shave it off. Balding's a cruel b***h. Wouldn't even wish it on my theoretical worst enemy.

      • 7 months ago

        He'd unironically look even worse if he shaved it off.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd literally puke if I saw myself like this. This is beyond the time to shave it off. Balding's a cruel b***h. Wouldn't even wish it on my theoretical worst enemy.

      >shave it off
      cope. only like 5% of males look better shaved, otherwise even a donut looks better

    • 7 months ago

      Fricking frick
      I basically have the same hairline at 24.
      Thanks to the military service I know I look bad when fully shaven but this also looks sad no matter how I look at it.

  14. 7 months ago

    based. these basedcucks
    sad cucks. just stfu and go bald and grow out the weak, thin, patchy beta beard like the basedcuck you were destined to be then

  15. 7 months ago

    on reddit there was a guy who had PFS for 10 years and he cured it with fecal matter transplant and he did it without a doctor. so he basically got someone "healthy" shit and shoved up his butthole, so his gut microbiome could go back to normal and that would somehow cure his PFS.

  16. 7 months ago

    >No dude taking androgen blockers can't have any side effects or frick up your receptors. Anyone who has side effects is just a schizo. And the 10,000 lawsuits were just started by schizo lawyers.

  17. 7 months ago

    Is balding really so bad that it makes messing with your natural hormone production a good option?

    • 7 months ago

      DHT is useless after puberty and you don't even have to reduce it to stop balding

      • 7 months ago

        >DHT is useless after puberty
        Then why does every man's body make lots of it? If it was actually useless after puberty, wouldn't our bodies have a mechanism to shut off its production?
        >you don't even have to reduce it to stop balding
        How so? I thought that both finasteride and dutasteride work by tanking DHT.

        • 7 months ago

          >Then why does every man's body make lots of it? If it was actually useless after puberty, wouldn't our bodies have a mechanism to shut off its production?
          why do people go bald, why do people suffer from prostate hyperplasia? I dunno, maybe because human bodies aren't perfect. DHT is one of androgens, testosterone being the main one, and has the major affinity only to the receptors in the hair follicles and the prostate, or those responsible for penile growth during puberty. testosterone is the main hormone responsible for male functions, like muscle growth or libido. without testosterone, DHT can barely support the sexual function.
          >How so? I thought that both finasteride and dutasteride work by tanking DHT.
          there are topical antiandrogens, like RU58841, that don't noticeably affect systemic androgen production. they are better than 5ar inhibitors, because they bind to androgen receptors in the follicles and block testosterone, which also causes balding, as well. even fin be used topically, with the same or better effectiveness as the tablet and only ~20% serum DHT reduction, compared with 70% orally. dut can be used topically as well, but, due to its high molecular weight, it needs to be injected subcutaneously, or applied after microneedling. based on limited studies, it doesn't affect serum DHT in any noticeable way.

          • 7 months ago

            That's a lot of good info, thanks. I didn't know that there are topical formulations of finasteride.

            • 7 months ago

              you can just disolve 15 x 1mg tablets in a 60ml bottle of minoxidil and make one yourself.

  18. 7 months ago

    List of reasons to consider prostate cancer medication:
    >you have prostate cancer

  19. 7 months ago

    Currently suffering with PFS for four years, wish I could go back in time and go bald and never have taken it. No pre-existing conditions before taking. Now depressed from it and want to kill myself, no (ZERO) libido, and my wiener has shrunk.

    • 7 months ago

      have you ever suffered from any mental issues, taken any SSRIs or similar, what were your testosterone levels?

      • 7 months ago

        No, no, and stupidly I didn't get my levels done before taking it. Really regret not getting levels done beforehand, I really trusted my doctor saying side effects are rare and will resolve if they occur.

        I have since done testing of my testosterone (only thing my doctor will pull, hoping he refers me to endocrinologist soon) and it's middle of range.

        I am now on an antidepressant, non-SSRI (Agomelatine), and all it does is help me not be suicidal. Doesn't make me happy or do anything else positive.

    • 7 months ago

      How long were you taking fin for? Why didn’t you stop once you noticed sides? Had your condition improved in the last 4 years?

      • 7 months ago

        13 days in total on a 0.5mg per day dose. Which to me has been absolutely insane to think I could have side effects from such a short term and low dose usage.

        Noticed side effects a few days into usage. Most noticeably a feeling of disconnect from reality which has persisted since. I remember leaving work and just feeling like I was in a videogame.and not reality. Stopped taking it 13 days after beginning. Side effects have persisted since.

        Overall I am somewhat better than the first couple of years of recovery, but barely. I wish I could have just some libido, even if it was weak.

        how old were you when you were taking it?

        Had just turned 30 when I took it (December 2019 / January 2020). Am now 34.

        • 7 months ago

          Also, I forgot to mention that I'm currently transitioning (MtF).

          • 7 months ago

            Not me (obviously).

            How confident are you that finasteride is the cause? Are there alternative explanations like the use of illicit drugs, a serious injury, or serious family problems? Or is it almost certainly the fin?

            100% confident. I don't do drugs. I drink maybe once a fortnight to a month. Have never smoked cigarettes or weed. No injuries at all. No family hereditary health problems to my knowledge, apart from dad and grandfather being bald and having cholesterol issues (they're both fat; I am not, and my cholesterol levels are perfect). I workout four times a week.

            >no (ZERO) libido
            that means you just don't want sex? can you get boners?
            >and my wiener has shrunk
            how much?

            I can get erect through direct stimulation, not through visual stimulation. My erections are lethargic, the head doesn't get fully erect either, and they go down almost immediately if I am not constantly directly stimulating. I don't watch porn either (mainly because I don't have any desire for anything sexual).

            I would say I am 75 to 80% of the size I was before, especially the head of the penis. There are other visual cues that show deformation of some sort.

            Start trt and your problems will disappear. I don’t see how people can consider taking fin without being on testosterone.

            Well my goal from here is that I am hoping I get referred to an endocrinologist, they do a full blood schedule, figure out what it is. and then they prescribe me something like testosterone or something else and that fixes me or at least gives me some libido.

            Supplements (Zinc, Tribulus, Maca, etc.) have done nothing.

            • 7 months ago

              That sucks 🙁 I hope you manage to find a cure.

        • 7 months ago

          Start trt and your problems will disappear. I don’t see how people can consider taking fin without being on testosterone.

    • 7 months ago

      how old were you when you were taking it?

    • 7 months ago

      How confident are you that finasteride is the cause? Are there alternative explanations like the use of illicit drugs, a serious injury, or serious family problems? Or is it almost certainly the fin?

    • 7 months ago

      >no (ZERO) libido
      that means you just don't want sex? can you get boners?
      >and my wiener has shrunk
      how much?

  20. 7 months ago

    Either wear a wig or shave it. Blocking hormones is infinitely worse than a wig and both are mogged by a razor unless you have unlucky skull and a small neck.

    • 7 months ago

      Most of these guys look like shit and the ones that don't would still be superior with hair what's your point?

  21. 7 months ago

    Anything that affects hormones or the nervous system can have "impossible" or paradoxical effects in a small proportion of the population. Nobody knows the whole picture but the current leading theory is the ol' reliable central governor theory, which is basically the body thinking something is really fricked up so it completely shuts you down even though you're physically 100% ok.

    From le research we know that only about 3% of users have minor issues from fin, and maybe 1/100 to 1/1000 of that 3% have long lasting problems from that.

    Scale that up to millions and you will frick up a lot of people. Similar to the vaccine, to which the central governor theory also applies.

    The nocebo effect has a strong influence on the mind, so feeling like shit on fin, googling "feeling like shit on fin", and seeing zombies telling you that their lives were fricking over after 1 week on it has a big influence on cases of people turning into vegetables. It's partially self-induced. (Like muh fibro/CFS.)

    • 7 months ago

      >Similar to the vaccine, to which the central governor theory also applies.
      not even remotely similar
      >Median age 37 years, 69.5% women
      >40 participants (5.1%) had elevated high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T concentration on day 3
      >mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was adjudicated in 22 participants (2.8%).
      >One in 35 recipients (2.8%) had vaccine-associated myocardial injury
      while in finasteride studies, the placebo groups often exihibit a higher incidence of side effects

  22. 7 months ago

    You Black folk have mental illness, it's just hair, who gives a frick.

    • 7 months ago

      90% of these "people" are bots or advertisers. I mean fricking really, IST should be relatively immune to hair loss because shaved head jacked guy is a completely normal look. Either these "people" don't exist, are ultra dyel, fin trannies or do sadly have FRICKED skull shape but they're like 1 in a 1000.

  23. 7 months ago

    Finasteride blocks steroids in the brain that regulate virtually every positive emotion in your brain (anxiety, motivation, happiness, etc)

    Finasteride blogs allopregnanolone. When women get postpartum depression they literally inject this into women to fix it. Now imagine what happens when you black that in a man.

    Allopregnanolone possesses a wide variety of effects, including, in no particular order, antidepressant, anxiolytic, stress-reducing, rewarding prosocial, antiaggressive, prosexual, sedative, pro-sleep, cognitive, memory-impairment, analgesic, anesthetic, anticonvulsant, neuroprotective, and neurogenic effects. Fluctuations in the levels of allopregnanolone and the other neurosteroids seem to play an important role in the pathophysiology of mood, anxiety, premenstrual syndrome, catamenial epilepsy, and various other neuropsychiatric conditions.

    >Study on gut health during and after taking finasteride
    >The obtained data demonstrate that the levels of allopregnanolone (ALLO) decreased after finasteride treatment and after its withdrawal.

    I take finasteride but its concerning for me to know this knowledge. Its gotta do something. Maybe the body can adapt and you cant notice that much but I can certainly say my dog drive to succeed went away

    • 7 months ago

      >I can certainly say my dog drive to succeed went away
      Wait shit seriously? How so?

      Most of these guys look like shit and the ones that don't would still be superior with hair what's your point?

      Ultra delusional. Either you're a women with super high standards or you blew out your brains with hormone blockers and turned into one anyway lmao.

  24. 7 months ago

    >every baldy is now an endocrinologist that posses vast amounts of knowledge of broscience theories about DHT gathered from internet forums for people trying to larp like vain people

    • 7 months ago

      the baldy crab bucket mentality

  25. 7 months ago

    I'm convinced that PFS is because the people that are most likely to feel like the pill is making them depressed is because it didn't work and they were already mentally obsessively ill over their hairline and look for anything to blame as a cope

    I have been taking fin for 4 years, oral minoxidil for 1 year, best shape of my life, best mental state of my life, no depression, and my hair has grown back thicker and fuller.

  26. 7 months ago

    >tfw don't have the balding gene so I never have to worry about this shit
    even took roids and didn't lose a single hair

    feels good to be genetically blessed even though my dad was NW7, thanks mom 😉

    • 7 months ago

      I was the same until my late 30's.

  27. 7 months ago

    hopped on it like a month ago, one of my ball started aching recently, idk. It says its a common side, but when will it stop?

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