PlantBASED is anti-aging

People who have been eating mostly plantbased will age slower and better than their counterparts.
The people in this image are all plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.

It's obvious that a plantbased diet is much healthier than any other diet. Neither is it harder to build muscle on a plantbased diet.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Fake faces, fake hormones and fake news my dude. Keep drinking the koolaid though I'm sure good intentions and misinformation are enough to live on.

    • 6 months ago

      Cope harder, meathomosexual. Have fun accumulating years of calcified cholesterol in your arteries and high levels of inflammation

      • 6 months ago

        Dude carnivore diet has the lowest levels of inflammation of any diet other than fasting. Enjoy eating your rancid seed oils and high fructose corn syrup

        • 6 months ago

          that's pretty baitful there guy.
          which carnivore diet, there are multiple.
          so either put up or shut up.

        • 6 months ago

          Do you have literally any clinically relevant evidence for that

        • 6 months ago

          Idk what that person was talking about, I am OP and while I agree with you that regular non processed meat doesn't cause inflammation it does cause problems for you body due to the BCAA profile it has. But let's dive deeper.
          >Is it beneficial for building muscle?
          >Why is it beneficial for building muscle?
          Due to it's activation of IGF1, MTOR and GH.
          >What happens when IGF1, MTOR and GH gets overstimulated?
          Cancer, diseases etc
          >There are studies showing meat doesn't cause cancer
          Yes, there are studies showing most things, but one cannot be true without the other, either meat (whey, dairy etc) stimulates IGF1 and helps you build muscle or it doesn't and if it does it also causes cancer and disease due IGF1 being overstimulated.

          You cannot choose the pros and cons, I agree meat has certain benefits but those benefits are short-term.

      • 6 months ago

        Requiring an unbalanced diet is a sign of bad genes.

  2. 6 months ago

    That kid is 46?

    • 6 months ago

      He spends his entire life trying to look young. I'm not exaggerating, he's mentally ill.

      • 6 months ago

        We all got our thing

      • 6 months ago

        >he's mentally ill
        He would IST right in here then

      • 6 months ago

        bro what the frick are you doing with your life that's so much better? browsing the internet, probably video games, pointless hobbies. atleast he's doing something that could help others.

        • 6 months ago

          >bro what the frick are you doing with your life that's so much better?
          Actual work that benefits my nation plus none of your business.
          >atleast he's doing something that could help others.
          Other parasites. I don't need his help and he'd transform his entire body and soul under my wing.

          • 6 months ago

            Thanks for doing the shift at the gas station or whatever anon you really hold this country together

            • 6 months ago

              I mean, yeah.. the country would definitely fall apart without gas.

          • 6 months ago
          • 6 months ago

            >Actual work that benefits my nation
            lol another one of these phagz.

            >Bryan Johnson
            Isn't that the weird homosexual who drinks his son's blood? He looks like a demon, and not a day below 46.

            >and not a day below 46.
            okay lets say he looks exactly 46, is he a good 46 or a bad 46 and how do other 40 year old men look?

          • 6 months ago

            >Actual work that benefits my nation
            lol OK Hemingway

            • 6 months ago

              >actual work that benefits my nation
              ikr,anyone that says that shit is probably slaving away some job and seething. but i know what hes talking about, probably some roastie working in an office bottle necking civilization.

        • 6 months ago

          Living my life
          Being so obsessed with agetroonyism so as to dedicate literal HOURS every day to your pseud routine which has proven to accomplish nothing is mental illness.

          • 6 months ago

            idk it seems like it could be fun to try to figure it all out if you have the money
            he probably won't but maybe there will be something to learn from it

      • 6 months ago

        >He spends his entire life
        he just started like a few years ago. lmfao. youre jelly.

  3. 6 months ago

    >Rich and Asian and a woman
    >Rich and Asian
    >Rich and on TRT and ESTROGEN
    >Rich and has paid stylists

    • 6 months ago

      1st is a teacher, she was not rich before she got famous for her young looks at 43.
      2. Is a photographer, also wasn't rich.
      3. Only got rich after working his ass off for several years with a shitty diet which aged him
      4. True, but he still looks great at his age with barely any wrinkles at all except for by his eyes which is unavoidable.

      Fake faces, fake hormones and fake news my dude. Keep drinking the koolaid though I'm sure good intentions and misinformation are enough to live on.

      None of these are fakes, there are videos/interview with each of them in which there are no filters. Old people with makeup still look old.

      Genetics and skincare and low stress have a LOT to do with aging. It's not just diet. However, if you look at Mediterranean/pescetarian dieted people, they usually look younger and live longer.

      Yes, genetics do matter but what also matters is how you have lived especially when you're around 50 as all the accumulative damage will show by then.

      Frick i hope this anti aging technology becomes advanced. Imagine looking 30 at 60. You have an experienced mind yet youngish looks and fit body

      Eat mostly veggies, drink a lot of water, take care of your skin and avoid the sun, that's it. There's not gonna be a pill, aging is caused by cell damage so you have to limit it so that your body is able to keep up with the damage and reverse the damage done to it.

      • 6 months ago

        I have trouble person can be this gullible. So it's either malice or ulterior motives.
        Oh it's a child.

        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Unless youve seen them upclose in person you cant trust any photo or video youve seen of these people

        • 6 months ago

          this. these photos are so doctored its unreal, also they had plastic surgery 100% all of them

          • 6 months ago

            There are videos/interviews of each one so no filters in those and they look the same.
            >also they had plastic surgery 100% all of them
            Yes, everything is fake isn't it, unless it aligns with your worldview.

    • 6 months ago

      1st is Diaz, she's latina

  4. 6 months ago

    Genetics and skincare and low stress have a LOT to do with aging. It's not just diet. However, if you look at Mediterranean/pescetarian dieted people, they usually look younger and live longer.

  5. 6 months ago

    It doesn’t matter, no one’s ever going to do my makeup and include me in a photo shoot

  6. 6 months ago

    Frick i hope this anti aging technology becomes advanced. Imagine looking 30 at 60. You have an experienced mind yet youngish looks and fit body

  7. 6 months ago

    Here's that kid I was telling you about

  8. 6 months ago

    Anon, Chuando eats 8 soft boiled eggs every morning

    • 6 months ago

      >plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.
      I know. Joleen also eats eggs.

      I have trouble person can be this gullible. So it's either malice or ulterior motives.
      Oh it's a child.

      You must be moronic

      • 6 months ago

        Plant-based is vegan. The term was popularized to repackage veganism as a healthy diet after studies on their longevity and all-cause mortality became clear they weren't healthier the average non-obese person. Surprise surprise most of the people who popularized it hold positions in peta and the american humane society. Their goal isn't to make people healthier it's to reduce the consumption of animal products through misinformation. It's propagated by vegans for vegan adgendas it's a vegan diet because veganism is philosophical posistion. The quakers and 7th day adventist have done this shit before it's sad you can't see it.

        • 6 months ago

          >Plant-based is vegan.
          They all eat eggs and eggs are not vegan.

          • 6 months ago

            If they eat eggs how are they plant based

            • 6 months ago

              Learn to read, if you could only read you would be able to learn so much instead of being an ignorant moronic absolute moron.



              >Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns focus on foods primarily from plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans. It doesn't mean that you are vegetarian or vegan and never eat meat or dairy. Rather, you are proportionately choosing more of your foods from plant sources.

    • 6 months ago

      >plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.
      I know. Joleen also eats eggs.
      You must be moronic

      >all of them eat eggs
      >probably the most nutritious animal protein
      >eggs are not plants
      >EggBASED diet

      • 6 months ago

        All of them do not eat eggs.
        Their diets are 80-100% plant based with eggs or chicken.

        >Spot the odd one out.

        That homosexual does not belong there. Bryan Johnson looks 46, he does not look any younger than 46, if anything he looks like he could be older.

        Bryan Johnson is literally on steroids. A big dose or a small dose, whatever, he's on steroids. He's a joke.

        I think you are right that plant-based diets are better. However it's impossible to really say anything from pictures. Have you seen Brad Pitt at 60 recently? Just turned 60 a few days ago and looks incredible and he had a huge alcohol problem. Dolph Lundgren at 67 still playing life on godmode.

        Some people just age better. It's like how some people get arthritis as they get older and some don't. Living a healthy lifestyle can help. This entails sensible diet, sensible exercise and sleep, no steroids ever, no throwing weird israelite pharma into your body all the time like Johnson.

        Keeping down stress also seems to help a lot. People including me hate this advice because it's very hard to define stress, and if you don't allow yourself to come under stress sometimes you can miss out on opportunities, but the effect appears so powerful that it's hard to ignore. Don't be too stressed.

        Fair criticism and part of my point, Bryan which looks the oldest has only been on this diet for 2 years, according to his team of scientists he is currently aging slower, it's an interesting experiment and it does seem to have some effect. He also isn't on TRT anymore.

        Brad Pitt looks great but he looks old, he has wrinkles and saggy skin and does not look young at all anymore. He has no sign of youthfulness but yes he is attractive. But attractive doesn't not mean he looks young.

        Plant-based is vegan. The term was popularized to repackage veganism as a healthy diet after studies on their longevity and all-cause mortality became clear they weren't healthier the average non-obese person. Surprise surprise most of the people who popularized it hold positions in peta and the american humane society. Their goal isn't to make people healthier it's to reduce the consumption of animal products through misinformation. It's propagated by vegans for vegan adgendas it's a vegan diet because veganism is philosophical posistion. The quakers and 7th day adventist have done this shit before it's sad you can't see it.

        ok wordBlack person. I am neither a vegan nor a proponent for veganism, I eat eggs because I believe eggs + plants are the optimal diet known as of now.

        • 6 months ago

          I don't believe you. You have no credibility. Whether you are shill or unwittingly a node for the dissemination of this propaganda doesn't matter the end result is the same.

        • 6 months ago

          >Their diets are 80-100% plant based with eggs or chicken.
          so egg/chicken based diet
          the plants are irrelevant as everything you need is derived from the chicken and eggs.
          You could eat chicken/eggs and eat 80%-100% twinkies and it would have the same result.

          • 6 months ago

            Try eating two eggs and one chicken breast daily and see how well you do. Then say that again

            • 6 months ago

              I did with only eggs and or chicken and it was great. Plants have zero good nutrition you need.

              • 6 months ago

                Eat only 2 eggs and 1 chicken breast a day. Not more, then tell me the plants they eat are useless. Tell me how Jared Leto can survive for 31 years on this diet and why he looks amazing if he has been devoid of all the nutrition he needs for 31 years.

              • 6 months ago

                >Plants have zero good nutrition you need
                so jared just lives on air then? he has been a vegan forever basically, long before it was hip

                >yeah ADD UNLIMITED PLANTS to 2 eggs and chicken breast
                No, 0 nutrition. Jared Leto lied moron.

              • 6 months ago

                Sure sure, Jared lied, everything you don't like is a lie

              • 6 months ago

                OP is the kind of homosexual that TRUSTS influencers and CELEBRITIES. Remember that and he refuses to post body.

              • 6 months ago

                >OP is a smart person who can make conclusions on his own and doesn't ask or listen to celebrities or influencers for their opinions but looks at their actions and what the consequences are
                Correct, thank you

              • 6 months ago

                OP is the kind of homosexual that TRUSTS influencers and CELEBRITIES. Remember that and he refuses to post body.

              • 6 months ago

                >OP is a smart person who can make conclusions on his own and doesn't ask or listen to celebrities or influencers for their opinions but looks at their actions and what the consequences are
                Correct, thank you

              • 6 months ago

                >Plants have zero good nutrition you need
                so jared just lives on air then? he has been a vegan forever basically, long before it was hip

              • 6 months ago

                >he has been a vegan forever basically, long before it was hip
                he also grew up in a decade where the food was healthier. the food supply has only got really bad post 2010ish. so anyone born after 2005, is aging like shit. the girls are hitting the wall hard and early and the males are not manly looking and low t and barely any male hormones.

              • 6 months ago

                leto looks bad tho


                yeah man.. no such thing as vegan eyes
                he's not just thin with a good skincare routine, he's like.. un-aged bro

          • 6 months ago

            Left skull is actually a Germanic skull lmaooooo
            morons post shit like this all the time with the wrong labels

            • 6 months ago

              >citing one fedpost on twitter with no evidence

      • 6 months ago

        >goes from one mental illness to another

  9. 6 months ago

    >Spot the odd one out.

    That homosexual does not belong there. Bryan Johnson looks 46, he does not look any younger than 46, if anything he looks like he could be older.

    Bryan Johnson is literally on steroids. A big dose or a small dose, whatever, he's on steroids. He's a joke.

    I think you are right that plant-based diets are better. However it's impossible to really say anything from pictures. Have you seen Brad Pitt at 60 recently? Just turned 60 a few days ago and looks incredible and he had a huge alcohol problem. Dolph Lundgren at 67 still playing life on godmode.

    Some people just age better. It's like how some people get arthritis as they get older and some don't. Living a healthy lifestyle can help. This entails sensible diet, sensible exercise and sleep, no steroids ever, no throwing weird israelite pharma into your body all the time like Johnson.

    Keeping down stress also seems to help a lot. People including me hate this advice because it's very hard to define stress, and if you don't allow yourself to come under stress sometimes you can miss out on opportunities, but the effect appears so powerful that it's hard to ignore. Don't be too stressed.

    • 6 months ago

      >Bryan Johnson is literally on steroids. A big dose or a small dose, whatever, he's on steroids. He's a joke.
      take steroids and lifting IS IST though. lol. all pro atheletes use roids.

    • 6 months ago

      Dick van Dyke drank heavily and looks good for 97

  10. 6 months ago

    I am friends with a few vegans but all of them are aging like normal. One of them is aging like crazy but I think it cause he is stressed when it comes to his financial situation.

    • 6 months ago

      It's harder to keep up a good sufficient plant based diet and a lot of vegans eat a lot of processed food which is not nutritional at all. But it seems like when it's done well you age much better.

      I don't believe you. You have no credibility. Whether you are shill or unwittingly a node for the dissemination of this propaganda doesn't matter the end result is the same.

      Ok Mr.Ballsack, I dont care. I showed you 3 people on plantbased diets that look incredible despite their ages. And 1 that is seemingly reversing his aging slowly. You have shown me nothing

      • 6 months ago

        You've shown me 4 frauds with temple lifts and their testimonials about what they do are even less credible. That's not evidence that's just pictures of people you worship because you're a gullible idiot.

        • 6 months ago

          >everything is fake if i dont like it
          okay Black person then gtfo out this thread, i dont even believe you exist, you are a bot

          • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        >vegans eat a lot of processed food which is not nutritional at all
        I cant speak on grocery store vegetables but one of the couples only buys vegetables from farmers market. On top of that, one of them refuses to cook anything he eats and eats the vegetables raw, no added ingredients.
        Again both aging like normal.

        Although diet is important when it comes to health, I think stress is the significant factor when it comes to aging... according to my small sample size of vegans

        • 6 months ago

          Stress is a factor yes, but diet is a larger factor. Diet is what your body runs on and stress (oxidative stress) can be countered by anti-oxidants and other micro nutrients. A diet can also induce stress.

          • 6 months ago

            Well.... according to what I see in reality it seems like diet doesn't really matter TOO much.
            I know a few neets as well, in their late 20s, and they look the youngest while also eating total garbage.
            I have to factor it down to alcohol consumption and stress when it comes to aging. Everything else seems less significant.

            • 6 months ago

              >in their late 20s,
              late 20s is fine. lol wtf. men are men. late 20s, girls already look post wall as frick. however, i remember seeing many males in their early 20s letting themselves go, but otherwise they are aging fine. men simply dont age as poorly. like whats gonna happen? our skeletal structure turns masculinizes? lol ok great. funny thing is, when a girl ages, she masculinizes too. lol.

            • 6 months ago

              Being late 20's or early 30's is basically the same as being 20. You can't make a case of a man looking younger than his age when he's thirty because it's young as frick and you're not supposed to have any wrinkles at that age. Dudes who look aged in their late 20's have been doing something wrong. I mean, what can you expect when you have spend a decade avoiding physical exercise and putting garbage in your body. You're going to be 30 but your body will be biologically much older. I even know dudes who already had wrinkles and shit at 22. It's just case of bad lifestyle overall.

    • 6 months ago

      >I am friends with a few vegans

      • 6 months ago

        Late 20's and early 30's

        >in their late 20s,
        late 20s is fine. lol wtf. men are men. late 20s, girls already look post wall as frick. however, i remember seeing many males in their early 20s letting themselves go, but otherwise they are aging fine. men simply dont age as poorly. like whats gonna happen? our skeletal structure turns masculinizes? lol ok great. funny thing is, when a girl ages, she masculinizes too. lol.

        Being late 20's or early 30's is basically the same as being 20. You can't make a case of a man looking younger than his age when he's thirty because it's young as frick and you're not supposed to have any wrinkles at that age. Dudes who look aged in their late 20's have been doing something wrong. I mean, what can you expect when you have spend a decade avoiding physical exercise and putting garbage in your body. You're going to be 30 but your body will be biologically much older. I even know dudes who already had wrinkles and shit at 22. It's just case of bad lifestyle overall.

        You missed the point. I was trying to say vegan or no vegan, everyone I knows ages exactly the same except for the neets and ones who have the most stress.

        yeh good for you evey vegan i ever encounterd and thats a fricking lot looks like shit frail and unhealthy

        The vegans you know may be fake vegans or just extremely lazy. The vegans I know spend quite a lot of time preparing basic things to make a complete meal. One of the vegans I know doesn't eat gluten so this person spend even more time preparing homemade bread just to make a sandwich.

        My conclusion is that stress and drugs is what ages you the most. Diet has very little to do with it according to the shit diet the baby face neets eat, everyone aging normally vegan or no vegan, the most stressed out people that look the oldest despite being the same age as everyone else, even losing hair

        • 6 months ago

          >let me tell you what you witnessed in hippytown for many years they were all doing it wrong
          yes you are very special and Unique saving the erf

        • 6 months ago

          >Late 20's and early 30's
          thats fine. in like the teenage years, i didnt even need to eat.

  11. 6 months ago

    >Bryan Johnson
    Isn't that the weird homosexual who drinks his son's blood? He looks like a demon, and not a day below 46.

  12. 6 months ago

    one of these do not belong

  13. 6 months ago

    > posts asians and the most effeminate man on the planet
    cant make this shit up, basedifying irony

    • 6 months ago

      >Asians have special anti-aging genes
      Asians age just as much as everyone else, the difference is that they generally have better diets, take care of their skin and protect it from the sun. Compare this to whites who do the opposite.

      • 6 months ago

        responding with this moronic oompa loompa to someone who lives in the coldest locations on the planet
        with an 80% year round dark period

      • 6 months ago

        I see now. You’re just a chink seething about wypipo.

        you VILL age like shit and your women VILL take the BWC and you will be happy or something.

        • 6 months ago

          Whitey cope. You whites age like shit.

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              kek asians are always gay as frick

            • 6 months ago

              lmfao relatable pic. right down to the cigs on the table.

        • 6 months ago

          White girls are built for BCC Big chinese wiener.

          • 6 months ago

            is that so? is that why not even your own kind want anything to do with you? what's that about?

            • 6 months ago

              >is that so? is that why not even your own kind want anything to do with you? what's that about?
              >billions of asians exist

              • 6 months ago

                foreigner bros...

              • 6 months ago

                Don't worry, the small minority percentage of race mixing bawds is more than enough for the 0.1% of the population of white guys there.

          • 6 months ago

            You can spam shit like this everywhere and it will always be laughably false. White woman rarely stray from white men. Asian woman will always try for white men. Asian men should go after subsaharan niggs and eastern pajeetas.

        • 6 months ago

          >I see now. You’re just a chink seething about wypipo.
          nothing in his post was seething lol. asians just come from a culture where dark skin is inferior so they all avoid the sun.

        • 6 months ago

          calm down swine
          BAC> whitesissy

          • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >take care of their skin
        homie, most of them expose themselves to sun lot more than your average westerner.
        >better diets
        Highly arguable and depends on country.

      • 6 months ago

        >better diets
        Chinese diet is 2 packs of cigs a day, copious ammounts of alcohol and gutter oil fried streetfood slop.

  14. 6 months ago

    >asian with filters
    >asian with filters
    >literally just an old man
    >homosexual with filters

    • 6 months ago

      >interview video without filter available
      >interview video without filter available
      >started his diet 2 years ago already seeing benefits
      >interview video without filter available

      >its makeup bro lolol they use makeup!!!
      Old people with makeup still look old.

      top right guy is not plant based at all. He eats eggs and chicken and probably other stuff too.

      >plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.
      I am aware

      Natural Born Liars and Appeasers

      Just like you are a natural born moron then I guess


      Why the newspeak? Why can't you just say vegetarian or vegan?

      Because they are not vegan, I could say vegetarian but I prefer saying plantbased as that sounds more like "a diet based (but not exclusively) on plants".

      • 6 months ago

        >plantbased (not vegan)
        not vegetarian either. He eats chicken. he eats "fish soup, chicken with rice, poached eggs, and grilled vegetables"
        Literally just a normal omnivorous diet is considered plant based to you schizo?

        • 6 months ago

          He eats MOSTLY vegetables, fruits and berries.
          As I said 80% of what he consumes is vegetables.

          Well.... according to what I see in reality it seems like diet doesn't really matter TOO much.
          I know a few neets as well, in their late 20s, and they look the youngest while also eating total garbage.
          I have to factor it down to alcohol consumption and stress when it comes to aging. Everything else seems less significant.

          It's easy to look young before the damage has added up. When you're young your body is still good at adapting to pretty much whatever you throw onto it.

          >no beans
          >eating shitty meat substitutes instead of eating genuine meatless meals

          Damn. Sounds moronic to avoid the best vegetarian/vegan meals and that they're actively seeking out misery.
          Then they have the gall to complain that their lab-grown food is more expensive than regular meat, not realizing that their diet is one of luxury and privilege

          Sounds like you're moronic who still can't understand

          • 6 months ago

            >plant-based diet is the same as veganism according to
            >plant-based diet is just majority vegetables, you can eat meat occasionally on a plant-based diet

            Do you not see how the definitions contradict and cause confusion in this thread?

            • 6 months ago

              No because I have repeatedly said throughout the thread that some of them eat eggs and chicken. I myself eat eggs but MOSTLY plantbased.
              If I eat eggs and then only veggies and I tell you I'm eating 80% plantbased, what else could the 20% be?
              Is english hard to understand for you? Are you moronic?

              • 6 months ago

                >If I eat eggs and then only veggies and I tell you I'm eating 80% plantbased, what else could the 20% be?

                Then you're a vegetarian

              • 6 months ago

                Ok, works for me. The point is still that a diet of mostly veggies is much healthier as we can see on these people.

          • 6 months ago

            >It's easy to look young before the damage has added up
            That still doesnt refute the fact that neets who eat the unhealthiest still look the youngest while everyone is aging normally except for the ones who are most stressed out, especially the vegan who is financially struggling.
            I don't know if you are going to keep continuing to try to refute what I actually see in real life but this is it. You can't change whats actually happening

            • 6 months ago

              yeh good for you evey vegan i ever encounterd and thats a fricking lot looks like shit frail and unhealthy

              • 6 months ago

                A bad vegan diet is just as bad as any other bad diet. Veganism doesn't equal good health and I've never said that. However a good balanced whole food diet based on mostly plants, 80-100% is extremely beneficial and that's why most aging research points to it and why the people in the OP pic looks so good even though they are old. They look good in video as well so it's not filters or altered photos.

              • 6 months ago

                litterly every single one i'am not bullshitting you that tells you all you need to know what a vegan diet does to you

              • 6 months ago

                80 to 90% of my diet consist out of meat fish and organs and i'am healthy as shit

              • 6 months ago

                Everyone thinks they are healthy until their bodies get problems. A fat person can think they are "healthy enough" until their liver which is made up of 30% fat starts to fail. That doesn't meant that they were healthy before that, just that the body could cope with the current damage done to it.
                You're "healthy" until you're not and then you get severe problems, so no you're not actually healthy if that's your diet even if you are doing okay right now.
                Think of it as a smoker, they are doing great until they get lung cancer. The body doesn't just die because you smoke, it slowly degrades, same for you and your diet.

              • 6 months ago

                Black person i do sub 40 10k's i'am indeed very fricking healthy and eat your veggies i keep eating my meat deal

              • 6 months ago

                Great job anon, but you still don't get it.
                It's not your fault you're dumb though, you were born like that.

              • 6 months ago

                and apre me you're thermo dynimcs lecture you midwit

              • 6 months ago

                All vegan diets are bad diets

              • 6 months ago

                Says you, a moronic moron who can't into biology

          • 6 months ago

            >before the damage has added up
            what??? you honestly believe your body is accumulating and putting damage on reserve to just release it one night and have the person age 20 years in a matter of 1 week?

            • 6 months ago

              Great, even more morons who don't understand basic biology.
              Let me explain to you in a easy way.
              You have cells, they split into new cells and die off. Over time your cells get damaged and therefore the new cells caused in the split also are damaged, this repeats and when they are damaged enough they cannot help healing your body in the same way they did when you were young.
              Basically you age because of an accumulation of cell damage that keeps ramping up each time they split. With too much damage your body cannot keep up with the renewal/repair of cells and then aging, functions (liver, eyesight etc) start worsening.

              • 6 months ago

                Why can our bodies create fresh cells for babies but not for us?

              • 6 months ago

                our bodies don't create the cells that make the babies. the fusion of a sperm cell and oocyte causes it to become a cell that undergoes splitting many times to form multicellular organism. some cells turn into cells that can no longer divide while others keep that ability. don't listen to the moron anon you replied to

              • 6 months ago

                Your body doesn't create fresh cells for babies, cells divide into new cells. When they have accumulated enough damage they can stop and become senescence cells instead.
                In general badly damaged cells are removed but when there are too much damage to too many cells the immune system might not be efficient enough to kill these off.

                Read more here if you're interested, it's not a hard read

              • 6 months ago

                very interesting read, maybe you're onto something

              • 6 months ago

                >Its easy to look young before damage has added up
                first off not all cells can do that, a lot of cells are specialized and will never recover such as your muscles. You cant grow another arm back.
                2nd you were responding to an anon who said they knew people who ate like shit but still looked young which implies you were trying to say their damage hasn't caught up to them, instead its put on reserve to attack all at once.
                you literally out here trying to win an argument even when you dead wrong. learn something for once and understand aging occurs in real time, its not put on reserve

          • 6 months ago

            >He eats MOSTLY vegetables, fruits and berries.
            >As I said 80% of what he consumes is vegetables.
            source: my ass

          • 6 months ago

            Do you think we don't have access to google? The second dude eats eggs, milk, chicken, fish, etc. Just eat less processed foods moron, it's not hard. All this coping about "uh, 80% plant based!" is pathetic.

            Do you even know how many salads it would take to match several eggs, a glass of milk, and a serving of chicken breast and fish? Nevermind make up 4x more calories, if your 80% figure was supposed to be believed.
            If you're getting that many calories out of plants, you're probably eating shit tons of carbs and sugars and other densely caloric and non satiating foods.

      • 6 months ago

        "plant-based" specifically refers to processed slop with plant proteins, corn syrup, and sneed oils eg. impossible burger and fake eggs, whereas a vegetarian could just as well eat milk, cheese, and eggs, and a vegan could eat beans or whatever and avoid the medico-agri-chemico complex

        >no beans
        >eating shitty meat substitutes instead of eating genuine meatless meals

        Damn. Sounds moronic to avoid the best vegetarian/vegan meals and that they're actively seeking out misery.
        Then they have the gall to complain that their lab-grown food is more expensive than regular meat, not realizing that their diet is one of luxury and privilege

      • 6 months ago

        >Old people with makeup still look old.
        its about aging. most people age like shit and 2 of the people in the pic are activity being healthy. no idea what jared leto is doing, or that chick. but bryan johnson is trying to reverse and slow aging.

  15. 6 months ago

    top right guy is not plant based at all. He eats eggs and chicken and probably other stuff too.

  16. 6 months ago

    Natural Born Liars and Appeasers

  17. 6 months ago


    Why the newspeak? Why can't you just say vegetarian or vegan?

    • 6 months ago

      "plant-based" specifically refers to processed slop with plant proteins, corn syrup, and sneed oils eg. impossible burger and fake eggs, whereas a vegetarian could just as well eat milk, cheese, and eggs, and a vegan could eat beans or whatever and avoid the medico-agri-chemico complex

      • 6 months ago


        >A plant-based diet consists of all minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs, and spices and excludes all animal products, including red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.
        >A plant-based diet consists of all minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs, and spices
        >minimally processed fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbs, and spices

        >minimally processed

  18. 6 months ago

    Two people on top looks south east asian, they dont really age untill they do, then they age fast as frick.

    Bottom left looks almost excately like my coworker of same age, why eats like shit and is a workaholic.

    Bottom right looks like a plastic face celebrity or a young girl on anavar.

    I know many vegan people, because i worked in politics for a while. Vegans age like fricking milk and look like 50 year old alcoholics by 30.

    Stop using theese fringe examples and go cure your malnutrition with some animal products. your lack of b12 is severely hindering your ability to think.

    • 6 months ago

      >they are just asian bro, its just genetics bro
      No, asians don't age better than whites. Asians just generally have better diets, take better care of their skin and protect it from the sun. They also generally move a lot more. All of this is a total opposite to whites.

      Bottom left has only been on the diet for 2 years but has already started seeing benefits which is the whole point of why I included him.

      Bottom right looks much better than any other actor his age, they all rely on their appearance so of course they all take good care of it, yet he looks much better.

      >I know many vegan people
      Doesn't mean that their diets are good, a lot of vegans eat processed vegan food which is not nutritious at all. A plant based diet is harder to get right but seems to give much more benefits when done well.
      The 4 people in my image have two things in common and that's their diet and that they look young.

      >Stop using theese fringe examples and go cure your malnutrition with some animal products. your lack of b12 is severely hindering your ability to think.
      Cute, get some reading comprehension.

      • 6 months ago

        Are you genuinely looking at that guy's skin in the bottom right and thinking "gosh dam, flawless!".

        Nearly anyone's skin can look blemish-free in a picture. Even without filters. It's an image, images can show only the main features, so aging is one of the most unreliable things about images. And sometimes people look worse/older on images, if light hits them the wrong way.

        The only reliable way of determining how old someone looks is viewing their face up close in person in plenty of light, watch them moving and their expressions. Maybe if you saw multiple people in the same video, then you could judge relative attractiveness.

        It's like looking at clothes. You can see clothes on a screen, but no matter how detailed it is you will never know quite how they look in reality until you get them.

        • 6 months ago

          You can go look at interview VIDEOS with Jared and you will see that his skin is much better than that of most actors or models at age 51.
          He looks like that pic in general in videos and pictures.

          • 6 months ago

            Why the frick does he keep plushies in the fridge?

          • 6 months ago

            jared leto isn't going to sleep with you homosexual now get this incel lookism shit where it belongs(reddit)

            • 6 months ago

              ok ballsack

              • 6 months ago

                you're such a homosexual all you can think of is mens privates kek go back
                Verification not required.

              • 6 months ago

                ok ballsack

          • 6 months ago

            He's getting spooky in his old age tbh
            You can see he's old but it not just there on the surface so you get a bit of cognitive dissonance

          • 6 months ago

            >sunken eyes
            anon are you autistic? he looks like a corpse with makeup

          • 6 months ago

            yeah man.. no such thing as vegan eyes
            he's not just thin with a good skincare routine, he's like.. un-aged bro

          • 6 months ago

            Jared Leto would look even younger if he wasn't a dumbass vegan. You can see how malnutrished he is by his weird skeletal face and eyes. You're looking older than you would if you're malnutrished. His skin is still exceptional though and he could possibly look even below 30 if he had a proper diet. My point is that he doesn't actually even look old one bit, he just looks half dead because of the veganism so his face has this sickly anemic look which you even see on younger vegans in their 20's.

          • 6 months ago

            Kek he looks like an old man with makeup on. His hair is obviously dyed. Just age gracefully like a man. This is embarrassing.

        • 6 months ago

          >It's an image, images can show only the main features, so aging is one of the most unreliable things about images.
          yes cameras are a bullshit way of assessing the way you look to others, the absolute best way is to look in a mirror.
          Mirror > camera

          • 6 months ago

            Go look at Jared Leto in the mirror

      • 6 months ago

        >asians don't age better than whites.
        yeah they do. im hyper aware of female aging. asian girls tend not to have such a big skeletal structure change once hitting age 22, which is the new age for the Wall for this generation. so many non asian girls fricking have their ENTIRE SKELETAL structure change once they turn 22 and it makes them look manlier and masculine. its worse when it happens to some sexy looking girl too. age 22 is when it happens. asiand tend not to have that skeletal change.

    • 6 months ago

      >Bottom left looks almost excately like my coworker of same age, why eats like shit and is a workaholic.
      doubt. lol.

  19. 6 months ago

    >average fitizen, 23

  20. 6 months ago

    rate my diet
    >6 eggs
    >~4-6oz sausage/beef
    >sweet tater
    >~12oz beef
    >milk + egg yolk & honey

    • 6 months ago

      quite bad

      • 6 months ago

        what would you change? also, what do you eat

        • 6 months ago

          I don't have a set diet but my breakfast is always
          50+g mix of almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts and cashews together with raspberries, blackberries and bilberries then mixed in either greek yoghurt or kefir.

          I also make sure to eat 2 eggs daily and then rest of my food is plants with the occasional chicken.

          From your diet I'd remove the cheese, pork and beef, banana and honey and instead include a large variety of different greens, especially broccoli. Don't forget to use spices such as ginger and garlic, they are also incredibly healthy.

          • 6 months ago

            Post body.

          • 6 months ago

            what's quite bad about my diet? It's pretty much all non-processed whole foods. Give me a plant based dish i can easily make to substitute some animal protein with. Please no beans and rice. Can i just add some more sweet taters instead? (i love them)

            • 6 months ago

              you know what happeend in 2019? they had a kid haha

              • 6 months ago

                >they had a kid haha
                Did Ethan deliver it? Fat ass israelite.

  21. 6 months ago

    >PlantBASED is anti-aging
    Thank you vegetable merchant.

    • 6 months ago

      Wow, a guy who works out vs one who doesn't
      Right is ugly as frick but left has forehead wrinkles and a sagging face. Right is just ugly as frick and bald only has to do with genetics, not diet.

    • 6 months ago

      One is sad and alone.
      The other is happy in a party with a woman holding him

      • 6 months ago

        this post again? do you really think you will stop being depressed if you keep saying the same thing over and over again?

    • 6 months ago

      Why does the left one looks like a moron who's just been caught jerking off in public?

  22. 6 months ago

    Jack Lalanne was the healthiest person who ever lived.
    Here is his suggested diet:

    • 6 months ago

      Seems like a great man for that time, while that video seems to be advertisement more than his own thoughts since his wikipedia page says
      >For most of his life, he eschewed sugar and white flour while eating many fruits and vegetables, and he ate a mostly dairy-free and meatless diet that included lots of egg whites and fish."
      >He once described his diet by saying, “ At least eight to 10 raw vegetables and three to four pieces of fresh fruit a day. I have natural grains, beans, brown rice, lentils, wheat. And I get most of my protein from fish and egg whites. I eat no meat of any kind. I drink my breakfast. Half carrot juice, half celery juice and then I put an apple and a banana in it and 50 grams of protein made out of egg whites and basedbean..."

      Chuando tan eats lots of eggs, chicken and fish, and he's the youngest looking of the bunch

      He eats 80% veggies, then eats eggs/chicken for protein.

  23. 6 months ago

    Chuando tan eats lots of eggs, chicken and fish, and he's the youngest looking of the bunch

  24. 6 months ago

    kek, complete horseshit, I worked in the vegan marketspace for over 2 decades and can confirm that I never saw more fat, ugly, and sickly looking people than I did when dealing with them.
    Nothing will change your mind faster than talking with a raw foodist whose teeth are completely grey when he's only 25.
    My mom just turned 90 and has better skin tone and complexion than most 70 year olds. Because she ate 99% home-cooked meals, stayed out of the sun, and used minimal skincare products her entire life. Those things will do far more for you than any vegan diet ever will.

  25. 6 months ago

    Not a good argument, i've seen just as many plant shills that turbo aged, like 20 years old and look like Benjamin button at the start of the movie.

  26. 6 months ago

    Joleen Diaz eats fish and eggs regularly.
    Both have high levels of omega 3 and other nutrients that are anti-aging.
    Has zero to do with plants newbie.

    • 6 months ago

      If I say she eats 80% plantbased, what do you think the other 20% are? I never said she was a vegan or ate solely plantbased.
      I (the smart person, OP) know she eats fish and eggs.
      You (the moron, the moron) should get better reading comprehension.

      • 6 months ago

        Logical fallacy.
        You assume that the 20% of the diet isn't the benefit and incorrectly associate it with the carbs.
        You should really learn how the world works before posting newbie.

        • 6 months ago

          So you're saying we only need to eat 2 eggs a day and that's enough? How Jared who doesn't eat eggs or fish still looks young?

          • 6 months ago

            Jared Leto is a multi millionaire and privy to things you aren't.

            >2 eggs a day
            Nowhere does it say Joleen Diaz eats two eggs a day, nor does it say that her diet is only limited to a 20% meat food source.
            She eats fish and eggs, regularly. As in multiple times a day, every single day. She has stated this.
            It's almost like fish and eggs has literally everything your body needs to function.

            • 6 months ago

              Jared has still been a vegan for 30 years and if he has access to all these things then other multi millionaires do too.

              >Joleen Diaz: What I eat in a day
              Breakfast: 2 eggs and 2 sweetpotatoes
              Skipped lunch
              Dinner: Organic cauliflower rice with Onions based plant chicken and avocado

              Doesn't seem like multiple times per day or even everyday. Either way. So she eats mainly plantbased with 2 eggs. Basically most of her intake daily is 80% plantbased as I said.
              She eats no pork, beef and very occasionally chicken.

              • 6 months ago

                Look baby boy, I get you're mad.
                However you're not posting any arguments.
                Diaz has stated in her own food blogs that she eats fish/eggs daily.
                That's not plant based and nullifies your entire argument.
                >muh percentage
                Nah, because eggs aren't vegetarian and it nullifies your entire argument.

                Have her switch to vegan only diet and come back in a year. That can be your test.
                So you can stop posting bye bye homosexual.

              • 6 months ago

                So he isn't vegan and therefore it's not a plant based diet.

                If I use the term vegetarian then, does that make you happy? Their diets still consists of 80% plants

              • 6 months ago

                Using your logic i'm vegetarian and i'm not.
                I eat steak, fish, eggs, chicken, pork, and it accounts for about 20-30% of my diet.
                I literally just had a steak and eggs this morning.

                Your argument is just not a good argument anon.

      • 6 months ago

        Is 20% by volume or calories or are you just talking out of your ass?

        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Plat based means absolutely nothing. The standard american diet is plant based

  27. 6 months ago

    Chuando isn’t a vegan

    • 6 months ago

      Man you people must be moronic, I never said he was
      >The people in this image are all plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.
      If he eats 80% plantbased, what could the remaining 20% be? Air? Fricking dense morons

      • 6 months ago

        So he isn't vegan and therefore it's not a plant based diet.

        • 6 months ago

          Nta but if its 80% plants the diet would be based on plants no?

          • 6 months ago

            Logical fallacy, bread is made of wheat which is a plant. so 80% bread diet is healthy according to your logic.

            • 6 months ago

              Which is why I am saying plantbased as it usually refers to nonprocessed foods

              • 6 months ago

                Plantbased refers to foods based on plant.
                It says nothing about non-processed foods.
                Your argument is not a good argument anon.

                Nothing about your premise is that veganism as in the plants itself is the benefit.
                20-30% is not a vegetarian or vegan diet. That's enough meat to have a single portion of meat at every single meal if not more. That's about as anti vegetarian as you can get.

                The food sources are also important.
                Foods high in omega 3 from meat are important. Plant based omega 3 has to be processed and has an extremely low (less than 1%) conversion rate. So pasture eggs and fish have the highest omega 3 rates of any animal product on the planet.
                If anything your argument should be less about the plant portion and more that meats high in omega 3 are anti-aging.
                That would be a good argument, go with that.

              • 6 months ago

                Not op but you're wrong, I know because I am plantbased myself. Look up the word plantbased and look up the reddit plantbaseddiet as they are the biggest group calling themselves this word. Plantbased is a whole foods non processed diet from plants.

              • 6 months ago

                >oy vey you're wrong but i don't have to prove it
                So you're telling me that none of the people in OPs picture ever, and i mean ever eat any processed plant foods?
                So they all grow every single piece of vegetable they eat and no machinery touches it before it gets on their table.


              • 6 months ago

                No I meant your definition of plantbased was wrong, read my post lol

          • 6 months ago

            No because plant based diet doesn't mean your diet is based on plants, because by that logic everyone is on a plant based diet. It means all of your food is made from plants. It's like saying you're natty because you do a little test since test is found in the body and therefore natural

  28. 6 months ago

    menopause gonna hit Diaz like a fricking truck holy shit.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm willing to bet that her mother didn't look like her at 46.

      • 6 months ago

        No i can see it, the eyes, the chin, the nose, the cheeks.
        Literally her mother looks exactly like her and i'm sure she was a hottie in her own time.

        I have a feeling though that Diaz is the youngest child though and the mom is a bit older.

        • 6 months ago

          Feature-wise, sure, but how aged those features end up as, is a product of very specific genes (which aren't necessarily from her mother, fully or partially), AND one's life (diet, stress, physical activity, etc), which her mother (who's fat and doesn't seem to really take care of herself) probably lived differently than her daughter (who clearly takes great care of herself, and seems to have been under the knife a couple of times).
          Her daughter is also not going to look like that at her age.

        • 6 months ago

          >i'm sure she was a hottie in her own time.
          its all make up. mascara and eye liner and eye brow tweezing makes a huge difference. almost all girls look unattractive without make up.

    • 6 months ago

      >t 70 year old
      frick, its crazy both girls are gonna look like the mom and the mom looked similar to her daughters. wtf. obviously the make up and all makes a difference but damn.

  29. 6 months ago

    The most impressive of the bunch you posted eats meat.
    Just eat more fish and white meat. Take creatine and eat red meat once a week or so. Eat fruits, veggies, milk (good for alzheimer prevention), healthy fats and a wide spectrum of proteins. Fast for a day or so once a week and make your regular feeding window 8 to 10 hours long. Hot bath after lifting and cold shower in the morning. Take NMN, metformin, B complex, fish oil, ginkgo biloba, boron, chaga/lion's mane and whatnot. Sleep in a dark room for at least 6 hours daily (depends on your genetics, some can make do with 4). Do some resistance training (lifting AND calosthenics, both explosive movements and slow and controlled ones, within reason) leaving enough time between sessions, do some cardio every day (light cardio with some days dedicated to high intensity cardio) and stretch everyday while doing some flexibility training every other day. Touch grass. It is not hard to remain young

  30. 6 months ago

    Bryan doesn't belong there. He looks 50.

  31. 6 months ago

    Funny thing is that the average diet within the US is plant-based (at least 70% from plants)

  32. 6 months ago

    carnivore is best for longevity, cope vegan

  33. 6 months ago

    plantbased Black person post body i know you won't cause you are dyel and if you ignore this you conceed your argument is garbage and you are a homosexual and dyel and you need to go back to your subreddit

  34. 6 months ago

    Jared Leto is an anomaly of genetics and he wasn’t a vegan most of his life just like any of these gays

    • 6 months ago

      Jared Leto also wears makeup.
      Without it he looks like a fricking ghoul.
      So before anyone does the whole Jared is immortal, remember he never, never goes outside without foundation on.

      • 6 months ago

        >he never, never goes outside without foundation on.
        slay qweeen

      • 6 months ago

        He looks like a fricking ghoul because he's an anemic vegan not because of bad aging. You can even see very young vegans looking like this. No wrinkles yet but surely sickly looking because they're practically malnutrished.

  35. 6 months ago

    Ill be 35 in 2 months. Ive been on keto for about 10 yrs and mostly carnivore the last 3 yrs. Not a single person think iam 35. They all assume iam in my mid 20s.

    • 6 months ago

      Post face, no chance

      • 6 months ago

        here you go buddy

    • 6 months ago

      post face you coward
      timestamp too

  36. 6 months ago

    Only one that is impressive is Chuando.

    Joleen looks good for her age, but not shockingly.

    Bryan Johnson looks his age.

    Jared Leto is a joke.

    • 6 months ago

      who the frick is joleen and why do you know her lmfao

      • 6 months ago

        the OP (original post) is generally what a thread's topic is

        you can see it here:

        People who have been eating mostly plantbased will age slower and better than their counterparts.
        The people in this image are all plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.

        It's obvious that a plantbased diet is much healthier than any other diet. Neither is it harder to build muscle on a plantbased diet.

        • 6 months ago

          oh lol. but still, who the is she and why does op know of her? but that is a good 46. does she have nudes?

          • 6 months ago

            i think she made "news" recently like that chuando guy did years ago

            and i dont like your attitude.

            Black person

        • 6 months ago

          and i dont like your attitude.

  37. 6 months ago

    >Cheek implants, never had to work
    >Hides wrinkles behind glasses and not smiling
    >Is some homosexual claiming to age in reverse lmaoooo
    >Has had zero stress in his life since he was 20

    Ah yes, these very average people prove vegans are right!

  38. 6 months ago

    It's not really difficult:

    >Be made out of meat
    >Eat meat

    >Be made out of meat
    >Eat plants

  39. 6 months ago

    Timestamped Summary. Chuando Tan, a 56-year-old Singaporean sensation, maintains his youthful appearance and vibrant health through a balanced diet high in protein from lean meats, fish, eggs,

  40. 6 months ago

    the two dudes at the bottom are worth 100 million, definitely less stress than the average wagie doing 50 hour work weeks.

    • 6 months ago

      i don't get how you can stress as a wagie? i make 50k a year its not much but i don't care the job isn't worth stressing over and money comes and goes so why worry about that?

      • 6 months ago

        >i don't get how you can stress as a wagie?
        cause 50 hours of work is stressful no matter how much.

      • 6 months ago

        >i make 50k a year its not much
        yeah its not much for a major city.

        >i don't get how you can stress as a wagie?
        like when sunday roll around and you know next week is a 50 hour block of work, its like uhhhh ok.

  41. 6 months ago

    >Look up Chuando
    >He eats 6 eggs for breakfast
    >He then eats chicken for lunch

  42. 6 months ago

    Every diet is “mostly plant based” first off,
    Also after checking everyone there and jerking off to Diaz, Diaz and Chang are not vegan.
    You want to know what they all don’t do? Drink alcohol.

    • 6 months ago

      >Everydiet is "mostly plant based"
      You eating french fries and white bread is not plant based. Plant based refers to plant foods that haven't been processed so no bread, no weird potato concoction, no pasta, no cereal etc. OP obviously means they are eating mostly vegetables, berries and fruits in their natural form. That is not what the average diet is

  43. 6 months ago

    >bottom right
    frick isthat

  44. 6 months ago

    why do they supplement animal nutrients?

    • 6 months ago

      Because they want to be healthy? They take the positives and skip the negatives

  45. 6 months ago

    plantCRINGE is pro-aging

  46. 6 months ago

    Redpill me on plant based diet. Can you really get muscles from it? What would one have to eat for protein? Just nuts and beans?

    • 6 months ago

      you can't. it's a psyop to make you weak and docile

  47. 6 months ago

    Theyre all rich and had work done, moron

  48. 6 months ago

    Vegans act like it's still 2014 and they can just lie about what happens to people on their degenerate diet like we haven't seen the result thousands of times already...

  49. 6 months ago

    on how to reduce heart failure with diet:

    >It is a hopeful sign of the times when entire issues of cardiology journals are not just dedicated to nutrition, but to plant-based diets in particular. Dr. Williams, past president of the American College of Cardiology, starts out with a quote attributed to Schopenhauer. “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as [like, well, duh.]” And, “the truth…for the benefits of plant-based nutrition continues to mount.” The evidence, we got; the problem is the “inertia, culture, habit, and widespread marketing of unhealthy foods. Our goal must be to get the data out to the medical community and the public where it can actually change lives….” That’s like my personal life’s mission in four words: Get the data out. Based on what we already know in the existing medical literature, plant-based nutrition “clearly represents the single most important yet underutilized opportunity to reverse the pending obesity and diabetes-induced epidemic of morbidity and mortality,” meaning disease and death.


    • 6 months ago


      >The issue included your typical heart disease reversal cases: a 77-year old woman with heart disease so bad she couldn’t walk more than a half-block or go up a single flight of stairs, severe blockages in all three of her main arteries, and referred to open heart surgery for a bypass. She chose, however, instead “to adopt a whole-food plant-based diet, which included all vegetables, fruits, whole grains, potatoes, beans, legumes, and nuts.” Even though she said she was trying to eat pretty healthy before, within a single month of going plant-based, her symptoms had nearly resolved, and forget about a block, “she was able to walk on a treadmill for up to 50 minutes without chest discomfort or [becoming out of breath].” Her cholesterol dropped about a hundred points, from around 220 down to 120, with an LDL under 60. But then, a few months later, she must have started missing her chicken, fish, and low-fat dairy, and went back to her prior eating habits. Within a few weeks, with no change in her meds or anything, her chest pain was back, and she went on to have her chest sawed in half after all. Then, she continued to eat the same diet that contributed to cause her disease in the first place, and went on to have further disease progression.

      >This one, though, has a happier ending. It started out the same: a 60-year-old man with severe chest pain after as little as a half-block. Decided to take control of his health destiny, and switched to a whole food plant-based diet from his quote-unquote “healthy” diet of skinless chicken, fish, low-fat dairy that had been choking off his heart. Within a few weeks, the same amazing transformation. From not being able to exercise at all to walking a mile, to then being able to jog more than four miles, completely asymptomatic, off all drugs, no surgery, off to live happily ever after.


      • 6 months ago


        >Now, of course, case reports are really just glorified anecdotes. What we need is a randomized controlled trial to prove heart disease can be reversed with lifestyle changes alone. And, guess what? There was one, published literally 30 years ago, proving angiographic reversal of heart disease in 82 percent of the patients––opening up arteries without drugs and without surgery. So, these case reports are just to remind us that hundreds of thousands of Americans continue to needlessly die every year from what was proven to be a reversible condition decades ago.

        >The conventional use of case reports, though, is to present some novel results in hopes of inspiring trials to put it to the test. For example, a case report on a plant-based diet for congestive heart failure. So, not just coronary artery disease, but the heart muscle itself was so weakened it couldn’t efficiently pump blood––only able to eject about 35 percent of the blood in the main heart chamber with every beat, whereas normally the heart can pump out at least half; which is exactly what his heart was able to do just six weeks after switching to a whole food plant-based diet, instead of choosing to get his chest cracked open. The first report of an improvement in heart failure following adoption of a plant-based diet, but not the last.

        • 6 months ago


          >A 54-year-old woman, obese, type 2 diabetic, presenting with swelling ankles due to her heart failure. She switched from her chicken and fish to whole plant foods. She started out eating healthier and lost 50 pounds, reversed her diabetes—meaning normal blood sugars on a normal diet without the use of diabetes medications—and her heart function normalized, from an abysmal ejection fraction of just 25 percent up to normal. Since it’s not a randomized controlled trial, all we can say is that her improvements coincided with her adoption of a whole food plant-based diet. But given the burden of heart failure as a leading cause of death, how it usually just gets progressively worse, and the overall evidence to date, a plant-based diet should be considered as part of heart failure care. And look, we already know it can reverse her coronary artery disease, and so, any heart failure benefits would just be a bonus.

          >Now, we just need good strategies for healthcare “practitioners to support patients in plant-based eating.” Here are some excellent suggestions to pause and reflect on. For example, doctors can use the Plantrician Project’s prescription pads and prescribe a good website or two.


          • 6 months ago


            >“While it is certainly true that many people would be resistant to fundamental dietary changes, it is equally true that millions of intelligent people motivated to preserve their health are now taking half-way measures that may provide only modest benefit—choosing leaner cuts of meat, using reduced-fat dairy products.” “Most of these people have neither the time nor the training” to actually see what the science shows themselves. Don’t they deserve honest, forthright advice when their lives are at stake? Those who wish to ignore this advice, or implement it only partially, are certainly at liberty to do so. You want to go smoke cigarettes, go bungee jumping? It’s your body, your choice. It’s up to each of us to make our own decisions as to what to eat, how to live. But we should make these choices consciously, educating ourselves about the predictable consequences of our actions.

            cont with sources

            • 6 months ago

              >Williams KA. Introduction to the "A plant-based diet and cardiovascular disease" special issue. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2017;14(5):316.
              >Massera D, Graf L, Barba S, Ostfeld R. Angina rapidly improved with a plant-based diet and returned after resuming a Western diet. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2016;13(4):364-6.
              >Massera D, Zaman T, Farren GE, Ostfeld RJ. A Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet Reversed Angina without Medications or Procedures. Case Rep Cardiol. 2015;2015:978906.
              >Ornish D, Brown SE, Scherwitz LW, et al. Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease? The Lifestyle Heart Trial. Lancet. 1990;336(8708):129-33.
              >Choi EY, Allen K, Mcdonnough M, Massera D, Ostfeld RJ. A plant-based diet and heart failure: case report and literature review. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2017;14(5):375-378.
              >Allen KE, Gumber D, Ostfeld RJ. Heart Failure and a Plant-Based Diet. A Case-Report and Literature Review. Front Nutr. 2019;6:82.
              >Karlsen MC, Pollard KJ. Strategies for practitioners to support patients in plant-based eating. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2017;14(5):338-341.
              >Plant-Based Nutrition Quick Start Guide and Rx Pad. The Plantrician Project.
              >Mccarty MF. Vegan proteins may reduce risk of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity. Med Hypotheses. 1999;53(6):459-85.

  50. 6 months ago

    Bryan calls his veganism a moral choice, not an anti-aging necessity.
    I think you vegan posters are just meat-eating trolls. There are vegans with impressive physiques. You'd post them if you were sincere and not all these twink-looking guys or emaciated guys like Greger.

    • 6 months ago

      what's ironic is these fricking morons only give a shit about someone's opinion if they think they have a good body, male of female. so for a legitimate doctor like gregor who looks like a israeli goblin, his proof and science gets thrown out the window cause "muh israeli cabal"

      • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      >There are vegans with impressive physiques.
      The exception doesn't make the rule anon. Thats plain cherrypicking like the fat ballerina people post. They would be better off having a normal lifestyle.

  51. 6 months ago

    I've heard like five different definitions of plant based. I eat vegetables everyday in my meals and they are a big part of the plate even if they provide less calories than the rest of my plate. Am I eating plantbased?

    • 6 months ago

      Is whole food vegetables (not bread, french fries or other processed food) your primary food source, for example you mainly eat broccoli, lentils, cauliflower with two eggs on the side? Then yes.

      Are you eating pasta with some kind of salad, a dressing and meat? Then no

      Pasta is not plant based even if it's vegan, because it's a processed food nevertheless

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah I mostly eat greens with eggs, fish or meat. No pasta but ocasional potatos/boniato.

  52. 6 months ago


  53. 6 months ago

    >People who have been eating mostly plantbased will age slower and better than their counterparts.
    Just check vegan YouTube to refute this claim. It takes you <5 seconds.

    My Grandpa at 94yo looks younger than some in their 50s. He never gave a frick, was terrorized in his childhood by the mongol hord and worked as a construction worker. Aging comes down to 3 things: Stress, Genetics and Sun.

    • 6 months ago

      >t. moron who didnt read anything other than the OP and doesn't understand shit
      its okay to be moronic anon

      • 6 months ago

        so y'all can't read or what?

        Can you read, samegay?

        • 6 months ago

          Evidently you can't

    • 6 months ago

      All vegan diets are bad diets

      so y'all can't read or what?

  54. 6 months ago

    I'm pretty sure toddlers aren't supposed to post here

  55. 6 months ago

    check out my plant based breakfast boys

    • 6 months ago


  56. 6 months ago

    You can add this guy to your list OP. Pavel Durov the telegram founder, he's 39 but he looks younger than he is and look healthy. He eats a similar diet as the others you posted, he eats mainly plants, no processed foods and no meat except for fish

    • 6 months ago

      >no meat except for fish
      So he eats meat? You can't say no meat then add exceptions thats very misleading unless you are trying to intentionally mislead people

      • 6 months ago

        Fish isn't considered meat because of an ancient Catholic loophole used to eat fish during lent when everyone is supposed to abstain from meat. It's carried through all the way to today to the point where fish is considered its own food group aside from meat and vegetables even though it's literally animal flesh and that's the definition of meat in all other cases. It's moronic, but you have to understand it's actually a prevailing perception in western Christian countries.

        • 6 months ago

          i don't care what christcucks think you are intentionally misleading people for your weirdo cult now post body or frick off

          • 6 months ago

            I'm not even that guy, I was just letting you know that's a very common thing people say. It's literally how most people think about fish, even non-religious people, because of how strong that cultural association is. That's all I'm saying.

            • 6 months ago

              no body didn't read dyel homosexual

              • 6 months ago

                Whatever, stay moronic. I've got another pound of ground beef to eat today.

    • 6 months ago

      Bryan Johnson just looks like a weird-looking but fit mid-40's dude with an excellent skincare routine.

      >Dude looks like that while also having a net worth measured with more digits than I have fingers
      He must have a security team just to keep the women away goddamn

  57. 6 months ago

    Can anyone post 4 carnivores in the same age group that also look that young and good?

  58. 6 months ago

    that brian johnson dude doesnt even look that good, just like he uses lots of skin products

    • 6 months ago

      Idk I think his protocol is working

      • 6 months ago

        he's just pale maxing, i get the sun is bad for your skin, but when i see him i dont think, wow that dude is 29

  59. 6 months ago

    chuandao tan isn't vegan, There's no way you can get the required proteins from a vegan diet. Also if you look at the longest living people of Okinawa they eat a whole lot of meat.

    • 6 months ago

      Wrong and wrong, you only need 60g of protein to build muscle even as a bodybuilder. The only difference is that more protein stimulates IGF1 and GH making it easier to build more muscle but it also increases aging, disease and cancer risk.
      The Okinawa diet (the one that got them to live for so long) was 70% purple sweetpotatoes. They lived so long because they lacked protein in their diet, hence less IGF1, GH and MTOR activation and hence less aging and stress on the body. This also made them short and thin as has been noted.
      Notice that the study focuses on the TRADITIONAL Okinawa diet
      And even the Okinawa research supports this
      >The OCS began in 1975, after the Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare confirmed initial reports of outstanding health and long life in Okinawa through validation of birth certificates and other statistical data.

      So don't come with your carni myth about
      >all the livestock got killed in the war wawawa they ate so much pork but the pigs dieeeed

      Don't come here and sprout lies because you know jack shit about biology or the world. Get schooled homeboy, now frick off

      • 6 months ago

        No Okinawans eat a lot of meat actually, namely pork.


        • 6 months ago

          its lean and cooked for a very long time which lowers the fat content

          • 6 months ago

            eat yourself

        • 6 months ago

          I linked a quality study and Okinawa's own research center. You linked a... Youtube video from a grifter who has been wrong before. Okinawan's consumed meat only during celebratory events. I mean you can calculate it yourself, in the video it says they had 110 000 pigs, but if you look at their population of 1920 they had 525 000 people (probably a a miscount because their population doubles between 1940 and 1950 so it was probably closer to 1 mil)

          Do you really think that 110 000 pigs can feed 525 000 humans in a year? If they ate a lot of meat a family of 4 would need up to 10 pigs per year totaling 1 250 000 pigs per year. How quickly do they raise pigs over there? Remember that Okinawa was poor and did not trade a lot and is a very remote island.

      • 6 months ago

        you homosexual, Mr.Tan isn't vegan. but I concede that Okinawas eat allot of sweet potatoes, but aren't 100% vegan either

        • 6 months ago

          Get ready to concede again because I never said he or they were vegan, you lack not only biology understanding but also reading comprehension, it's time to go back to school
          >The people in this image are all plantbased (not vegan) and eat either between 80-100% veggies.

          Plat based means absolutely nothing. The standard american diet is plant based

          Plant based typically refers to a diet consisting of whole food plants, not bread, pasta or potatoes contorted into various forms because these generally strip the nutrients of the plants and keep only the carbohydrates. The people in the pic I provided have a whole food plant based diet.
          And before you say
          >he eats eggs and chicken
          I know that, I said 80% for a reason you massive ugly moronic frickface, up your reading comprehension.

          >Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns focus on foods primarily from plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans. It doesn't mean that you are vegetarian or vegan and never eat meat or dairy. Rather, you are proportionately choosing more of your foods from plant sources.

          Says the same thing on wikipedia but you morons don't know how to read properly so I have to explain it to everyone of you who come into my thread thinking you know something when you obviously don't. Get schooled.

          YOU mean absolutely nothing and YOU know nothing.

          • 6 months ago

            I dont care what it refers to, its meaningless.

  60. 6 months ago

    Vegan diet ages you faster than meth, cigarettes and alcohol combined

    • 6 months ago

      wow a video of people with bad eating habits!!!
      I am not promoting veganism, I am not promoting bad eating habits, I am saying a diet made up off 80-100% plants is much more beneficial when done correctly than any other diet this far. Meat ages you and gives you diseases and cancer, that's just how it is.

      • 6 months ago

        advanced glycation end products from carbs age you as much or more than meat protein, but you can lower both by eating low gi vegan, like beans, pasta and olive oil. Basically Valter Longo diet.

        • 6 months ago

          Cute idea but I know biology and you don't. You forgot that AGEs are created when sugar (glucose) binds to protein or fat. You also forget that there are lots of different anti-oxidants and the best way to get varied sorts of anti-oxidants is to eat plants, different types of anti-oxidants fight off different types of stressors in the body like AGEs.
          Get schooled frickboi




      • 6 months ago

        Meat does not age you, it keeps you from aging.
        Meat has every nutrient you need to live, and plants dont.
        If you want to live longer, you just have to eat less food in general, whether carnivore or vegan.
        Low calories signal the body into a scarcity mode where it lowers your metabolism

        • 6 months ago

          >Meat does not age you, it keeps you from aging.
          False. Meat activates IGF1, MTOR and GH which ages you, gives you disease and increases cancer risk
          >Meat has every nutrient you need to live, and plants dont.
          Not really true but I will give this one to you as I'm not trying to argue this point.
          However it's only Vitamin B12 and there are actually plants that do produce it like sea buckhorn and red algae (porphyra sp).
          >If you want to live longer, you just have to eat less food in general, whether carnivore or vegan.
          Partly true, the reason you age is not because of overeating it's because of overdosing certain nutrients which is something when happens when you eat too much meat (protein) as you overstimulate IGF1, MTOR and GH and thereby cause aging, disease and cancer.
          >Low calories signal the body into a scarcity mode where it lowers your metabolism
          False, there is no "low metabolism" or "starving" mode, that's a myth. Your body simply needs less calories the smaller you are, same with the opposite.

          • 6 months ago

            enjoy your plants Black person i be eating steak u scared of death lispy ass pussy Black person

            • 6 months ago

              i grow my vegetables on my homestead. you keep eating your tainted meat though.

            • 6 months ago

              pic rel.

  61. 6 months ago

    You forgot the real OG
    Dr. Nun S. Amen Ra

  62. 6 months ago

    the chink and the beaner have skin that dies better under the sun. The other two are rich abd have access to every possible treatment. Vegan diet probably lowers inflammation given the volume and variety of flavanoids and antioxidants.

  63. 6 months ago

    Jared Leto looks like a young gay Saruman

  64. 6 months ago

    >human fibroblast cells (foreskins) is plant based
    fricking moron

  65. 6 months ago

    I love how this anon is so autistic and committed that he answers every reply in a serious way and actually gives valid answers

  66. 6 months ago

    what does arnold think?

  67. 6 months ago

    How come it's always fat, red, bald guys with hair transplants who are also shooting up roids who tell me about how "unhealthy" lean vegans are? Like they'll call Bryan Johnson "malnourished" and don't you see the hilarity of a fat person calling a healthy person "malnourished"?

    • 6 months ago

      >fat, red, bald guys with hair transplants
      what are you talking about lol

  68. 6 months ago

    >That Pederast
    Hes like sixteen , I can't believe the hype this kid gets.

  69. 6 months ago

    Reminder this whole thread is bullshit, plants are mostly indigestible and fruits are processed like alcohol.

    • 6 months ago

      >plants are mostly indigestible
      Plants are completely digestable, your instestines and those of other Americans are just dogshit after years of abuse and have to be babyfed. They could repair if given a chance.

      >and fruits are processed like alcohol.
      As in a perfectly normal process that makes benign use of the liver which is what it's there for and supposed to do and is perfectly healthy no matter how much fruit you manage to eat.

      • 6 months ago

        >Plants are completely digestable
        There's literally a word for the portion of plants that's indigestible and it's made known on every single nutrition label.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah it is perfectly normal, that doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy. Plants are not completely digestible,

        >Plants are completely digestable
        There's literally a word for the portion of plants that's indigestible and it's made known on every single nutrition label.

        as this anon points out, fiber is literally indigestible. It can only be digested by bacteria and the by-product is what is digested. Hence why every animal that is designed to eat plants has a rumen, or has a cecum, and/or has a relatively large colon, because this is where the plants are digested by bacteria, and the by-product is digested by the animal, the by-product of which is in effect just animal protein/fats with extra steps taken to get there. That's not all however, they cultivate specific bacteria for their diet, a cow for example cultivates bacteria to eat grass, if it strays from that and they start getting health issues. Pic related is the human digestive system, given what I said you should logically be able to follow what humans are, and are not designed for.
        >They could repair if given a chance.
        Indeed, they would repair if it stops getting bombarded by toxic, indigestible plant matter.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh and frick off with the designed or evolved to do/eat because evolution doesn't work like that. We did not evolve to eat anything we evolved to procreate before we died, not to live in symbiosis with nature with some specific diet

          • 6 months ago

            You can cry and cry and maybe if you cry hard enough what you say might become real.

            • 6 months ago

              Great rebuttal, i lost

              I didn't mention evolution, you know what I mean but you're being pedantic for no reason
              >animal has a rumen
              they are designed to subsist off fibrous plants
              >animal doesn't have rumen, has a relatively longer small intestine
              they are not designed to subsist off fibrous plants
              What is wrong with saying this? It's in effect the same thing as saying that animals with wings are designed to fly, you don't have wings anon, are you going to jump off a 3 story building and flap your arms hoping you'll fly?

              Because that's not how evolution works, they are not designed for it, it's better to say the have the ability to do it. They did not evolve to specifically fly/eat grass, it just happened to be so that the ones with those genes survived the best. We survived the best probably due to being able to eat almost anything but that does not mean for example fiber doesn't have benefits when we eat it even if we can't digest it. The bacteria in our gut that can digest it can still be incredibly helpful for the body overall.
              When you say designed to or evolved to do something it sounds like that is the pure purpose of something but evolution is more like throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
              We don't have a optimal diet, everything isn't black and white and if you want to understand biology you have to move past "nature" and "natural" as they don't really "exist".

              Protein is "natural" in the sense that we need it, however overconsumption (just eating too much meat is enough) causes IGF1 overstimulation which will age you and give you disease and increase cancer risk. In "nature" that doesn't matter because it will not affect you until later in life and by 20 you would have had offspring regardless. But today you might want to live past 30 and still be healthy and look young and then a reduce in meat (protein) is necessary. An increase in anti-oxidants is necessary.

              I am not against meat, I am not a vegan, I am a health maximalist and as of this time with the current understanding of nutrition, digestion and the body meat is not a good thing to eat for health while fiber is even though we can't digest it.

          • 6 months ago

            I didn't mention evolution, you know what I mean but you're being pedantic for no reason
            >animal has a rumen
            they are designed to subsist off fibrous plants
            >animal doesn't have rumen, has a relatively longer small intestine
            they are not designed to subsist off fibrous plants
            What is wrong with saying this? It's in effect the same thing as saying that animals with wings are designed to fly, you don't have wings anon, are you going to jump off a 3 story building and flap your arms hoping you'll fly?

      • 6 months ago

        OP here and you're moronic GTFO my thread with your moronic understanding of biology.

        Yeah it is perfectly normal, that doesn't mean it's perfectly healthy. Plants are not completely digestible, [...] as this anon points out, fiber is literally indigestible. It can only be digested by bacteria and the by-product is what is digested. Hence why every animal that is designed to eat plants has a rumen, or has a cecum, and/or has a relatively large colon, because this is where the plants are digested by bacteria, and the by-product is digested by the animal, the by-product of which is in effect just animal protein/fats with extra steps taken to get there. That's not all however, they cultivate specific bacteria for their diet, a cow for example cultivates bacteria to eat grass, if it strays from that and they start getting health issues. Pic related is the human digestive system, given what I said you should logically be able to follow what humans are, and are not designed for.
        >They could repair if given a chance.
        Indeed, they would repair if it stops getting bombarded by toxic, indigestible plant matter.

        Plants are not completely digestible, agreed. Fiber is not digestible by us as humans but it does feed bacteria in our gut, the understanding of the gut bacteria is not well understood yet and it's possible that the bacteria fiber feeds (and thereby produces) is extremely beneficial in various ways.
        The human body is complex and whether you like it or not meat (or rather protein) overstimulates IGF1 which causes aging, disease and increases cancer risk.

        But that's not all, aging and cell damage is caused mostly caused by oxidative stress. How do you counter oxidative stress? Anti-oxidants!
        How do you get the largest variety of anti-oxidants? Eating a large variety of plants!
        And no, not all anti-oxidants are the same or act in the same way, hence even though you can get certain anti-oxidants from meat it will not have the same effect as getting varied anti-oxidants from plants.
        And as I've mentioned earlier in this thread, a problem the body has is when you over stimulate certain organs/functions with high amounts of a certain nutrients, (like protein causing IGF1 problems) the same is true if you get too much of just one kind of anti-oxidant as they will have the opposite effect and then cause oxidative stress instead.

        • 6 months ago

          And you'll get the least oxidative stress by not eating plants at all. I don't really know anything about how meat stimulates IGF-1, if anything I suspect that maybe the meme sv3rige pushes that intense exercise makes you live shorter is true, and extend that to eating in a deficit makes you live longer. You are basically trading vigor for a longer life-span, hell you can even make the same argument with sun exposure as well.

          • 6 months ago

            >And you'll get the least oxidative stress by not eating plants at all. I don't really know anything about how meat stimulates IGF-1
            Seems like you talk a lot but you don't know anything, gtfo my thread with your misinformation. I know biology and you don't, plants do no cause oxidative stress, rather they reduce it due to their anti-oxidants.


            • 6 months ago

              >High intake of fruit and vegetables is "related" to low oxidative stress and inflammation in a group of patients with type 2 diabetes
              >To study whether fruit and vegetable intake and levels of plasma antioxidants "relate" to markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in a group of patients with type 2 diabetes.
              So they correlate biomarkers with the person's amount of vegetable and fruit intake and there is a positive correlation between veg/fruit intake, anti-oxidants, and lower oxidative stress, am I getting that right? That doesn't prove that veg/fruit's anti-oxidants cause lower oxidative stress though, and certainly not in every circumstance at least. Here are just a few possibilities to explain why this could be the case, that people who eat veg/fruit are usually more health conscious, and/or that people only benefit from veg/fruit because other elements of their diet are bad and the fiber inhibits the absorption of these bad elements.

              • 6 months ago

                tell me you've never read a research study without telling me you've never read a research study

  70. 6 months ago

    Bryan Johnson looks like Data from Star Trek

  71. 6 months ago

    Lol people are trying to shill muh plantbased as healthy now?

  72. 6 months ago

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